Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

34 ratings
The Fortress
Content: Maps
Game Mode: Cooperative, Survival
Type: Additions
File Size
5.970 MB
10 Apr, 2017 @ 10:33am
15 Feb, 2024 @ 6:53am
10 Change Notes ( view )
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The Fortress

In 2 collections by Ultimate Kamahl
Kamahl's Survival maps +needed mods
16 items
Kamahl's subscriptions
45 items
It is the Bear City from TSE!
Enemies, spawns, weapons and pickups are remade though.

All models and textures made by croteam.
This map uses SS HD Enemies -mod.
So far used over 130 hours to make this map.

+ Classic bear city music.
+ A lot of ammo spawns but no infinite ammo from crates :)
+ Special enemy, ammo, armor and hp spawns for coop gamemode
+ TSE and SS 3 enemies mixed together for serious MAYHEM :D
+ Ultra cool Boss (not a khnum)
+ Respawning small hps and armors (x9), also 2x 50 h's and armors
+ Smooth linear enemy spawns and good balance
+ No fall damage!
+ Own positions and quantities for coop and solo pickups (armor, hp, ammo)
+ Extra enemies spawn if you manage to get out of map limits

Solo difficulty: ★★★★★★★★★☆
Coop difficulty: ★★★★★★★★★☆

10.2.2024 V.2.1

- Fixed, ammo spawns stopped on coop after 14:10
- Less kleers now, max amount only after 20 min
- Increased Kleer death delay
- some small spawn changes

15.2.2024 V.2.1
- Fine tuning
- Trying to fix timeouts /
Arnold Warzoneggar 5 Apr, 2021 @ 6:12pm 
Great! Will play too.
Mary Virgin 5 Apr, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
Great look forward to play it. You earned Micelangelo award.