Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

218 人が評価
Cedar Valley (Official Map)
5.944 MB
2017年1月15日 23時01分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Cedar Valley (Official Map)

Read me. No, seriously!

This is the official Cedar Valley map I used during my "Let's Design Cities Skylines" series on YouTube. It was imported into the map editor from a savegame using a script (read below for more) which means there might be some weird issues associated with it, I haven't encountered any but just keep that in mind.

The original map's name was Pine Hills and so is this one.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need all of those dependencies to run this?
- Absolutely not! The items I'm suggesting on the list are the bare minimum you will need for the map to look like the screenshots attached.

I subscribed to all of those dependencies but there's stuff from the screenshots that is not there. What gives?
- I only specified the tree/plant assets that are repeated the most. If you want the exact vegetation you see on the screenshots you have 2 options. You can either subscribe to the full collection of assets for this project or use LoadingScreenMod to generate a report of the missing assets and subscribe to them manually.

When I try loading the save it says: "The custom map theme used by this map or save is missing"?
- I get that message all the time, as long as the map theme appears in the drop-down window just click "Yes" and it'll load fine.

I see some weird issues with the map (i.e. a cluster of districts in a corner, zoning tiles disappearing, etc). Why is that?
- Since I used a bit of a hack to get my final savegame to convert to a regular map it's possible that this brought in many bugs during the conversion process. I can't guarantee that you'll be able to play with this map long term but if you plan to do so your safest bet would be to try the "Road Layout" savegame, bulldoze everything and start from scratch.

Where's the savegame to the city you built on this map?
- There's actually two savegames, one with the entire city and another one with only the road layout.

Can I make my own videos using this map?
- Absolutely, I even encourage it! Just make sure to link back to this asset and/or my "Cedar Valley" playlist on YouTube.

What happened to the original version of map you made?
- It was embarrassingly ugly so I took it down from the Workshop.

Where can I get the script to open a savegame into the map editor?
  1. First you will need to subscribe and activate ModTools.
  2. Then you will have to prepare your savegame as everything (buildings, props, etc) will be imported into the map editor. I'd suggest you use the MoveIt mod to delete every single item but the trees. Once all is deleted, save it with a new name. I'd also recommend unsubbing to everything but ModTools after this step, otherwise the map editor may not load properly.
  3. Go back to the main menu and open up the ModTools console (F7) and run the following script:
    LoadingManager.instance.LoadLevel(SaveHelper.GetLatestSaveGame().assetRef, "MapEditor", "InMapEditor", new SimulationMetaData() { m_WorkshopPublishedFileId = ColossalFramework.PlatformServices.PublishedFileId.invalid, m_updateMode = SimulationManager.UpdateMode.LoadMap});
  4. This will automatically load whatever the latest modified savegame there is into the map editor.
  5. Profit!

Special Thanks
- First to Mark Fire who designed the Cedar Valley logo and created the gorgeous 4K map theme.

- Also huge thanks to SamsamTS who put together the "savegame to map editor" script as well as creating the amazing Cinematic Camera Extended with some specific requests of mine :D

63 件のコメント
Well Done Gromit 2023年6月5日 7時26分 
the collection of assets is blank without loading mod report how can i subscribe?
block_buster 2022年12月26日 6時00分 
why does the map have a diff name in game?
pikajew 2022年11月10日 15時19分 
I have subscribed to everything but I am still reporting assets as missing and cannot open any of the save files associated with this map.
Khitiara 2022年2月8日 14時05分 
@atlas the map is labeled as "Pine HIlls (Revisited)" for some reason
Atlas 2021年5月22日 5時22分 
The map won't show up in the in-game content-manager under the maps tab, eventhough I subscribed to it and all its denpendencies. I cannot start a new game with this map either.

I own the Snowfall-DLC. I checked if Steam will download the map after subscribing - it does.
Strangely, the map is listed when I check my subscribed content in-game, but i cannot find it under the maps tab or upon starting a new game.

Any suggestions?
Strictoaster  [作成者] 2019年1月27日 10時55分 
@mj_designs1 that's just a limitation of the game.
mj_designs1 2018年12月31日 2時24分 
@Strictoaster the map have issue with canals and quay network and terraforming, its impossible to make Sharpe Terraforming in edges.
Totof947 2018年9月10日 7時08分 
Really impossible to reload this map ? I like it and i want it ! :p
Deeheks 2018年6月25日 11時19分 
the "savegame to map editor" script has been broken by Parklife's update or modtools' update. As of June, I can't get the command line to compile.
policeMarcus 2018年6月16日 11時38分 
pine hills???????????