Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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13 Oct, 2016 @ 2:58am
1 Change Note ( view )

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This map script generates random land-only nomad maps with significant improvements to make the map more fun to play! It includes (see changelog for full details):

- Significant rebalance in number of resources.
- Rare mixed resource spawns.
- Better nomadic villager spawns.
- More strategic elements throughout terrain.
- Cosmetic upgrades.
- AI friendly.

[With the removal of water, the AI is a lot harder now as they won't go all-in on water control]

1. Subscribe to download (restart game to force steam to download it).
2. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\221380\778976858
(you may need to sort by 'Date Modified' to find the folder you just downloaded in case the number is different).
3. Inside you will see a .rms file which is the Random Map Script.
4. Cut and Paste this file into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age2HD\resources\_common\random-map-scripts
5. To try it you can go to single player, set Map-Style = Custom, Location = Skasians Land Nomad

----- v1.c -----
- Trees spawn more freely and can hide resources (e.g. fish pond in a forest).
- Hawks replaced by Macaws in the tropical climates [cosmetic only].
- Cosmetics no longer spawn in or under resources.
- Cosmetics changed to match terrain, the following will spawn:
Grass [Flowers, Plants]
Desert [Cactuses, Graves, Skeletons, Cracks]
Snow [Wooden Signs]
- Broken roads added in 1v1 maps. [only map size this doesn't look ridiculous]

- Gold/Stone/Berries can now be found with other resources.
- Gold/Stone/Berries can now be in scattered clusters.
- Slightly increased number of trees.
- Rescaled resources based on map size instead of player [better balance]

----- v1.b -----
- Fixed cases of some resource piles not spawning on smaller maps.
- +1 Berry Pile on 1v1 maps. Necessary as AI was getting gimped too much from not finding early food.

----- v1.a -----
- Added cosmetic items for realism.
- Added un-pathable rocks for strategic value.

- Fixed starting resources to match tournament rules. (standard resource can now be selected when starting the game).
- AI uses nomad heuristics.
- Decreased chance of spawning near an enemy villager. This reduces the likelihood of 2 AIs on opposing teams building their TC directly in range of each other.
- Increased chance of spawning near a resource. This reduces the likelihood of having a terrible spawn/ bad start; also better for AI as they settle immediately.

----- v1.0 -----
- Greatly reduced water. AI should no longer build docks.
- Puddles of water may spawn allowing for strategic walling and positioning.
- Trees spawns slightly less clumpy to allow for clearer areas for walling.
- Slight increase in elevation changes for more strategic range unit usage.
- Elevated ground now slighty more likely to plateau to allow for high ground building.
- Added cliffs.

- Puddles of water may include shorefish as alternate food source.
- Increased spawns of berries, boar, sheep and deer to compensate for no fishing; this also decreases the chance of AI stalling due to lack of early resources.
- Increased frequency of small gold spawns to make up for lack of sea trade and fill voids of land where no resources are found.
- Increased trees to fill the map as there is no water anymore.
- Number of resources spawned in each batch are slightly randomised to match the random starting nature of nomad.
- Secondary resources now correctly spawn for 4-player and 3-player maps (missing in original AOE2).