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Additional Traits
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9 May, 2016 @ 12:18pm
16 Feb @ 1:25am
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Additional Traits

Stellaris is a game with infinite possibilities and an infinite potential.
So why not start by adding more species traits to your game, for a more diverse galaxy ?
This allow you different options and more varied handicaps .. and advantages.
One of the objectives of this mod is to provide a balanced assortment of traits, fitting as much for multiplayer as well as singleplayer.

Last update :
New biological traits, all fully contained by the pop. Even if they aren't from your dominant species, you'll get their bonuses.
  • Fluffy : Amenities prod : +10% : If they are the majority species, this bonus goes to 30% : Cost : -3
  • Slick : Trade mult : +10% : Amenities prod : +10% : Housing usage : -10% : Cost : -2
  • Guardians : Defenses armies per pop : +0,2 (shows as 0 ingame, armies spawns in the first months) : Army damage, health, defense morale : +30% : Housing usage : +10% : Amenities upkeep : +10% : Pop food upkeep : +15% : Pop consumer goods usages : +5%
  • Isonomic : Diplomatic weight of these pops : +10% : Political power : +20% : Citizen happiness : +10% : Slave political power : +20% (total +40%) : Slave happiness : -20%.
  • Migratory : Habitability : +5%, goes to +15% for Habitat : Pop growth from immigration : +25% : Cost -2
  • Ascetic : Pop upkeep : -10%, additionnal -10% for Food and Consumer Goods : Unity Output : +10% : Cost -3
  • Short Lived : Pop growth +30% : Leader Lifespan : -40 : Amenities upkeep : +10% : Food upkeep : +15% : Consumer Goods Upkeep : +15%
  • Polyvalent : Planet Jobs Output : +5% : Incompatible with many traits

    Have fun playing with this mod and remember to give us feedback, so we can balance this mod better and faster.

    Content :

    You can find the full list here.

    The traits added in-game by Additional Traits are :
    - Organics
    23 Handicaps
    35 Avantages

    - Presapients
    5 traits

    - Robotics
    10 Handicaps
    10 Avantages

    The traits marked by a * are using an event which check at game start, when you modify your species and once a year that your main species still possess the trait. These traits apply to the whole empire.
    Hateful, Violent, Aggressive, Extremely Aggressive, Competitive, Belligerent and Sociable traits gives opinion modifiers, like Charismatic and Repugnant does.

    Future versions may integrate more traits. Don't hesitate to propose your ideas, we are always interested.
    The forum discussion and the direct download link for the mods can be found here.[]
    Additional Traits : Before the Apocalypse : 1.9.1 version of the mod, for those who want to play before the Cherryh/Apocalypse update.
    Additional Traits : Niven : 2.1 version of the mod, for those which liked tiles on their planets.
    Additional Traits : Wolfe : 2.3 version of the mod, before the new launcher.

    Languages :

    This mod have currently translations in :
    - English
    - French
    - Russian
    - Polish
    - German
    - Portuguese -incomplete
    - Spanish
    - Chinese
    We're looking for translators. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Compabilities :

    This mod overwrite the files 02_species_traits_basic_characteristics.txt, 03_species_traits_presapients.txt, 04_species_traits.txt and 05_species_traits_robotic.txt
    This mod is included in Rtt Russian Localization modpack.
    Compatibility with "Expanded Traits, Civics, Pops and More" mod by relytor

    Contributors :

    Graphics : Meltup, Machinekng, Dskod1

    Coding : Granhyt, Black_Imperator, TehT, Sriseru, Gerishnakov, Anitachall

    Translators :
    English : Ophidian, Target Practice
    French : Granhyt
    Polish : Kazmyl
    German : Aqua, EselNase, XeNoN, Noobier
    Portuguese : Chariman Isaac Buell, Aranha Maluco
    Spanish : OBV, Valgarv
    Russian : God Of Hyperdeath, Arikotomoshi, Resident-tt
    Chinese : Anold_GH

    Special thanks to Meltup of his help, providing these great new icons, his constant ideas, advices, feedback. Special thanks also to black_imperator for his help getting these events working, his explanations, and the impressive compilation of effects, modifiers and the like.
    Thanks to Dracarys47 for the opinion modifiers explanation.
    And of course, thank to everyone for their inputs, ideas, advices and feedback.
    If we forgot someone, just ask us to correct it. :)

    Free use :

    Any/All parts of this may be used by anyone else for any reason, as long as it is in compliance with the Rules for User Made Mods and Edits of PDS games. If you do use any part of this mod, please give us credit where applying.​
    Feedback and ideas are really appreciated. So thank you in advance.
Popular Discussions View All (7)
7 Nov, 2024 @ 2:21pm
Suggestions for future traits
20 Mar, 2024 @ 5:56am
Starfoth The Burgundy Silk Rug
25 May, 2022 @ 7:54pm
List of the traits
Granhyt  [author] 14 hours ago 
It seems I didn't save my file properly, or was so sure I removed the - than I didn't in reality. I did some tests to be sure it worked correctly, changing the values a lot.
Thank you for noticing it, I'm uploading the correction now.
Shadow Fox 20 hours ago 
Sorry for the delayed reply, but I think something still isn't working right with Fluffy. In the empire creation menu the trait lists as -10% amenities production and in game it's only giving a 15% boost rather than 35%.

Looking at the file, you have the base Fluffy trait multiplier set to
modifier = {
pop_job_amenities_mult = -0.10

Removing the - fixes the issue, so at least it's a simple fix.
Granhyt  [author] 13 Feb @ 11:13am 
Fluffy has been fixed, and slightly improved to give +35% amenities prod when the population is from your dominant species (by default, the one you created your empire with).

For some reason the "mature_galaxy" and "advanced_galaxy" command don't work for me, which prevents me to test "amenities producing Fluffy pop from the non dominant species". They are supposed to produce +10%. If they produce +35% too, we have a problem.

Hopefully someone will be able to test it, I don't have time to sink in a new Stellaris game these days. Maybe in a month or two. :)

Have a great day everyone !
Granhyt  [author] 7 Feb @ 2:17pm 
Understood. I'll try to test it again when I have time for it. These recent weeks I'm more busy than usual. Hopefully it won't last too long.
Thank you for your feedback.
Shadow Fox 5 Feb @ 3:53am 
I don't think the bonus for the Fluffy trait being on your majority species is working. My entire empire is 100% a hive mind species with Fluffy, but it's only showing +10% amenities in the tooltip, and looking at the drones themselves they're only producing +10% more than the base value so it isn't just a tooltip error.
Gameer4life 9 Jan @ 12:49am 
ah okay, dang I have a primary race that I always play as founder so I'm going to avoid this trait in the future.
Granhyt  [author] 7 Jan @ 8:43am 
Thank you for tthe kind word.

In theory, Fluffy works this way :
"Amenities prod : +10% : If they are the majority species, this bonus goes to 30% : Cost : -3"
So if you found an empire of flufiness, you get +30%.
If you conquer/annex/secondary species a group of fluffy creatures, you get only +10% and making them charismatic would be an upgrade (but you need a good razor).

In practice ... I think it works but I haven't tested it in a few patches, so the modifier could break and I wouldn't notice. ^^"
Gameer4life 6 Jan @ 9:46pm 
Hey I'm thankful for your mod and I use it traits alot as I always gentically alter all my races to be more humanoid ones I get from mods. However one trait that's confusing to me is Fluffy. It cost more than charistmic but give half as much.
Granhyt  [author] 11 Dec, 2024 @ 1:48pm 
@可爱小风神 : Anold_GH was the one who helped with the translation of the first traits. Recently I used deepl to translate for the newest traits instead of bothering the original translators, as I haven't talked to them in many years.
I haven't tried to get an "automatic" translation for chinese, as I thought the result of the machine would be even worse.
If someone wants to help by sending me text in their language for the new traits, I'd be happy to include it in the mod. :)
可爱小风神 9 Dec, 2024 @ 7:56pm 