Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

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Tuskmod: Celticus Battle Overhaul Alpha 2.7
Tags: mod, Battle
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2 Jan, 2016 @ 2:54pm
29 Sep, 2016 @ 8:53pm
21 Change Notes ( view )

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Tuskmod: Celticus Battle Overhaul Alpha 2.7

*UPDATE 2/28* Contains all the Campaign parts of base Tuskmod

Welcome to the Realism Branch of Tuskmod, while this will not start out as a full overhaul like other mods, the hope is that this portion of Tuskmod will bring more complexity, stategic thinking, and historical balance to the base game of Attila. My friend WarlusJones has been hard at work all these months and has allowed me to head this project based on Tuskmod. This particular mod is mean't for early alpha testers who wish to try out this style of gameplay. All criticism is valid and needed in order to make this successful. If an unrefined, possibly buggy, testing mod isn't your cup of tea, then wait for the official release. I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Battle Changes:

Completely revamped Fatigue, Morale, and Kv Rules. Based on Tuskmod with heavy modifications. Battles can last up to 30 minutes or 6 minutes depending on your actions...or the AI's. Battles are not as clear cut as they used to be and the slightest change in the balance of the battle can have cascading effects.

Statistical balancing remains close to base Tuskmod so players who are familiar with that balance will have some idea of how core unit balance works. Formation is more important than specific unit balance in the Realism branch, getting out of formation is a ticket to lose the battle. Stay disciplined and victory will be yours.

A full changelong is available in the changelog section of this mod page. (Will be Soon)

**Compatibility Notice** Unit mods should be able to work and will be balanced so long as they are balanced for vanilla settings.

~Gameplay and Battles~

III. Battle Overhaul

A. Tuskmod base values for melee attack, defense, morale, and weapon damage. These areas are fine for now and will remain untouched.
B. Revamped HP system. Experimenting with Charlemagne DLC's 100HP system for human entities.
C. Armor System temporarily edited for testing purposes. Full armor overhaul will be in final versions of the mod,
D. Horse Overhaul: Horses have been divided into historical breeds with are represented by different mass, acceleration, deceleration, charge speed, walk speed, and run speed values. The breeds are Steppe Ponies, British Ponies, European Tarpan, Thessalian, Turanian, Nicaean, Arabian, and North African. Different cultures will have access to these horses through their units. Horses will also behave and move more independently and will need to be formed for a charge if the formation is broken.
E. Morale System Overhaul: Morale has been changed to extremely dynamic values. There are penalties and bonuses for many situations including fatigue state, flanking, rear charging, horse v infantry combat, winning or losing a battle, number of men lost in phases or shorts amount of time, general vicinity, unit inspiration, strength of the army, hill position and much more. These values are all in the base game however the changes are so small that they are not noticable. In Tuskmod Realism, they can change a battle completely. Formation, keeping flanks secure, and watching the enemies every move are key to staying alive. Do not expect tired, frightened, and surrounded men to last long in combat.
F. Changes to Shield stats: Shield Armor has been removed and the armor value has been added to the Shield Defense value. Units shields will change which units can defend themselves well in battle. Missile Block Chance has been edited to reflect the actual shape and size of the shields.
G. Battle AI should try to make better formations and decisions in field battles.

*Special thanks to Avetis for allowing me to use a few helmet retextures and armour pieces*
Celticus  [author] 8 Aug, 2016 @ 12:07pm 
No it isn't and unfortunately I no longer play nor mod Attila. This mod should be considered dead.
Big Sufi 8 Aug, 2016 @ 11:22am 
Is this updated to the newest tuskmod steam workshop edition?

Thank you very much in advance!

KannedKookaburra 20 Jul, 2016 @ 6:31am 
Do the changes to the rosters come from this mod or base tuskmod? Eastern roman empire seems to be lacking a bit of diversity now.
Celticus  [author] 17 Apr, 2016 @ 10:22am 
My collection is a bit outdated and I will be removing Realism 2.0. The only mods you need are: 1. Tuskmod uploaded by WalrusJones if you want a more vanilla experience or 2. Tuskmod: Celticus Battle Overhaul, which is the Realism Branch updated.
Jurand of Cracow 17 Apr, 2016 @ 1:35am 
Hi Celticus, actually I got lost among different versions of Tuskmode and off-spins. I want to play Tuskmod with your additions. So I use Battle Overhaul Alpha 2.7. But what about Tuskmod: Attila Realism Branch (ALPHA 2.0)? Besides - in your collection you've got Armenia overhaul. Is it compatible with your work on the Tuskmod?
Celticus  [author] 2 Apr, 2016 @ 11:54am 
UPDATE 4/2: Removed unit reskins so it had maximum compatibility with those other mods. Major tweaks to various aspects of balance and inclusion of Age of Charlemage factions in normal Attila Custom battles for fun.
Celticus  [author] 31 Mar, 2016 @ 9:10am 
Understandable, the capture point thing is intentional as men running out of their city while surrounded broke the immersion of many battles. You will need to kill them will missile troops or fight to gain the city. Himyarite Shotelai might get a stat debuff but I havent actually buffed them over vanilla save for the armor overhaul all units got. Cost also doesn't mean a unit is better than another or should be. The cost of a unit is the cost for that faction to field men onto the field.
Nebûkadnezzar 31 Mar, 2016 @ 4:26am 
I am currently in a campaign with the Himyar and what the morale effect of capture points when defending settlements is too strong. In siege battles the defenders have more than 100 morale and will fight until the whole unit is dead. Also armoured Himyarite Shotelai are very strong and easy to get. They are extremely durable and can fight in prolonged melee without loosing men. In comparison with sogdian camel raiders they have better stats but cost less.
Celticus  [author] 30 Mar, 2016 @ 7:17am 
Ah great to hear. If and when I get more feedback I will update the mod further with fixes and or improvements.
Nebûkadnezzar 28 Mar, 2016 @ 7:32am 
I forgot to disable the "stealth" unit stat mod. Greatly enjoying the mod.