Making History II: The War of the World

Making History II: The War of the World

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Annexation, colonies and puppets.
By Meneer de Uil
Wondered about the difference between these? Or just wondering how they work? Read it here!
Wait... whut?
When conquering a country the victor may choose the fate of the vanquished. Whether he would like to annex the regions, make the regions a colony, or establish a puppet state.
Let's start with each's features and your width of power.

Choosing this function will make the territories part of 'the fatherland' and you can control them as you can control your own nation. The nationality of the troops created in these regions will also be the same as that of your nation. Be careful not to annex too many territories at once, or when having a low stability, for this can cause revolts.

Choosing this option will make the territories just as controleable as annexation. The revolt risk is less, however the growth rate of MPU's has decreased with 75 percent and the nationality of the troops created in these regions will be that of the region. Thus these troops are more likely to join rebel groups.

Puppet state:
Choosing this option means the nation that has been conquered remains on the field and joins your alliance, you can choose its government form. They can and will not say no to any trade deals or requests you make, these being reachable for them offcourse.
How to
Release annexed regions
When you've chosen what to do with your newly acquired territories you can still change their rule. To do this go to all the nationalities in your country. (Shown below)

Click on a nationality and you can release the too many annexed territories as a colony, as a puppet state or as fully independent. As you can see in this image, it is impossible for me to make the Austrian regions a colony, this is because they already are a colony.

Annex colonial regions
Go to the nationalities overview and release the regions as a puppet state. Enter diplomacy with the state and choose the 'annex puppet state' option.
You don't have to force a surrender or fully defeat a nation. You can annex occupied regions while at war by making them a puppet state and annexing this puppet state.

I made a puppet state of Belgium when Belgium was still alive and at war.

So thanks for reading my guide!! If you have any comments or questions or emoticons or whatever feel free to leave them/it behind!
Albaeok 6 Jul, 2018 @ 10:28pm 
Panther 22 Aug, 2016 @ 1:16pm 
thank you
i like youre help
Meneer de Uil  [author] 22 Aug, 2016 @ 6:56am 
I've created another guide about stability maybe it'll help you, maybe the comments were enough, maybe nothing helped you. Let me know!
Meneer de Uil  [author] 22 Aug, 2016 @ 1:53am 
Divide et impera the romans said. Divide your country into puppets, before it divides itself into rebbelious countries.
Meneer de Uil  [author] 22 Aug, 2016 @ 1:47am 
And Austria likes your faction more than other countries you take over if you are playing as Germany. Because Austria and Germany have the same ethnicy I believe.

You can see stability modifiers in the diplomacy screen. If you open the diplomacy screen with a country you see the same stability sign beneath the political unity in the country. Hold your cursor on it and I believe it shows the modifiers for the stability.

And having a crap ton of money is what helped me in the game, I had stability issues as well and solved it with a lot of money.

Hope it helped!:steamhappy: I'll play the game somewhere in the day again to see if I can help you more. Perhaps I'll make another guide :steamhappy::Bandito::Bandito::Bandito:
Meneer de Uil  [author] 22 Aug, 2016 @ 1:47am 
You mean the yellow flag?
Green means safe
Yellow means stability is low. (I think)
Red means revolts are imminent.

And releasing nations should affect stability in a good way if you release the problem provinces. For instance you're germany: protestant and germanic. If you annex france you gain a stability hit because they are catholic and franco (or something, at least not germanic) so if you'd release france as a puppet state you're provinces that cause problems are no longer under your direct rule and not part of your country anymore. Yet they are still conquered by you and now joined your alliance.
Panther 21 Aug, 2016 @ 8:18pm 
i like youre trick as well
and would relaseing nations afect your stabily?
Panther 21 Aug, 2016 @ 8:16pm 
and do you what yellow means with the revlot risk?
Panther 21 Aug, 2016 @ 8:16pm 
i found that austira dose like your faction more than other countries you take over
Panther 21 Aug, 2016 @ 8:15pm 
i think if you have a crap ton of money it might stop revotls
even thou my money on one save is -$240,000,000,000 well -240billion