World of Soccer

World of Soccer

Not enough ratings
Uber Awesome Mega Guide Deluxe Edition
By ✪ blkjptr
SIDE NOTE: WoS IS DEAD (i.e. connecting to load balance server). ITS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE.

In this guide you will find everything there is to know about operating the game.

I want this guide to be the only you would ever need! I have it all to VIP, to controls, from menu navigation.

If someone could translate it to different languages, that'd be great.
Game controls
Now, the new controls for keyboard/Mouse are as the following:


"Mouse cursor/WASD" - control character

"LMB" - shoot/pass/cross

"RMB" - also pass/quick shot


"Mouse cursor/WASD" - control character

"MMB" or "A" - Slide tackle

"RMB" - header

GAMEPAD CONTROLS because everybody wants it

I'm not going to steal someone elses info and put it into my own work, so I am just posting a link to the guide that has the controls (and this is the guide that everybody who needs gamepad controls goes to) HERE

Just so you all are aware, WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ IS A JOYPAD? I SWEAR, IF I SEE THE WORD JOYPAD IN MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LIFE AGAIN, I AM GOING TO SHOOT SOMEBODY. So dont call it that.

...No but seriously, a pad of joy? WTF?
Game modes
There are currently three game modes. The first being "Tutorial", which is where newbies go to figure out the controls, Then you have the "Training" mode, which is the mode you play when you don't have a team, and the last is "Matches". This one is where teams battle it out to see which one is on top.
These positions are the typical positions for a squad, so If I am missing any, post a comment down below.

GK Goakeeper
LB Leftback
CB Centerback (Cornerback for all you American Football lovers)
RB Rightback
LM Left Midfield
RM Right Midfield
CM Center Midfield
AM (R/L) Attacking Midfield (Right/Left)
DM (R/L) Defensive Midfield (Right/Left)
CF Center forward
(R/L) WB (Right/Left) Wing Back

For anyone who spells center a different way, (centre) just know you're wrong ; ]
In-Game Basics
When you run the game, you create or select your character. While in the menu, you have some buttons that do stuff when you click 'em.

The first button you can press is the tutorial. This is where you go when you don't know the controls. So you have no exuse when you are on global chat asking how to shoot

Second is the "Play button". This is where you play games 'n stuff. Training is basic playing, preferable for newcomers to get a taste of gameplay. I guess we are all novices, considering the game has been out less than a week (in relation to the time I started this guide made this).

The next is the "matches" button. This is where you go if you are on a team (We will talk 'bout that later). If your team is in a match you will get a popup notification that tells ya so. The online teams button is where you go to join a team, or see what teams have the abiity to play a game at the moment.

That brings us to the next section. The "My profile". Some stuff in there is VIP only. That means you have to pay money.

"My profile" contains stuff you probably should to know about. The first is, well "Profile" thats where you go to put up your mugsh- I mean your profile pic and also your tagline/bio. That shows statistics like goals scored, location, teams you're on, and you VIP status. This is what your internet stalk- *Ahem, your friends will see.

Next is "Invites". This is where you'll see teams that have invited you to join. Thats is

Then we have "settings". This feature is currently only availible for VIP members . All it currently has is settings to change your strengths, player complextion, and thats it.

Then, there is "Leave team" Click to um.. leave your team? It's kinda self explanitory.
In-Game Basics part 2
Here in pt 2, we start with "My team" in my team you either have an option to create a team or view your team info. If you're on a team, you will see some buttons. Press them all as freely as you like. The first one is "Home" here gives you an overview of your beloved team. it shows stats like the teams record, the player roster, team insignia, Tagline, location, and jersy info.

Next up is "results" this will bring up the review of previous matches (I don't mean to brag, but Cheelsea's it pretty good. (join cheelsea ; D )).

After, we have the "records". In here it shows your teams greatest acomplishments; aaaaaand its biggest failures. Tis is what people will look at when they decide if they want to join or not, so keep it clean.

Then we hav "Message". Clicking this makes a text box appear that the entire online currently not in-match members of the team can see. If you want to file a complaint, go here, or message the owner directly.

"Invites", well, shows the invites

Moving on, "Player stats" shows the global stats of peeps from around the world. Useful if you think your friend was lying when they said "IZ SKORED LYKE 20,000,000 GOWLZ, I REK EVERBAWDY!"

After, we have the one and only "Team stats". One of the places you go to find a team to challenge/join/mock. Basically player stats, but with groups of people who wear the same color socks.

Next on the tabs comes the "Competitions" menu. In here, you have the divisions for each World group (Europe, NA, SA, Asia (No Africa/Aus).

The closer to division 1, the better the teams are. Teams in red are being demoted if they don't step it up, teams in green are being promoted if they can keep their performance in check, and non highlited teams are staying static.

Finally, we have "Misc" This shows player count by country, and links that take you places that no man has gone before (like facebook). Pretty useless unless you have questions, or you are an internet stalk-, excuse me, a person who likes to look at flags and numbers.
Team making
How to make a team.

1. Leave your current team (in game navigation)

2. Click "My team", and fill out the boxes

3. Edit your jersey by moving the slider left to right, or by clicking each individual accessory (e.g. socks, shirt, pantaloons

4. Change the team insignia by clicking the change button.

5. Wait for peeps to join, or invite your friends for a fun time ; D
There is currently only one venue, and that is the generic green field. Venues do not vary by server location, although that would be super amazing.
VIP advantages
To be honest, there are not a lot. But if you do want it, the price extremely cheap. it only ranges from $0.79 - $7.49.

The current advantages are being able to customize your character, changing your strenghts, and thats it. No really, thats all there is to it. The majority of players do not have VIP now, but will most likely spike once more features are VIP exclusive
While running without the ball, click the LMB to get a minor speed boost (requires a somewhat good amount of finger stamina)

While with the ball, click the LMB right before an opponent is behind you to avoid being tackled

(while also getting a minor speed increase(Do not use right before changing directions.))

The checkered flag that appears in the top left corner denotes offsides.

Pass the danm ball.

WOW, It's a video!

My amazing skill is from 3:00 - 3:11
Closing notes
So, thats all there currently is to the guide. I want it to be the most detailed guide in existance. So if you could pretty please post what you want to see, or what I missed, that would be great.

I need community help to make it like the only guide you need to use to do everything. I may even be able to contact the developer through the forums as well.


Dont forget to like and favorite!

Jun. 09 basically edit all the 12 year old cringe

Jun. 09 edited title

Jun. 09 edited basic guide information cringe

Jun. 09 edited change log format

Jun. 09 edited closing notes cringe


May. 06 edited basic guide information

Apr. 17 edited in-game basics pt 2

Apr. 17 edited in-game basics

Apr. 17 edited in-game basics pt 2

Apr 17. edited in-game basics

Apr. 17 edited guide title

Apr. 17 edited game controls

Apr. 17 edited closing notes

Apr. 17 edited tips

Apr. 17 edited video

Apr. 17 edited tips

Apr. 17 edited basic guide info


Oct. 03 edited closing notes

Oct. 03 edited basic guide info

Oct. 03 edited title

Oct. 03 edited closing notes

Sep. 19 edited closing notes

Sep. 19 added change log

Sep. 19 edited tips

Sep. 19 added "Game Modes" section

Sep. 19 edited Basic guide info

Sep. 15 edited Basic guide info

Sep. 15 edited controls

Sep. 15 edited In-game navigation

Sep. 15 edited team making

Sep. 15 edited video (I know, right)

Sep. 15 Re edited closing notes

Sep. 15 Edited tips

Sep. 15 edited closing notes

Sep. 11 Updated game controls

Sep. 11 Updated closing notes

Sep. 11 Added "Positions" Category

Sep. 11 Updated closing notes

Sep. 11 Updated tips (added offsides)

Sep.0 5 updated closing notes

Sep. 05 updated controls

Sep. 05 added Venues

Sep. 05 Updated tips

Sep. 05 Added video 1

Sep. 04 Updated controls
SleepWell 25 Jul, 2016 @ 5:03pm 
✪ blkjptr  [author] 17 Apr, 2016 @ 8:36pm 
Weebroot Security 27 Sep, 2015 @ 8:22pm 
They never do any dribbling. It kinda makes me facepalm sometimes. Also, GoalKeeper bots are OP. Do I need to get close to goal or what? Thanks for replying tho m8.
✪ blkjptr  [author] 27 Sep, 2015 @ 4:53pm 
@SparChar Well, its soccer, so.... you know...
Weebroot Security 27 Sep, 2015 @ 4:11pm 
Should probably tell people that Dribbling is a thing.
✪ blkjptr  [author] 15 Sep, 2015 @ 5:08pm 
@jonniejamaica !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jonniejamaica 14 Sep, 2015 @ 11:16pm 
dude where are the joypad controls?
✪ blkjptr  [author] 11 Sep, 2015 @ 7:15pm 
@bobo gookster, those are positions. Your friends are Front Center and Fronl Left Center, and you are a Attacking Mid-Right Center (at least i think). I'll add that as well as the new offsides alert.
elden cro 11 Sep, 2015 @ 4:01pm 
At my teams positions I am an AMRC, my other friends are FC AND FLC. waht does that mean?
✪ blkjptr  [author] 4 Sep, 2015 @ 1:40pm 
@kiwi A as well as MMB can be used to slide