World of Soccer

World of Soccer

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Basic Controls because no one knows any of the controls really...
By DotheFandango
Because when you get into World of Soccer Online there are no control guides, I'm going to help you with that.
The Actual Game
Ok so this game follows what I believe to be the normal rules of Football/Soccer. You and all your team try to get the ball into the opponents net. There are: Throwings, free kicks (ive only seen one) and goal kicks (is that what they call them?). Furthermore, this game uses Team mechanics which I will cover in another chapter.
So here are the controls I know at this time and I am always trying all of the keys on my keyboard to see if there are any more controls:

Mouse for direction and movement.

Holding down left/right click shoots the ball (The longer you hold down the more powerful it is).

Click A for tackling.

If you Left/Right Click near to your player you can chip the ball however if you Left Click farther it goes across the floor (revealed by Kasper79 and CitizenErased)

If you dont hold the Left/Right click down you can do a short pass (revealed by CitizenErased)

You can do a header with Right click if you do the timing right (revealed by CitizenErased)
XBox Game Pad Controls
Movement- Joystick/Analog Stick (Depends what you call it)

X without Ball- Tackle

X with Ball- Air Kick

A- Shoot

Pressing B- Autopass

Holding B- Directional Pass

This whole chapter is because of Kermer. Thanks!
Teams and all my knowledge of Characters and Matches
Since I have only been playing for a certain small amount of time I know only a few things about these things...

You can make a Team to participate in matches or hope that you get into another person's Team

You cannot change your Character unless you have VIP and I have not seen anyone yet with a different character.

You cannot change the build of your character to fit your preferences without VIP

Matches can be two things: A Match between two teams and a Match between a load of random players (These are called Training Matches)
Thank you for Reading!
Since at the time I am making this it is the only guide for this game I am hoping to find some people have read this and I certainly hope this guide has been helpful for you! If you see anything I could add please tell me in the comments and I will immediately include it into this guide with obvious thanks to you in that chapter!
MouseyPoo 18 Mar, 2017 @ 11:05pm 
♡(◑◑) LaGgeR^^♡ (◑◑) 31 Jan, 2016 @ 10:47am 
DotheFandango  [author] 18 Nov, 2015 @ 10:03am 
Whores that is probaly just a game bug so I cant help you with that
werx 17 Nov, 2015 @ 8:12pm 
I'm stuck at the loading screen
dasmoscas 16 Nov, 2015 @ 11:22am 
I do have a Joy Stick
DotheFandango  [author] 17 Sep, 2015 @ 12:07pm 
heh thanks i get it wrong
m4_alt-e 17 Sep, 2015 @ 9:48am 
It is actually called an analog stick.
DotheFandango  [author] 6 Sep, 2015 @ 12:49am 
ok TheMuffinMan
✪ blkjptr 5 Sep, 2015 @ 6:13pm 
I was vip once. Also I put your guide in my guide HERE
DotheFandango  [author] 2 Sep, 2015 @ 7:26am 
Ghostknyght glad to be of help :D