Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

90 ratings
Darkness Falls Part 3
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26.798 MB
20 Aug, 2015 @ 3:26am
28 Nov, 2015 @ 5:50pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Darkness Falls Part 3

In 1 collection by molefixer
The warrior code
4 items
You return from being stranded in the nether worlds to find that the Fallen has not only corrupted your friend Ray, but has been busy building a cult of followers to help it in completing its nefarious goals. Now you must save FireStorm and Ray from its evil clutches. Defeating this spirit will push you harder than you've ever been pushed before. Alone you can not do this so you must pull from the best allies you have, including Cogg. Even with all this will it be enough for you to save your friends and stop the Fallen before the world is drawn into the depths of oblivion? (
This should work fine all on its own. I recommend a karma level of at least 300+. Enemies are level 5+. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know of any bugs or improvements that can be made. Thank you!)

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12 Jul, 2018 @ 12:18pm
Some Bugz and Feedback, v1.0 (2015/9/13)
Zmeck 10 Feb, 2024 @ 6:26pm 
Amazing series, starting with Desert-Wars. Really really enjoyable. I am very surprised the story was so good. Well done.
Vexacuz 8 Feb, 2022 @ 5:38pm 
Played from Desert-Wars and all parts of this series ,to the end, back-to-back. Have to say, despiste some bugs every now and then and a few typos, this is seriously one of the best UCGs out of the few ones that people actually put the effort to finish.


. Memorable characters
. Several custom weapons and spells
. Common maps used in creative ways
. Enough money and xp to make any build
. No Bullshite mechanics like stealth or upkeep
. Creative Story, not mind-bending but really good for a mod.
. Crew NPCs are cheaper but not free. Making money management not-pointless

Cons :

. Very few Dwarves
. Custom Gear have no image.
. Some maps are needlessy big, causing lagg
. Some typos, not unreadable, but can be annoying
. No Decking anything for several missions then max-level checks later on
. Some interaction dialog auto-skip or dont trigger. reloading or re-launching fixes it.
Subspicion 23 Jul, 2021 @ 10:05am 
Lot of good ideas but in the end somewhat let down by really repetitive combat encounters one after the other and no real variety in the way to approach levels. Level layouts throughout the series also left a lot to be desired, a lot of large empty corridors or big rooms with nothing in them, and then you just get constantly showered with random weapon pick ups that will always be worse than what you're carrying or dozens of med-kits you'll just send to stash.

I just feel overall the mod had some very interesting ideas for a story and was a lot of fun in parts but was just let down a lot in the moment to moment game play, especially in part 3.
artemitavik 25 Jun, 2020 @ 10:13am 
I rather enjoyed this series overall, but the third installment was easily the worst. While the first had a few more sandbox elements and side quests, it felt a fair bit like Running the Shadows. The second part was more on rails, but the setting made sense for it, and the story was fun for me. The third one the story seemed to fall apart a bit, there was less of a sandbox/shadowrun feel, and I got major combat fatigue. Everything was 'kick down the door, kill everything, take a thingy." There was no matrix functionality of any significance, and some of the character hopping was disorienting.

overall though, I appreciate that this is essentially a 4-part story continuing from Desert Wars and making references to it. It's a grand undertaking, provided me many hours of fun play through all three modules, and up until the end was engaging.
Meu OvO Gourmet 18 Feb, 2019 @ 7:59am 
I can see the potential here. However, i cant honestly say i have enjoyed. Quite the opposite.

FEW of the problems i ecountered:

- Storytelling is confusing, REALLY over the top and part of it didnt even make sense. Getting switched out of you char to play some random toon makes it even harder to keep track of the story.

- Level design isnt great. Long ass maps, instead of dividing those in several smaller instances, which would make it better to explore and less annoying, not to mention more credible and immersive.

- Battles are long lasting and boring. No challenges, mechanics or tactics, instead,
we have the enemies just being hard to hit and having a shitload of HP, which is just easy, boring and repetitive. Mobs "spawning" on the spot is bad and kills immersion.

- Mod has no puzzles, no mystery and no use for any approach thats not through combat.

- The playthrough is so dense and dialogues so dull. Need more concise writting.

Theres more, but wont fit in here.
Vorpal Spoon 9 Oct, 2018 @ 11:53am 
Seriously, your time is better spent playing other Shadowrun mods. This gets 2.3/5 at best.

Part 3). Even worse. Stages are straight buttcheddar. Same stage disconnect. Same crappy Matrix issues (yes, not only are the Matrix stages lame and boring, but they often bug out, forcing you to restart and going wonky-nuts all over the screen). Lost a $20,500 nuyen sword. How? Because I owned a Vindacator Ex gun in my storage. Author provided a Vindactor Ex in a box in the safe house. Picking this up will permantly remove a carried weapon if you have a duplicate in storage.

Overview): Poor stage designs with no congruence of connectivity (meaning you have no clue when you are leaving an area). Shitty dialogue with meaningless options. Linear plot arc with meaningless outcomes. The author gives you the impression that he has an extensive vocabulary, but constant misspellings prove otherwise, making the dialogue appear vacous (I would expect that to be spelled "facuse" it were in this series.
Toshi221 3 Aug, 2018 @ 12:33pm 
trying to free the dragon, but stuck, realized to put 2 of the elementals on the magic spots and main but there are 4 spots and only 3 of us
Zale 30 Apr, 2018 @ 11:34am 
Darkness Falls is a good series, but I don't think it matches Desert Wars. In terms of difficulty, I've found that you can easily decimate pretty much everything. With how strong your main character gets by this point, I feel like Cogg cyber zombie was a very unnecesary addition to the team. But that's just difficulty, in story it proves sufficient, but it kinda feels like parts 2 and 3 were a completely diffrent story from most of part 1. I also don't get why Ray was in the middle of a random location far away from when he originally entered the astral in part 2. Still, it was an enjoyable mod.
Aeon the Hermit 8 Feb, 2018 @ 3:17pm 
Never mind, Found out if the PC's decking skill is high enough, your cyberzombie uses that instead for the skill checks. Had to essentially NG+ the hell out of myself, though.
Aeon the Hermit 24 Jan, 2018 @ 3:15am 
If my character is a Mage, am I barred from the second End Path due to lack of Decking skill in my team during the Aztech run>