Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Badlands Stranger

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"A bounty hunter with a big-ass exploding revolver, the wild west just got wilder..."

- Bounty Hunter’s Brim
- High Plains Bristles
- Dustcatcher
- Fully Leaded
- Drunkard's Wrath

Models: FiveEyes
Texture/other: Gadget
JPRAS: Rigging (Western Wear)
Concepts: KibbleKnight
Items (5)
The Drunkard's Wrath
Created by FiveEyes
"These 100mm explosive rounds will make short work of any outlaws, go get 'em bounty hunter..." ----------------------------------------------------------- - Revolver themed grenade launcher - Custom Projectiles - 3 LODS Model: FiveEyes Texture: Gadget Con...
Bounty Hunter’s Brim
Created by FiveEyes
"Dust resistant and durable as shown by the many, many bullet holes..." --------------------------------------------------- - Paintable Model: FiveEyes Texture: Gadget Concept: KibbleKnight...
High Plains Bristles
Created by FiveEyes
"In the wild west beards are known to used to soak up any spilt whiskey from the saloon to be saved for later" ------------------------------------------------------- - Facial Flexs - Paintable Model: FiveEyes Texture/Flex/Other: Gadget Concept: KibbleKnig...
Demolitionist's Dustcatcher
Created by FiveEyes
"Good for keeping the dust out, bad for gun fights" ------------------------------------------------------ - Paintable - Jiggle Boned poncho Model: FiveEyes Texture/JiggleBones/Other: Gadget Rigging: JPRAS Concpet: KibbleKnight...
Fully Leaded
Created by FiveEyes
"Be locked and loaded so you survive to see another day..." ------------------------------------------------------------ - Paintable Model: FiveEyes Texture: Gadget Concept: KibbleKnight...
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7 Aug, 2017 @ 9:57am
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