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Vietnam 1965
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Vietnam 1965

Hi all, I am the creator of "Jays Sound Mod" for HoS Vanilla. Please allow me to introduce my new mod scenario "Vietnam 63-65"

To play:
*Choose "Vietnam 65" in Standalone Scenario drop down menu.

* A complete map of Vietnam based on actual basic cartography of the time which one can just barely see as an overlay.
* Playable countries include (Allies) USA 1965, Australia 1965, ARVN and South Korea. (Axis) PAVN, NLF Vietcong.
*Australia, RoK and to some extent ARVN have limitations to the amount of certain units that can be purchased. This was to replicate their historically smaller deployments (Aus, RoK) and the corruption (ARVN). Plus its good for balance.
* New historically based units for each country and new sound effects for each and every unit.
* Helicopters and Jets.
* New tiles (rubber trees, jungle, rice paddies, mangrove swamps, elephant grass, base camps, pagoadas and Special Forces Camps)
* All infantry, the M113 APC and the ARVN M706 have the ability to wade rivers.
* No winter but a rainy season that lasts from November to April
* Alternate sounds for airstrikes with the bomb upgrade. Default is HE and WP while the alternate is Napalm. Can be changed in editor.
* NLF (Vietcong) have more move points to simulate their ability to break contact into the jungle.
* NLF and PAVN have cities or towns in base areas simulating the use of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, recorded base areas, popular support areas and their ability to move large units around unseen.
* Each turn is 1 day.
* Damage is increased slightly for artillery, mines and airstrikes while remain the same as "vanilla HoS" for Infantry units.
* Range is increased for artillery. Vietnam is a long map vertically but short horizontally. I used the fact that artillery from a firebase near Plei Mei SF Camp covered the eastern face of the Chosin Massif to cover LZ-Xray as the rule of thumb. Higher calibers have a little more than this and lower calibers like mortars have less.
* Heliborne assaults. Each "allied" infantry is a paratrooper so they can take advantage of being ferried around and deployed by helicopter. Much as the paratroopers did with cargo planes in "Vanilla HoS". Units must use the "swap transport" ability from an airstrip. Its a one-way trip and units cannot call in extraction from the LZ once deployed.
* Range and Fuel for Jets and Helos have been changed as follows..
1.Jets and Bombers like the B-52 have 1000 fuel (to simulate in-flight refueling) an have a movement of 40. In reality aircraft based in Thailand didn't take two days to reach Hanoi but i dont want to overdue it. Massive lag was experienced with higher movement rate.
2.Propeller aircraft have movement of 40 and Fuel of 150 so they dont run out of gas by the time they reach the coast from Yankee and Dixie station off-shore.
3.Helicopters have a movement of 40 and a fuel of 100. In reality helos from Danang made it to the border of Cambodia in less than a day.
* There is a fictional "egress point" near Yankee station off-shore to simulate B-52 strikes coming in from Guam.
* Airbases in Thailand.
* Lao and Cambodia are non playable to simulate the use of the Ho Chi Minh trail by the PAVN and NLF without having Laotian and Cambodian units crossing the border and attacking into Vietnam which would happen if they were allies which would be necessary to grant military access to NVA movement.
* Hanoi, as was the case at the time, is the most heavily defended city on Earth from air attack. Be careful if you are taking your B-52's "downtown". And the DMZ is very heavily fortified as well.
*The scenarios starts on March 8, 1965. This is when Marines landed at Danang. So there are 298 days or turns left in the year/scenario. (I will be working on 1966 as a follow up scenario)
*Artillery for the US and Australia/New Zealand have the "paratrooper" ability so they can be helicoptered into remote areas to provide fire support (as was actually the case)
*Countries have pre-set policies to start on the "Vietnam 65" Scenario. US has Artillery barrage, NLF-camo, ARVN-armored production focus, PAVN-human wave, ROK-army training, Australia-Artillery barrage.
*RoK and Australia have limits as to how many infantry can be recruited. Historically at this time their forces had limited deployments.

*Please uncheck "Jays Sound Mod" before playing this as it will conflict with the helo sound effect for droppable airborne soldiers.
*Secondary Mods I used while make this: Golden City, Improved Terrain, Marked Airfields and Visible Trenches.
*Although the start date is March 3 1965 it includes troop deployments for some of the more notable battles from 1963 and 1964 such as the Battle of Ap Bac, Bin Gia, Operation Starlight and LZ-Xray.
*The scenario is designed to be played with the overlay one tick up from complete translucence.
*I will move onto the next scenario "Vietnam 66" adjusting deployments, technology, troop types and numbers next.
*Although capturing the primary victory points by either side gives a winning condition the game is just about the grueling war of attrition that was present there at this time. Vietnam had no real front line as the wars of the past did.
*Unit images were cobbled together from real life photos, toy soldiers, illustrations etc. Sounds are from my favorite movies, tv shows, live fires and video games cut apart and redone using Audacity.
*I didn't include New Zealand and the Phillipines as playable allies. The New Zealanders, if im not mistaken, were deployed with the Australians (although some units on map units have their nomenclature) and the Philippines as their contribution was mostly logistical and medical in nature.
*Lastly, thank you to Val and team for an incredible game that allows a guy like me to make a scenario like this.
42 comentarios
brucesare 2 MAR a las 2:35 p. m. 
I understand but at some point we have to replace the troops who disappear, or building a simple trench or even improving the equipment is impossible?? and I don't know how I'm going to do it...
KilluH  [autor] 28 FEB a las 6:12 p. m. 
If you move the Vietnam 1966 scenario the US has a starting income of 5000 and a fixed income of 2000 to represent the growing investment the US is making in the conflict. However you still have the be reasonable in your spending. Thats the gamey aspect of it. Balance in defense and offense, crisis management things like that.
KilluH  [autor] 28 FEB a las 6:05 p. m. 
well the US has a starting income of 4000 and a fixed income of 1000 which grows if you capture more vp's i believe. if you want just go into map editor, choose the vn 1965 map and go into the settings tab and you can set the income to whatever you like and go from there. in 65 the US just deployed the first ground troops so they didnt have overwhelming numbers yet, this was my thinking to make it more challenging but the options are available for you to change if you like. good luck and happy gaming
KilluH  [autor] 28 FEB a las 5:56 p. m. 
hmm thats odd. let me check.
brucesare 28 FEB a las 3:26 p. m. 
By that I mean that I have had no manpower on the USA side since the start of the game, impossible to have new troops or supplies or planes etc??? the labor counter desperately remains at 0???
KilluH  [autor] 28 FEB a las 12:33 a. m. 
Cant buy a landmine?
brucesare 27 FEB a las 10:55 p. m. 
hello, can you tell me how I go about getting labor for the USA, I'm on turn 26 and I still can't buy a mine????? This is getting a little weird and completely unreal....
KilluH  [autor] 7 ENE a las 10:13 p. m. 
Also as US you can buy units and gift them to allied nations from the reserve queue and some units can be purchased from US as allies via the purchase screen drop down menu as a sort of "lend lease"
LeePixel 7 ENE a las 1:37 p. m. 
oh thanks, i was searching on how to untill now!
KilluH  [autor] 7 ENE a las 1:29 p. m. 
You could go into unit editor and remove any limitations to unit purchases if you like. 1965 was the beginning of the buildup so I was trying to keep it challenging and limited.