Black Mesa

Black Mesa

434 ratings
Black Mesa: HECU
File Size
2.188 GB
26 Nov, 2024 @ 4:53pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Black Mesa: HECU


The aim of Black Mesa: HECU is to provide a completely new experience that fills in the narrative spaces left by the military during Black Mesa incident... very much how Opposing Force did in its heyday.

We're very excited to have everyone test our EARLY ACCESS first training chapter as we polish the following 3 chapters for full release. This will mostly serve as a performance test and to get our mod setup on the workshop for the coming releases.

We look forward to seeing everyone enlist and attain their H.E.C.U. certifications! Good luck out there, soldiers!

This current EARLY ACCESS build contains Chapter 0: Advanced Training.

Standard Installation instructions:

1. Navigate to your local variation of:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\362890\3372585826\

2. Launch bmhecu_installer.bat and proceed with the steps.

3. You can now launch the mod through your desktop, the .bat files within Black Mesa/ or through -game bmhecu in launch options

Manual Installation instructions:

1. Put bmhecu folder, BMHECU.bat and BMHECU_OLDUI into Black Mesa/ folder.

2. Run the mod using BMHECU.bat file.

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Additional credits:
- Drown for gatling gun model.
- Valve for knife model.
- Gunship Mark II for Particle Fx.
- C8H11NO2 & PsycheScream for Bulletcrack.
- HECU Collective for Helicopter and HEV charger model & grunt animations.

Known Issues:
- KNOWN false-positive virus detection might delete your installer and shortcuts. Disable or virus program or list these items as exceptions.
- Low frame-rate/performance in Santego Base area when looking toward center of map.
- Slight skybox fog/rendering issues.
- Occasional "fail" message from Drill Instructor Sharpe during Section-1 of training (in the pipe).
- Possible voice volume issues on MPs/Radio.

Robomber173 15 Feb @ 12:48am 
Warhorse/Metal 0-1 14 Feb @ 7:56pm 
Could someone port the models of the Marines to the Vanilla game?
ouch 6 Feb @ 11:35pm 
It lagged on me at the very beginning but it cleared up.
CONS: That jumping key combo is ass but I suppose you would get use to it after a while. I finally cheated in two areas. 1- The two toxic pools with the rotating gee-gaws and the darkened area with the turrets. The turrets just took too many rounds to knock out. Is this a skill issue on my part? Probably. So be it. It went from challenging to no fun.
PROS: LOTS of potential here! This can really be fantastic.
Jay0311 5 Feb @ 12:17pm 
replace the word Soldier with Marine in the dialog if you know whats up, Marines HAAATE being called soldiers ;)
Hunter14 14 Jan @ 1:28pm 
Eğitimi bitirdikten sonra devam etmiyor oyun
TheDman131 3 Jan @ 11:21pm 
The Good
-The setting and the background you've nailed!
-The lighting is also nice
- Visuals are also quiet nice.

The Bad
-This game chugs. No matter what I pick, I'm playing at under 30 fps and some parts even at under 20fps. I don't have industrial level gaming Pc but its still a decent rig so it shouldn't be this bad.

-third part of the course is really harsh I've been stuck there for awhile and haven't been able to finish.

-On the very end of the second course where you have to jump through the elevator shaft it is possible to survive the fall and be stuck there indefinitely with no way out.

-I wont bother going over the AI voices as sometimes you gotta make due with whats available. I just hope good voice talent replaces these AI voices!

-This project need some serious optimization fixes.

- don't remake the entire map just for the people who want it to be easy. I am fine with a challenge just stream line it so its not as punishing!
Ork_King 28 Dec, 2024 @ 7:07am 
is this just a training map?
Cheese enjoyer (F2P) 27 Dec, 2024 @ 1:05pm 
Drakofarter i think thats the default game icon
Drakofarter 22 Dec, 2024 @ 3:14am 
Is there a way to restore the game's icon? I just uninstalled for storage but Black Mesa's icon is just a paper. It appears like that only in the taskbar.
yuw. 21 Dec, 2024 @ 12:22pm 
this mod is inspired by opposing force, not a remake and it's own unique story