Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Contact DLC Autocannon Turret
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block
Tags: NoScripts
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3.130 MB
22 Oct, 2024 @ 5:10pm
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Contact DLC Autocannon Turret

We finally have Large Grid Autocannons!

This mod takes the Contact DLC Large Grid Gatling Turret Type II and makes a copy that using the Autocannon weapon profile.

Will draw vanilla autocannon ammo through conveyors.

The DLC gatling turret is unchanged and no contact encounters will be effected.
Rotörhead 17 Nov, 2024 @ 7:22am 
A perfect addition would be a small grid gatling type II shaped autocannon turret. 8)
Rotörhead 17 Nov, 2024 @ 7:02am 
This model doesn't look like a 'proper gatling' anyway. This is clever! Kills two birds with one stone!
jperk354  [author] 4 Nov, 2024 @ 6:41pm 
This is not the place to discuss your opinions on the pros and cons of various mods.

@Akasus, I might do a full pack, fixing vanilla weapon block sizes, but no timeline now.
Abisius 4 Nov, 2024 @ 4:14pm 
as for the bloat part and getting over it:
i for my part find the age long waiting on a lockon with the vanilla system just annoying (same as the progression system) and basically useless for the amount of informations given after the lockon and like the amount of informations given after a lockon while using wc far more helpfull and its atm besides the better performance (and yes the same amount of weapons coming with se and its dlc's while having wc in the world is far more performance friendly than without it from my experience so far) the most major part why i use wc.

everyone can use the mod they want to use and no one is forcing someone to use a specific mod. just please dont start flaming around like with your first comment directet to me, its definitly not the civilized thing to do.
Abisius 4 Nov, 2024 @ 4:08pm 
i did not start any form of preaching, i did simply ask if it would be possible to have a wc version in addition to the vanilla version and the answer was a no and thus it was finished for me, would i have startet preaching that would have been the end of it.

my previous comment directet to you was simply cause i allways try to understand someones opinion on stuff.

what exactly do oyu mean with "...was/is run like a monopoly..."?
in case its related to the part that you cant run non wc weapons in parallel than that is to my point of understanding at point of writing nothing that can be changed from modder side and is due to se limitations in relation to handling weapon frameworks.
i am not a modder and just a moduser so my knowledge on that is quite limited and based on what was explained from wc and nonwc modders.
Krotos 4 Nov, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
@Abisius Don't worry bub, I'm not using it. You're the one who came in preaching about it. WC is barely more advanced than vanilla - don't lie to us and pretend it's some kind of miracle - especially after the warfare updates. The *ONLY* reason it's popular is because it was/is run like a monopoly and almost all of the pre-warfare weapon packs required it, so naturally anyone making new ones followed the trend. Yes, at one point years ago it was genuinely better, now it's just bloat. Get over it.
akasus90 4 Nov, 2024 @ 12:33pm 
Hi! Could You make 1x1x2 size version please?)
dRuPpI 4 Nov, 2024 @ 6:15am 
WC is mostley so popular cause the Performance benefits ... try to use 50+ weapon turrets in vanilla & watch ur sim speed die.
Abisius 3 Nov, 2024 @ 6:52pm 
if you have a problem with weaponcore beeing more advanced than the vanilla system and just se not beeing able to use multiple weaponframeworks at the same time and thus you cant mix nonwc weapons with wc weapons then just dont use it.

what would make you think it is the way you did describe it?
Krotos 3 Nov, 2024 @ 4:48pm 
@jperk354 Beautiful work. Instant sub. :steamthumbsup: