Legends of Eisenwald

Legends of Eisenwald

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Legends of Eisenwald User made scenarios
This collection is for all scenarios made by our community. Thank you to all authors and hope this collection will become very big!
Items (5)
Beer Tournament
Created by Adanych
This scenario is a challenge for those who know the combat mechanics well. It's made for difficulty levels "normal" or higher. On the easy level some battles might appear too easy. It`s possible to win in ALL battles. ;) Этот сценарий своего рода вызов для...
Межевой рыцарь
Created by Leto
Лишившись наследства и оставшись абсолютно ни с чем, не имея за душой ни гроша, лишь с добрым именем и чистой душой, Сир Генрих IV отправляется со своим верным спутником и другом оруженосцем Варфалом в путешествие с надеждой обрести славу, ну а если повезе...
Undead Invasion
Created by we_todd_id_1
After a long journey, you arrive at your departed uncle's estate, Beaubien, to find the nearby town of Spindell facing a crisis. You must act to save the town from the threat it faces. Victory can only be achieved by capturing the undead's stronghold....
The Reluctant Hero
Created by mlsmith45
In your youth, you decided against following in your father's path to becoming a knight. Instead, you choose to be a trader in Queen Solina's lands. You don't pay much attention to politics of Linia. As long as the trading is good, you're happy. But the Qu...
ЛЭ: быстрый старт
Created by Fahaca
Мод представляет собой "быстрый старт" для основной кампании Легенд Эйзенвальда: игра начинается в Виндфельде. Герою добавлен опыт до пятого уровня, умения не распределены. Кроме героя, бойцов в армии нет. В инвентаре 2000 золотых, чёрное ожерелье, кошачье...