Prehistoric Hunt

Prehistoric Hunt

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19 Sep @ 9:21am
23 Sep @ 2:24am
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this island should be difficult to maneuver due to the mountain and harsh terrain we can count only terrestrial creatur here so at least we wont have to worry of the sky 3 herbivor and 3 carnivor on the island compy wont bother you but be aware t rex is here
chaosflow[FR]  [author] 21 Sep @ 2:46pm 
to be honest Galore i dont know what you are referering with the redwood bien scled down becquse i didnt do qnything like thqt with redwood they qre ramdom scqle between 0.8 qnd 1.2 but they is the 3 vqriente of the redwood (i did however upscale to siez 5 a beach tree the one you can see in the first image on the descrition above)

i am actualy working on redoing all 3 major base and relocating/removing the 3 other fast travel point to make them more easter egg kind of thing
Galore 20 Sep @ 1:05pm 
The map is very good, I love how you used the Redwood trees by shrinking them to make another type of forest, it's the same trick I used in a cancelled map but eh xd,The map has my 10