Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Simplify Japanese: Font ICON Pack
Type: Mod
Mod: Gameplay, UI
File Size
322.264 KB
15 Aug @ 11:24pm
17 Nov @ 3:18am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Simplify Japanese: Font ICON Pack

In 2 collections by adon
205 items
簡略化MODのコレクション: Simplify Japanese Colletcion
8 items
About this Mod
Diversify the icons for fonts used in the Simplify Mod and replace them with ICON Words in the game.[/h2]
This mod allows some icons from the icons for fonts used in policy cards, etc. to be used in the game.

Supported Words
Note: Only Japanese is supported for replacement.
If necessary, please refer to the contents of the workshop folder to make changes. The mod does not depend on expansion packs or DLC, but replaces them when the game starts and when the map is loaded. Corresponding words: 布教力/ 宗教戦闘力/ 宗教圧力/ 忠誠心/ 忠誠圧力/ CO2 (二酸化炭素)/ 視界 (視程)/ 戦争疲労/ 隣接ボーナス/ 文化爆弾/ 4つの政策カード/ 交易路の上限/ 時代スコア/ 使節団/ 大使館/ ユニットの経験値/ 首都と同じ大陸/ 首都と異なる大陸/ スパイの上限/ 快適性の状態/ 同盟国 (同盟締結)/ 友好国 (友好宣言)/ 非難声明/ 好戦性ペナルティ Substitution Notes: Words added by mods must also be taken into account, so the entire Locale is checked and replaced where applicable. Please note that this will increase the loading time slightly. Since it is difficult to check everything, there are cases (especially in Civillopedia) where icons are added to unintended words.