Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront

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Items (11)
3000 Victory points for long battles in the conquest mode
Created by QA
3000 Victory points for long battles in the conquest mode...
Auto Medic
Created by Nikral晓杉同学
【Notice】 This mod is derived from the main mod, but only has the Auto Medic feature. If you haven't tried the main mod before, we strongly recommend it: 【Auto Medic-AA-Artillery & Weather Switch】 It has more powerful features. 【Features】 If your soldier is...
Cheat for Conquest
Created by vlad_8011 Unlimited AP, SP, Research points. Fight as big army instead of small groups, or as you like - WITH NO LIMITS. Enemy forces havent been changed, they attack in default game set number and tactics Compatibility: - Conquest En...
Enable AI Arty Script [Based on "Auto Medic-AA-Artillery & Weather Switch"]
Created by Nikral晓杉同学
At the request of players, unlock auto artillery script for AI enemies or ally artillery Get ready for AI precision guided shells (doge This is a sub mod of Auto Medic-AA-Artillery & Weather Switch , please load the main mod first, click the apply button b...
Extended fortification
Created by pvecrab
Extended Fortification. Adds the ability for engineers to build several additional structures. Old version, contains authentic World War II fortifications (unfortunately their functionality is limited):
Everything Stays
Created by Norðmaður
Everything stays on the battlefield...
Hawka's First Person Mod (now with vehicles views!!!)
Created by hawka
Mod has been updated with vehicles! This mod replaces the ADS vignettes for small arms with the actual in-game weapon model's sights that were present in the old Conquest Enhanced mod. This allows for a more immersive experience closer to an FPS game, and ...
Only 1 flag in Conquest mode
Created by Vulcan-H
Only 1 flag every day 征服模式每天都只有一个点 某种意义上也提升了防守关难度,因为一个点都不能丢,地形差就很难守 和奇迹武器等大型mod兼容,但激活时,要放在大型mod后激活。 每天都只有2个占点的版本 最多3个占点的版本
Preparation Time Extended
Created by OrbiToe
Features Increase the preparation time in conquest defense missions from 7-8 min to 15 min Increase the points limit from 1000 to 1300 to balance with the increased time Display preparation timer Mod compatibility As the mod changes only 3 files related to...
Tank Rider OPEN FIRE 坦克载员射击可行
Created by R.I.P USSR
Enable the infantry on the vehicle to fire Soldiers will hold their weapons on the vehicle May be weird on sdkfz251 because passengers are crowded Now passengers on the sdkfz251 stand up and fire and stay behind armor to reload 让车载、坦克后座等敞篷位置的乘员步兵可以开火 登上载具的...