Bopl Battle

Bopl Battle

Ocen: 25
Rating Celebrations
Autorstwa: Big Daddy Matty
I will be rating all of the win celebrations I can think of in this guide on a scale from 1-10.
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The rules
I will be rating these on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the best. I'm bound to forget or not know about some celebrations so make sure to tell me any I missed. I forget the names to half the abilities so I might accidentally switch up what I call them within the guide. I also won't have any gifs for any team taunts/celebrations because I couldn't be bothered, if you guys want to make team gifs then go ahead and I'll put them in the guide and credit you.

I will be ranking based off of these main categories:

Coolness (How cool it looks, 10 is better)
Creativity (How creative it is, 10 is more creative)
Ease (How easy it is to perform, 10 is easier)
Setup (How much time/setup is required to perform, 10 is least set up)
Toxicity (How much it pisses others off, 10 is most toxic)
Bonus Point (Anything I feel deserving of earning a bonus point)

I will average out the total score for each celebration based off of each category
(this also means that celebrations I think look cool may get a low score because they're hard to do, so don't take the overall score as my opinion).

With that out of the way, here's the list.
Coolness: 4 Creativity: 1
Ease: 9 Setup: 10 Toxicity: 10
Bonus point: Using a dpad and joystick to do it is funny

Overall: 7/10

The classic T bag.
Jumping off
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 2
Ease: 9
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 5

Overall: 6/10

It's simple, and a classic. Has led to me losing a game once by celebrating prematurely.
Walk off
Coolness: 7
Creativity: 4
Ease: 8
Setup: 6
Toxicity: 9
Bonus Point: Can be badass

Overall: 7.2/10

Cool if done right (unlike the gif I used)
Dash into the water
Coolness: 4
Creativity: 5
Ease: 9
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 7/10

Bonus points if you dash where someone fell into the water.
Shooting yourself
Coolness: 5
Creativity: 3
Ease: 8
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 7

Overall: 6/10

This includes shooting yourself with your own arrow, bomb, missile, etc.
Anything boring or basic gets grouped into here.
Killing your teammate(s)
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 6
Ease: 8
Setup: 4
Toxicity: 10
Bonus Point: It's funnier to kill your teammates than it is yourself

Overall: 7/10

Why shoot yourself when you can shoot your teammate? Does require you to be playing with teams.
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 7
Ease: 3
Setup: 2
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 6/10

Can be hard to set up on keyboard and mouse within a short time frame. Looks stylish as hell though. Much easier on controller.
Blast off
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 6
Ease: 8
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 5

Overall: 6.4/10

Into the stratosphere (or somewhere else if you're in space I guess)
Coolness: 7
Creativity: 5
Ease: 8
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 8

Overall: 7/10

It looks kinda cool and is easy to do.
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 7
Ease: 5
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 10

Overall: 7.6/10

The smug look and the clap is perfect. You do have to time it a bit if you want the freezeframe.
Plant the flag
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 8
Ease: 6
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 7

Overall: 7.4/10

You can do this with either the tesla or thruster. The smug look and pose if you do it right is sick.
Pose for the fans
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 7
Ease: 9
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 7.8/10

Do a T bag while in the macho slime state. Show off them muscles.
Butter finger a bomb
Coolness: 7
Creativity: 8
Ease: 6
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 8

Overall: 7.2/10

You hold a bomb out while getting ready to touch a platform. It's easy but can be hard to time within a short time frame
Beam your reflection
Coolness: 1
Creativity: 7
Ease: 9
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 3
Negative Point: It doesn't kill you which kinda ruins it

Overall: 5.4/10

Would be way cooler if the beam could kill you. I hate the beam.
Beam me up
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 7
Ease: 6
Setup: 5
Toxicity: 6

Overall: 6/10

TP back right before you hit the water.
Getting rock hard
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 3
Ease: 10
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 6

Overall: 6.6/10

Easy to do and you make a silly face.
Rock Dash
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 7
Ease: 5
Setup: 4
Toxicity: 4

Overall: 5.6/10

Kinda like the next one but less cool and easier to do. You just dash and then soon after use the rock. Harder to do in heavy lag.
Boulder long jump
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 8
Ease: 4
Setup: 6
Toxicity: 7
Bonus Point: It's goofy

Overall: 7/10

You have to jump right before using the boulder to perform this. You go much further if you do it on the edge of a platform, start moving away from your target destination, jump and move the way you want to go, then use the boulder. The more lag there is the harder it is to perform.
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 9
Ease: 7
Setup: 5
Toxicity: 7

Overall: 7.2/10

Grapple to a high up platform then use the boulder. Could also be called the bungee cord.
Angry smushed face
Coolness: 5
Creativity: 6
Ease: 10
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 7

Overall: 7.2/10

Just hold down the push button and don't move. You make a goofy face and pose.
Return to the water
Coolness: 5
Creativity: 6
Ease: 8
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 4

Overall: 6/10

A little boring but can be funny in the right situation.
The Head Bang
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 8
Ease: 9
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 8

Overall: 8/10

Use the push and move up and down rhythmically. Easy to do and you do a silly head bang. You can also do it side to side if you like.
The Lean
Coolness: 7
Creativity: 8
Ease: 8
Setup: 6
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 7.6/10

You kill the someone with a missile and don't let go of the button you used to direct the missile. You stay in this leaned over state with a goofy face and pose and can even wiggle around.
Driving the car around
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 7
Ease: 8
Setup: 3
Toxicity: 8

Overall: 6.4/10

Extra toxic if the person you're taunting died from "crashing the car." Just make sure you don't crash. The smaller the platform the better.
Now you see me...
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 6
Ease: 10
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 4

Overall: 7/10

...Now you don't
Grow up
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 4
Ease: 3
Setup: 6
Toxicity: 2
Bonus point: It's kinda a flex if you do it on keyboard and mouse

Overall: 4.4/10

It's not as cool as the next one. Requires a ray and water to.
Blink and you'll miss it
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 7
Ease: 4
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 8
Bonus Point: It's like the last 2 combined but cooler.

Overall: 7.2/10

Set up is a little higher because the blink gun is arguably the best ability in the game so it's common to see.
Anything with smoke
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 6
Ease: 6
Setup: 3
Toxicity: 7

Overall: 6/10

It's fine but there's several smoke things that all look the same so I just grouped them here.
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 8
Ease: 3
Setup: 5
Toxicity: 6

Overall: 6.2/10

It's can be hard to time with the ending freezeframe but it's funny. The gif is intentionally slowed down to see what part of the slam animation I'm talking about
Platform twirl
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 4
Ease: 8
Setup: 8
Toxicity: 6

Overall: 6.4/10

Can also be used to kill someone. You enter the platform and spin your cursor around quickly to change your rotation.
Peace out
Coolness: 5
Creativity: 4
Ease: 8
Setup: 7
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 6.6/10

Slam into the nothingness below.
Looney Tunes fall
Coolness: 6
Creativity: 8
Ease: 7
Setup: 3
Toxicity: 5

Overall: 5.8/10

Requires a very small platform and the throw ability. You pick up the platform you're standing on. Used to be easier when you would pick up more of the platform you were standing on.
Jumping off of the air
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 9
Ease: 3
Setup: 2
Toxicity: 4

Overall: 5.2/10

You have to pick up the platform you're standing on using the throw and release it as soon as possible. Once you've done that, you have to have enough space to get out of the end lag of the throwing animation and if you press the jump button soon after, you will jump on the air molecules. Annoying to set up and rarely ever practical, but it's a pretty cool bug.
Tossing yourself
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 9
Ease: 1
Setup: 1
Toxicity: 4

Overall: 5.2/10

You have to pick up the platform you're standing on using the throw and release it as soon as possible while throwing from a specific angle. It's really inconsistent and easiest on space maps I've found. If you do it right, you will toss yourself with the boulder.
The Balloon
Coolness: 10
Creativity: 9
Ease: 3
Setup: 1
Toxicity: 8
Bonus Point: Can be really funny

Overall: 6.4/10

You grapple a friendly mine, then gust it somewhere and it sends you flying. Bonus points, if your teammate grapples to you when you gust.
Incinerating the entire map
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 8
Ease: 6
Setup: 2
Toxicity: 8

Overall: 6.6/10

Best when done with a teammate but can be done by yourself.
Coolness: 9
Creativity: 10
Ease: 1
Setup: 1
Toxicity: 9
Bonus Point: I don't know whether I'd be pissed off or pissing my pants if I saw someone do this in an online match.

Overall: 6.2/10

Insane amount of coordination needed between you and your teammate. One teammate has to charge a slam and the other has to time using the rock at the right time. If done right, the teammate using the rock will go flying into the air.
Walk the dog
Coolness: 8
Creativity: 10
Ease: 4
Setup: 2
Toxicity: 9

Overall: 6.2/10

Grapple your teammate to yourself and walk them on a leash. If your teammates are anything like mine they won't mind.
Infinitely waste their time
Coolness: 0
Creativity: 0
Ease: 0
Setup: 0
Toxicity: 1000

Overall: This needs to be patched/10

You can just infinitely stall by "changing your abilities" after a loss and the only way for others to leave is to alt f4. Please fix. Please don't do this in a game.
Anything else too boring to mention
Coolness: meh
Creativity: ehh
Ease: probably pretty easy
Setup: idk
Toxicity: eh

Overall: boring/10

This includes stuff like drilling into the void or ground, using the roll as intended, etc. Boring things that I didn't feel like mentioning.
The End
I'm sure I missed some cool celebrations/taunts. If you have any COOL celebrations you'd like to share (emphasis on COOL), please share. There's probably a ton of cool team ones you could do to.
Komentarzy: 21
greyson.austin15 21 lutego o 10:12 
i call TBagging the "Bopl Dance"
MiningMiner27 9 lutego o 17:21 
Rock Roll: *exists*

Halo elite 1 lutego o 16:21 
Heres one, toss a 'nade in the air, then shoot it with an arrow, more points the farther you throw the grenade while still hitting it with an arrow
slimeball 23 stycznia o 16:36 
my di-
slimeball 23 stycznia o 16:36 
SithImposter 27 listopada 2024 o 18:15 
shoot then clone arrow
can be used as combo to help u win also
SithImposter 27 listopada 2024 o 18:11 
jump into an existing black hole
trishsp 4 listopada 2024 o 21:25 
It is criminal that turning into the rock isn't #1. I have had so many fun times with my brother just freezing that. I genuinely think it's the funniest ability in the game, plus it's really easy to get the timing because I think you can still shift after the freezeframe, when you do it like that there's no animation so it looks extra wonky. Overall loved this list! Especially towards the end where it just becomes a showcase of movement tequniques.
Equal energy 28 października 2024 o 15:31 
I like the "too late save" where you perform an action that would've saved the other player but only after they died (if you can).
Rpug_yt 11 października 2024 o 6:03 
i think the best one is doing the griddy by using alt+f4