Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

32 ratings
Old World Blues - 地图拓展submod汉化合集
这些submod拓展了old world blues的地图范围:
East coast rebirth:为华盛顿至伦多地区增加了内容
Rustbelt rising:拓展了美国中部锈带地区内容,将OWB原版北美西部,同东海岸重生的北美东部地区连通起来
OWB - Cuba:拓展了包括古巴在内的加勒比群岛,以及美国佛罗里达地区的剧情内容
Fountain of Dreams:拓展了美国佛罗里达地区一带的剧情内容
Monarchs and Margaritas:FoD的子模组,将FoD拓展的佛罗里达同owb本体的西海岸本土连接起来
Across Caribbean:此mod就是本体,但本身自带中文翻译,不需再为其额外订阅mod
New England Rising:拓展了新英格兰、文兰和魁北克地区等东北部地区的剧情内容


Items (14)
East Coast Rebirth
Created by Figly Bigly
OWB - East Coast Rebirth 1.3.15 War, war never changes. This is a submod for Old World Blues which seeks to expand the mod into the East Coast. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jgrRHWzJrk DO NOT USE LEGACY You Must use the Updated Old World Blues. You also migh...
East Coast Rebirth (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 东海岸重生/East coast rebirth 的汉化   为东海岸的华盛顿特区至伦多地区提供了内容拓展  模组具有以下内容: -安达尔噬族、首都兄弟会、首都掠夺者、华盛顿聚落、首都英克雷、铆钉城、鹰爪佣兵公司具有独特的国策树 -为东海岸添加了更多地区 -更多的势力 -更多可放出的国家 -还有更多有趣的内容! 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2665358623&search...
Rustbelt Rising
Created by Dean200027
REQUIRES EAST COAST REBIRTH The shrinking of the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel was fast and unexpected. Where there was once a vast multi state nation, now lay many small nations and cultures left alone due to Brotherhood absence. A power grab for contro...
Rustbelt Rising (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 锈带崛起/Rustbelt rising 的汉化  为中西部地区和安大略地区提供了内容拓展,需要东海岸重生作为前置 中西部钢铁兄弟会的萎缩速度之快出人意料。那里曾经是一个庞大的多地区国家,现在由于兄弟情谊的缺失而分裂出了许多小国和文化。对中西部控制权的权力争夺已不可避免,而且来得比人们想象的要快。战争正在酝酿之中,也许是变种人解放军的战鼓,也许是芝加哥英克雷不断逼近的阴影,也许是一度强大的中西部钢铁兄弟会不断升级的内部紧张局势和内讧。士兵行军,变种人劫掠,武器上膛,泰...
OWB - Cuba
Created by clanky4
In what was clearly an oversight by the developers of Old World Blues the most important nation in Hearts of Iron 4 was not included, Cuba. This mod seeks to fix Old World Blues by adding the generic nation of legends, Cuba to OWB. V4 UPDATE: Updated to wo...
OWB - Cuba (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 OWB - Cuba 的汉化   为古巴和美国的南佛罗里达地区提供了内容拓展  模组具有以下内容: -古巴内战各大势力(古巴民主共和国、古巴共和国、卡洛斯派、古巴英克雷、古巴兄弟会等),以及他们的独特内容和国策树 -为美国的南佛罗里达各国增加了内容,其中迈阿密戴德公国具有独特国策树 -更多的势力 -更多可放出的国家 原mod链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2635526933 目前汉化...
OWB - Fountain of Dreams
Created by verticalvery
OWB - Fountain of Dreams 1.3.6 Come and brave the Fountain of Dreams, but only if you dare... Fountain of Dreams is a submod for Old World Blues which adds all of Florida. Check out the Discord below to see the roadmap and other teasers! DISCORD: https://d...
Fountain of Dreams (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 梦想之泉/Fountain of Dreams 的汉化   为美国的佛罗里达地区提供了内容拓展  原mod链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3296248182 目前汉化组成员有: 名字该取什么(MrStaws114514) 汉化进度:61.1% 有爆键值问题还请留言 云平台链接:https://paratranz.cn/projects/11073 尚缺人手,欢迎大伙加入...
OWB - Monarchs and Margaritas
Created by verticalvery
Monarchs and Margaritas Rest like royalty and sip as the ocean never rests NOW UPDATED TO WORK WITH THE MOST RECENT HOI4 VERSION (1.15) Monarchs and Margaritas is a submod for Old World Blues, East Coast Rebirth, Rustbelt Rising and Fountain of Dreams that...
Monarchs and Margaritas (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 Monarchs and Margaritas 的汉化  为美国的海湾地区和内陆地区提供了内容拓展  原mod链接:https://steamproxy.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3335439646 目前汉化组成员有: 名字该取什么(MrStaws114514)、KururugiAya 汉化进度:60.5% 有爆键值问题还请留言 云汉化平台链接:https://paratranz.cn/projects/11388 尚缺人手,...
New England Rising [NER]
Created by Lolbotkiller
REQUIRES EAST COAST REBIRTH, RUSTBELT RISING, FOUNTAIN OF DREAMS AND MONARCHS AND MARGARITAS!! TEMPORARILY NEEDS ACROSS THE CARRIBEAN!!! <- No clue why btw, working on fixing it OWB: New England Rising is a massive Submod for Old World Blues consisting of....
New England Rising (CN.Ver)
Created by Mr_Straws
 Old world blues子模组 New England Rising 的汉化   为东海岸北部及魁北克、新英格兰地区提供了内容拓展  原mod链接:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3349559328 目前汉化组成员有: 名字该取什么(MrStaws114514) 汉化进度:95.7% 有爆键值问题还请留言 云汉化平台链接:https://paratranz.cn/projects/11659 尚缺人手,欢迎大伙加入...
OWB - Across the Caribbean
Created by Mr_Straws
OWB - Across the Caribbean 1.2 This is a Map Expansion submod of Old World Blues, expanded extra countries and contents for Caribbean Sea Region. CURRENT CONTENT: - New Caribbean Contents - 12 Caribbean Nations - More Formables - Extra Focus Contents for C...
East Coast Rebirth & Cuba Compatible Patch
Created by Mr_Straws
This is a Compatible Patch to let OWB - Cuba, East Coast Rebirth and its submods to show conscription laws correctly. If you wanna enable ECR and Cuba at same time, You 'll need to turn this on, it includes following contents: 1. they have a trigger file c...
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