Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Fortress Faceoffs Tournament Maps
This collection features all the maps that were or currently are being used for a Fortress Faceoffs tournament.
Items (23)
[KOTH] Digsite
Created by AlrexX
A map made for the Fortress Faceoffs One In The Chamber tournament, set in a small afghani town next to an archeological digsite. Credits: - Benefactor: Original layout - AlrexX: Improved layout & theming - Tiftid: Theming - Tom Yamaza: Custom sign decals ...
Created by AsG_Alligator
Current version of the map: Beta 1.1 IMPORTANT: This map requires Frontline Supply Drop v1.1 or higher I packed the files in since people wanted it. So enjoy a 300MB 65MB map file. Please welcome my first submission for the Frontline! community project - k...
Created by BigfootBeto
The Winter/Smissmas Version is here! Almost a year in the making, Luftangriff is a Rottenburg-Themed map created for the Frontline! Community Update. The Frontline reaches this "peaceful" Ge...
Created by GuttyKreum
A big 'Thank you!' to all those who have been helping test and those who have been commenting and rating. Thanks a ton to Carn who offered a lot of great mapping knowledge. A huge thank you to the Frontline! community for putting together awesome assets fo...
Created by HQDefault
Current version: RC1 It's like lumberyard, but better. I re-detailed lumberyard to looks closer to how it appeared in the concept art, as well as just giving my own personal flavor. Custom pine tree models can be found here:
KOTH Horizon
Created by Halicon ❀ Horizon is a king of the hill map inspired by popular maps such as viaduct and highpass, set deep in the heart of the badlands region. RED and BLU fight over a disused coal mining plant in order to hide the secret operations ...
Created by Kit Carson
Harter is a mirror symmetry King of the Hill map centered around an elevated control point, taking heavy artistic inspiration from Dustbowl. Current version: Release Candidate 1 File Name: koth_harter_rc1 Direct download of the BSP can be found on the TF2M...
Flourmill [ARENA]
Created by Laden
Arena_Flourmill is a night time arena level based around an old Flourmill. The level is broken into three main zones, and has a Health Kit hook that is based around the Water Wheel zone. If players are willing to take the risk, they can collect health when...
Koth Occult
Created by Mimas Torres
Koth Occult just got completely redone for the Mayann community update. This includes complete retexturing, new assets, and reworked lighting. The map is now prettier than ever. "great community map" -PCGamer (2015, november) As mercenaries, sometimes we'r...
Cp DegrootCreep
Created by Mimas Torres
Want a scary thought? Brutal medieval weaponry mixed with hellish magic! DegrootCreep is just that. And if that's not scary enough for you, we have portals leading into the underworld where you will be made prisoner and tortured. Only the bravests will mak...
Attack Defend 3cp map set in Paris! link: Credits: Iron: Layout, Detailing Panckakebro: Layout, Detailing...
Created by Tiftid
This map was made for Fortress Faceoffs' One in the Chamber tournament. Since this map is VERY loosely based on a CoD map, the goal of the visual design was to make it feel like BOTH CoD and TF2 by having an abnormally high level of surface detail, but oth...
Created by UEAKCrash A salty king of the hill map set in a sea-side fishery, for your consideration. If you'd like to...
Created by Woozlez
Check out our Mayann map, KOTH Ahau! It is inspired by Harvest and Viaduct in gameplay and routes, with Lakeside-style excavation detailing. Even though the main battlefield is wide, there is plenty of cover and many routes onto the point, with two routes ...
Created by breakbitch hardcore
One week before the events of Doomsday, an Australium Reserve storage site prepares to send its shipment to Mann Co. Bagel is a unique King of the Hill map that started development in 2016. Yo...
Sky Lock B2
Created by boomsta
Please enjoy this map! Leave back any feedback that you think might be helpful. Other assets used not made by myself or valve: Frontline Metal Materials by void To test locally 1. Subscribe 2. In Team Fortress 2 open console (~ key by default) 3. Type: map...
Oilfield (KOTH)
Created by Sean
One of my old maps originally made for the Big King KOTH map pack. Hope you enjoy!...
Created by jeff computers
R I V E T Rivet is an arena map set at night with an industrial theme. Rivet's use of height variation provides teams with regular highs and lows during its fast paced rounds. BLU and RED battle for each other's "decommissioned" industrial complexes, thoug...
Created by void~
Half a decade in the making, Lazarus is a Jungle map set on a volcanic island in Southeast Asia, revolving around RED & BLU's island bases and the archaeological dig site they're fighting over in search of the Fountain of Youth! From the creative team behi...
Snowtower (King of the Hill)
Created by Keldos To play put map workshop/2781286631 in the console Credits: Aurora particles by Exactol and Fubar Snowycoast assets by EArkham Tree trunks (made by sedisocks and Square) part of the Frontline! pack Cap signs by KrazyZark Sky...
Created by void~
Welcome to the killing floor... Slaughter is a fast-paced King of the Hill map set in a food processing plant. Navigate the bloodied halls and use the fully-functional conveyor belts to ambush your foes - but watch your step, hazardous meat grinders might ...
Created by ldoIon
Quarry is a unique King of the Hill map with an emphasis on height advantage and strategic placement. With many different ways to approach the fight, every class has a chance to shine. This map features custom content by umbratile, prefabs by A Boojum Snar...
Created by Mimas Torres
This is the viaduct you know and love, but remastered! Over the years, there's been an ongoing effort to polish and maintain koth viaduct. We've pulled every stop to make the map as unobstructive as possible while preserving balance and performance. turnin...