Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

26 ratings
All Tarot Cards | Cult Of The Lamb
By menTaz
Tarot Cards provide buffs and boons to The Lamb. Each Tarot Card's effect stacks with one another, however, you cannot have two of the same card at once. Cards are found in chests, can be received from Clauneck, and from certain fleeces. Tarot card can have a + or ++ modifier which greatly increases their effects.

Currently, there are 43 Tarot Cards in Cult of the Lamb.

The Hearts I
Gain an extra half red heart
Unlocked by default
The Hearts II
Gain an extra red heart
Beat Ratau at a game of Knucklebones.
The Hearts III
Gain an extra two red heart
Purchase in a Heart room for 100 Coins.
Weeping Moon
30% more damage during the night
Purchase at Spore Grotto for 25 Coins.
Nature's Boon
Harvest bonus resources.
Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 Coins.
The Lovers I
Gain 2 extra blue heart
Perform the Wedding Ritual or Spare the loser of the Fight Pit Ritual.
The Lovers II
Gain 2 extra blue heart
Perform the Wedding Ritual or Spare the loser of the Fight Pit Ritual.
All Seeing Sun
20% more damage during the day.
Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 Coins.
True Sight (+)
10% (20%) chance of dealing a critical hit.
Unlocked by default
Reveal the map.
Unlocked by default
Hands of Rage (+)
Fire a projectile when you swing your weapon 10s (5s) cooldown.
Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 Coins.
The Burning Dead
Dead enemy bodies explode, damaging other enemies.
Purchase at Midas' Cave for 5 Gold Bars.
Diseased Heart
Gain an extra diseased heart
The Arachnid
Deals poison damage to enemies struck. (no + or ++)
Divine Strength (+) [++]
Attack rate increased by 1.25x (1.5x) [2x]
Master of the Art (+)
Overall weapon damage increased by 1.2x (1.5x)
The Path (+) [++]
Increased movement speed by 1.25x (1.5x) [2x]
Purchase at Spore Grotto for 35 Coins
Fervour's Harvest (+)
Enemies will drop 2x (3x) more Fervour
Unlocked by default.
Soul Snatcher (+)
When killing an enemy 10% (20%) chance of healing half red heart
Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary for 50 Coins.
Shield of Faith (+)
When attacked 10% (20%) chance of negating damage
Unlocked by default.
The Bomb (+)
Drop an explosive when you roll 10s (5s) cooldown.
Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary for 40 Coins.
Ichor Earned
Drop black Ichor on hit. (no + or ++)
Purchase at Midas' Cave (5 Gold Bars)
Ichor Lingered (+)
Drop black Ichor when you roll 10s (5s) cooldown.
Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary (40 Coins)
Immune to poison. (no + or ++)
Beat Flinky in Knucklebones
Blazing Trail
Rolling into an enemy will damage them.
Purchase at Spore Grotto for 35 Coins.
Divine Curse (+) [++]
Curses consume 25% (50%) [75%] less Fervour.
Strength from Within (+)
Fervour will slowly replenish over time 2.5s (1.5s) cooldown.
Beat Shrumy at Knucklebones.
Strength from Without (+)
Receive 5 (10) Fervour when hit
Beat Klunko and Bop at Knucklebones
Neptune's Curse
Enemies have a chance to drop a fish. (no + or ++)
Get from the Fisherman in Pilgrim's Passage after catching 1 fish.
Fortune's Blessing
Receive double the health when healing. (no + or ++)
Death's Door (+) [++]
When hit down to Half red heart, all enemies will be dealt 2 (3) [10] damage.
The Deal
When killed, resurrect with 1 Red heart at the cost of a follower. (no + or ++)
Purchase at Midas' Cave for 10 Gold Bars.
Rabbit's Foot
Increases the chance to spawn better chests. (no + or ++)
Ambrosia (+) [++]
Increased curse attack damage by 1.25x (1.5x) [2x].
Buy from Forneus for 50 Coins.
Gift From Below (+)
10% (20%) chance of gaining half blue heart when killing an enemy.
Fervour's Host
Fervour replenishes fully when entering a new combat room. (no + or ++)
Buy Followers from Helob 3 times during Crusades (Must meet him in the Crusade to get the card)
The Intangible
Environmental traps cause no damage
Purchase in a Monch room for 150 Coins
Drop a friendly bomb when hit.
Purchase from the shop in Pilgrim's Passage for 25 Coin.
Wraith's Will
Destroy breakable rocks on touch
Purchase from the shop in Smuggler's Sanctuary for 50 Coin.
Godly Moment
Begin each room with a brief moment of invincibility.
Purchase from the shop in Midas' Cave for 5 Gold Bars.
Kin of Turua
When hit, spawn a tentacle that damages enemies on contact.
Purchase from the shop in Spore Grotto for 35 Coin.
The Collector
Higher chance of relics spawning.
Purchase from Chemach's shop for 200 Coin.
Consecrated Oil (+)
Relics Charge 1.25x (1.5x) as fast.
Complete one of Ratoo's challenges for the first time.