

28 ratings
MustaphaTR's Pony Mod (v0.2.8)
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13 Sep, 2023 @ 3:24am
20 Jan @ 11:45am
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MustaphaTR's Pony Mod (v0.2.8)

Yet another My Little Pony portrait mod. I've made my own one as i was not happy with how the existing ones used portraits of show characters as is for genericos. This mod makes use of the color/attachment/clothes logic to give each portrait 10-13 color variations, but the total portrait count is way more limited at the moment. But i'm planning to add more portraits.

In addition to Ponies, mod includes portraits for Griffons, Hippogriffs, Changelings, Dragons, Kirin, Yaks and Zebras too.

Apart from portraits mod also includes:
- 9 Prescripted Countries
-- Convocation of Creatures
-- The Crusader State
-- Empire of Friendship
-- Griffonian Empire
-- Faustian Technate
-- Revolutionary Faust
-- Faustian Conglomerate
-- CSP Remnants
-- Empire of Frost
- "Cutie Marks" and "Equality Marks" Species Traits
- "Immortal" leader trait.
- "Behemoth", "Faust" and "Sol (CSP)" Starting Solar Systems
- Namelists for Ponies, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Dragons, Changelings, Deer, Kirin, Yaks, Polar Bears, Yetis and Zebras
- 13 Flag icons and 7 Flag Backgrounds
- A setup event to allow players to start with all the species the mod has portraits for in their custom empires.

--- Credits ---

--- Known issues ---
- While designing character apparence the available color/hair/cloth count do not update when you switch between different ponies. Clicking the already selected gender option updates it properly.
- At the start of the game as CoC, TSC, EoF, FT or RF only starting race's leaders appear in the leader pool. After the first refresh other races appear as it should.
- Portraits of the named characters reset to a random one when their species are modified. There's a hidden event running every month to update them. So if you see them wrong, just wait a bit. It should fix itself by the end of the month.
- Void Dweller version of CSP Sol System used by CSP Remnants prescripted country is not properly selectable for custom empires.
- Multi-Species setup event do not yet properly account for Pony subspecies. If you chose a limited portrait set for ponies, it won't create other pony subspecies.

--- Changelog ---
- Version 0.1.6 (01.04.2024):
-- Added CSP Remnants as a new prescripted country based on the bad ending in Changeling Space Program fanfic.
--- Added new flag icon, flag background and starting systems for this country.
-- Reworked most of the pony portraits. The grayscale and RGBCMY colors no longer use the same base for body, mane and clothes.
--- This should allow for better looking portraits, if the randomiser decides to select same color for them.
--- Also added an additional color option or two for all the portraits i edited for this.
-- Updated the Dragon namelist with the new names from EaW.
-- Added a Deer namelist, even tho there are no portraits to use them with.

- Version 0.1.7 (16.04.2024):
-- Added a duplicate version of Convocation of Creatures for people without Federations DLC, which replaces Diplomatic Crops civic with Free Haven.
-- Added a duplicate version of The Crusader State for people without Necroids DLC, which replaces Reanimators civic with Distinguished Admiralty.

- Version 0.1.8 (21.04.2024):
-- Added two more male unicorn portraits, one based on the Gordon Ramsay pony other based on Sunburst.

- Version 0.1.9 (07.05.2024):
-- Updated the mod for 3.12.1 update.
-- Scootaloo in The Crusader State now has some Cybernatics on her portrait.
-- Added Equality Marks trait as a negative counterpart to the Cutie Marks trait.
-- Lithoid species can now have Cutie Marks as well.

- Version 0.2.0 (12.05.2024):
-- Added Hippogriff portraits, one set for each gender. Silverstream for female and Terramar for male.
--- Existing prescripted countries now start with one Hippogriff pop, generally replacing a Griffon pop.
-- Added Hippogriff namelist.
-- Added Revolutionary Faust prescripted country.
--- This includes a flag and a background as well.
-- Added a no-DLC variant for CSP Remnants that makes you start on a Tomb World Equus instead of the Habibtat.
-- Fixed Old Equus in CSP Remnants starting with no planetary features/blockers.
-- Fixed Cutie Marks trait being addable without genemodding.

- Version 0.2.1 (12.07.2024):
-- Added more color options to a few portraits (Gallus, Igneous Rock Pie, Sweetie Belle, Twilight Velvet).
-- Added Yeti namelist.
-- If the player has Gigastructural Engineering mod as well, an event now appears at the start to optionally replace the portraits used by Faust Civilisations pre-FTL country, if they are enabled at the first place.

- Version 0.2.2 (02.08.2024):
-- Added Faustian Conglomerate prescripted country.
--- This includes a flag and a background as well.
-- Added more color options to a few portraits (Garble, Pumpkin Smoke).
-- Added one more male dragon portrait set, based on Sludge.
-- Added one more female unicorn portrait set, based on Trixie.
-- Added the updated version of the Faust System from Gigastructural Engineering as a selectable system option. The older one is still the default for the prescripted countries though.
-- Fixed mod duplicating basegame portraits for the categories that it adds portraits for.
-- Fixed named character portrait reset workaround not running for Revolutionary Faust.

- Version 0.2.3 (12.09.2024):
-- Added one more female pegasus portrait set, based on Spitfire.
-- Added one more female earth pony portrait set, based on Pinkie Pie.

- Version 0.2.4 (02.11.2024):
-- Added one more female pegasus portrait set, based on Rainbow Dash.
-- Added one more female earth pony portrait set, based on Applejack.
-- Added more color options to a portrait (Big McIntosh).

- Version 0.2.5 (23.11.2024):
-- Added Empire of Friendship prescripted country.
--- This includes a new flag well.
-- Added one more female pegasus portrait set, based on Cozy Glow.
-- Added more color options to a portrait (Sunburst).

- Version 0.2.6 (02.12.2024):
-- Added a setup event on custom empires using one of the portraits from the mod to generate rest of the MLP species on the planet as well.
--- Also reworked how many of each species spawn on the prescripted countries along with it for consistency between the two.
--- I tried to account for some specific cases, but if you notice any issues with the options on your setup, please let me know.
-- Added Yak portraits, one set for each gender. Yona for female and Rutherford for male.
--- Existing prescripted countries now start with one Yak pop.
-- Added Yak namelist.
-- Added one more male earth pony portrait set, based on Sandbar.
-- Added more color options to a portrait (Ember).

- Version 0.2.7 (13.01.2025):
-- Added Empire of Frost as a prescripted country.
--- This includes a new flag well.
-- Added Immortal leader trait that can be selected at the Empire Creation screen.
-- Added one more female alicorn portrait set, based on Twilight Sparkle (older version from the Finale).
-- Added one more male earth pony and pegasus portrait set, based on Fire Streak.
-- Added Polar Bear namelist.
-- Hopefully fixed some edge cases that lead Gigastructural Engineering faust content to trigger on player empires.
-- Revolutionary Faust now uses FSS Posada as the name of a Exploration Vessel/Science Ship, instead of a Corvette.

- Version 0.2.8 (20.01.2025):
-- Added two more female alicorn portrait sets, based on Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.
-- Added more color options and adjusted some existing colors for a few portraits (Celestia, Luna).
-- Added dummy localisation data for all languages so the game will show English text instead of codenames if you are playing the game on a different language.
--- Though, i did try to do some basic and probably error ridden translation work for other European languages. If anyone would be willing to help with proper translation, i'm open for help.
-- Small changes to the namelists.
Omega_Sentinel 15 Feb @ 1:40pm 
Hep Mr.Wizard... the portraits for the species are wonky.. the main body is gone but other parts are still there, for instance the ponies hair/mane, the beak from the griffon, etc. I tried putting it on the top & bottom of the load order, I have no idea what's going on or where to start problem solving.
Spärde 14 Feb @ 7:06am 
I had them set at guaranteed and even uncovered the whole map to be sure, it changed the portraits and everything, but I am certain a phantom instance of an out of date mod was stuck in my list because after I verified my files and cleared my launcher cache it worked perfectly fine. Thanks for your help troubleshooting regardless.
MustaphaTR  [author] 13 Feb @ 10:51pm 
@Spärde Another problem could be that Faust just didn't spawn if you didn't set to Guaranteed on the setup GUI. By default it has 60% chance to spawn iirc and the event only appears if Faust has spawned.
Spärde 13 Feb @ 2:42pm 
Verifying seems to have fixed it. I started a new save as a test and got the event after unpausing.
MustaphaTR  [author] 13 Feb @ 8:48am 
@Späde Were you playing as an empire with Faust or Behemmoth starting system. Giga's Faust won't spawn if that's the case, regardless of what you chose at the setup GUI of Giga's. And compability event only appears if Giga's Faust has spawned and after you unpause the game since Faust only spawns after setup GUI is closed.
Spärde 13 Feb @ 6:50am 
Strange the compatability event wasn't firing automatically for me with only this and gigastrictures loaded on their own modlist.
I found it in the files and it worked as intended when forced through the console. I wonder if I should verify my files.
♤ |_Pandora_| ♤ 14 Jan @ 11:12pm 
It's so good! You awesome!
MustaphaTR  [author] 15 Dec, 2024 @ 3:16am 
@Crazydane25 #Savetf2

No idea. It works fine on my end. You gotta give more information if i can be of any help. Saying it doesn't work isn't enough.
Crazydane25 #Savetf2 14 Dec, 2024 @ 10:44am 
This mod doesn't work for me.
MustaphaTR  [author] 5 Dec, 2024 @ 10:09am 
@Crazydane25 #Savetf2

The current version, 3.14.