Audiosurf 2

Audiosurf 2

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Iron Mode Ninja Pro Classic
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37.049 KB
18 Aug, 2014 @ 9:29pm
18 Aug, 2014 @ 10:42pm
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Iron Mode Ninja Pro Classic

This mod is a combination of:
this mod
this mod

It disables the right click and makes the scoring as close to AS1 as possible.
This mode is a turbo mode as Iron mode in AS1 would generate a much more refined track.

I tweaked the two mods to make a very close to AS1 Iron mode ninja mono mode.

Recommended skin: here
Zero 3 Jun, 2015 @ 2:34pm 
I've had AS2 for as long as it has been avaliable on early access. I never really liked it as much as the original. Mono Ninja in Iron Mode just always felt cleaner, more fun, and just "right".

Now that AS2 has officially been released, I decided to give it another try. The UI is much improved, and some of the new features are nice, but the default track skins were still distracting, the control still felt off, and it just still wan't what I was hoping for.

That is when I decided to hunt the workshop for something to restore the feel of the first game, specifically the iron mode mono ninja feel. I've done so before, but to little success. This mod, and the recommended skin (classic (fixed camera)) have finally fufilled my needs! It isn't the prettiest, but it sure plays better than all the rest!