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Items (8)
AI can't research Gene Tailoring
Created by Jamie
For Stellaris 3.8.* Are you tired of the AI spamming dozens of sub species? This simple mod stops the Gene Tailoring technology from ever being offered to an AI empire. Recommended mod to also install: No AI Omnicodex Also check out my other mod: AI can't ...
AI can't research Orbital Habitats
Created by Jamie
For Stellaris 3.8.* Are you tired of the AI spamming habitats all over their empire? This simple mod stops the Orbital Habitats technology from ever being offered to an AI empire. AI empires with the Void Dwellers origin will still be able to create new ha...
No AI Omnicodex
Created by KRKR
Prevents AI empires from using the Omnicodex relic. Description Disables AI from using the Omnicodex relic. This will prevent the AI from spamming the species list with dozens of unnecessary species by the end of a game. This mod does not prevent the AI fr...
Vassal Contracts Unleashed
Created by Darth Tiredlass
This mod has 3 core components. Chiefly, it allows the player to choose any combination of vassal negotiation terms. It eliminates these restrictions for the player only, the AI still has to follow vanilla requirements. So, if you want to integrate your Bu...
Unlimited Naval Capacity
Created by nighthawk
Ever wanted to go over 9999 naval capacity? - Then I've got just the treat for you! This mod removes the limit on produced naval capacity. Your empire has to produce more than the vanilla limit of 9999 naval capacity (using Anchorages, Soldiers or Duelists...
UI Overhaul Dynamic - Extended Topbar
Created by Orrie
For 3.14.X ✔️ A submod for UI Overhaul Dynamic that overhauls the resources displayed on the top toolbar. Doesn't require any other mods, and can be used even without the parent mod. Minimum resolution width is 1600px (can b...
UI Overhaul Dynamic
Created by Orrie
For 3.14.1592 ✔️ 📜 Changelog 📜Beta VersionOlder Versions3. Mods ⛓️ Compatibility Patches ⛓️🏗️ Submods 🏗️Can be used in multiplayer, even with players who doesn't use it! 🛠️ Interface Modified 🛠️ This mod is ...
Created by 月都旅人
简介 翻译群星创意工坊的英文模组。仅含汉化文本,不会实质性修改游戏内容。 不包含替换了原版文本的模组,因为会导致文本互相冲突、覆盖。此类模组会内置汉化,或上传独立汉化补丁。 由于近来P社官中问题较多,原则上以本组制作的官中修正作为翻译基准。非模组玩家也可以单独订阅使用。 本模组没有的,可以看看创意工坊有没有其他朋友做的汉化 旧版鸽组汉化将不再更新,仅供旧版本玩家订阅。 汉化列表 列表有粗略分类与译名参考;合集订阅方便。两者可能更新不同步存在差别。 列表存在过时情况,修缮工作在做了 集中汉化:列表 / 合集 ...