Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

885 人が評価
Better Mechanics : Frontline AI | Updated
17.003 MB
2023年6月4日 9時39分
11月25日 0時10分
80 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Better Mechanics : Frontline AI | Updated

Amine Alkaline 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Better Mechanics Collection
40 アイテム

Using Better Mechanics: Frontline AI, you can finally go up against the AI Hoi4 deserves. It will now be more challenging to rush Moscow with one division as the AI will prioritize frontlines much more than garrisoning during a war. The AI will not abandon its frontlines to fight a smaller enemy so that you will be up against a more challenging fight.

-AI more reluctant to join wars they're not ready for
-AI will deploy untrained troops more often in a war
-AI more reluctant to make dangerous plans
-AI maintains frontlines while still defending from naval invasions
-AI doesn't commit an insane amount of troops to useless invasions
-AI is more cautious with executing plans if troops aren't on the border
-AI is less likely to put too many troops in low-supply zones
-If AI is losing combat, it will stop attacking in at least three in-game days

- Told the AI to follow the arrow instead of attacking to the side. This should result in more encirclements, better AI micro, more movement on the frontline, and even the possibility to play the game without microing at all if you wish to do so!
- Told the AI to walk more into empty territory. It still does not reliably do that, but it is better than in vanilla. We're getting there.

- The AI is a much better lend leaser now

- The AI has a much higher priority for area defense missions. This means that the AI will hold more divisions back from the front to defend ports and VPs.
- The AI has a higher priority for the primary front, which means it will commit more divisions to the main threat.
- The AI will aggressively abort battle plans if most divisions are considered weak.
- The AI will more aggressively cancel attacks that are not going well.
- The AI will field larger navies whenever possible.
- The AI should be much better at assigning divisions along a front to terrain they perform better in. IE, Mountain Divisions in Mountains.
- The AI significantly lowers the priority of very low supply fronts (IE Africa)
- Added (and tweaked) an AI production fix

- The AI will use the balanced cohesion setting: It should shuffle its units around less now!

Known issues that probably wont be fixed
  • The errors in the log
  • AI being brain dead with attacking (made great progress, but still) 1.15 fixed that and AI now knows how to conecntrate their high breakthrough divisions
  • AI not building supply in important places
  • AI having low garrisons
  • AI very rarely ignores its needs

Highly Compatible: I really can say that this mod is compatible with lots of mods, as long as tech isn't radically changed, so that means that mods like :
Kaiserreich/KX, R56, EAW, Ultimate Tech Tree or others are compatible with this mod

Mod made in synergy with Vanilla and Kaiserreich.

Creating a mod takes a significant amount of time and effort. If you'd like to support the development and keep me motivated, consider donating using the Buy Me a Coffee button down there. I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm centralizing everything for my mod collection on a new Discord server. I'll rarely respond to comments, bug reports, or suggestions here. Please use the Better Mechanics Discord Server[discord.gg] for all future requests.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
5月18日 10時01分
Amine Alkaline
832 件のコメント
Amine Alkaline  [作成者] 8 時間前 
Ill see
Also for russia, its just vanilla Russia tthat isnt greatly optimized, for more results, use this mod alongside frontline ai : https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029636200

Never forget : Frontline AI is a general AI improvement meant to work with all mods and not specifically tailored to anything
Roxuub 23 時間前 
also russia keeps losing :(
Roxuub 23 時間前 
okay but italy loses southern ethiopia giving them a debuff they shouldnt get early game though
Amine Alkaline  [作成者] 11月26日 3時19分 
I know, it replaces those weak divisions with stronger ones to better pushback Ethiopia
Roxuub 11月25日 9時49分 
italy immediately moves its southern army out of ethiopia :/
Kaiserkane 11月25日 1時56分 
All good, it leads to a sloppy start, but the Ger AI seems to recover and spam the mil factories after the war starts haha. Luckily I'm exhausted, so I've enjoyed just observing the AI duke it with each patch iteration. I'll keep an eye out for the next update :)
Amine Alkaline  [作成者] 11月25日 1時53分 
good catch, maybe i made the ai consider too much civ greed
Ill fix tho
Kaiserkane 11月25日 1時48分 
@Amine, you absolutely fixed the Germany attacking USSR problem - nice work.

The next issue appears to be that Germany is now building civilian factories and barely no mil factories until the eve of war in Sep 1939. Meaning they invade poland with barely 700k troops in the field hahah.

Seems like the new DLC wonked quite a few things - appreciate the patches though!!
Amine Alkaline  [作成者] 11月25日 1時03分 
Mod Updated
Kaiserkane 11月24日 21時33分 
@Amine, awesome news! So I wasn't going crazy then??

I've said it many times in the past and awarded most of your mods, but as always, love your work :)