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Rimarmory-Rollin' Thunder Addon Package
Mod, 1.4
File Size
954.098 KB
5 Apr, 2023 @ 8:43pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Rimarmory-Rollin' Thunder Addon Package

This mod is CE REQUIRED.

1.0 (04/05/2023): Initial release


RimArmory - Rollin’ Thunder Addon pack is a Vanilla friendly weapon set bringing weaponry from the United States armed forces during the Vietnam war. This pack is the CE exclusive Addonpack. This includes weaponry that takes advantage of the CE attachments.

This pack is an add-on pack for a larger pack and will not work on its own.

Please note I am no sound engineer so I am sorry if the sound effects are not great. If you have any suggestions that don’t just rip from popular video games as I want to try to avoid that as much as possible, I will be grateful for an enhanced sound library.

Known Issues:

Please report any bugs in the common section below.If possible please provide a log to make it easier to debug.



Q: Will this work with older versions of Rimworld prior to 1.4?
A: No. It uses some modern coding not found in 1.3 and older so is incompatible. Nor do I plan on back porting it to 1.3 or lower. I am the only coder on this small two man team.

Q: Is this mod CE, Yayo or VCR compatible?
A: This is ONLY CE Compatible as it's written in CE Code.

Q: Will I go up against these weapons in Raids and see them on Ally colonists?
A: Yes. Everything has been properly tagged and tested. It's also Ideology ready.

Q: Can I request a weapon to be added to this pack?
A: No. However you can request weapons to see in future packs.

Q: Why isn’t X weapon(s) featured here?
A: 1) I wanted to try to avoid causing massive amounts of bloat 2) I have a place for it already in a future pack. 3) I didn’t think it fit with the theme.

Q: Can I craft these weapons and where do I craft them?
A: Yes, they can be made at Machining tables at the moment. This may change in the future.

Q: Is this save game compatible?
A: Yes. It can be added whenever you like. Just remember removing it may cause issues.

Q: Is this compatible with X weapon mod? (Such as RH2, RHK’s stuff and Vanilla Weapons Expanded)
A: Yes. Unless for some reason they use the same internal naming scheme or massively messes with the combat system they should work just fine.

Q: I really like your work and want to donate to you, do you have a link for that?
A: Yes, I have a ko-fi. https://ko-fi.com/radar651

Q: What’s the next pack planned?
A: Old Metros, a Metro 2033 themed weapon pack that is already in development.
Scout Gaming 6 Apr, 2023 @ 1:52pm 