Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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Slower Dirt Accrual
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21 mart. 2023 la 20:13
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Slower Dirt Accrual

Do you find yourself wishing your character didn't get dirty so quickly?
You've come to the right place.

This is a simple mod that slows down accrual of dirt on bodies and clothing. It does not affect blood accrual.

The multipliers for dirt accrual, the range to which multipliers should be applied, and the types of accrual that are slowed are configurable via sandbox options. The default value for both multipliers is 10%.
You can use the multipliers to speed up accrual instead by specifying a value greater than one, if you'd prefer that.

Enjoy being less dirty!

Please do not include this mod directly in modpacks. You're welcome to create a fork with a different mod ID and include that instead.
Check out the GitHub repository[]!

Workshop ID: 2950437306
Mod ID: omislowerdirt
47 comentarii
omiyomy  [autor] 24 oct. 2024 la 20:01 
@Tenninch Same questions as below.
Tenninch 23 oct. 2024 la 6:33 
I'm having the same problem as AtmosTwitch, this mod just made me get dirtier even faster lol.
omiyomy  [autor] 11 oct. 2024 la 17:18 
@AtmosTwitch, have you confirmed that the dirt is actually getting applied faster (i.e., via debugging, rather than perception)? Have you reproduced that with this mod in isolation, without other mods enabled? I don't see how that would be possible.
AtmosTwitch 2 oct. 2024 la 3:49 
Hello, Unfortunately, the mod doesn't work for me, I've tried different values and I always get the same result, it's just the opposite, with the mod, my clothes get dirty 5x faster, and it's a bit frustrating I must admit :/ Here are the last settings I made:

Body Dirt Increase Multiplier : 0.1
Clothing Dirt Increase Multiplier : 0.1
Body Dirt Multiplier Application Minimum : 0.5
Body Dirt Multiplier Application Maximum : 0.5
Clothing Dirt Multiplier Application Minimum : 0.5
Clothing Dirt Multiplier Application Maximum : 0.5
omiyomy  [autor] 15 sept. 2024 la 9:51 
@sineuncha Yeah, unfortunately due to how this is made that's a possible side effect on some computers. Someone in the comments recommended a mod that removes the dirt visuals entirely—maybe that would be better for you!
sineuncha 14 sept. 2024 la 23:56 
seriously kills FPS performance in my case.
a great mod, but doesn't suit for me.
Doll 18 mart. 2024 la 8:30 
i literally need this mod... i remember how im standing in a CLEAN room with 0 dirt and AFTER washing myself i turned around and SOMEHOW got dirt on both my leg and my chest and it was the most obnoxious thing ive ever seen
omiyomy  [autor] 9 dec. 2023 la 18:08 
@RadLyte "Is there a way to adjust the threshold for dirt visuals?"
I'm not sure. That's not something I looked into for this mod.

"I am guessing that those areas count for the missing 32/100 in the Dirty status."
That's correct; certain things only accumulate dirt in certain areas. I often tested by sprinting into trees while making the mod and I observed similar results. Essentially, every body part in the medical menu has its own individual dirt level and the global dirt level takes all of those into account.
RadLyte 6 dec. 2023 la 14:41 
Also, it is interesting to test dirt accumulation by sprinting straight into a zombie. Upon contact, your character will trip and fall. Once he/she get ups, the Dirty status will go up by a couple of points and you will be able to see one or two dirt decals appearing on the body. You can keep repeating this in order to accumulate more dirt.

Now, the interesting thing with this 'zombie ramming' test is that I was never able to push the Dirty counter above 68/100. So no matter how many times I kept ramming into zombies past that point, the counter would stay locked at 68/100. At that point, the character is completely covered with dirt, except for the face, chest and abs which remain perfectly clean. So I am guessing that those areas count for the missing 32/100 in the Dirty status.
RadLyte 6 dec. 2023 la 14:41 
Btw, is there a way to adjust the threshold for dirt visuals? Currently, for 1/100 Dirty status, the player's body receives 1 dirt decal on a random section (back, chest, thighs, calves etc.) Is there a way to push this value so that dirt decals start to appear after Dirty status gets to 25/100 or 50/100?