Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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a collection of reanimations i use for l4d2
Items (40)
Adrenaline Animation
Created by Arima
An adrenaline animation for those who are tired to inject in their legs, Although its what the notice says, you will be injecting in the upperarm instead. have the fun. https://i.imgur.com/FfHEA2p.gif...
Bile Bomb Animation
Created by Arima
The Bile Bomb, Vomit Jar, Puke Bomb, whatever you call it has been reanimated. You want to make sure what you are holding is toxic and that you unpin it before throwing just like a traditional grenade. edit: remade the throwing animation in a more natural ...
CSS Knife Improved / HQ Model
Created by Querentin
Just a bog standart CSS knife I remodelled to have normal maps and proper dynamic shaders. Works on MaxG3D's animations. Credits: MaxG3D - animation Querentin - compile, animations, modelling, shaders Make sure to override game's AA settings with your vide...
Default AK-47 Reanimated v2
Created by Arima
The only difference between the first and this version is the reload animation, I wanted something more relax, and this time where the flashlight aims at the zombies when I reload, so I took his AS VAL for this AK, adjusted the reload a bit so when bolt-pu...
Defibrillator Reanimated
Created by Salad
I'm shocked that nobody has done something like this before... This puts the default defibrillator on arby26's new dual pistol animations. Includes walking animation. Works online. There's like no defib model replacements out there. What gives?...
Desert Rifle Reanimated
Created by Arima
The Desert Rifle , Default SCAR or the Combat Rifle ? reanimated with the usual sluggish animation blending. Features : - Valve's custom SCAR model - Butter-smooth animations with seemless transition - Boltpull animation (offline only) - Bolt catch now mov...
HQ MW: Electric Bass
Created by mav
A reliable electric bass. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations and sounds. Credits: Yogensia: Original Assets Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Materialization Method and Assistance ThomasCat: Conversion Rig, Animation Porting ...
Hunting Rifle Reanimated
Created by Arima
I found Cele's m14 animation to be a match for the hunting rifle. Since the animation was made with the idea of a heavy weapon, i had to make it feel more light for the mini-14. Also took the model from Trigger_hurt as he have remodeled the entire gun and ...
L4D1 Pistols Redux For L4D1 Campaigns Only
Created by Vettrun
I don't have permission from the original creator of these addons, if they ask to remove this, I will. Also recommended to have this addon with it: This addon will conflict with the one above, but it works. If you want MACHETE's version that includes with ...
L4D2 Reanimated Pistols for L4D2 Campaigns Only
Created by Vettrun
I don't have permission from the original creator of these addons, if they ask to remove this, I will. Also recommended to have this addon with it: This addon will conflict with the one above, but it works. This mod affects these campaigns: Dead Center The...
MW2019: Default Bat
Created by Qude
The default Bat, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animation portin...
MW2019: Default Cricket Bat
Created by Qude
The default Cricket Bat, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animatio...
MW2019: Default Crowbar
Created by Qude
The default Crowbar, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Alternative Version Credits Valve - Assets. mav & Thom...
MW2019: Default Fire Axe
Created by Qude
The default Fire Axe, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animation p...
MW2019: Default Frying Pan
Created by Qude
The default Frying Pan, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animation...
MW2019: Default Golf Club
Created by Qude
The default Golf Club, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Recommended to use with this: World Model Grip Fix C...
MW2019: Default Katana
Created by Qude
The default Katana, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Recommended to use with this: Fixed Katana Texture Cred...
MW2019: Default M60
Created by tomaz
The default M60, now on mav's & ThomasCat's MW2019 animations. Works with reskins. NOTE: Due to unexpected issues with the sound events, this addon replaces the deploy sound as a bandaid solution, so sound mods may conflict and may not be 100% compatible. ...
MW2019: Default Machete
Created by Qude
The default Machete, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animation po...
MW2019: Default Riot Shield
Created by Qude
The default Riot Shield, now on MW2019 animations. REQUIRES A MAP WITH RIOT SHIELD IN THE MISSION FILE: Riot Shield may not be supported on official servers/maps. You need to subscribe to the unclocker addon in the required items. NOTE: This addon does not...
MW2019: Default Tonfa
Created by Qude
The default Tonfa, now on MW2019 animations. NOTE: This addon does not include any custom textures, sounds or models. Default game models and texture paths are used. Therefore, it works with reskins. Credits Valve - Assets. mav & ThomasCat - Animation port...
MW2019: M79 Grenade Launcher
Created by mav
Grenade launcher. Fires a grenade projectile that explodes on impact. High damage with a significant blast radius. The modern M79 Thumper. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, T...
MW2019: Pitchfork
Created by mav
Efficent at grouping and pitching loads of material at a time. Stab forward for maximum affection. A familiar Pitchfork. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Ma...
MW2019: Shovel
Created by mav
Long-handled shovel for digging in deep and coarse ground. Designed for creating holes and trenches. A familiar Shovel. Features fully fixed and accurate game animations, sounds, and materials. Credits: Scobalula: Greyhound YuRaNnNzZZ, TFA, FlamingFox: Mat...
Magnum Reanimated 2 with TLS Skin Support
Created by Donut Pyro
arby26's version with TLS Skin Support: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2498987306 i made this too because why not im bored and realized this was kinda similar to the other desert eagle mod i did original: https://steamproxy.com/...
Military Sniper Reanimated
Created by Arima
Yes its the HK G3 or Military sniper, whatever.. I have reanimated MaxG3D's awesome COD animation with a personal touch. Added micro movements to the reload animation, Remade the running animation in COD style, Replaced the lazy melee with a more believabl...
Molotov - Insurgency Animations
Created by Lt. Rocky
This is the regular ol' Molotov on my normalized Insurgency molotov animations. This is compatible with retextures. Do enjoy folks. Note that if used with my regular Insurgency Molotov or the Pipebomb version the client will claim there is a conflict. This...
Pain Pills Animation
Created by Arima
I always found it funny at how you consume the pills in L4D2, since its animations are thoses of the pipebomb, when comsuming them your character litterally make an attempt to throw which didn't make sense. Eventually, I had to reinvent its animation in th...
Pipebomb - Insurgency Animations
Created by Lt. Rocky
This is the regular ol' Pipebomb on my normalized Insurgency molotov animations, with some adjustments to better fit it. This is compatible with retextures. The source files for this set will be uploaded later on. They're not ready just yet. Do enjoy. Note...
Pump Shotgun Reanimated with TLS Skin Support
Created by Donut Pyro
just a simple edit in the skin editor ( https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_model_skin_editor ) and boom we have TLS support now first workshop addon here pls be easy on me original: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144565...
Reanimated Benelli M4 (Tactical Shotgun) Cele Animations
Created by Kairu
An edited and updated version of AvengeDeathAlert's Cele's Revised Autoshotgun Animation. It uses the TLS Skin and I somewhat improved the model, made it look thiccer and l-o-n-g-e-r. (⚈ ̫ ⚈) Also gave some a little bit of origin position edit and look up ...
Reanimated Firework Crate with FPS Hands
Created by мяFunreal
None of the carryable items had FPS hands. Horrible, wasn't it? Well no more. Works with regular texture mods! ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modifications or Redi...
Reanimated Howitzer
Created by мяFunreal
The howitzer looked pathetic without any recoil, so i animated some onto it. I also fixed the LOD. The TLS update fixed the wheel, but removed something else. kekw. ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account nam...
Reanimated Oxygen Tank with FPS Hands
Created by мяFunreal
None of the carryable items had FPS hands. Horrible, wasn't it? Well no more. Works with regular texture mods! ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modifications or Redi...
Reanimated Propane Tank with FPS Hands
Created by мяFunreal
None of the carryable items had FPS hands. Horrible, wasn't it? Well no more. Works with regular texture mods! ______ This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal" Modifications or Redi...
Reanimated SPAS (Combat Shotgun) "Folded Stock" Arima & Cele Animations
Created by Kairu
A folded stock version of Arima and Cele's Default SPAS12 Reanimated v2 posted by Arima. It wasn't that hard to be honest, and to me, the animation felt like it needed the stock to be folded, so here it is. fov in the screenshots: cl_viewmodel 70 Credits: ...
Rifle Reanimated
Created by Arima
Update 17/10/20: The old description wasn't fitting anymore because I have changed the style. The M16 is meant for spraying into an Horde of zombies and not designed as a single rewarding shot weapon. Credits : Valve - Model ImBrokeRu - Original Animation ...
Silenced SMG/Mac10 Reanimation
Created by ShotgunnerFox
PFRRRT Every animation was made from scratch and animated by me, Fox. Retextures are compatible. I hope you like my newest reanimation as much as I do, and consider favoriting and giving it a like if you want to see more animations from me in the future. I...
Linked collections (1)
L4D2 CS:S replacements
Contains 5 items