Erannorth Chronicles

Erannorth Chronicles

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B55 All Enemy Portraits
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9 Sep, 2022 @ 12:05pm
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B55 All Enemy Portraits

Major Note: Overlaps completely with Rs Enemy Portraits - all those are included, along with nearly 650 more at the time of writing. The same uninstallation/installation applies here(safe at any time).
Unsubscribe from Rs Enemy Portraits due to this in case of potential issues.
Opens up all enemy portraits for both Male and Female characters(Yay for alien/bug/eldritch lovers), including some spoilery ones(as far as they go). Ultimate customization at your fingertips.

If you want allies selectable, make sure to check out Settra's Allies as Portraits mod!
As-of writing, current updated to all enemies at Update 1.043.1: Heroes and Villians Integration.
Let me know if any enemies are missing(or added), and enjoy!
Halita Silverblood  [author] 17 Apr, 2023 @ 9:54pm 
Thank you! :)
BigPerm 17 Apr, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
No worries, great mod
Halita Silverblood  [author] 17 Apr, 2023 @ 7:56pm 
I unfortunately do not own Guilds and Secret Societies...and Untold Tales and Legends, so, unfortunately, no. I'm quite a bit behind and needing to allocate the funds someday.

Only base game for now.
BigPerm 17 Apr, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
Is this up to date with the new monsters from dlc's?
Halita Silverblood  [author] 2 Oct, 2022 @ 7:06am 
True. That'd work. More for everyone. :)
Settra the Imperishable 2 Oct, 2022 @ 2:22am 
Actually, I just realized you added in just enemies and not allies. From what I can tell the ally portraits just use their names from the skills section in the handbook. I'm going to get working on a mod that adds in all allies so people can subscribe to both of our mods if they want to have every ally and every enemy.
Settra the Imperishable 27 Sep, 2022 @ 9:26pm 
I think the Soulmate allies from the Dreamshaper glass might be missing. Great mod anyway, though.
Meesh 25 Sep, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
This is awesome thanks!
Halita Silverblood  [author] 14 Sep, 2022 @ 9:16am 
Thank you! :)