Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Beefalo Buck Timer (Client-Side)
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5 Sep, 2022 @ 5:45am
5 Mar @ 10:52am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Beefalo Buck Timer (Client-Side)

In 2 collections by 󰀐 ZoomZoomBang 󰀐
ZoomZoomBang's Collection of Client-Side Mods
71 items
Mods Published by ZoomZoomBang
17 items
Shows an estimated timer before your beefalo mount will buck you off, as well as an estimated domestication %.

Check out my other mod, Mount/Dismount Assist, for a client-side mod that adds a key to feed/mount/dismount beefalos, swap saddles, automatically dismounts/remounts after going through wormholes, and more!

Based off Domestication Calculator by Crestwave, Burning Timer by Viktor, and uses Persistent Data by Blueberrys[].

Notes: The numbers are an estimation based on the duration of the last time the beefalo bucked you off, so the timer won't show as decreasing until you get bucked off for the first time. If their domestication changes from brushing, starving, or attacking them, the estimation will be inaccurate until the next time you get bucked off. Tamed beefalo's names and a ★ will be shown instead of a timer, but be aware they can still buck you off after around 13 minutes at full domestication.

0.08 - **NEW** Added preliminary support for updating the timer when feeding beefalo while mounting
0.07 - Possibly fixed bug for bad values in the save data causing crashes
0.06 - Added proper calculations for Wigfrid's new beefalo skills
0.05 - Fixed timer not properly updating in single player, non-cave instances
0.04 - Added options to hide the beefalo's name while riding and/or the names of domesticated ones

Future update ideas:
- Estimate obedience loss while riding/being attacked
- Show all named beefalo instead of only tamed or already-mounted beefalos
- Show either a timer or colors for tamed beefalos as they get nearer to the 13 minute mark
- Customization options like text size

This is a client-side mod, so it can be used no matter what mods the server has. If you have any questions, comments, or bugs to report (especially crashes), feel free to post below!
Shynaid 7 Mar @ 6:31pm 
Could you put the duration of Maxwell's prisons? How long it will take for them to disappear, etc.
a counter?
sorceress2024 5 Mar @ 3:31pm 
in response to the update
innitial test on surface working, entering and existing cave multiple times
upon entering cave it worked 5/5 times
upon returning to surface it worked 5/5 times

Thank you, it seems to be working perfectly now
󰀐 ZoomZoomBang 󰀐  [author] 5 Mar @ 10:52am 
I just updated it again, see if it works more consistently now

Thanks for the bug report info, it helps a lot
superluigi31 5 Mar @ 8:35am 
maybe theres issue to persisstance data
sorceress2024 5 Mar @ 12:43am 
may not have had the mod update from 8 hours ago during this
tmer worked for me innitially(in caves), but stopped on surface
left world and rejoined, it was then working on surface
rentered caves to test, it continued worked
returend to surfacce to test, it no longer works
reenterd caves again, started working
then contineud working on surface

so sometimes it wont like shard changes ig
MarfMaster 4 Mar @ 8:37pm 
Feeding while riding a beefalo still doesn't update the timer, tested it just now with Wendy. :DSTskull:
Index 4 Mar @ 6:10pm 
This mod is goated
Much appreciation for keeping it updated!
󰀐 ZoomZoomBang 󰀐  [author] 4 Mar @ 4:16pm 
I updated it again, try to see if it works now
󰀐 ZoomZoomBang 󰀐  [author] 4 Mar @ 10:20am 
Can you give more details
superluigi31 4 Mar @ 2:58am 
doesnt work