Rebel Inc: Escalation

Rebel Inc: Escalation

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Repentant Rebel
Language: English
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1.009 MB
5 Aug, 2022 @ 9:12am
6 Aug, 2022 @ 7:04pm
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Repentant Rebel

In 1 collection by Un manco del montón
Dimensional Madness Series
10 items
Who're you? Where're you? What's your purpose? Those questions doesn't matter. The answers were lost long ago... From what you know you're a child soldier... in a region devastated by war... And you joined the "Raging Eden Brotherhood" (REB) an insurgent group formed wit the desire of building a new eden you joined without question but at your 36 during your promotion to army commander you had to rape a pre-teen of 15 years, this action disgusted you and you came into realization that the new Eden that your leader talked about was nothing but a facade and so you defected alongside some men in order to redeem all the acts that you did forming "The Redemption Rebels" (TRR)... But the present is the only things that matters, now you have to fight off your former brothers in arms and make a stand in order to exempt your sins amd hold on them for one last time then you can rest.

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