Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Arbiter's Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline Mod Collection
Items (8)
Peace Deals
Created by Dziurkacz
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif Info This mod offers the option to make a peace deal with a country/faction you are at war with without capitulating it. It offers EU4 like peace deals that you can configure and send as a proposal to AI or other players. Add...
Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline
Created by New Grestin
"With this principle, you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension." - Nikola Tesla https://i.imgur.com/HKWxMSd.png https://i.imgur.com/Ybw14Bb.png For more than a century, Imperial Britain has ruled over nearly a billion souls, with domi...
Player-Led Peace Conferences
Created by Neutrino
This mod gives players full and direct control of peace conference proceedings in wars they are involved in. Wars without player involvement conclude as normal. Currently supports patch 1.15 and above. If you're playing on version 1.10 or 1.11, please use ...
Recall Volunteers
Created by Yard1
Simple mod adding a diplomatic action allowing you to recall volunteers. The AI will never use this action. Should be compatible with all mods. Multiplayer compatible. All players will need to have the mod installed. Requires 1.9 or newer to work. Is not I...
Country Changer
Created by Brolcio13
Have you ever played multiplayer and wanted to swich to another country but couldn't because console is disabled? Have you ever wanted to be able to switch between countries without having to type a ton of commands? If the answer to any of these is yes, th...
Realistic State Integration
Created by Mati (Oscar)
What is the Mod About I noticed that most State Integration mods only really offered one choice, and had requirements that took way too long. With this mod, I wanted to offer a more realistic solution to integrate states by allowing the player to have the ...
Strategic View Adjustments (MP/A variant)
Created by Kondi
This version of SVA is multiplayer and achievement compatible. For the main mod which includes more extensive changes, ...
Pax Britannica: Lo-Fi Beats to Commit Man-Made Horrors To
Created by New Grestin
https://i.imgur.com/Kimo2QE.png Intended to accompany the base mod, Pax Britannica: An Imperial Timeline. This music mod contains three new radio stations with 78 songs: https://i.imgur.com/8ZexFeZ.png Pax Britannica - Original Music: A variety of original...
In 1 collection by Arbiter105
Arbiter's mod collection
190 items