Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

56 ratings
Items (93)
1987 Freddy Fazbear's Pizza
Created by Deep Thunder
EDIT 6/14/2022: I don't recommend playing this map. However, If you're a fan of FNaF, you may find certain enjoyment out of this. To emphasize: there are no checkpoints, a reasonable balance, and the map likes to crash a lot. As much as I'd love to go back...
2019 (Anniversary Edition)
Created by M
The future is here. And it's not looking good. Remastered for Left 4 Dead 2's 10-year anniversary, with overhauled visuals and gameplay improvements! Travel through an overrun apartment complex, through San Marino's riverfront, and wind up in Xen-Corp's of...
25 To Life: A Co-Op and VS campaign.
Created by alltså
After breaking into Western State Pen, the survivors are knee deep in zombies spawned from societies outcasts. Does a victim's personality affect their behavior post infection? Dig into this Co-Op and Versus campaign....
7 Hours Later II
Make your way through the forest to airport! Special thanks to: - Aynekko (AGRESSOR) for built this great campaign to L4D1 and give to me permission to convert it to L4D2. - Marcos Outsider from "Project Detonado" YT channel for thumbnail. - Xanaguy and Ra...
Created by Mashed torpedoes
Beldurra takes the survivors through three new maps, traversing the already-ruined city of Beldurra. They must fight their way to a river-side salvage yard to escape. Features multiple/alternate routes, new game mechanics (like building pipe bombs and molo...
Black Mesa Campaign [Update 1.3]
Created by Knee
Play the original maps ported from Half-Life: Source in Left 4 Dead 2. Going from Anomalous Materials to We Got Hostiles. File Size: 387.56 MB due to lots of Half-Life: Source assets ** Please comment if there are any missing textures ** Some known issues:...
Blood Proof
Created by Yanzl
Survivors find themselves near a lake and they must fight their way through town... ...
Cambalache - Buenos Aires
Created by Roku
*ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *KEVKAS: Main tester - Gameplay tips *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies and props *SERGI: Tester - Custom L4D1 deadbodies A lot of people helped me, from scripters to 3D artists. Even working with The Last St...
Carried Off
Created by Fabien
Carried Off created by Yanzl. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2230 Carried Off Version: 2.5 (Complete) Last Updated: 09/03/10 Released: 09/03/10 Author: Yanzl Publisher: yanzl Maps: 4/4...
City 17
Created by Mrs. Puss
Please, check out my HL2 movie! "Seven hour war" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVuqIuCCpT8 == Take a deadly walk through the City 17, straight from Half-Life 2 ep 1. Fight your way from the very bottom of the town to the trainstation and... well, escape. ...
City of the Dead Classic
Created by KingDavid
This campaign has been remade, it is highly recommended you download the remake here instead. This version is the original, classic version of the campaign and is not as polished as the remake. The Survivors leave their hiding spot in a set of apartments a...
Cure 2 by Hitten Z Dirten
Created by {aic}
Our survivors crash land delivering "The Cure" to the lab... but the infected find it first... and we must get it back! Follow-on to the original campaign....
Dam It Complete
Created by AkiraTea
TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, now completed to a more finished state by DGB. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together. The C130 makes an emergency landing at a small rural airport and the survivors need to find a new way...
Dam it 2! The Director's Cut
Created by Anna Howell
Much longer first map with a longer walk in through the forest. Cross the bridge and enter the opposite side of the Dam complex then head back across the water and in to the main complex up the elevator and to the top of the Dam for a bespoke finale. This ...
Dark Blood 2 (Coop & Versus)
Created by CastorJudo
The survivors drifted at sea and a tankership seems deserted. But it's filled with infected. The survivors must try to restart the tankership motor, if they want to join the oil plateform where a helicopter was heading. have fun. 4 maps campaign map 1 : Ta...
Dark Waters
Created by JohnnyRamoneBR
After crashing their bus, the survivors must cross swamps and towns to find a way out of this hell....
Dead Center: Rebirth
Created by
A remake campaign of Dead Center (My first work) 죽음의 센터 리메이크 맵입니다. 첫작이라 부족한 부분이 많을 수도 있습니다. 버그 제보나 건의사항은 댓글이나 제 프로필 댓글에 써주시면 검토하도록 하겠습니다....
Dead Flag Blues 2
In a desolate and zombie infested world you and your group try to find some refuge. Your last hope may be an abandoned train station on the other side of town. Thanks for Juxtapox for give me permission to port it to L4D2, my friend Caio for poster, The Re...
Dead Series V5 (latest)
Created by Fabien
PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ABOUT THE CRANE NOT LOWERING CORRECTLY, IS IT A KNOW BUG AND WILL BE FIXED IN DeadSeries V6 COMING OUT SOON (soon) ... sooon??? Oh well...soon enough ;p 4 Survivors escaped and stole a hummer in the military base in wich they were su...
Dead Vacation (Ported from L4D)
Created by KingDavid
Creator of the map is Markus Niklasson (Manneklint). There are two versions included in the VPK, and . The one is the finale as it was on the original campaign, the one is a modified version to be more of a standard L4D2 finale for those that may prefer it...
Death Row
Created by Saleck
Originally made in 2009 and ported from L4D1 to L4D2, As the only known group of survivors left, you and your group must make your way through the town and out to an abandoned prison for shelter or for some kind of rescue. This campaign was my first attemp...
Derailed v5
Created by Rick_0_Shay
A brand new 4 level campaign for Autumn 2020. A long running project finally completed due to Covid-19 lockdown. A train wreck an underground lab and a zombie prison riot, can this day get any worse? Featuring original maps created by Rick_0_Shay and oodid...
Detour Ahead
Created by boogada
Detour Ahead campaign....
Devil Mountain
Created by Pips
The survivors find themselves trapped in the suburbs with Devil Mountain looming large in the distance, its emergency beacon activated. Is it a call for rescue, or a warning of danger? Climb the back of the beast and find out! Devil Mountain is a sprawling...
Facility 13
Created by raul
NOTE: Make sure your game is PRIVATE (non-joinable). The map WILL crash if someone joins mid-game. You can play this map as a CAMPAIGN (AKA helicopter escape) or as SURVIVAL (infinite hordes, infinite gas). The infection has spread beyond the confines of F...
Farewell Chenming
Created by ŠĦĪFŦ
The 4 survivors known the Chen Ming city is the final evacuation sites, they had to go through untold hardships to the town square from a road, a small town, they can see the dawn of the second day? enjoy campaign v3.0 Fixed finale level lag v4.0 More know...
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
Created by Deep Thunder
During the day, it's a place of joy. But you aren't here during the day. Now including checkpoints and jumpscares. Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! From your small office you must prevent the restaurant from any intruders and put F...
GoldenEye 4 Dead
Created by Fabien
GoldenEye 4 Dead created by David "marshmallow" Gibbons. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/3198 GoldenEye 4 Dead Version: 1.3 (Complete) Last Updated: 08/15/13 Released: 08/15/13 Author: David "marshmallow" Gibbons Publisher: marshmallow Maps: 3/3...
Created by Lou Saffire
Volcanic activity has suddenly started occuring on a massive scale resulting in deadly lava flows and destructive earthquakes. Breaking down on an unstable freeway during an earthquake just adds to the string of bad luck the downtrodden survivors have deal...
Half-Life 2: Highway 17(L4D2) v2.1
Created by 桃李果树
The survivors were trapped in a dock, they must go through Highway 17 to find the evacuation point and call for help to leave out here. Author: taoliguoshu(editor) Version: 2.1 Warning: The version 2.1 use new materials and models of half-life 2, and may b...
Heaven Can Wait II
After surviving an air crash, the survivors turn out to be in most epicenter of the contamination. The Military has already left all attempts to rescue survivors in the region. Thanks to L4D1 authors to give me permission to convert it to L4D2, to my frien...
Tour of Terror
Created by novalin
Tour of Terror is a 5 level custom campaign for L4D2 Four American tourists in Eastern Europe are holding up in a large hostel after the zombie apocalypse has plagued the Earth. Their food and water supplies are running thin, and the hostel, which was once...
ToyZ 2
Created by Alan
Welcome back to ToyZ! Now featuring more escape routes! Thanks for the support everybody! This map has secrets, but I won't tell you where the hard ones are. There are teddy bears around the map, if you press E on them they activate different things in the...
True FangShi
Created by Thunder _Germany~*
This file was downloaded from GameMaps.com Uploader: mixmedia Author: Mixmedia After the crash survivors must find their way through doomed locations of China. ...
Undead Smackdown
Created by KILLER 9639
My first attempt at a campaign! be nice. Undead Smackdown is a campaign based on the journey to an arena where a wrestling match between the wrestling legends Ric Flair and Randy Savage was going to take place. However the infection spread forcing the matc...
Urban Flight
Created by The Rabbit
The city is burning. As ash falls, the survivors attempt to flee to a small military airfield on the other side of the river. It's a straight path down the main boulevard, but nothing is ever simple. Crashed cars, blazing fires, police barricades, and the ...
Vienna Calling
Created by Flute
Vienna Calling 1 created by 44Vmapping. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2119...
Vienna Calling 2 (real version 3)
Created by Trunten
The sequel campaign 'Vienna Calling 2' further hunts its tourists through the streets of Vienna. Unfortunately, you don't have the time for sightseeing, as hordes of Viennese zombies want you like a drunkard wants his schnitzel at 4 am after a night of hea...
Wan li
Created by CastorJudo
Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis are in an airliner in distress. They ditch the airliner in mid-flight over China... Many areas of this campaign are based on the real Great Wall of China. 3 maps campaign map 1 : Great Plane map 2 : Great Wall map 3 : Great ...
We Don't Go To Ravenholm
Created by Chuffy [s^3]
This is a port of the Ravenholm maps from Half Life 2. This is NOT original work, all I did was modify some areas to be suitable for Left 4 Dead 2, all credit goes to Valve for the maps. If you encounter a problem with the campaign, please check the FAQ be...
Welcome to Hell
Created by Flute
Welcome to Hell created by Garfield!!. http://www.gamemaps.com/details/2248...
White Forest
Created by oi
White Forest By ported by Missed Updated: 05/20/16 "Four survivors were riding the train accident occurred near the white forest, they had to trek across multiple regions of the white forest, and finally reach a radio stations and seek help. v2.0 Modify th...
White Hole (Survival & Scavenge)
Created by CastorJudo
You are on a Aperture space station, you have to choose survive hordes of infected or refuel a UFO to escape. Survival and Scavenge mode only. My participation to the l4dmaps.com contest space/planets. I was very inspired by the movie Moon. I recommend you...
Created by t-bone
You have been kept as human test subjects in an underground biological weapon research facility. A brief power failure has allowed a dangerous mutagen, code-named ZMB-13, to escape into the environment, turning everyone in the facility into the walking dea...
【L4D2】Ultimate Special Spawner Training
Author:是我星魂哒 【CN】 Uploader : 雪が落るCarmel 【CN】 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933815190129255998/51A4926FE00F816B3EDAEA47AAC96003F8F72CAA/ 1. Automatic blood return system (completed) 2. Self rescue system (completed) 3. One button bhop system (c...
广州增城 (Zengcheng)Lv7.3
Created by 爱都有罪love
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 zc_m1 zc_m2 zc_m3 zc_m4 zc_m5 BGM:海阔天空、迎春花、今年胜旧年、十五的月亮(潮汕版)、Fell for U 解决闪退问题:1,选项视频使用推荐设置,2,取消订阅个别导致闪退mod 用爱发电,喜欢的话可以滑到下面支持一下 》 》 》 》 》...
旅行日Trip Day
Created by TaigaAi
这是我第一次制作的地图,一开始想要自己制作一张适合对抗的地图于是就学习hammer然后做出来了。。。 这张地图可能有一些细节或者光照上的瑕疵,但本人能力有限无法尽力解决,请见谅。 由于做图初衷是为了对抗,因此战役模式会有安全室bug,也不想改了,但不会影响到游戏体验的放心吧。 本图由生还者四人从郊野到达城市,搭乘航班逃离的故事。途径火车站、农场、下水道,回到野外,进入商城到达加油站。 百度网盘下载地址:{LINK REMOVED} 最后希望大...
生还之锋-重制版(fos_remake) V6
Created by Aiden锋锋
6.0调整了药的位置,使之不会刷在非主要道路中,修复了对抗下一部分不同模式的触发会冲突导致的bug。 全新的生还之锋地图,可以和旧版共存。更新点和特性详见介绍: 视频介绍: --------------------------------- B站介绍视频 --------------------------------- 总体调整: 1,所有关卡支持战役,药役,对抗模式 2,药役和对抗模式的坦克数量固定为1,救援为2 3,所有关卡的广告纹理进行了焕然一新的重置 4,增加了大量的彩蛋和隐藏内容 5,修改了关卡...
(coop) LostSchool 战役地图:逃离学院
Created by Sapphire
The author is me This is my school~ map lost map lostschool_2 map lostschool_3 welcome to play~ ...
Fazbear's Fright: The Horror Attraction
Created by Deep Thunder
EDIT 6/14/2022: I don't recommend playing this map. However, If you're a fan of FNaF, you may find certain enjoyment out of this. To emphasize: there are no checkpoints, easter eggs, or a reasonable balance. As much as I'd love to go back and optimize or r...
Grey Scale
Created by Thegreen16
Fight your way through 4 complete levels, beginning in an abandoned office to the rooftops of a factory. GreyScale is a campaign I've worked on for a while a couple years ago. It's not perfect and there might be bugs. I plan to remake the levels in the com...
Haunted Forest (Author's upload) - Fixed finale
Created by Snow
This is the Haunted Forest campaign, re-uploaded by the author himself (that's me). Back in the days when I published this campaign, the Steam Workshop didn't yet exist. After all these years, I decided to put it on the Workshop myself. The finale was fixe...
Time to Die (Campaign)
Created by Kyle H. McCloud
The Survivors Travel Through Time and Space! (1.6) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After narrowly escaping from yet another Infected horde, four desperate Southern Survivors decide to search for a secret government lab...
The Last Volt
Created by breakfastbat
The survivors find themselves amidst an expanding zombie apocalypse. Caught offguard, a fire starts to consume the apartment they were holing up in, and they must find a way to escape the building and the city. The power plant serves as the final obstacle ...
The Island (Survival Map)
Created by zeza
The 4 survivors were stranded on an island that is full of zombies, try to survive 10 minutes. Map originally created for "Survival Mod" the future will come "Scavenge" and "Campaign". Thanks to everyone who liked the map. And thanks to everyone who helped...
The Curse of Lazar Castle
Created by K.
~{ History }~ On the mist moutains of Transylvania, the strange and ancient castle of Lazar remains in silence. Some say that its abandoned. Some say that strange lights shine on night. No one ever dare to come too close. A journalism student decides to do...
The Seal of Asrahmat
Created by Imaculata
A one-map Halloween campaign with a unique finale and a lot of custom content. New textures, models, items, sounds, music and an all new terrifying enemy! This campaign will require some puzzling and searching for key items, so enable Instructor Hints in t...
Helm's Deep -Fixed-
Created by JAiZ
The battle of Helms Deep is back, and now finally safe to play! After the version uploaded by SeriouS_Samurai was set to friends-only visibility, a lot of players were left wondering whether they will ever be able to play this iconic Lord of the Rings map ...
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Zombies
https://www.gamemaps.com/details/2613 Chapter number : 3 (+1 bouns map you can load it with type "map indiana_adventure_whole" at console It just connects all 3 maps) ...
Created by K.
Labirinferno was my first campaign, so at that time I was learning how to make a map. It was supposed to be a just for fun thing, but at some point it became a real goal. In general, the map doesn't make any sense. There's no narrative nor context to anyth...
Land of oblivion V2.71
Created by 月兔鸽
Number of chapters: 5 Recommended difficulty: normal It took one year to create this graph 👍 Thank you for your support~ map threedays01 map threedays02 map threedays03 map threedays04 map threedays05 ———————————————————————————— 22023.5.7 v2.71 Thank you ...
Left 4 Mario
PLS IF U WANT TO DO A DONATION JUST CLIKC TO REWARD ⊂_ヽ   \\ _    \( •_•) F     < ⌒ヽ A    /   へ\ B    /  / \\ U    レ ノ   ヽ_つ L   / / O   / /| U  ( (ヽ S  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) / `ノ )  Lノ (_/...
Let's Build: Catacombs
Created by RichyVO
The catacombs are a deep and ancient ruins that have taken the lives of many adventurers whom have stepped at its front door. Our survivors find themselves taking the challenge of the catacombs in hopes of escaping to a much safer place than before. NOTE: ...
Military Industrial Complex II
Created by The Thug Shaker
*I am just uploading this campaign to the Steam Workshop. All credit for the creation of this campaign goes to Garbage Boy. I have not edited any part of this campaign. This is my first upload, so if there happen to be any problems with the download/instal...
Created by TaigaAi
第二张对抗地图 ======Notice====== ①每张地图都会有1“tank”1“witch”; ②添加了自定义的模型与tank音乐; Thanks for your playing! 更新: 救援关添加了对话机的位置提示; 修改了第二关和第三关的路程分 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2446096712128702181/526FF3315655932B9CFA5D220C91DFF5B11874CB/?imw=5000&imh=5000&im...
Created by Alan
https://i.imgur.com/gmaqOA3.png If you like my work and would like to see more, you can support me directly by donating. And if not, a nice comment or feedback on my maps would be much appreciated. :) Thank you! Welcome to Outrun City! Here is a Retrowave/...
Created by <<J4CK>>
No credit to me! An upload of an underrated favourite from l4dmaps, which I couldn't find in the Workshop. A solid campaign with a 28 Weeks Later vibe. Stay ahead of the gas! Excellent story, great voice acting, imaginative interactive events, and the most...
Pitch Dark Mesa
Created by Remort
Another day another chopper crash, this time the survivors find them selfs trapped at an abandoned research facility. And the only way out is down to the core. Survivors must escape from half life's black mesa complex. This campaign uses five maps on each ...
Precinct 84 | 4-Map Campaign ( 2018 Edition )
Created by Payne☣
This is a L4D1 campaign I created in 2011. This version is for Left 4 Dead 2 and has updated visuals, same map layout and fun gameplay but better looking. This campaign contains 4 maps starting at high noon and slowly changes to the last minute of dusk in ...
Resident Evil 1
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group An incident with the chopper forces the survivors to get into a big house in the middle of Raccoon Forest... -THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW: Important: Enable the instructor hints in Options>multiplayer. This campaign use custom hints to hel...
Resident Evil 2 - Side A
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side B can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762715214 1. This is not a recreation, it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 2 (Leon A) and is play...
Resident Evil 2 - Side B
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group Things you have to know: It is a double campaign, Side A can be downloaded here http://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=762591677 0. I speak Spanish and some English. I'm from Argentina, if you use another language I wont...
Resident Evil 3
Created by Roku - cuenta vieja
Roku's Discord Group New update after The Last Stand! -Addon campaign based on Resident Evil 3 Nemesis from PSOne. Maps full of puzzles and challenges while you survive the hordes. Coop map re3m1 ... Uptown map re3m2 ... RPD map re3m3 ... Downtown map re3m...
Salvation Falls
A 4 map campaign set in the foggy mountain town of Salvation Falls. This campaign supports Co--op and Versus modes and includes several new survival maps... Credit to Dulvesi for the character poses used in the new poster! You can find more of my Left 4 De...
Santa can I go out and kill tonight 2?
Created by Tisa
This is a SURVIVAL map with an ending! Santa just finished delivering presents to survivors christmas-safe house when he fell of his sledge and got frozen in the lake behind the house.The sledge is still circling the house and it's up to our survivors to c...
Silent Fear
Created by EvolvedAnt
Fight your way with friends through a haunted town searching for 5 hidden symbols which are randomly placed at the start of every play through, some parts of the map include custom scripted events and areas as well as a brand new boss infected complete wit...
Star Wars Death Star Survival Map [WIP] V_05
Created by Nicky_Da_B
Star Wars! DEMO: This is a work in progress map. See how long you can last in this survival map on the deathstar. Geometry and textures based off of content of Death Star map from SW: Battlefront 2, Jedi Knight, and star wars films. Follow the dev blog her...
Super Mario 64 Castle Survival
Created by Chief_B33f
Play scavenge and survival in the castle from Super Mario 64! IF YOU SEE PINK AND BLACK SQUARES WHERE THE SKY SHOULD BE: The problem is your "shader detail" setting. To fix this go to options>video>advanced options>shader detail. it must be set to at least...
Surrounded by the Dead II
Make your way through the dead city to the docks! Thanks to Aynekko (AGRESSOR) to give me permission to convert his awesome work and Marcos Outsider from "Project Detonado" YT channel for thumbnail. ...
Infection Overdrive
Created by JohnnyRamoneBR
The survivors escape from the highway in Road to Ruin was short lived. They crashed their truck a few days later, and now must proceed on foot towards an once vibrant city where they hope to find the military. The lights still shine bright all around, but ...
Lockdown DLC
Created by a1ex MVP
https://i.imgur.com/I0Ar14U.png 5 maps Chapter 1 has a hidden room with loot Combination of daytime and nighttime maps Players can choose to play chapter 4 in either bright or dark mode Supports survival mode The virus outbreak holds a death grip on the Un...
Night Terror
Created by NIPPER
Night Terror by NIPPER and Dr.Boo This is a very old campaign that was never finished. This whole campaign was one big experiment that I never really got to work how I wanted. It was abandoned after this initial release because of lack of interest in Left ...
Open Road
Created by ICS⭐
The chopper where our 4 survivors escaped in The Parish campaign, has fallen into harms way. Co-pilot of the chopper was not immune and started to turn into infected. The other pilot got bitten by the infected one but managed to land the chopper. However. ...
Nacht der Untoten remake V2
Created by XSOUND
To download, press the subscibe button You can also download map here http://www.l4dmaps.com/details.php?file=9504 Map type: A fan remake of World at War's zombie map that started it all. Includes exclusive nazi zombies common infected models, barricade sy...
No Echo Remastered V1.01
Created by ty
This map is a remake version of "No Echo" which was removed. It's version 1.01. A lot of bugs were fixed. We have been on the highway for 30 miles and the signs indicate that we are about to arrive at Crescent City ahead. Unluckily, the road into the city ...
Plague Tale
Created by Kryogen
Inspired by A Plague Tale Innocence GameMaps: https://www.gamemaps.com/details/25163 MAP INFO: - 4 Maps - L4D1 Characters - 2 Hidden Stuff - Enable Hints CONSOLE CODE: - Map1: pt_home1 - Map2: pt_village2 - Map3: pt_retributution3 - Map4: pt_conclusion4 Cr...
Red City
Created by TheFuzZY
Campaign : Red City Survivors must fight their way through an infested city before holding out for a rescue helicopter on the rooftops. Level 1 name : Red Streets Level 2 name : Red Roofs Picture is owned by - http://www.zombie-guide.com/wp-content/uploads...
Red Tide
Created by Monsterman94
(Instructor hints are highly recommended) Dropped off in a seemingly abandoned town in Florida, the survivors must make their way to their own little slice of paradise... safety....
Redemption 2 (Complete)
Created by Terminus
Just an upload of the final release on gamemaps. All credit goes to Morloc. Original description as follows: 'Redemption takes place midway through the L4D comic strip, it continues the story after the survivors flee the military base they were taken to af...
Prison Break
The company is based on the American TV series (Prison Break) "Escape". The company has 4 chapters. 1. Fox River. (The beginning of the company, you will find yourself in the famous Fox River Prison). "75% of the series, all made from standard textures and...
Roadkill (Coop & Versus)
Created by Lou Saffire
Following from crash course, Francis, Zoey, Bill and Louis find themselves trapped on a highway junction, fighting for freedom! A new 4 map campaign from Lou Saffire with awesome versus gameplay ! Game Modes: Coop, Singleplayer,Versus,Realism Versus Check ...
Stargate SG-4 v2
Created by green
This is old campaign that I made long time ago. I didnt upload it to Workshop since campaign is not that good, IMO, but Im uploading this now becose Im preparing upgrade for this campaign and I need some feedback, so please post it in comments below. There...
RMS Titanic (v2.0.1)
Created by ThisKid55
Version 2.0.1 available now including fixes for prop ERROR signs and more! The survivors find themselves stuck on the ill-fated ocean liner with a ship full of disease-ridden zombies. They must make their way from their 2nd class cabin on F-Deck up to the ...