Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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More Food Pack [41.78+/MP]
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12 févr. 2022 à 4h58
24 déc. 2022 à 6h12
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More Food Pack [41.78+/MP]


This is the latest version of the mod, unfortunately due to work I don't have time to do it. The mod is very simple, so there should be no problems with the new versions, besides, with the release of 42 builds, where crafting stations and npcs will be added, I will try to start making the second version of the mod, where I will implement a lot of new things (maybe I will take a vacation for this, lol)

Food, medicine and much more.

Module 1
Module 2
Improved storage of things
Module 3
Sports nutrition
Module 4
Module 5
Energy drinks
Module 6
Foraging and Farming

Content of modules


Это последняя версия мода, к сожалению из-за работы у меня нет времени заниматься им. Мод устроен очень просто поэтому никаких проблем с новыми версиями быть не должно, к тому же с выходом 42 билда, где добавят крафт станции и нпс, я постараюсь начать делать вторую версию мода, где реализую все, что было здесь, а так же добавлю много нового (возможно возьму ради этого отпуск, лол)

Еда, лекарства и многое многое другое.

Модуль 1
Продукты питания
Модуль 2
Улучшенное хранение вещей
Модуль 3
Спортивное питание
Модуль 4
Лекарственные средства
Модуль 5
Энергетические напитки
Модуль 6
Собирательство и Фермерство

Содержимое модулей


Workshop ID: 2751106077
Mod ID: xXMoksXxEnergyDrinks
Mod ID: xXMoksXxFoods
Mod ID: xXMoksXxForagingAndFarming
Mod ID: xXMoksXxMedicine
Mod ID: xXMoksXxPackaging
Mod ID: xXMoksXxPackaging(NoLoot)
Mod ID: xXMoksXxSportingGoods
Discussions populaires Tout voir (4)
12 nov. à 20h30
Совместимость со Здравым смыслом
28 janv. à 11h12
ÉPINGLÉ : Translation
28 avr. 2022 à 9h41
ÉPINGLÉ : Content of modules
176 commentaires
JoJo  [créateur] 18 nov. à 23h01 
@Deadbabyguadelupe, pour water into a glass, then add a gainer to it, then heat it in the microwave. Yes, I know that the gainer does not need to be heated in real life, but unfortunately I could not get around this limitation of the game engine.
Deadbabyguadelupe 16 nov. à 22h12 
How do i use gainer
JoJo  [créateur] 31 aout à 1h24 
@aquelarrefox, Unfortunately, at the moment the game does not provide an exact chance of objects appearing, I tried to minimize the appearance of boxes, but even with the most minimal values, they appear too often. As I understand it, this is more like a dice roll, where each side is responsible for its loot and the more mods and items you have in them, the more loot you will receive, even if you use the minimum loot settings. You can use an alternative version that completely disables the appearance of boxes. Sorry for my English, I use machine translation.
aquelarrefox 24 aout à 21h58 
Could be Reduced spawn mod for the food boxes?
geen alien car 4 juin à 11h15 
Great mod Also love the bosnia ahh chocolate on the thumbnail
pgames-food 13 mai à 11h43 
this way, we can keep finding these invoices, like a paper trail, and then when we have enough of them, we can use 10 basic recipes, to convert (track down) the final destination of the shipment, and convert it into the actual Food Box :)

eg, convert 10x "food pack invoices-sardines" into 1x Sardines Food Pack (which has the 20 sardines inside) :lunar2019grinningpig:
pgames-food 13 mai à 11h43 
hi jojo you mods sound really cool :lunar2019piginablanket:

when i saw that there were 2 versions of the food boxes (packaging, and lootable) i had 1 idea to suggest for you :) (its similar to what i did in my mod for rimworld)

basically, is there a way for you to make a 3rd version, which allows packaging multiple foods into boxes, BUT, also allows "food pack invoices" to be found, wherever a food package is set in the distributions?

so for example, any place where the lootable version would have had a chance of finding a food box, it instead gives a random type of "food pack invoice"?

for example "food pack invoice-sardines" or "food pack invoice-dogfood" etc
aquelarrefox 3 mai à 6h53 
could you add a pack of coffe (vanilla) 4 or 6
VictorLeGrande 21 mars à 18h12 
is this still being worked on?
bestia 21 févr. à 10h55 
Привет Подскажи пожалуйста какой файл нужно редактировать чтобы не было спавна лута в зомби или ещё лучше просто уменьшить его ?