Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

45 ratings
Another Survival Pack - Vol.1
Content: Maps, Enemies
Game Mode: Survival
Other: Music
File Size
270.550 MB
1 Dec, 2021 @ 1:32pm
3 Dec, 2021 @ 10:28am
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Another Survival Pack - Vol.1

In 1 collection by Thanadrax
Thanadrax SV Maps: SS4
4 items
It was a hard day. Sit tight, spend some time shooting aliens for the sake of fun

Welcome to the APS - Another Pack'O'Survival, volume 1!
This pack contains 7 unique, different from each other survival maps with their own strategy.
Hop in, and hope you will have fun! I surely had while making these maps and testing them.

Cyborg.SeriousSite - testing and flashlight for Hunt in the night
PikaCommando for suggesting music for nice maze

Music used:
Jets'n'Guns OST
The Talos Principle OST
Serious Sam Classics TSE POANL2 mod OST
Binding of Isaac Revelations CH1 mod OST

Below is the description for each map.

Base Intruders

Intruders! Right on your fellow village! What a stupidity, they knew little about you being able to produce resources in canisters.

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆

It shouldn't be hard to pass this map on gold on first try.
Hint: Canisters throw out resources as effective as you kill enemies on the map. Keep circling around entire map!

Hunt in the Night

It's a chill dark night, and there's just one riddle left - who is hunter and who is prey?

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

It can be hard depending on how fast you eliminate enemies.
Hint: That's a very strange map regards its playstyle. Melee is your main helper here. Also, i don't recommend playing this map with more than 4 players at once.

Farmer's day

What a good way to celebrate another day of living. Just destroy as much alien bastards as you can, and go back to sleep under chill music.

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Enemies may overwhelm you at certain moments.
Hint: AR, RL, and SR ammo are respawning. Everything else should be treated carefully.

Forest Scout

You were sent to the forest inside of canyon to push back forces coming from Mental's portal. Being a simple scout, you might think about resource economy.

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Very small resource quantity, only armor and health respawn. Don't miss the moment when enemies begin to outnumber you.
Hint: Don't be afraid to go back, and use all you have when needed. Don't be greedy!

On the Pillars

Sky high pillars with incredibly sloppy surface and ability to annoy the spirit out of you. Yep.

Difficulty: ★★★★★

Scarce choice of weapons, lots of enemies, and insanely hostile level layout. Be very careful when jumping.
Hint: Eliminate targets as fast as possible, care about everything else later.

nice maze

That's definitely a nice maze. It's also one of the mazes ever made.

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

Randomly thrown resources and enemies. It's going to be a hella lot of fun.
Hint: It doesn't matter here where you are exactly. Go everywhere, don't camp, or they will easily outnumber you. Don't be greedy about chainsawgun.

Quite Cold

Death is approaching. It all depends on you. How are you going to act when you have two choices?

Difficulty: ★★★★★

Main feature of this map is the hunting bosses side. You may leave them be and keep yourself cozy, but constant waves of enemies will make a deal of you.
Hint: Hunt bosses. After killing witch, wait for "Something is in the Woods", and check the woods.
Merim 23 Jan @ 6:42pm 
I appreciate your awareness though, I think it can be potentially good if updated some little more stuff to make survival more easier.
Thanadrax  [author] 23 Jan @ 8:25am 
yeah i agree it sucks balls
sadly didnt figure it before
Merim 23 Jan @ 12:14am 
Just wanna say, Hunt in the Night is not fun at all. Give us at least a knife rather than take away, the execution animation itself is already janky and forcing us to do it is just unfair. Shouldnt even be 2 star at this point, feels more like 5 star.
Thanadrax  [author] 24 May, 2024 @ 3:21am 
Я тоже не знаю откуда она
Кот пукнул в рот 13 May, 2024 @ 10:21am 
Cool maps, especially because of music. What plays on Farm? I just can't find this track even using the searching program.
Кот пукнул в рот 12 May, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
Farm's music is masterpiece
Thanadrax  [author] 2 Dec, 2021 @ 8:35pm 
Bif ost is used only on one map and I'm not changing it.
Pacing is fair according to medal times.
Spy's Cr3ed 2 Dec, 2021 @ 5:45pm 
Visually all of them looks good, really like the farm and snow map, but the pacing is waayy too slow there's barely any enemies coming for long time and in some cases just ran out of patience.

Some maps doesn't have barrier bounds and you can easily just get over.

Also a reminder... please.. don't use breakfast in france ost 1!1!!! It's so overused in like big chunk of community's maps, if you see grass you're like 100% sure there'll be french track you'll have to listen over and over... there's plenty of music you can pick from other SS games and even indie ones or just get some good fitting tracks from other places
"Happiest" Snake 2 Dec, 2021 @ 9:47am 
Всегда жду и с удовольствием прохожу) Удачи вам в вашем творчестве и проекте на конкурс!:steamthumbsup:
Thanadrax  [author] 2 Dec, 2021 @ 9:42am 
Спасибо большое! Я очень рада, что вам понравилось.
Ожидайте в будущем больше проектов от меня как на выживание, так и на прохождение.