Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

142 ratings
Better Renaissance Cultures
File Size
3.465 MB
19 Jul, 2021 @ 7:56am
26 Sep, 2023 @ 8:06am
46 Change Notes ( view )

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Better Renaissance Cultures

Better Renaissance Cultures

This mod aims to give the most accurate cultural map possible, taking to account language families and how cultural identity and heritage developed and diverged during the late medieval era to the Renaissance.

Specific additions to the mod include

New Cultures and Culture Groups

D'oc Culture Group
- Catalan, Aragonese, Gascon, Occitan
Aramaic Culture Group
- Syriac, Assyrian
- Albanian
- Basque
- Khemetic ( Old Egpytian/Coptic )
- Vlach, Moldavian, Transylvanian
- Cypriot, Griko, Kretan, Cappadocian
East Germanic
- Gothic ( Must be de-hellenized by playing as an byzantophobic Theodoro. )


Visual mods should be mostly compatible aside from the ones who change the colors of the culture groups.
Mods which changes the Cultural landscape should be assumed to be incompatible without a patch until known otherwise.
Map mods and total conversions are incompatible without a patch.

It is as the thumbnail says "A slightly more accurate cultural map" this mod is still a work in progress so if you find any inaccuracy on what has already been worked on or any region you think need our focus feel free to leave it on the comments.

Various cultures have been rearranged and moved into different culture groups to better reflect their relationships with said cultures.

Hope you enjoy!
heffy 3 Jan @ 4:53am 
little bug with the mod none of the iberian cultures can establish organizations
migueldeunha 19 May, 2024 @ 11:44am 
If u plan to update, may I suggest a few changes?
- Revisiting the Nilotic and Cushitic group maybe creating a 3rd gruop for Ethiopics.
.- Cushitic (Beja, Afar, Somali, Sidamo)
.- Nilotic (Nubian, Acholi)
.- Ethiopic (Ahmara, Afar, Harari)
- Adding new cultures and groups in the Caucasus
.- Pontic/West Caucasian (Abkhaz (new), Ubykh (new), Circassian (old))
.- Kartvelian (Mergelian (new), Laz (new), Georgian (old))
.- Caspian/East Caucasian (Dagestan, Nakh (old in mod Avar), Lezgic)
Triple5Filth 6 Apr, 2024 @ 5:48pm 
mutb_ 28 Mar, 2024 @ 4:51am 
wtf? why does Chernihiv have moscovite culture? this is a Ukrainian city, and always has been
Iterial 27 Mar, 2024 @ 9:44am 
problem noticed : not able to choose great turkish navy as ottobros
Keksburg 21 Feb, 2024 @ 5:27am 
There are 94 strings in text_l_english.yml which have been changed in vanilla by PDS but not yet in your mod. Perhaps there is a way to release only the strings modded instead of the whole file, for which there would be a big and task to follow the vanilla update
Timminator03 25 Jan, 2024 @ 5:49pm 
Love the mod, there's nothing else like it. Unfortunately I am unable to form Persia when using the mod and when I brute force it to form using Catus Cheats and then try to form Eranshahr the whole country disappears and turns into uncolonized land. I hope that this can be solved easily.
Certified Investment Banker 14 Jan, 2024 @ 6:39am 
Love the mod. All the cultures make the game more historic and fun, but i found that holy orders and tercio units dont work for castile/spain/portugal
yeehaw 10 Dec, 2023 @ 1:34pm 
ante bellum version?
migueldeunha 5 Dec, 2023 @ 4:35am 
Would be an option maybe adding Mandaic in Lower Mesopotamia in the Aramaic group?