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What is sGunplay

sGunplay is the second module of the much more ambitious sUDE project.
Its main goal is to give a slightly more hardcore and different experience, but carefully balanced to don't make it feel much different from the vanilla game, while improving the PvP (and PvE) in many aspect.

Key aspects and reasons of the mod

The current DayZ gunplay feels too fast and arcade, with sGunplay I try to fix that problem (Keep in mind that it still lacks some core features, therefore it doesn't completely represent the final vision I have for the gunplay)
  • sGunplay incentives a more thought-out and slightly slower PvP.
  • Running and shooting, rushing enemies while hipfiring and other things that make the game feel like an arcade-type shooter, are less rewarding
  • Your inventory now plays a big role in recoil control, precision and weapon handling. Think twice what weapon to use and what stuff you really need to bring with you when going to PvP hot zones (the sClothing module, with layered clothing, redesigned inventory slots and more, will majorly modify this aspect, so stay tuned)
  • A more dynamic and always different PvP, thanks to the many features added.

Differences from vanilla DayZ

Less arcadeish gameplay
sGunplay rewards a slower paced PvP/PvE
  • Slower AimingDownSight (ADS) time, less snappy, robotic and arcadey animation (procedural ADS times will come with future updates)
  • "Focus" mechanic. Holding your breath will help you focus while in ADS, giving less sway and more precision. The focus speed will change based on the player stance
  • Reduced FieldOfView while aiming ADS, which combined with the new "focus" mechanic incentivate the player to think twice before shooting

Procedural weapon inertia
No more insane 360° flicks with a 5kg weapon, thanks to the new dybamic inertia system based on:
  • Weapon weight
  • Inventory weight
  • Player stance (erect, crouched, prone)
  • Movement speed
  • Hipfire (inertia will be much stronger while hipfiring)
  • Player injury state

Procedural weapon recoil
The weapon recoil system has been remade from scratch, which allowed me to make it more realistic, visually more appealing and more dynamic, based on:
  • Attachments (more to come in the future)
  • Character strength (vanilla softskill you see when you open the inventory)
  • Player stance (erect, crouched, prone)
  • Inventory weight
  • Movement (you'll be able to control recoil much better while standing still)
  • Hipfire (while hipfiring you won't be able to control the recoil very easily)

Completely reworked player cameras
  • Deadzone! It is also possible to tweak the deadzone strength as you wish
  • "PictureInPicture" (PiP) emulation. The mangifying optic lens effect has received a major overhaul to better emulate the dual render technic used by games like Insurgency or EscapeFromTarkov. And it also is compatible with deadzone!
  • The camera is not "tied" to the weapon anymore
  • Customizable DepthOfField while ADS
  • It's possible to Freelook while ADS (only with ironsights and non-magnifying optics)
  • It's possible to visually inspect the weapon (only with ironsights and non-magnifying optics)

Dynamic crosshair
The dynamic crosshair is inspired from the .62 version of DayZ. Such crosshair would help you while hipfiring, showing you where your gun is point at; so it will be much easier to understand if you're shooting a tree or the enemy behind it .
  • It can be enabled/disabled from the menu settings
  • Servers can decide to disable it by toggling the crosshair options in the serverDZ.cfg

Improved sway and stamina drain
  • The weapon sway (caused by the breathing) is a lot more predictable and much easier to control (without crazy spasm from your character).
  • Holding your breath will drain your stamina a bit slower than vanilla. This has been done to compensate the "time" you need to focus, while also making the timing more plausible, gameplay and realism wise

Other additions
  • You will slightly retract your weapon before lifting it up when you're close to hit a wall. It will help you a lot during CQB!

Need help?
Come over to my DISCORD[]

Why does my weapon uncontrollably shakes up and down when aiming?
It's likely that you're using some unlimited stamina mod; unfortunately some of them are implemented incorrectly and cause this issue in sGunplay.
You can implement unlimited stamina, without using any mod, via the cfgGameplay.json configuration file, by editing the fields in the Stamina section

How can I stop my players to change the in-game settings?
You can use server side constraints[] to constrain/lock the settings.
If you're unfamiliar with editing .json files, you can use this helper tool[]

How to make a weapon compatible
- If you use vanilla recoils for your modded weapon, there is nothing you have to do!
- If instead you use a custom recoil and want to make it compatible with sGunplay you may need to specify some more values.
Come in the DISCORD[] for a more detailed guide

How to make an optic compatible
All you have to do is to change the PPMaskProperties and PPLensProperties inside your config.cpp.
In both cases the X and Y position must be set to 0.0
Come in the DISCORD[] for a more detailed guide

Github page
For a better insight give a look at the github page:

You are hereby given monetization approval, as long as you follow the DayZ Server Monetization rules[] and have obtained permission from Bohemia

You are NOT allowed to repack any part of this mod, unless given my explicit consent

Contact me
Found a bug or want to give a suggestion? Feel free to contact me!
Discord server: DISCORD[]

Buy me a coffee
Popular Discussions View All (2)
22 Nov, 2024 @ 3:49pm
Прекрасный мод! Но...
Zeus 👁 29 Jan @ 2:53pm 
That was a very fast reply, not used to that from modders that make actually good mods, thanks, it could be from the infinite stamina, ill try removing that mod
simonvic  [author] 29 Jan @ 2:51pm 
Heyo :)
That is not intended and very likely an incompatibility with an unlimited stamina mod you may be using.
Above in the FAQ you can find some more details. If the issue still persists let me know :)
Zeus 👁 29 Jan @ 2:36pm 
how do i remove the weapon moving up and down constantly, i love every single other feature, and i cant find an option to turn it off in the config files
simonvic  [author] 17 Jan @ 7:22am 
heyo :)
Yeah sGunplay should "work" out for the box with all modded weapons and optics, but it's very likely that a patch is needed to balance the weapons' recoils.

You can find some of these patches (e.g. sGunplay_FLAVA, sGunplay_SNAFU etc.) on my workshop.
Solid Toast 16 Jan @ 7:23pm 
Hey so I was curious on if this works with modded weapons as well?
simonvic  [author] 8 Jan @ 2:17pm 
heyo :)
While aiming down sight, hold the freelook button and the keybind you assigned and move the mouse around :)

Note that it will only work for when aiming down ironsights or non-magnifying optics
George 8 Jan @ 2:11pm 
Hey simonvic, I just tried the freelook feature in and it looks like it's not working? or am I just using it wrong ? I treid to bind it on my mousewheel, push/hold it and move the mouse and nothing happend? Is there any specific binds/use case for that, or ? thanks :steamthumbsup:
DoubleBass 9 Dec, 2024 @ 3:31pm 
Thanks for your answer and interest. I'll gladly join the discord soon. :)
simonvic  [author] 9 Dec, 2024 @ 3:05pm 
heyo DoubleBass :)

> Can I do this myself?
sGunplay has been made so that it is very easy to mod (given that you know how to do some scripting), so there is no need to repack :)

> Hunting Scope's not compliance with lean
it is kind of intentional; the lean doesn't look particularily good with "fullscreen optics", but yeah it can be easily added by overriding a script

> I don't want statistics or any layout
you can do this too :)
Again, you would need to override a couple of scripts; it should be fairly easy :)
Feel free to join the discord, I've recently helped somebody in doing axactly this
DoubleBass 9 Dec, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
Hello simonvic. I like this mode very much and I want to use it on my server. First problem; Hunting Scope's not compliance with lean. Is this a soluble situation? Second problem; Since I want to create a server based on realism, I don't want statistics or any layout. Can I do this myself? Can you do it if I can't do it myself? If none of them are possible, I demand politely repacking.