Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

73 ratings
[GS] Leugi's Itzcoatl Alternate Leader (Aztecs)
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29 May, 2021 @ 4:56pm
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[GS] Leugi's Itzcoatl Alternate Leader (Aztecs)

In 1 collection by Leugi
Patria Grande [Gathering Storm]
14 items
Adds Itzcoatl as an alternate Aztec Leader for Civilization VI - Gathering Storm.

Itzcoatl provides an interesting mix between Conquest, Faith and even a little bit of Culture. Referencing his infamous reform in which he burned the Amoxtli of the lands he wanted to control, as well as in the codices that he used to suggest the divine heritage of the Tlatoani, further strengthening the power of the Mexica alongside Tlacaelel, the leader allows for a civilization that can subdue other civilizations that are leading in district creation to further strengthen his own religious or cultural game.

LUA: Amoxtli Reform
Completely pillaging Campuses, Theater Squares and Holy Sites provides a burst of Faith and Great Writer Points.
Temples and Libraries in Conquered cities receive an additional Great Work of Writing slot.
Creating Great Works of Writing or Relics provides a burst of Era Score.

Agenda: Toltecayotl Heritage
Likes civilizations that follow his Religion, respecting his authority and divine heritage. Dislikes civilizations with more Great Works than him as they tell different stories than that of his linage.

Special Support
The leader ability works with Secret Societies Relics and with Heroes & Legends Heroic Relics. Also, this mod is recommended alongside my Aztec Civlization Rework

NOTE: The leader is not animated, it's a 2D collage.

If you want to provide feedback for this project, check its future progress, or even promote your own civ projects, you can do so at this discord channel!
Resident3000X 11 Feb, 2023 @ 6:29pm 
@Cg_h: if you’re using the Aztec rework, the tlachtli is moved to Montezuma leader ability.
Cg_h 25 Jan, 2023 @ 5:11am 
why doesnt this civ have the tlachtli building? the aztec rework has it. why not this one? and if its no trouble could u add it?
DeadWeatherDrums 22 Apr, 2022 @ 11:01pm 
@Teostra - Very cool idea and I agree. However it may be tough to implement due to game coding mechanics. What say ye, Luigi?

By the way, just discovered all your reworks and am totally digging them. Incentives me to play or replay these civs. I'm firing up the new Mapu folks tonight. Muchos gracias y obregado; I'm mentally buying you a mexcal.
Teostra 9 Dec, 2021 @ 5:08am 

First of all, I love your mods and really appreciate all of the work you have put into them.

Needless to say, Civ IV is one of my most played games. But what always bothered me was the inevitable change in the style of the city over time. It is horrific to see all of these wonderful Mediterranean or Asian buildings turn into gray skyscrapers. Well, most European or Asian cities don't look like that today either. So I have a mod proposal for you: A simple event / button or even a city project that allows you to keep the current city style (maybe every era?) or to set it permanently. Having modern and traditional cities at the same time (and not having skyscrapers in city with a population of 2) would allow much more roleplay and would portray the development of nations and societies more genuine.

Thank you for reading! :)
CyberGamer15 31 May, 2021 @ 12:19am 
Ah cool! I think it does help to show the theme of what Itzcoatl's playstyle is about in game, as well as referencing what he did in real life too. : )
Leugi  [author] 30 May, 2021 @ 5:16pm 
@CyberGamer: Thanks! Itzcoatl is holding an Amoxtli, that is, an Aztec Codex. I decided to add that little detail to further show the whole theme of Itzcoatl's reform of codices and stuff.
CyberGamer15 30 May, 2021 @ 2:02pm 
Nice! I really like the design of this civ, and the leader looks really good too in terms of artwork. : )

One thing I was wondering, though. What is Itzcoatl holding in his other hand, under his arm? It looks rather eye-catching and colourful.
asteropaios 30 May, 2021 @ 9:04am 
my god this is sick good work
choijanggyu 30 May, 2021 @ 7:22am 
I always love your high quality civ mod!
Literally Me 29 May, 2021 @ 6:20pm 
@Leugi okay, thank you for the update!