Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

630 ratings
Shadowrun Unlimited
Story Attributes: New Character
Contains: Story, Props
File Size
18.887 MB
14 Mar, 2014 @ 5:37am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Shadowrun Unlimited

Shadowrun Unlimited is designed to be more than a simple campaign; it's the world of Shadowrun.

-Replayable Runs with random elements, assigned randomly by fixers from their "pool" of runs. Fixers may offer many jobs, but only offer a few at a time. Shadowrunners don't always get to pick exactly what jobs they want to work.

-Sandbox style gameplay.

-Players gain Street Cred for completing runs, along with Karma and Nuyen rewards. Street Cred allows the player to access higher level fixers and merchants.

-Completing runs will cause the player to gain both Heat and Notoriety. Heat causes Lone Star to spawn with greater frequency, and Notoriety will cause them to attack on sight (once a certain threshhold is reached). Heat can also be increased by setting off alarms during runs.

-Players can rent a variety of Safe Houses. Safe houses allow the player to rest and recover their health, as well as lower their Heat rating. More expensive safe houses provide access to cheap support items, more efficient healing, and eventually character buffs. Players can purchase an upgradeable safe house and customize it as they see fit.

-Assault Rifles, SMG's and Shotguns are illegal. If the Lone Star stops you with one of these weapons they will attempt an arrest, violently. This can be avoided buy acquiring a forged Weapon Permit.

-Players can buy DocWagon contracts, which allow them to respawn inside the same zone upon death. The better the contract, the more respawns that are allowed, and the cheaper the service charge. This is however optional for new characters that are having trouble making ends meet.

-Characters with high Charisma are able to negotiate for a little something extra when they are offered a job.

-Designed for new characters. Slower paced gameplay, with money "sinks". Don't expect to max out your character in one sitting, and getting started in Seattle isn't going to be easy. But once you get your feet wet, you'll be making steady money.

-A Taxi System that can be used to travel between all the hub zones.

-NPC runners are hired, and follow you throughout the world until the job is complete (or they are defeated). Players no longer hire runners on a per-map basis. Getting runners killed will increase their future hiring costs, but performing successful runs with them will level it back out.

-A Commlink System that allows players to call their contacts, such as fixers, runners, and of course the taxi. Runners hired over the phone will arrive at the players location within a few seconds. *The Commlink is accessed by clicking on your character, outside of combat.

-There is a basic journal system built in. Whenever you activate your commlink, a brief message will appear guiding you in the right direction.

-A day and night cycle to help bring the world to life. Watch the sun rise and set as you sit idle. Transitioning zones speeds up the process. Some encounters will only happen during certain times of the day.

-A branching story that will take players down different paths depending upon the choices they make. These choices will exclude other options, and create proper repercussions to decisions. And once this story runs it's course, I will begin building another. No need to import characters into a new UGC, you can just wake up in your Safehouse and kick off your next adventure.

-A global Matrix that can be accessed from any jack-points in the world (aside from run maps). Deckers can now hack into the Matrix before a run starts and open MagLock doors, disable security cameras, and more before the team arrives at the run location. When not hacking the Matrix for a run, deckers can earn extra cash by delving into data nodes and retrieving files. There is a certain fixer hanging his hat Downtown that is willing to pay for stolen data files.

-Six special matrix programs, that act like matrix-only attributes. Masking, Exploit, Spoof, Delete, Edit, and Browse. They expand the potential of the matrix, as well as expanding decker growth potential beyond the two skills. Players can now upgrade their Deck Storage to allow for more data files to be downloaded when raiding Datastore.

-A unique system hidden in the world that allows players to weaken their characters in exchange for special rewards, effectively allowing infinite karma spending.

-Integrated Tracker's Street Samurai's Catalogue. Fleshed out the rest of the items such as spells and cyberdecks to fall in-line with the same financial scale as Tracker's cyberware.

*This UGC is not "finished". The current story is not complete, and the world is not completely "fleshed out". This is completely playable, but is under a constant state of development with on average, a large update every week (not including bug fixes). This game will probabaly never be "done" as I will always be expanding upon it, so don't be afraid to jump in now.

*If you like this UGC don't forget to give it a thumbs up! And if you have an ideas, or would like to lend a hand, look at the discussions below and... well you should be able to figure it out. ENJOY!

*Special Thanks to the developers who help bring Shadowrun Unlimited to life:
Tracker- for the "Street Samurai's Catalogue"
backburnercomics- for "Memphis Motors"
Mad Hatter- for the "Nature Pack"
Asmodean13- the "Arbor's Embrace story"
Popular Discussions View All (2)
4 Sep, 2021 @ 8:24am
Deckers & Riggers
Alzrr Greysten
11 Aug, 2019 @ 7:22am
Bugs Busting
JamesB192 14 Jan, 2024 @ 1:31am 
Safehouse rent and a Doc Wagon contract? Maybe with a little stock market fluctuation.
Croaker 13 Jan, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
Curious, whenever I get paid on a mission, I lose 225 creds afterwards?
Lean Drox 15 Nov, 2023 @ 10:51pm 
Realmente divertido e increíble, le da nueva vida a este clásico!
Really fun and amazing, it gives new life to this classic!
JamesB192 12 Jun, 2023 @ 10:17am 
No, it's 6 by default until cyberware is added. It also does not just come back after the cyberware is removed.
*****fortimjesusf 26 Mar, 2023 @ 9:32pm 
Just dipped my toe into this one before going to the newer version on Dragon but is the starting essence supposed to be 5.5?? I feel like im missing something......
TheDM73 7 Jan, 2023 @ 9:00am 
Can't seem to be able to download this anymore. Was this the mod that remade the Sega Genesis version as one of the stories? Looking forward replaying this scenario.
Mazakax 16 Jul, 2022 @ 8:28am 
thank you!:lunar2019piginablanket:
JamesB192 16 Jul, 2022 @ 5:47am 
Go down-left at the left corner of the Redmond barrens.
Mazakax 16 Jul, 2022 @ 4:53am 
hey i dont know if anyone still plays this but i cant seem to find my way to the Cemetery? mod is fun great work
CookieMonster 22 Feb, 2022 @ 1:39am 
Way too much time spent spent going from load screen to load screen because it requires you to grind away on way too many missions. I encountered issues with characters I needed to talk to but they were impossible to click on. I also found buildings that were not ready for my place in the storyline and kicked me out abruptly.