Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

63 ratings
Quad Connecting Station Track Set
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28.661 MB
28 Nov, 2020 @ 8:46pm
18 Dec, 2020 @ 12:11pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Quad Connecting Station Track Set

Bypass and Dual Island Station Tracks with connections for Quad Train Tracks. Requires the listed Quad Train Tracks for the bypass catenary.

I’ve added a separate Dual Island ground segment and Bypass elevated segment in an attempt to achieve MOM compatibility, currently the elevated portion of the dual island tracks and the ground portion of the bypass tracks are MOM compatible but the other sections are not. The newly added segments are functional but have not yet achieved MOM compatibility and are experimental and subject to change.

Included are 2 4 assets, Dual Island Tracks and Bypass Tracks, both of which have the Ground, Elevated, and Tunnel sections packaged together. Underground Trains stations are not USUALLY possible, but I’ve gotten them to work occasionally, so I’m still holding out hope and leaving the segments in there. Maybe the more adventurous can get some mileage out of them

These tracks are available in game, not just the asset editor, so one may use the Touch This! mod to replace other station tracks of these types. DO THIS ONLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. Anything done with station tracks is subject to highly variable results.

The Stations I’ve made for these so far:
Elevated Dual Island Station:
Over Road Bypass Station:
Glaixber 25 Sep, 2021 @ 2:55pm 
Agree, this is really good, however it doesen't visually connect properly with bloody penguin's one-way dual tracks.
teg24601 12 Mar, 2021 @ 6:49pm 
Love the asset. Any chance of having transitions to one-way dual track?