Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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PMW-SV-Shirorayu X-278 Scrambler (fighter jet lvl 12 CPU T3 SC1 Alpha12)
Blueprint: Small Vessel
Custom: Airtight
Tags: Blueprint
File Size
79.136 KB
26 Jun, 2020 @ 7:23am
26 Jun, 2020 @ 3:06pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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PMW-SV-Shirorayu X-278 Scrambler (fighter jet lvl 12 CPU T3 SC1 Alpha12)

In 3 collections by Pear78
PMW's Creations Catalogue
163 items
PMW's SV museum
52 items
PMW Shiro to ao; White and Blue
40 items
Pear's motor Works proudly presents the Shirorayu (white thunder) jets! It comes in 3 variants; passenger shuttle, cargo express and the Scrambler fighter jet. The X-278 Scrambler is a level 12, CPU Tier3 fighter jet, made for taking out mid game POI's. It has a shield, plenty of weapons, ample ammo storage and a modest cargo storage. Intended to be able to spawn in early, but will suit you well into late game if you replace the rocket launchers for plasma cannons, to take down shielded POIs. This jet was designed to give bang for buck, early in your game play!
There are some creature comforts installed as per PMWs usual standards. An O2 dispenser is easily accessible from both outside and inside the hull. 1 small spot in the hull (marked) gives 0.5 Rads.. it was impossible without hampering the flight capabilities to change this.
Concept phase of these jets started when PMWs president wanted a jet that could comfortably transport 6 passengers and a pilot, the X-278 P. The resulting concept design sparked interest in Akua's Air Force, who than commissioned an cargo express and a fighter jet variant. All variants fit the Shiromasumi's hangar and SV landing deck.
A support HV in 2 variants is almost done with testing; this CPU T2 mobile 'base' has 30k storage, a rocket turret for some drone defence, and it can transport you and your jets to the battle and back! A T3 variant with more turrets and a shield is currently being developed too.

4 gattling guns
4 rocket launchers
2 homing rocket launchers
2414 ammo storage
1172 cargo storage
drone hatch
O2 dispenser

PMW wishes you smooth battles with the Shirorayu X278 Scrambler!
Pear78  [author] 26 Jun, 2020 @ 9:33am 
thanks myrmidon!
Myrmidon 26 Jun, 2020 @ 9:12am 