Portal 2
Mobility Control [All Tests]
The full set of all Mobility Control test chambers, created by CatzRule81! Winner of Nobel Prize for Being Immune to Neurotoxin.
รายการ (5)
Mobility Control [test-α]
สร้างโดย CatzRule81
A new set of tests involving high-velocity mobility items such as high-speed conveyors, gels, and throwing in a few special fizzlers along the way. The sole purpose of this testing sequence is to create the most visually appealing and creative test chamber...
Mobility Control [test-β]
สร้างโดย CatzRule81
The second test chamber in my Mobility Control testing chambers, an attempt at creating some of the most visually pleasing (but still challenging) test chambers using only the BEEMOD2.4 PETI Editor. This is also an experiment with using BEEMOD's tools for ...
Mobility Control [test-γ]
สร้างโดย CatzRule81
The third test of Mobility Control, have you figured out how I'm naming these chambers yet? Hopefully this can be just as - or even more! - visually pleasing as the last two, while still being a challenge. If any mobility items are present in the test cham...
Mobility Control [test-Δ]
สร้างโดย CatzRule81
"Welcome to test chamber four. You're doing quite well." - GLaDOS, Portal 1 No jokes though, you've probably done quite well to make it this far in the testing procedure. Please note that these tests are not only meant to look excessively visually appealin...
Mobility Control [test-ε]
สร้างโดย CatzRule81
Portal gun buttons. This is going to be a really weird test chamber, isn't it? Welcome to chamber five of Mobility Control. As said earlier, this chamber makes use of the Portalgun On/Off Buttons. If you get confused a bit, remember that the blue buttons c...