Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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中国城市 Chinese city part2
Föremål (908)
QKZ5 Prop Pack
Skapad av Kaeru教信者 The Capital Airport Express of Beijing Subway (北京地铁首都机场线), also known by the initials ABC (Airport Beijing City), is an airport rail link from Dongzhimen station to the Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK).The Airport...
全新CRH380A统型 8编组珍藏版 Prop
Skapad av 言绥
CRH380A 和谐号动车组 (统型珍藏版) 订阅链接:
Plywood flat dolly 合板平台車
Skapad av ron_fu-ta
合板平台車 Plywood flat dolly...
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av 红米先生
中式商住楼一体 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av 红米先生
中式住宅楼10层 by 红米...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-合肥
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-合肥 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、安徽、合肥、纯电动、大白 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:合肥公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: HeFei Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-上海
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-上海 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、上海、申城、纯电动、大白 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:上海公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: SHANGHAI Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel g...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-广州
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-广州 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、广东、广州、纯电动、七巧板 分类:载具 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:广州公交 颜色:不可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF6129 Skin: GUANGZHOU Bus Color: No Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel...
安凯 HFF6129G03EV12-PROP
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-合肥P by ZEIR ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-上海P by ZEIR ANKAI-HFF6129G03EV12-广州P by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、合肥、上海、广州、七巧板、纯电动、大白 分类:摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF6129 涂装:合肥公交、上海公交、广州七巧板 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate me to make more qu...
安凯 HFF5129ZTB-合肥
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-合肥 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、安徽、合肥、大白 分类:载具 类型:无轨电车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF5129 涂装:合肥公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Trolley Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF5129 Skin: HeFei Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel goo...
安凯 HFF5129ZTB-广州
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-广州 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、广东、广州、第一巴士、大白 分类:载具 类型:无轨电车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF5129 涂装:广州公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Trolley Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF5129 Skin: GUANGZHOU Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you...
安凯 HFF5129ZTB-保定
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-保定 by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、河北、保定、京畿之地、大白 分类:载具 类型:无轨电车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF5129 涂装:保定公交 颜色:可变 载客量:90 Category: Vehicle Type: Trolley Bus Brand: ANKAI Series: HFF5129 Skin: BAODING Bus Color: Yes Passenger capacity: 90 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you f...
Skapad av ZEIR
ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-合肥P by ZEIR ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-保定P by ZEIR ANKAI-HFF5129ZTB-广州P by ZEIR 关键词:安凯客车、中国、合肥、保定、广州、七巧板、大白 分类:摆件 类型:公交车 品牌:安凯 系列:HFF5129 涂装:合肥公交、保定公交、广州公交 如果你觉得好呢,可以捐赠我以制作更多优质资产:) If you feel good, you can donate me to make more quality assets:) Pa...
Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Aligned with terrain Edition)
*** Update v1.0.1 2017/08/23 *** * Upload Image, fix some wrongly written character * Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes Aligned with terrain Edition For Highway Bridge: Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Elevated Edition) Recommend Mod: Prop Line Tool contain 8 diff...
Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Elevated Edition)
Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes Elevated Edition For Highway Bridge. Aligned with Terrain Edition: Cement Barrier & Steel Pipes (Aligned with terrain Edition) ※NOTICE : This is not a Mod. This is JUST a Prop. It won't replace the vanilla barrier automatically...
Skapad av 红米先生
蓝色卡车 by 红米...
Skapad av jdsxk
SNH48Group青春有你2广告牌 by jdsxk、 河妹冲鸭...
Skapad av jdsxk
BUCT by jdsxk...
Skapad av jdsxk
SNH48-TeamX原创公演广告牌 by jdsxk...
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment C-scaling ladder 云梯
Skapad av 璃夜lili
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment C-scaling ladder 云梯 model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px prop size in game :about 1u...
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment E-single wheel handrail
Skapad av 璃夜lili
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment E-single wheel handrail model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px prop size in game :about 0.25u...
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment D-doblewheel handrail
Skapad av 璃夜lili
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment D-doblewheel handrail model:Aurouscia texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px prop size in game :about 0.25u...
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment B-Parallel bars 双杠
Skapad av 璃夜lili
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment B-Parallel bars 双杠 model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px prop size: About 0.25u*0.5u...
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment A-Horizontal bar(translate by baidu中式小区健身器材A-单杠
Skapad av 璃夜lili
CHINESE Style Fitness Equipment A-Horizontal bar model:璃夜lili 贴图(didn't know how to translate it:璃夜lili 贴图size:64px size in game :0.5u...
Chinese style Transformer中式小区变压器A
Skapad av 璃夜lili
model&texture:璃夜lili texture size:512px size in game :about 1.5u ...
RS4 5 夜光高速路牌汇入
Skapad av 璃夜lili
RS4 5 夜光高速路牌汇入 by 璃夜lili开心开心...
Skapad av 璃夜lili
A13三车道选定车道 by 璃夜lili...
Skapad av 璃夜lili
A12双车道选定车道v2 by 璃夜lili...
Skapad av 璃夜lili
路牌A-01 by 璃夜lili 建模:学了四个小时建模的我自己 贴图:学了20分钟ps的我自己 UV:CZ-AU...
陶朱隱園 Agora Garden V1.0 (Larger Footprints Mod need)
Skapad av 超究武神千千
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ This Version needs Larger Footprints Mod which is not stable. I recommend V1.1 version ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️...
Skapad av 红米先生
Hongmi office building phase II
Skapad av 红米先生
红米办公大楼二期 by 红米...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
共享单车 by 小翔xiang 此物品为prop,并非vehicle,如需订阅vehicle版请搜索共享单车(vehicle)。 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 由于受游戏摆件三角形面数限制且为了减少对性能的影响,该物品并没有进行精细化处理,模型较为粗糙(中等距离看的话还是可以的)。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- lod:三角形面数:69,贴图:64x64 可在公园-道具/地形调整-道具里面或使用find it 搜索小翔xiang或共享单车来找到...
Meridian Gate
Skapad av Emperor Li ***UPDATE 2020-06-01*** Roof color changeable with painter 屋頂顏色可用painter 改 ****************************** The southern and largest gate of the Forbidden City (more informations: Wikipedia ) Vertical inscribed boards is not i...
Skapad av ELeven夜
本资产内附有39个不同用途的三角形警示牌 模型 三角形:36 顶点:24 贴图:256*256 LOD 三角形:15 顶点:18 贴图:Auto 警示牌内容在封面的图片上可以看到...
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station
Skapad av CR
重庆李子坝站 Chong qing Liziba Station 车站特点: 重庆轨道交通2号线李子坝车站是国内第一座与商住楼共建共存的单轨(轻轨)高架车站,于2004年3月建成,占地面积3100平方米,建筑面积6000平方米。该站位于嘉陵江南畔的李子坝正街39号商住楼6-7层,因其“空中列车穿楼而过”成为蜚声中外的“网红车站”。 车站与商住楼同步设计、同步建设、同步投用,采用“站桥分离”的结构形式,轨道交通车站桥梁与商住楼结构支撑体系分开设置,有效解决两者结构传力及振动问题。同时,单轨列车采用低噪音、低振...
Modern low rise house现代低层住宅中式
Skapad av 红米先生
Community gate中式小区大门样式5
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av 红米先生
中式现代小学 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式现代中学 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
Chinatown Gate
Skapad av Robert
Happy Chinese New Year! This item includes two props, recreating the north and south gates of Haymarket Chinatown in Sydney, where Dixon St meets Hay St and Goulburn St. Each gate includes a pair of guardian lions, and a unique pair of phrases displayed ov...
旧城住宅Chinese Old Apartment-C1
Skapad av 亚奈子
韦驮菩萨像Statue of Bodhisattva Weituo
Skapad av MC100
Skanda , also known as Wei Tuo (Chinese: 韦驮) and Idaten (Japanese: 韋駄天) is a Mahayana bodhisattva regarded as a devoted guardian of Buddhist monasteries who protects the teachings of Buddhism. He is also sometimes called in the Chinese tradition "Hufa Weit...
Chinese style large parking lot中式大型停车场
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av wc
RICO住宅A2 by wc...
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
北京中央电视塔 Beijing Tower
Skapad av CM.
该资产中包含之前还原武汉计划视频中的武汉龟山电视塔。 The asset includes the Guishan TV Tower in Wuhan, which was previously restored in the video of Wuhan plan. 你可以在第六级别特殊建筑中找到(两个资产) You can find it in level 6 special buildings (two assets) 因为工作等原因,现在做资产的时间并不多,这次的资产也只是自己抽空做的,在细节等方面...
Skapad av often
本套资产包括4个建筑,资产名字: zb21,zb22,zb23,zb24。 This assets includes 4 buildings, asset Name: zb21,zb22.zb23.zb24. 标签:中式,自建楼,自建房,商业,住宅,广西 Tags:Chinese,self-built building,self-built houses,Commercial,Residential,Guangxi,growable
Chinese underground parking lot中式地下停车场
Skapad av 红米先生
中式地下停车场(可停车,人物可在地下逗留,同时可以通过第一人称视角进入地下室观看地下室内效果。表面可以用草坪树木花草覆盖,形成绿化效果盖住原有资产外观可与地面草坪混合。再独特建筑里可找到该资产,或者搜索中式地下停车场即可。(里边还包括了一座停车位岗亭资产)另外想告诉各位;目前车辆进入车库入口路径不是很完美,由于游戏没有合适的地下停车隧道道路,所以只能自己订阅隐形车道来从地面拉一条通往地下车库的道路来实现车辆从入口进入车库和出入车库的模拟情景。 隐形车道资产名称:Invisible Pedestrian Pa...
Chinese ancient brick laying中式古代铺砖
Skapad av 红米先生
此主题主要是用来模拟中式现代铺砖效果 请订阅主题控制台MOD (Theme Mixer 2)和水,泥地MOD(urface Painter)水泥地MOD可对地面地表纹理涂刷。 通过此控制台在游戏左下角点击此主题MOD,并在第二列地形里找到人行道纹理点击替换纹理即可,同时人行道旁边有滑动快可以调节纹理大小。 如果您觉得颜色太亮可以通过此MOD (Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2) 来调节画面亮度,每个人电脑显示颜色显示不一样,必须通过调节颜色MOD调节。如果您还觉得颜色太艳太亮,请通过色彩校正模...
6 floors of Chinese modern residential building中式现代6层住宅楼
Skapad av 红米先生
竹筏bamboo raft
Skapad av MC100
图片提供Picture Provided:夕林樱花(Adonis1060748914) 竹筏是一种常见的中国传统水上交通工具,其中以阳朔的竹筏最为出名(毕竟是印上了人民币的)这次的竹筏资产总共做了3个版本,一个是载具版本,还有两个是building版本的,替换的是阿妈的郑和宝船。因为一些原因不能做成prop版本只好这样了,但是使用起来没有很大区别(除了不能摆在陆地上)。building版本也有两种,一种是和载具版本一样的带棚子的游船版本,还有一个就是一个人民币上的那种,没有什么棚子凳子的装饰的。感谢夕林樱花...
Skapad av 红米先生
垃圾分类 by 红米...
[RICO] 圓山大飯店 Grand Hotel
Skapad av Emperor Li
圓山大飯店 位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 選單下Tourist裡,無RICO Mod在等級5特殊建築選單內。 預覽圖片中的牌樓在這裡。 漢白玉欄杆在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! 圆山大饭店 位于台北市中山区剑潭山的中国风饭店,于1973年落成,是台北市的著名地标之一(摘自: 维基百科 ) 位於 Ploppable RICO 选单下Tourist里,无RICO Mod在等级5特殊建筑选单内。 预览图片中的牌楼...
圓山大飯店牌樓 Grand Hotel Gateway
Skapad av Emperor Li
位於臺北市中山區劍潭山的中國風飯店,於1973年落成,是臺北市的著名地標之一。(摘自: 維基百科 ) 本建築在這裡。 感謝您的訂閱! The Grand Hotel is a Chinese classical style building located at Yuanshan in Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan. It was completed in 1973 and one of the famous landmark in Taipei.(from: wik...
Skapad av amamIya
新上海国际大厦 New Shanghai International Tower by amamIya...
Skapad av 红米先生
此主题主要是用来模拟中式现代铺砖效果 请订阅主题控制台MOD (Theme Mixer 2)和水,泥地MOD(urface Painter)水泥地MOD可对地面地表纹理涂刷。 通过此控制台在游戏左下角点击此主题MOD,并在第二列地形里找到人行道纹理点击替换纹理即可,同时人行道旁边有滑动快可以调节纹理大小。 如果您觉得颜色太亮可以通过此MOD (Ultimate Eyecandy 1.5.2) 来调节画面亮度,每个人电脑显示颜色显示不一样,必须通过调节颜色MOD调节。如果您还觉得颜色太艳太亮,请通过色彩校正模...
Skapad av 红米先生
白色围栏 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
绿色围栏 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:234 lod:48 ...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:214 lod:48 ...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
藏经前殿Hall of Kalan
Skapad av MC100
藏经前殿Hall of Kalan by MC100 这次的藏经前殿为寺庙资产系列的一部分,整体造型参考了一下南禅寺大殿(但这不是南禅寺大殿,真正的南禅寺大殿资产已经发布: ) 。最初配色参考了明代大报恩寺(因为我也正准备做明代大报恩寺资产,最重要的是那个琉璃塔),最后觉得不好看所以就把原本的方案删除了,留下来现在两个方案:第一个是仍然保留一点明清特色,比如门,鸱吻还有瓦,但是其...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:242 lod:52...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:240 lod:48...
Skapad av zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
生锈的铁门 by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
江南民居Folk House of Jiangnan
Skapad av MC100
江南风格的传统民居,硬山顶,适合古风造景。2X2大小,高度为10米。别忘记点赞哦! 模型制作:leon_sun 模型优化导入:MC100 This is a traditional Chinese folk house in Jiangnan area(regions south of the Yangtze River,"江jiang" means "big river" in Chinese, here it refers to "the Yangtze River"; "南nan" means "so...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block 7s, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. An updated version is here: HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s. Here's a list of updates: All modules and props have been embedded in a single asset. You can subscribe to all dependencies and unsubscribe from them with a single...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block GF flats, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Description Ground floor flats for a Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the prosperous 1960s. You can plop either flats or shops on the ground floor. How to use it 1. It is a unique building. You have to make it a high-density resident...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block herb shop 1, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in newer versions of HK Mark 1 block 6s, 60s and HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s. Description A traditional Chinese herb shop as a corner ground floor shop for a Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it ...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block herb shop 2, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in a newer version of HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s. Description A traditional Chinese herb shop as a corner ground floor shop for a Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the prosperous 19...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block shops, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in newer versions of HK Mark 1 block 6s, 60s and HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s. Description Ground floor shops for a Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the prosperous 1960s. You can plo...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block milk bar, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in a newer version of HK Mark 1 block 6s, 60s. Here's a list of updates: All modules and props have been embedded in a single asset. You can subscribe to all dependencies and unsubscribe from them wit...
(Obsolete) HK Mark I block rooftop school
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Obsoletion note This asset is obsolete. It was embedded in a newer version of HK Mark 1 block 7s, 60s. Description A rooftop primary school for Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong. This asset only fits a 7-storey version of the block, as historically on...
天津大学齐园15斋,15th dormitory Tianjin University
Skapad av x903046855
天津大学齐园15斋,15th dormitory Tianjin University...
Jardine House, HK 1:1
Skapad av Pirazel
Jardine House, Hong Kong SAR HK, 怡和大廈 Location: 1 Connaught Place Completed: 1972 Hight: 178.5m This iconic building was once the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong. Build on reclaimed land it can easily spotted in the skyline. A special deal was made so that...
Cenotaph Hong Kong
Skapad av Pirazel
Cenotaph, Hong Kong The Cenotaph in Hong Kong ---In game Info--- 5 x 7 park No props! Decorate it the way you like. ---Model info--- tris1555 texture 1024 x 2048 lod: tris 62 texture 128 x 128 See my other works...
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre, HK 1:1
Skapad av Pirazel
Great Eagle and Harbour Centre 1:1, Hong Kong SAR HK A office complex with shopping centre and public car park in Wan Chai. Location: 23 Harbour Road Architekt: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited Completed: 1983 Hight: 146 m ----In game Info---- Uniq...
Hang Seng - IFC Bridge, HK
Skapad av Pirazel
Hang Seng IFC Bridge, Hong Kong This bridge is part of the Central elevated Walkway system. It connects the Hang Seng Bank to the IFC One. This is a decorative building! -No function! -No walk paths! -No connection or services needed! Use the "move it!" mo...
Shared bicycle parking共享单车停车位
Skapad av 红米先生
由于资产面数过多无法做Prop只能用公园属性代替,您在放置的时候请,配合moit it mod来实现位置移动...
Skapad av 红米先生
CSUR Left Exit Pack [M6]
Skapad av VictoriaCity
This pack provides additional CSUR modules mainly used for two-lane left exits. Three additional road combinations (base modules) are added which allows for the innermost lane extending beyond the center of the road, i.e., 3R2 (Road selector C 1 2), 4R3 (C...
CSUR Extra Shift Pack [M21]
Skapad av VictoriaCity
This pack provides an extra set of CSUR shift modules. With this pack, shift module can move the roadway by at most 2 lane slots, compared with 1 slot or 1/5 slots in M1--M5 packs. Shift modules between a CSUR standard roadway and a centered roadway (3R=3C...
Skapad av 红米先生
足球场 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
篮球场 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
社会主义核心价值观 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
底商商铺1 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
青岛五四广场雕塑 by 红米...
人民大会堂the Great Hall of the People
Skapad av MC100
中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东,南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。这个资产和现实中比较起来因为一些原因它的长度和宽度可能要短一些,但是不影响使用。请不要在评论区谈论有关政治的话题,就把它当作城市的一栋建筑就好了。最后不要忘记点个赞哦! First of all, I made this asset just for fun and entertainment, not for any...
Nanjing Zifeng Tower南京紫峰大厦
Skapad av 红米先生
南京紫峰大厦(Nanjing Zifeng Tower),位于江苏省南京市鼓楼区中山北路1号,地处鼓楼中央商务区,东可眺望紫金山、西可望长江、南有雨花台和新街口、北有幕府山,是世界第一座完全中国投资、中国建设的超级摩天大楼。 南京紫峰大厦占地面积18721平方米,总建筑面积261075平方米, 其中主楼地下4层,地上89层,高度450米。办公副楼24层,裙房7层。南京紫峰大厦1-6层为商场,8-9层为健身中心,10-41层为办公区,42-71层为酒店,72层为观光厅,76-79层为餐厅,80-81层为总统套...
Skapad av 红米先生
青岛五四广场雕塑 by 红米...
Skapad av 924432257
Skapad av 红米先生
道旗路灯 by 红米...
12 storey step corridor12层台阶走廊
Skapad av 红米先生
12层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 12-storey step corridor is 12 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened fo...
6-storey step corridor6层台阶走廊
Skapad av 红米先生
6层台阶走廊,宽度为6米,长度无限 ,类似道路一样可以拉长,适合住宅楼或者办公大楼等建筑门口摆放拉长,作为景观使用。 The 6-storey step corridor is 6 meters wide and infinite in length. It can be lengthened like the road. It is suitable for the gate of residential building or office building to be lengthened for l...
Skapad av 红米先生
花盆 by 红米...
China's super project Three Gorges Dam中国之超级工程三峡大坝
Skapad av 红米先生
使用方法很简单:由于大坝巨大且按1:1比例制作,所有我将模型分成三部分,用字母标注,分别为zhong.zuo,you,中文意思是中间部分,另外两部分分别放置在中间部分的两侧一边是左(zuo) ,另一边是右(you),可用moit it调节位置和高度,大坝可以发电,中间部分发电量为20万瓦。 如果发现订阅显示不了,请重新订阅两个MOD支持超大建筑 Larger Footprints (Snowfall) Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) 三峡大坝,位于中国湖北省宜昌市三斗坪...
戏楼Theatrical Building
Skapad av MC100
Thanks for Stephen.Liu's sponsorship 感谢“请叫我史蒂芬”的赞助。该资产包括了park和prop两种版本。!!!!注意:prop版本可能与其他mod冲突!!!!!!貌似是新版的fine road anarchy 记得不要忘记👍哟 戏楼,又叫戏台,是供演戏使用的建筑。中国传统戏曲的演出场地,种类繁多,在不同的历史时期,有不同的样式、特点、建造规模。最原始的演出场所是广场、厅堂、露台,进而有庙宇乐楼、瓦市勾栏、宅第舞台、酒楼茶楼、戏园及近代剧场和众多的流动戏台。就其分布来看,...
Quanjude Peking Roast Duck
Skapad av Emperor Li Your cims want some Peking roast duck? Build the Quanjude in your city. Quanjude is a Chinese restaurant in Beijing, China established in 1864 during the Qing Dynasty and is known for its Peking roast duck. (from Wikipedia )...
Imperial City Wall Network
Skapad av Emperor Li
The wall surrounded the Imperial City, which included the Forbidden City, Tiananmen, Zhongnanhai, Beihai Park. The wall was gradually demolished after the fall of Qing dynasty. Only the southern part of the wall remain until now. (from Wikipedia ) model in...
Waving Chinese Flag Sign (Dragon Gate Inn)
Skapad av Emperor Li An animated traditional Chinese shop sign for the dragon gate inn. Tris: 208 LOD tris: 12 Texture: 256x256 LOD Texture: 64x64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Gate of China (Zhonghuamen)
Skapad av Emperor Li Former southern gate of the Imperial City during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Built in the Yongle period of the Ming dynasty, the gate was originally named the "Great Ming Gate". Its name was then changed to the "Great Qing ...
Skapad av 天际线予哥
Chinese Taoist Temple - Xuanmiaoguan 玄妙觀
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Chinese Taoist Temple - Xuanmiaoguan Based on Change list: Fixed the wall Added night lights Shrunk the model to...
Chinese style construction house中式工地建设房
Skapad av 红米先生
工地建设房共2中样式,包括4种围墙广告牌,可模拟现实中小区房屋建设。房屋属性是住宅楼 4X5格子,另外可自行订阅吊塔或者工地资产。 There are two types of building on the construction site, including four kinds of wall billboards, which can simulate the building construction in the real community. The property of the hou...
Skapad av 红米先生
围墙广告牌1 by 红米...
Community Park小区公园
Skapad av 红米先生
Community Park小区公园 by 红米...
Chinese road signs中式路牌标牌
Skapad av 红米先生
CNSoundPack V0.2.3
Skapad av 言绥
我大天朝音效包 替换的声音: 警车 救护车 消防车 飞机引擎 部分高铁启动声音(支持的资产见下) 使用方法 1.订阅前置mod Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0 2.启用Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0 3.进入Ambient Sounds Tuner 2.0的选项,在下拉菜单中选中CNSoundPack 4.加载存档,进入游戏。 已经支持高铁运行声音的列车资产: - CR400BF 复兴号(金凤凰) 订阅链接:
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-1
Skapad av 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
中式经典主题三种铺砖样式Three brick laying styles of Chinese classic theme-4
Skapad av 红米先生
请自行订阅笔刷工具,在地图上可使用三种样式针对不同地方可以刷不同样式铺砖 Please subscribe to the brush tool by yourself. You can use three styles on the map. You can brush different styles and pave bricks for different places...
中式古风住宅楼低层Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式古风住宅楼低层 Low floor of Chinese style ancient style residential building 住宅类型...
Chinese Palace Lantern
Skapad av Emperor Li
A Chinese palace lantern with light source. Necessary prop for the upcoming Chinese corridor. Tris: 178 LOD tris: 62 Texture: 512x512 LOD Texture: 64x64 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ta...
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building
Skapad av 红米先生
中式欧款住宅楼Chinese style European style residential building 住宅楼属性...
警察局公安法院检察院Police station public security court Procuratorate
Skapad av 红米先生
Huaxin International Plaza——柳州华信国际大厦
Skapad av often
资产介绍:华信国际,柳州市仅有的大规模商务建筑综合体之一,雄踞潭中大道与桂中大道交汇处,与人大楼隔路相望,侧邻广电中心,占地面积8000多㎡,总建筑面积50000多㎡,秉承“规划第一,建筑第二”的国际一流城市设计理念,集商业、写字等为一体,打造开放、流动、聚集、可持续发展精神主导下的新一代商务建筑,全玻璃幕墙金属装饰外观,主体建筑层数为20层,高达89米,堪称河东行政中心区的形象新地标。 华信国际大型主题商场、5A专业写字楼、高级写字一体,规模提升效益,价值叠加增长;大型主题商场,最具张力的通透式设计,引领...
Skapad av MC100
占地size: 1x1 高度height: 32 m 这个资产其实我早就想发布了,本来准备在湖南国贸中心之后发布,结果拖到现在才发布233 舍利塔是寺庙中常见的一种建筑物,舍利塔象征着佛陀的出现,代表了佛家不灭的教义。高僧圆寂后火化所得的舍利子便会放入此处。这个舍利塔属于小型舍利塔,高度不高,面数不多,可以随意放置。不要忘记点赞哦!!! 如果您非常喜欢这个作品,可以扫码赞助支持,我会做出更多好玩的资产
乐山大佛Leshan Giant Buddha
Skapad av MC100
古风牌坊Chinese Memorial Archway
Skapad av MC100
This asset contains a park building and a prop. Don't forget to give it a 👍! 这个资产包含了一个公园建筑以及一个摆件,喜欢的话不要忘记点个赞哟! ...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式天桥 by 红米 资产尺寸仅支持6车道道路,资产为35米宽。 贴图大小1024X1024,人可以行走,另外附加了夜晚LED灯光效果,桥墩高度为限高5米。...
城市管理局大楼City Authority building
Skapad av 红米先生
城市管理局大楼 by 红米 可执行城管执法功能,最好订阅执法功能MOD,或者不订阅也行...
高层公寓楼high-rise block
Skapad av 红米先生
公寓楼 by 红米 酒店式公寓楼可以大面积摆放,高都在100米,共25层左右。占地4X2格子...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式超宽大门 by 红米...
石墩石球Stone mound and stone ball
Skapad av 红米先生
石墩石球 by 红米 50公分宽度LOD在850左右...
Skapad av 红米先生
文化雕塑1 by 红米 属于公园类资产...
Skapad av 红米先生
南京汉中门如家连锁酒店(分店) by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
限高5.5 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
宣传栏 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式大门6 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
鹅卵石水池 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
Stair楼梯 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
护栏 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中国内蒙古锡林浩特政府大楼《现实原型大楼,略有差异,基本相同。 此建筑属于独特建筑类目,占地约25X18格子,大约为200x150米左右大小。贴图通过SUB分组子建筑组合而成,不影响建筑摆放,贴图大小为1024x1024,面数总数控制在1.2万以内。...
Skapad av MC100
华表是一种中国古代传统建筑形式,属于古代宫殿、陵墓等大型建筑物前面做装饰用的巨大石柱,相传华表是部落时代的一种图腾标志,古称桓表,以一种望柱的形式出现,富有深厚的中国传统文化内涵,散发出中国传统文化的精神、气质、神韵。 相传尧时立木牌于交通要道,供人书写谏言,针砭时弊。远古的华表皆为木制,东汉时期开始使用石柱作华表,华表的作用已经消失了,成为竖立在宫殿、桥梁、陵墓等前的大柱。华表通常由汉白玉雕成,华表的底座通常呈方形,是莲花座或须弥座,上面雕刻有龙的图案,蟠龙柱上雕刻一只蟠龙盘于柱上,并饰有流云纹;上端横插...
大明宫宣政殿Hall of Xuanzheng, Daming Palace
Skapad av MC100
大明宫宣政殿Hall of Xuanzheng, Daming Palace by MC100 不要忘记点赞哟~ 宣政殿,是唐代长安城大明宫中的第二大殿,是常朝殿堂,地位仅次于其南的外朝正衙含元殿,其北是内朝紫宸殿。 宣政殿是唐长安大明宫第二大殿。建于高宗龙朔二年(公元662年),规模与含元殿基本相同。宣政殿是皇帝在大明宫举行中朝常日听政之处。 含元殿一般用作庆典的场所,而宣政殿才是真正日常上朝的地方。 宣政殿位于含元殿正北300米,两殿之间有宣政门。据钻探得知,宣政殿殿基东西长约70米,南北宽40余米。 ...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌9 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌8 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌6 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌5 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌4 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌3 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌2 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌22 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌21 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌20 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌19 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌18 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌17 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌16 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌15 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌14 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌13 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌12 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌11 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
广告牌10 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店1 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店2 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店3 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店4 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店5 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店7 by 夏天...
Skapad av WQZ
门店6 by 夏天...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商A6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商A6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:218 lod:48...
Dragon Gate Inn (Beijing Commercial Type 0 Lv1-3)
Skapad av Emperor Li fictional building inspired by Xingchengjiu Hotel Pingyao and New Dragon Gate Guest House in Pingyao, China. Find it keywords: BCom, Beijing Tris: 4966, 5478, 5910 LOD tris: 224,232 Texture: 1...
Chinese urban people's Hospital中式市区人民医院
Skapad av 红米先生
中式市区人民医院 by 红米 资产多边形和三角形共计9千多面,占地为8X21格子,贴图大小为1024X1024,救护车100辆,救治人数3千人,治疗率达70%。...
Skapad av 红米先生
道路天桥大门版本 by 红米 类似PROP方式一样摆放即可,请开启道路无碰撞摆放安全。门型中间宽度为45米,适合超宽道路或者高速道路使用。...
Skapad av 红米先生
高速服务区 by 红米 有服务区建筑+高杆灯两件资产,为商业型建筑,占地8X3格子,贴图1024X1024...
Skapad av 红米先生
道旗路灯2 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
深红色底纹斑马线 by 红米 类似道路一样拉伸,请先画好道路,然后开启道路无碰撞,在道路上直接拉伸拉长即可显示,,如果没有道路的情况下拉伸拉长,此贴图会不显示,但没关系,只需在上面在拉一条大路变可显示,具体可以用移动工具移动自己合适位置...
Skapad av 红米先生
底商4 by 红米 每个占地8X2,贴图尺寸1024X2048 ,面数LOD顶点攻击1500左右...
Skapad av 红米先生
大型屋顶广告牌3 by 红米,可以自由摆放到建筑上任何位置 占地6X1格子,实际尺寸长36米X高7米X宽2米...
Skapad av 红米先生
古风宣传栏2 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
早餐车3 by 红米(包括一个古代店小二人物)prop版本...
Skapad av Regened
American SHENGDIYAGE International Agriculture Corporation, Limited. It's a fabricated company name made by a Chinese fertilizer company for marketing and advertisement. But for Chinese people, "SHENGDIYAGE" doesn't seems like an american company name, cau...
Chinese Corridor Network (Southern Style)
Skapad av Emperor Li The covered corridor of the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, China. It works like the normal in-game pedestrian path with elevated, bridge segment. Ground and elevated segment have long side benches. Bridge segment h...
Chinese Wood Fence Network
Skapad av Emperor Li Wood fence with Chinese pattern. Height adjustable. Use it to fill the gap of my Chinese Corridor Tris: 384 LOD Tris: 48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: s...
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple
Skapad av MC100
南禅寺大殿Main Hall of Nanchan Temple by MC100 南禅寺大殿,中国现存最早的木结构建筑。位于山西省五台县城西南22千米的李家庄。始建年代不详,重建于唐建中三年(782)。南禅寺大殿是我国现存三个半唐代木构中的一个,是正宗的唐代建筑。大殿面阔、进深各3间,平面近方形,单檐歇山灰色筒板瓦顶。檐柱12根,其中3根抹棱方柱当是始建时遗物。殿前有宽敞的月台,殿内无柱。殿内有泥塑佛像17尊,安置在凹形的砖砌佛坛上,佛坛上后部正中为释迦牟尼塑像,庄严肃穆,总高近4米,基本保存了原有风貌,...
Beijing Courtyard House Prop Part 3
Skapad av Emperor Li
A collection of 37 Beijing courtyard house (Siheyuan) props for future projects. All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of them share the same texture. Can be found under Landscaping\Common Find it keywords: BCHP, Beijing Tris: 2422~434 L...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
White guardrail白色护栏
Skapad av 红米先生
Green belt fence绿化带围栏
Skapad av 红米先生
绿化带1.2米宽 by 红米 绿化带共两个版本尺寸分别是高900mm,宽100mm,另外一个是高900mm,宽200mm,长度无限,道路版本,可以任意角度拉长,由于我采用了2K分辨率,导致了模型容量变大,实际上模型面数和LOD顶点我控制在150左右,不妨碍使用...
Skapad av 红米先生
蓝顶小楼房2 by 红米,这里我是截图的,没有P过的,订阅后就看到了,空调啥的都有...
Canton Tower广州塔(1:1比例)
Skapad av 红米先生
广州塔高楼LED版本,总高度600米。杆子高度146米,塔楼454米,夜晚带LED,另外附加底商(底座还原显示底盘,占地30格左右,由于广州塔占地面积大,需要后期配合道路无碰撞模组,在塔或者底座内部穿擦一条道路即可实现正常运营。 真实还原度为:95%,楼顶和底商(底座)可带行人站台观光。 Led version of Guangzhou tower tower, with a total height of 600 meters. The height of the pole is 146 meters, ...
Skapad av 红米先生
大棚蔬菜2 by 红米,长80米,宽15米,白色是半透明玻璃材质...
洛阳永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda, Luoyang
Skapad av MC100
永宁寺塔Yongning Temple Pagoda by MC100 永宁寺塔,北魏洛阳城内佛寺建筑,始建于孝明帝熙平元年(公元516年),由笃信佛法的灵太后胡氏主持修建,规模之宏大为洛阳千寺之冠。修建成的永宁寺塔是一座以佛塔为中心的佛寺,是专供皇帝、太后礼佛的场所。关于塔的高度,文献记载不一,有说塔高九层,一百丈,百里外都可看见,也有说塔高四十九丈或四十余丈,合今约 136.71米,加上塔刹通高约为147米,是我国古代最高的佛塔。这次资产采用的高度为147米(不含基座), 基座边长38.2米,高2.2米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式旧城区住宅楼 by 红米 1024X1024...
Skapad av Onlylove
健身器材01 by Onlylove...
Hong Kong Sign 2 香港招牌
Skapad av t1993810
Hong Kong Sign 2 香港招牌...
Skapad av 红米先生
洒水车 by 红米 属于道路养护类属于,需要放置道路养护站,车子可以显示出来并在道路上行驶...
Skapad av 红米先生
垃圾桶 by 红米...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
共享单车(vehicle)版 by 小翔xiang 注意:!!!此物品需要after dark DLC支持,因为此物品模型套用的是after dark DLC 的自行车模型!!! 该物品属于vehicle中自行车部分,所以它只会出现在人行道和自行车道等非机动车道中,不会与机动车一样出现在机动车道上。 此物品为vehicle,并非prop,如需订阅prop版本请搜索共享单车(prop) 里面共包含4种共享单车,分别是ofo单车,青桔单车,摩拜单车,哈啰单车。 三角形面数:522,贴图:256x256 --- ...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州·绿地中心双子塔-北塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-North Tower...
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州绿地中心双子塔-南塔 Zhengzhou-Greenland Center Twin Towers-South Tower ...
Jardine House, HK 1:1,5
Skapad av Pirazel
Jardine House, Hong Kong SAR HK, 怡和大廈 Location: 1 Connaught Place Completed: 1972 Hight: 178.5m This iconic building was once the tallest skyscraper in Hong Kong. Build on reclaimed land it can easily spotted in the skyline. A special deal was made so that...
66 Sai Yeung Choi , Hong Kong
Skapad av t1993810
66 Sai Yeung Choi , Hong Kong by t1993810...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
世纪风雕塑 by 小翔xiang 世纪风雕塑原型为德州世纪广场标志性建筑--世纪风主题雕塑。 三角形面数:623,贴图512 x 512 lod:三角形面数:65,贴图64 x 64 可在公园选项中找到此物品 如果喜欢的话记得点赞订阅,方便第一时间获取资产。 如有任何问题请在评论区留言...
Skapad av 红米先生
临街底商3 by 红米 每栋出门面牌内容不一样,其他均一样,此建筑是参考安徽省铜陵市第二中学对面商铺楼而制作完成。细节没有那么多,都是已经高清贴图为主 SUB(5个子建筑合并) 面数500左右一个, 4X4格子, 贴图分辨率1024X1024...
四川蓬溪金仙寺大殿 Main Hall of Jinxian Temple
Skapad av 硬施德Ngenschde
郑州新郑国际机场-T2航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 2
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T2航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 2 贴图有一些扭曲,一周内会修复这个问题 The texture is a little bit twisted,I'll fix it in a week....
Wenchang launch platform arm (left)
Skapad av zcy
you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it"...
Wenchang launch platform arm (right)
Skapad av zcy
you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it"...
Wenchang mobile launch platform
Skapad av zcy
To transport rocket from VAB to launch tower,you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍: ##中国航天,长征五号,海南文昌发射场,火箭,Aerospace,space,launch center...
Wenchang lighting/lightning tower
Skapad av zcy
To lighten launch site and protect rocket from lightning /you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍:
Wenchang launch tower(close)
Skapad av zcy
Wenchang launch tower(close)/you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍: ##中国航天,长征五号,海南文昌发射场,火箭,Aerospace,space,launch center,future##...
Wenchang launch tower (open)
Skapad av zcy
Wenchang launch tower (open)/you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍: ##中国航天,长征五号,海南文昌发射场,火箭,Aerospace,space,launch center,future##...
Wenchang cooling water tank
Skapad av zcy
Cooling the launch platform when rocket launch/you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍:
Wenchang steam channel
Skapad av zcy
diverse the hot steam when rocket launch/you can find it by searching "wenchang" with mod "find it"/install it corectly with mod "move it" learn more/详细介绍:
Skapad av 红米先生
铜陵恒玖金山广场大厦 by 红米 大型商场,商住楼,占地比较大,有100多米长宽度25米,高度70米,共计20层左右。...
Hong Kong Dennis Dragon Bus KMB Megapack 香港九巴丹尼士巨龍巴士
Skapad av Ishikawa | LM
Contain KMB Dennis Dragons in various forms, lengths and liveries. Dennis Condor variants is considered WIP and will be posted in this pack when done. Also considering doing a Megabus variant if enough people are interested. UPCOMING: Reworking textures to...
Chinese low rise old house dwellers中式低层旧宅民用
Skapad av 红米先生
中式低层旧宅民用 by 红米 贴图1024x1024, LOD面500个左右 占地3X4格子 属于高密度住宅 ...
郑州新郑国际机场-T1航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T1航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1...
郑州新郑国际机场-GTC换乘中心 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Ground Traffic Center
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-GTC换乘中心 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Ground Traffic Center...
郑州新郑国际机场-T4-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4-2 Bridge
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T4-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4-2 Bridge...
郑州新郑国际机场-T1-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1-2 Bridge
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T1-2连廊 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 1-2 Bridge...
郑州新郑国际机场-T4航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4
Skapad av 大鼎
郑州新郑国际机场-T4航站楼 Zhengzhou International Airport(CGO)-Terminal 4...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式交通围栏 by 红米...
复星外滩中心 Fosun Center V2.0
Skapad av Aurouscia
更新了贴图,塑料感减少 复星外滩中心是一对位于武汉的双子塔,目前还没动工,其建成后将取代吉隆坡石油双子塔成为世界上最高的双子塔。由于网上资料极为稀缺,只能照着仅有的几张图片做出来,可能不太准确。高度并非真实高度。谢谢大家的支持。 如果订阅之后找不着,请尝试点击各个“已修建”的建筑图标...
Skapad av 红米先生
脚踏船 by 红米 共计3个资产,分辨率512X512,LOD:800左右 脚踏船和古木船需要放置地面后,在通过移动到水面上,通过抬高方式,抬到您认为合适的平面高度即可。...
明清风格城楼Ming Dynasty Gate
Skapad av MC100
一座明清风格的小城楼,高度28米,适合小型古城。不要忘记点赞哦 An ancient Chinese gate (Ming Dynasty Style) Don't forget to give it a 👍 ...
The Pavilion of Prince Teng 滕王閣
Skapad av Bathtub
Recommend to subscribe with Palace Buildings together 推荐和滕王阁宫殿组件一起订阅 If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi province, Chi...
The Pavilion of Prince Teng (Palace Buildings) 滕王閣宮殿組件
Skapad av Bathtub
Recommend to subscribe with The Pavilion of Prince Teng together 推荐和滕王阁一起订阅 If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Pavilion of Prince Teng is a building in the north west of the city of Nanchang, in Jiangxi provin...
Security camera
Skapad av RyanCat
A security camera asset.Works as police station. Very small but detailed,over 1500 tris and a 256x256 texture.No LOD because it's too small Support me here...
Velaro CN - CRH 3C (6Car)
Skapad av REV0
Chinese High Speed Siemens Velaro is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains built by Siemens and used in Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia and Turkey. The Velaro is based on the ICE 3M/F high-...
Velaro CN - CRH 3C (8Car)
Skapad av REV0
Chinese High Speed Siemens Velaro is a family of high-speed electric multiple unit trains built by Siemens and used in Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia and Turkey. The Velaro is based on the ICE 3M/F high-...
Velaro CN - CRH 3C (16Car)
Skapad av REV0
Chinese High Speed Twitter for progress updates Workshop Portfolio Support via Paypal Support via Patreon Requests, Contact Technical Details MaGiCaLLy optimized: Use LSM to optimize loading times and RAM use. 1st and 2nd class control cars, 1nd and 2nd cl...
Spotlight Pink(prop)射灯,激光灯
Skapad av 红米先生
Spotlight Pink(prop版本) by 红米 射灯,激光照射,射出距离600米,角度30度 共三种颜色,分别蓝、绿、粉,可以任意放置高度和物体上 LOD: 30 贴图分辨率:1024X1024 Spotlight, laser irradiation, shooting distance 600 meters, angle 30 degrees A total of three colors, blue, green, pink, can be placed at any height and ...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥
Skapad av 红米先生
Haiyin bridge in Guangzhou广州海印大桥 by Redmi 共做两个版本,一个是水面上放置版本,另外一个是地面可放置版本...
Rockery landscape假山景观
Skapad av 红米先生
Rockery landscape假山景观 by Redmi...
Bank of Guangzhou
Skapad av 红米先生
Bank of Guangzhou广州银行 by Redmi(红米) SUB方式导入多个子建筑,最后组合在一起,总计面数1200个。LOD:600个面数,贴图分辨率1024x1024, 在独特建筑倒数第二个类目里,也可直接搜索名称。占地7X7格,楼房高度201米,共计57层,位于广州珠江新城CBD附近...
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China \ 全息标志 - 中国包
Skapad av 黑桃A
Holographic Logo pack 1 - China It contains 10 logos. -Respectively Acfun \ Alipay \ Bilibili \ BOE \ DJI \ JD \ Lenovo \ Tencent \ Tiktok \ WeChat ------------------------------------------ 全息标志 - 中国包 包含了10个熟悉的标志logo -包含有 A站、支付宝、B站、京东方、大疆、京东、联想、腾讯、抖音、微信 t...
Bank of china building , Shanghai 上海中国银行大楼
Skapad av CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level special building. 中国银行上海分行早先是使用汉口路3号原户部银行行址办公,1923年迁至仁记路(今滇池路)22号原德国总会大楼内办公。这是一幢三层楼的巴洛克式建筑,由德国在沪侨民集资建于1908年,砖木结构,由倍高洋行设计,楼顶由南北两个不同形状的巴洛克式塔楼,中间屋面上有山墙。二、三层有内阳台,门窗为券式。从1908年到1917年的十年间,他是在沪德国侨民娱乐、聚会的场所。 The B...
Beijing Style Palace Building 京式重簷歇山殿
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Beijing style palace building. 糅合各种原型的一栋北京式建筑。殿名普通😄 借鑒了工坊作者 Emperor Li的很多素材,特別感謝。 Model Info LOT Size 7x4 Tris 6738 LOD Tris 39 Texture 2048x2048 LOD Texture 256x256 --...
Beijing Style Pavilion 京式重簷攢尖亭
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! 取材自工坊作者 Emperor Li 的 午門 側亭。聊以自用。非常感謝。 Model Info LOT size 3x3 Tris 4614 LOD Tris 80 Texture 2048x2048 LOD Texture 256x256 --------------------------------------------------------...
明清庑殿顶皇极殿Hall of Huangji, the Forbidden City
Skapad av MC100
首先跟大家道个歉,这次时间太匆忙了,所以没有仔细检查资产就上传了,有很多没有完善的地方和细节错误,总体来说挺粗糙的。比如说“皇极殿”我忘记用繁体字了,还有很多地方跟现实中的皇极殿区别太大了,纯粹就是挂了个名而已。。。实在对不起大家了 求求大家点个赞再订阅不要白嫖啊!!!! 本次资产包含两个两栋建筑,主要是替换了瓦的颜色:皇极殿Hall of Huangji 以及 明清风格主殿Ming Dynasty Main Hall This asset includes two buildings, the bigge...
Secondary Road
Skapad av RyanCat
Secondary road/rural road/national road. Commonly seen in China as national ways provincial ways or county ways. The collection contains three roads: 1.With basic roadbed(current)(Necessity,contains pillars and barrier end props) 2.With one side ditch 3.Wi...
Skapad av RyanCat
Secondary road. Commonly seen in China as national ways provincial ways or county ways. The collection contains three roads: 1.With basic roadbed(Necessity,contains pillars and barrier end props) 2.With one side ditch(current) 3.With two side ditches For r...
Skapad av RyanCat
Secondary road. Commonly seen in China as national ways provincial ways or county ways. The collection contains three roads: 1.With basic roadbed(Necessity,contains pillars and barrier end props) 2.With one side ditch 3.With two side ditches(current) For r...
上海光明金融大楼 ShangHai Guangming Fiancial Building
Skapad av CM.
你可以在第三级别特殊建筑中找到。 You can find it in the third level of special buildings. 光明大厦位于金陵东路外滩,地上三十二层,地下二层。外观挺拔雄伟,气势非凡,是外滩沿江地区有史以来唯一的一幢超高层涉外商务楼,是该地区醒目建筑物之一。 Guangming building is located on the Bund of Jinling East Road, with 32 floors above ground and 2 floors un...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式底商商铺楼10 by Redmi(红米) 共计10栋,其中 转角处共计4栋,其余6栋为直线建筑,每栋门面门头内容不一样 LOD面数:60 贴图:256X256 10栋建筑熟悉为独特建筑,可以在独特建筑里边找到。均为商业性质资产...
Commercial residential building中式商品房住宅楼
Skapad av 红米先生
Commercial residential building by Redmi(红米)商品房住宅楼 共计2栋,分别为30层一栋 ,20层一栋,属于高层住宅属性, LOD:1200 贴图分辨率:1024X1024 占地4X3格子,30层高度106米,20层高度76米 Commercial residential building by redmi There are two buildings in total, one with 30 floors and one with 20 floors, whic...
Water conservancy facilities
Skapad av hikke
大家好 这次的作品是水质监测综合大楼 是一栋综合性的政府办公楼 有水质监测,水闸,办公楼,业务办理等功能 ~笑 希望大家喜欢 注意事项: •这个资产中包含了二个部分 Water conservancy facilities,菜单位置:parks&plazas→plazas stone-s,菜单位置:electricity •由于水上建筑的特殊性,需要用到2个mod “move it "对资产进行微调,主要是下降操作 无碰撞mod(有好几个,自己选一个)摆放建筑的时候需要 模型信息: 见最后一张图 =====...
中式小区商住楼/Chinese Commercial Community (Pack)
Skapad av often
中式小区商住楼/Chinese Commercial Community (Pack) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 本套资产包括3个建筑,资产名字: xiaoqu1_1,xiaoqu1_2,xiaoqu1_3。 This pack includes 3 buildings, asset Name: xiaoqu1_1,xiaoqu1_2,xiaoqu1_3. ////////////////////...
Genesis Beijing 北京启皓大厦1:1
Skapad av abuchou
Genesis Beijing is located in the core zone of Sanyuan Bridge and Lufthansa Business Circle, and within the 2nd and 3rd embassy areas - the most unique and historically valued zone in Beijing. Home to 103 embassies and consulates, headquarters and offices ...
Guangzhou Garden Hotel
Skapad av 红米先生
Guangzhou Garden Hotel by redmi Guangzhou Garden Hotel, one of the best in the business circle, has enjoyed a good reputation both at home and abroad since its opening in 1985 Guangzhou Garden Hotel Guangzhou Garden Hotel (10) Ten years is the largest five...
Jiangnan Style Pavilion 江南十字脊歇山閣
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A generic Jiangnan style pavilion building. Based on Woxin Pavilion near Ying'en Gate, Shaoxing, China. A Park Life version and a prop version included. 一座十字脊歇山顶的楼阁建筑,原型是绍兴迎恩门附近的...
呼和浩特振华广场,Zhen Hua Plaza, Hohhot
Zhen Hua Plaza, Hohhot by 失去梦想的咸鱼 该建筑高165.4m,宽大约145m,为商业公寓综合体。位于呼和浩特市新华广场南侧。 商场南侧有两栋全公寓高层,也已制作完成,并已发布...
振华广场公寓,Zhenhua Apartment #2#3
Zhenhua Apartment #2#3 by 失去梦想的咸鱼 此资产为振华广场公寓楼部分,高164m,宽约110m...
Skapad av 红米先生
广州侨鑫国际底座版 by Redmi(红米)...
Dongbei House
Skapad av RyanCat
A typical style of village house in Northeastern China. Size 2x2 Level 2 low residential Main 492 Tris, _d _i _n _s ,1024x1024 LOD 65 Tris, _d _i _s ,128x128 Support me here...
Tiny Narrow Alley
Skapad av RyanCat
2 lane 2 way tiny narrow alley. Similar to NE2 2 way alley but without the hump. Plant the trees on your own Lane width: 2.5m Pavement width: 2m (0.5m facilities,1.5m pedestian) Sunken: 0.1m The sunken amount is different from those of vanilla roads but co...
Temple of the Moon - Imperial Dressing Hall 北京月壇具服殿
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Includes a Park Life version and a Prop version. The Temple of the Moon is an altar located in Xicheng District, in western Beijing, China. The altar was built in 1530 during the...
Temple of the Moon - Pavilion 北京月壇某亭
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A pavilion made with textures from Temple of the Moon - Imperial Dressing Hall. 使用具服殿素材制作的一个亭子。形制比较像月坛的宰牲亭。绿琉璃筒瓦重檐歇山顶,梁枋施金凤和玺彩画。 Model Info LOT Size 2x2 Tris 4640 LOD Tris 53 Tex...
Temple of the Moon - Bell Tower 北京月壇鐘樓
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Includes a Park Life version and a Prop version. The Temple of the Moon is an altar located in Xicheng District, in western Beijing, China. The altar was built in 1530 during the...
Modern middle-level housing2
Skapad av 红米先生
中式现代住宅楼:两种不同颜色样式,两座住宅楼,属于住宅楼属性,层高11层,占地4X3格子 贴图分辨率1024X1024 SUB-LOD:4000左右. Chinese modern residential building: two different colors and styles, two residential buildings, belonging to the property of residential buildings, 11 stories high, covering an ar...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代中式高层住宅楼 by Redmi(红米) 楼层:30层 高:103米,占地4X3格子,属性:住宅类...
experimental primary school实验小学
Skapad av 红米先生
中式实验小学,占地8X8格,64X64米,容纳1300名小学生。 模型LOD(sub):4500左右, 贴图分辨率:512X512. Chinese Experimental Primary School, covering an area of 8 × 8, 64x64 meters, accommodates 1300 primary school students. Model LOD (sub): 4500, map resolution: 512x512 ...
宋代鸱吻Song Dynasty Chiwen prop
Skapad av MC100
宋代鸱吻Song Dynasty Chwn by CSL.Studio 南宋皇宫系列之宋代鸱吻prop Chiwen is a roof decoration which widely used in traditional Chinese architectures. As is known to all, Chinese traditional architectures are made of wood, and the wooden structure couldn't prevent them f...
Dauphine Apartments
Skapad av MarleEvans
Update 2020.11.13: Add balconies' railings. Show in the last pic. Main Mesh:10376--->11012 tris Remake LOD:838--->532 tris Info: Dauphine Apartments. Designed by Leonard, Veysseyre & Kruze, Architects. Completed in 1935. Reinforced concrete structure. Mode...
Skapad av imengyu
包含中国高速常见的指示牌(有字) by imengyu...
Skapad av 南方新视窗
6*3停车场 by 南方新视窗...
Temple of Heaven - Hall of Imperial Zenith 北京天壇皇乾殿
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The Temple of Heaven is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Q...
Temple of Heaven - Trinity Gate 北京天壇殿門
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! The gate before the Hall of Imperial Zenith in Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China. 北京天坛皇乾殿前的殿门。 Model Info LOT Size 3x1 Tris 4535 LOD Tris 324 Texture 2048x1024 LOD Texture 256x256...
Miscellaneous Props 一些雜物
Skapad av Bathtub
A couple props for my own use. Slightly modified some of Emperor Li's assets: Two (tall & short) version of Imperial City Wall with grey roof instead of yellow Some Beijing props but with green roof and red paint. Beijing Siheyuan (Courtyard) wall network ...
宋代单檐歇山殿Song Dynasty Building, Gable and Hip Roof Style
Skapad av MC100
宋代单檐歇山殿gable and hip roof Song by CSL.Studio This is an ancient Chinese building (Song Dynasty Style) with a gable-and-hip roof (According to "A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture" written by Liang Sicheng). Song Dynasty (960 AD - 1279 AD) is one of...
Modern youth apartment现代青年公寓
Skapad av 红米先生
现代青年公寓,参考青岛五四广场周边住宅楼而模范建造,层高30层,105米,占地4X4格子,LOD:500,贴图分辨率:2K, 属性自长住宅楼。 Modern youth apartment is a model building with reference to the residential buildings around the May Fourth Square in Qingdao. It is 30 stories high and 105 meters in height. It cover...
May 4th Square 青岛五四广场
Skapad av 红米先生
占地15X8格,长200米,宽120米,此资产为青岛五四广场南片区,与现实中略有差别,属性是公园类属性。 LOD:2300,贴图分辨率2k。 It covers an area of 15x8, 200 meters long and 120 meters wide. This asset is the south area of Qingdao May Fourth Square, which is slightly different from the reality. Its attribute is...
Skapad av CR
中式-16层楼房 by Cold wind...
宋代三开间歇山配殿Side Hall
Skapad av MC100
宋代三开间歇山配殿Side Hall by CSL.Studio...
CRT-马王场站 (Mawangchang Station)
Skapad av CR
马王场站 (Mawangchang Station) 是重庆轨道交通2号线(单轨)中一座车站,位于重庆市九龙坡区,是重庆轨道交通(集团)有限公司管辖的车站,建于2006年。 中文名 :马王场站 外文名 : Mawangchang Station 启用时间 : 2016年 车站编号 : 2/15 车站地址 : 重庆市九龙坡区 运营机构 :重庆轨道交通(集团)有限公司 马王场站为高架单轨站,站内布局为两条股道,两座侧式站台,股道位于两站台之间。 Mawangchang station is a station ...
Jianou residential building简欧住宅楼
Skapad av 红米先生
简欧住宅楼高层+简欧住宅楼底层共计两座,其中一座32层高,占地4X3格子,高度104米,另外一座15层,占地4X3格子,高度54米,属性为住宅类,模型均采用SUB分层子建筑方式导入,共计面数4500,LOD:2400,分辨率2k. There are two high-rise buildings and two ground floors of Jianou residential building. One of them is 32 stories high, covering an area of ...
Skapad av 六六
鹤PROP01 by 桦忆叹喃 This is a three-dimensional asset prop, not a two-dimensional poster 反馈群557678106...
Skapad av 六六
鹤PROP02 by 桦忆叹喃 This is a three-dimensional asset prop, not a two-dimensional poster 反馈群557678106...
Hohhotzhenhuaapartment by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
MallCity by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
The 80s offices A
Skapad av RyanCat
One of the 80s offices series. Better maintained version: Main : 1338 tris 1024x1024(d,i,s,n) LOD : 20 tris 128x128(d,i) Support me here...
The 80s offices A(maintained)
Skapad av RyanCat
The 80s offices series A better maintained version. Worn version: Main: 1338 Tris ,1024x1024 (d,i,n,s) lod : 20 Tris ,128x128 (d,i) Support me here...
Alibaba Guangzhou operation cent
Skapad av 红米先生
广州华南阿里巴巴运营中心大厦 占地10X8格,80米X64米,高度210米。建筑属性(独特建筑), LOD:1500,贴图分辨率2K。 Guangzhou South China Alibaba operation center building It covers an area of 10x8 grids, 80m x64m and a height of 210m. Architectural properties (unique architecture), Resolution: 2K, LOD:...
Beijing-Style Palace Pack 各種殿
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A couple Beijing-style palace buildings: Hall of Divine Light - located in Tuancheng, Beijing, China. Beijing-Style Palace #2 - A generic Beijing-Style Palace #3 Beijing-Style Te...
Clothes Hangings
Skapad av MarleEvans
Cautions This pack contains 8 props which share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. info Some old school clothes hangings which can usually be found around old residential blocks in Shanghai and surrounding areas. ...
Chinese Castle Modular Pack 中式城堡模组
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! A Beijing-Style Chinese Castle. All individual modules have 4 color variances: purple, yellow, green, grey. Please use Move It! to raise the buildings above terrain level to matc...
Skapad av 啥也不会
Skapad av 啥也不会
深圳万象天地T2/The Mixc World Tower 2
Skapad av UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
深圳万象天地T1/The Mixc World Tower 1
Skapad av UNFU
2017 年华润置地为深圳带来与众不同的全新商业力作 ——万象天地,项目位于深圳市南山区,是深圳人文综合体华润城的商业中心,也是华润置地三大商业产品线之外的首个创新产品。 深圳万象天地力求突破传统商业中心封闭式的空间体验,携手全球35家顶级设计、创新、艺术顾问团队,以“街区+mall”的独特空间规划,打破传统购物中心大盒子形态,带来10座全新独栋旗舰店。国际时尚、特色餐饮、儿童天地、人文生活四大特色业态的品牌规划,带 来了近 300个店铺,逾 1,000 个品牌,其中约 30%的品牌是首次进入深圳,项目更引...
Skapad av 红米先生
住宅楼B by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
Skapad av 红米先生
住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 普通住宅楼资产 占地8X2格 LOD(sub):3500 贴图分辨率:1080P 楼层搞14层 典型中式住宅楼 共计3个单元楼组合 ...
Flower bed 5绿化带物件
Skapad av 红米先生
Flower bed 5 by Redmi(红米) 绿化带物件共计5个 纯中式造型 属于PROP版本 1:绿化带10米X4米 2:道路树木底盘2X2米,高度0.5厘米 3:街道花坛4X4米,高1米 4:街道花坛5X4米,高1米 5:树木支架:1.5X1.5米,高1.5米,纯木纹材质。 LOD顶点面数:各占200 分辨率:512X512 搜素物件请直接搜索英文标题名称 There are 5 green belt objects in total Pure Chinese style Belongs to p...
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式楼左 by Redmi(红米) 新中式古风住宅楼,此楼分别两个部分,分别为标注为左和右两个部分,在摆放的时候没有顺序,随便放置其中一个,在放置另外一个,然后对齐即可组成2个单元楼。 属性:住宅楼 层高:11层 占地:2X6...
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店
Skapad av 红米先生
Suzhou W Hotel苏州W酒店 by Redmi(红米) 酒店位于苏州CBD建筑群,东方之门南片。 W酒店建筑群特点:共计四栋建筑高度分别为:200米,170米,130米,外加底座一栋为整合建筑群包含写字楼两座。 占地长度240米X宽50米,38格X7格,属性:独特建筑类。 LOD:2400 分辨率2K。 另外有一个地下停车场和8米道路连接线,地下停车场只是个摆设效果无实际停车效果,外加一个道路需要开启道路无碰撞链接即可。 The hotel is located in Suzhou CBD com...
Skapad av 啥也不会
泰安传媒大厦 by 筑联建科BIM...
Skapad av 啥也不会
泰山火车站 by 筑联建科BIM...
Hong Kong Housing Estate (H-Block) | 香港工字型公共屋邨
This's my first time uploading things to Steam Workshop :D Please inform me if there is any problem. Thx ~ Introduction of the building Introduced in 1976, this H-Block design is used in public housing estates in Hong Kong constructed between 1979 and 1983...
Hong Kong Bus Terminus 2 | 巴士總站 2
Please inform me if you encounter any problem. Thx~ :D Introduction of the building - A common bus terminus design in Hong Kong - With 5 boarding bays Known issues | 已知問題 - Bus stops cannot be too close to other roads or buses will take the nearest route t...
Modern Metro Station A1 With Road 地铁站A带道路版本
Skapad av via枼世千
本版本是旧版。请移步新版订阅最新版本: THIS IS AN OLD VERSION. PLEASE USE MY NEW VERSION OF METRO STATION ASSETS: *******************************...
Hong Kong Bus Terminus 1 | 巴士總站 1
Please inform me if you encounter any problem. Thx~ :D Introduction of the building - A common bus terminus design in Hong Kong - With 5 boarding bays Known issues | 已知問題 - Only 3 or 4 boarding bays available | 祇有 3 或 4 個車坑/站坑可用 - Bus stops cannot be too c...
Hong Kong Flatted Factory Estate (HKHA) | 香港新式工廠大廈 (房委會)
Introduction of the building Since 1957, the Hong Kong government has been building flatted factories until 1984. This building - Sui Fai Factory Estate - in Shatin was established in Sep 1982 and managed by a government department - Hong Kong Housing Auth...
Skapad av kaikai0706
芜湖新百大厦 by kaikai0706...
Modern Train Station A Rail version地铁站A1火车站版本
Skapad av via枼世千
Warning: Please do not forward without the author's permission! Non-commercial use may be used, promoted, and if required for commercial use, please contact this author, who retains the copyright without my own declaration. 警示:请不要在未经作者允许的情况下进行二次转载! 非商业用途可以...
辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆 Wuchang Uprising Memorial hall
Skapad av CM.
你可以在第五级别特式建筑中找到。 You can find it in the fifth-level special building. 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆,以收藏辛亥革命时期及辛亥革命人物相关的文物见长的专题性博物馆,已收藏文物数千件,有“辛亥名人字画”、“共和纪念瓷器”、“近代名人家谱”等。 The Wuchang Uprising Memorial Museum of the Revolution of 1911 is a thematic museum known for its collec...
Exhibition Center——泰山国际会展中心
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Suzhou global 188苏州环球188
Skapad av 红米先生
苏州环球188,位于苏州园区CBD核心地段是苏州地标性建筑 此资产是商住综合体,分别为一座底商两座写字楼组成,占地长200米左右,宽50米左右,写字楼一栋高度385米,另一栋285米,底商高度15米左右。 LOD(SUB):2500 贴图分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑购物商城 Suzhou global 188 The asset is a commercial and residential complex, which is composed of two office buildings at th...
Ancient Chinese Citizens Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Ancient Chinese Citizens pack. Prop version Use No Vanilla Citizensto prevent vanilla citizens spawning. Includes 43 individuals with 27 different models.That means each type of citizen or tourist has 2 different models. All models are from the internet. I...
Traditional Chinese Architecture 古风建筑
Skapad av VQVQ
Traditional Chinese Architecture 3*3...
Lane Houses Filler - Shanghai, China
Skapad av MarleEvans
Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can get more Shanghai atmosphere with the Clothes Hangings props I have made. Info: Lane/Alley ChengXing - a typical Shanghai residential...
Lane Houses WalltoWall House - Shanghai, China
Skapad av MarleEvans
Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can get more Shanghai atmosphere with the Clothes Hangings props I have made. Info: Lane/Alley ChengXing - a typical Shanghai residential...
Lane Houses Corner - Shanghai, China
Skapad av MarleEvans
Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can get more Shanghai atmosphere with the Clothes Hangings props I have made. Info: Lane/Alley ChengXing - a typical Shanghai residential...
Lane Houses Entrance - Shanghai, China
Skapad av MarleEvans
In memory of my grandmother who had forever left us in 12.16.2020. She had spent quite a lot times in such kind of house in her life. Cautions This series of houses share the same texture,please subscribe Loading Screen Mod to get the best results. You can...
Skapad av 啥也不会
原型为泰安市公安局,一层未做贴图,可以自行po。 有需要改进的地方请留言by 筑联建科BIM...
Hong Kong Tram 6th Generation - Line Color | 香港電車
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tramways 6th Generation Tram - Line Color 香港電車 第六代 - 路綫顔色 Introduction Hong Kong Tram - 香港電車 (Cantonese Yale: hūeng gǒng dìn chē) The city's living history. Strolling across Victoria...
Go chess (Weiqi)
Skapad av RyanCat
Go chess (Weiqi) prop Use seat site to make the stools work. Tris:814 Texture:512x512,d...
[CRCP] 统一祖国 振兴中华
Skapad av 98ColdDew
点击订阅 >>> 广州站 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国 · 广州站站房上方的八个大字 “统一祖国 振兴中华” 的prop。 晚上发光,白天熄灭。 您可以将其摆放在任何您觉得合适的地方。 如果您满意,请点赞收藏, 如果不满意,请评论意见, 谢谢。 背景 1986年,广州深处改革开放前沿,需要给广大侨胞进入广州便留下热血沸腾、激情澎湃的中华梦印象,于是便决定竖立 “统一祖国、振兴中华” 的标牌。以下为当年参与更换事宜的人员回忆: 19...
Skapad av RyanCat
Bulletin prop Tris:302 Texture:256x256,d...
Chinses Statues
Skapad av RyanCat
Chinses Statues Tris:428;625;435;561 Texture:256x256,d,n Contains 4 statuses: Kongzi(Confucius),Zhuangzi,Zhenwu,Guanyin(Avalokitesvara)...
Skapad av RyanCat
Drum props 2 drum props Tris:875;832 Texture:512x512,d,n...
Guzheng (Chinese Zither)
Skapad av RyanCat
Guzheng (Chinese Zither) prop Tris:488 Texture:512x512,d...
Wooden fence
Skapad av RyanCat
Wooden fence Contains long and short fence and an end pillar Tris:174 Texture:256x256,d...
Skapad av RyanCat
Sundial prop Tris:698 Texture:512x512,d,n...
Skapad av RyanCat
Stele prop Tris:630 Texture:512x512,d,n...
Stone lanterns
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone lanterns 2 stone lanterns. lighted at night. Tris:780;492 Texture:256x256,d,n(shared)...
Stone fence 1
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone fence 1 Contains the fence and end pillar. This one is much more detailed with much more triangles. For better performance,use Stone fence 2 instead Tris:490 Texture:256x256,d,n...
Stone fence 2
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone fence 2 Contains the fence and end pillar Tris:42 Texture:256x256,d,n...
Stone tables
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone tables prop 2 stone table sets with stool Use seat site to make the stools work. Tris:955;580 Texture:256x256;512x512,d...
Stone lions
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone lions prop A pair of two stone lions,left and right Tris:999 Texture:256x512,d...
Skapad av RyanCat
Loom prop Tris:723 Texture:256x512,d...
Lantern Lights Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Lantern Lights Pack Contains 4 Chinese style lantern lights. lighted at night. Mesh info Tris:736;606;2388;997 Texture:1024x1024,d,n.(The 4 share 1 texture) Use network skin 2 to replace lights in streets. Use Find it 2 to plop it in game. Support me here...
宣德门完整版Gate of Xuande completed
Skapad av MC100
宣德门完整版Gate of Xuande completed by CSL.Studio 北宋汴京宫城正门,宋初叫明德门,太平兴国三年改丹凤门,雍熙元年改今乾元门,大中祥符八年改正阳门,明道二年改宣德门。该门由主城门、两朵楼及两阙组成,平面呈"凹"字形,五凤楼形制,上承洛阳应天门,下启大都崇天门,为中国古代都城城门形制演变中的重要一环,对以后金中都、元大都,直至明清北京城的皇宫城门形制均有影响。 这个版本的宣德门更像是宣德门跟应天门的合体版本,因为现实里的宣德门是单向三出阙,而这里改成了双向三出阙。五凤楼形...
wuhu Golden Eagle World Cente
Skapad av kaikai0706
wuhu Golden Eagle World Cente by From 此建筑更新版本,原来的老版本不用即将隐藏。 有问题大家可以帮忙测试留言谢谢。...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式小区住宅楼第8层 by Redmi(红米) 共计两栋建筑分别25层一栋(85米高) 8层一栋(30米高),颜色由淡黄色+灰白色搭配 纯中式风味,楼顶带阳台柱子 LOD:1200 分辨率2K 属性:高密度住宅楼...
应县木塔The Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple
Skapad av MC100
"今天正式的去拜见佛宫寺塔, 绝对的Overwhelming, 好到令人叫绝, 喘不出一口气来半天!这个塔真是个独一无二的伟大作品. 不见此塔, 不知木构建筑的可能性达到了什么程度. 我佩服极了. 佩服建造这塔的时代, 和那时代里不知名的大建筑师, 不知名的匠人。" -----------梁思成 "Today I officially went to visit the Sakyamuni pagoda of Fogong temple. It's absolutely Overwhelming and s...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 1
Skapad av 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含国铁LOGO+250隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “一”,输入 “crcp yi”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式小区6层 by Redmi(红米) 中式普通住宅楼6层,占地6X3格 经典红色楼顶, LOD:3000 分辨率:1024X1024...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代新中式住宅楼A by Redmi(红米) 新式现代住宅楼共计2栋,一栋为30层,另外一栋20层,属性是普通住宅楼属性 占地6X3格子 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式围栏黑蓝色调 by Redmi(红米) 总高度2.2米,其中地面墙面70厘米,上面围栏1.5米,颜色搭配:白色+蓝色+墙砖贴图 属性道路公园属性,可以拉长...
Skapad av 29724548
重庆朝天门大桥Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge
Skapad av 29724548
重庆朝天门长江大桥(Chongqing Chaotianmen Yangtze River Bridge) 朝天门长江大桥是中国重庆市境内连接江北区与南岸区的过江通道,位于长江水道之上,是重庆主城区向外辐射的东西向快速干道, 建成时为世界上跨度最大的拱桥。朝天门长江大桥始称王家沱长江大桥,后曾被命名为红岩长江大桥,于2004年2月改为现名。2004年12月,朝天门长江大桥动工兴建。 2009年4月29日,大桥正式通车.大桥西连江北区五里店,东接南岸区弹子石;线路全长1741米、主跨长552米;桥面上层为双向...
跨座式单轨 straddle monorail
Skapad av CR
跨座式单轨,为单轨的一种,单轨系统属于城市轨道交通的一种制式。跨座式单轨是通过单根轨道支持、稳定和导向,车体釆用橡胶轮胎骑在轨道梁上运行的轨道交通制式。 Straddle monorail is a kind of monorail. Monorail system belongs to a system of urban rail transit. Straddle monorail is a kind of rail transit system, which is supported, stabili...
Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 观水台
Skapad av VQVQ
观水台 by VQVQ Ancient Chinese Architecture Water viewing platform 2*2 If you want to give the craftsmen a platform to see the lake, subscribe to it! You can find it in your list of unique buildings! 一个小亭子,。在独特建筑列表里,名字叫观水台,最好另外订阅建筑不怕水的那个mod,另外没有放置入口的楼梯和走廊,玩家可...
[AnimDisplay] B&R 一带一路 30s
Skapad av 98ColdDew
这是一带一路宣传片《共同繁荣》的动态显示屏 如果你习惯于 35%速率,请订阅 B&R 一带一路 30s 如果你习惯于100%速率,请订阅 B&R 一带一路 60s 如果你想听30s的配套音乐,请订阅 CSL Music Mod 并订阅 B&R 一带一路 30s 如果你想听60s的配套音乐,请订阅 CSL Music Mod 并订阅 B&R 一带一路 60s 原视频 00:01:29:90 30s 将speed slider调至100%,播放时间00:00:30:00 将speed slider调至 35%,...
宋代三出阙Side tower of Song Dynasty
Skapad av MC100
宋代三出阙Side tower of Song Dynasty by CSL.Studio 阙是古代中国最高等级的建筑形式之一。阙制中最高等级的三出阙一般耸立在帝王居住的宫廷大门前面,是天下独尊的标志性建筑。大家订阅的时候不要忘记点个赞哦~ The que, side tower (simplified Chinese: 阙; traditional Chinese: 闕; pinyin: què; Jyutping: kyut3) is a freestanding, ceremonial gate to...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代新式公寓楼30层 by Redmi(红米) 纯中式沙黄色外墙,楼层高92米,层高30层 ,占地2X3格...
Skapad av 红米先生
地下门面 by Redmi(红米) 由于比例原因,可能物件大小并不是您想要的,所以建议您订阅魔物PO,来配合使用即可调整武将长宽高比例,变能达到您想要的大小比例效果。...
宋代皇城正殿The main hall of palace
Skapad av MC100
宋代皇城正殿The main hall of palace by CSL.Studio 此正殿有两个版本,一个是带牌匾的,还有一个是不带牌匾的。大家喜欢不要忘记点赞哦~! This main hall has two variations, one with plaque, and the other without plaque. If you guys enjoy it, don't forget to give it a 👍 面数tris: 60,000+ in total...
诺德金融中心Nord financial center
Skapad av 红米先生
天津诺德金融中心Nord financial center by Redmi(红米) 位于天津滨海新区核心CBD,楼房高220米,占地13x13格 LOD:2000 分辨率:2K 建筑属性:独特建筑类型...
Skapad av kaikai0706
四川省图书馆 by From 测试制作带装饰灯不带内透灯。 下个版本会做内透。...
Skapad av 啥也不会
泰安华侨大厦 by 筑联建科BIM...
Skapad av 啥也不会
原型为:泰安文化艺术中心。一个没有细节的资产,公园属性。 泰安文化艺术中心位于泰安时代发展轴上,总建筑面积6万平方米, 由图书馆、艺术馆、美术馆、剧场组成,融景观性、艺术性、实用性为一体。泰安文化艺术中心建成后,将为泰安人民提供图书阅览、美术展览、艺术培训、歌舞娱乐等全方位的服务.泰安文化艺术中心 by 筑联建科BIM...
高速收费站--- Tollbooth
Skapad av hikke
Commercial complex——Wan Da 泰安万达广场
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泰安万达广场 位于山东省泰安市泰山大街以南,灵山大街以北,七里河以西,望岳西路以东,总占地面积240余亩,拟规划建筑面积70余万平方米,内容包括大型商业中心、城市步行街、超五星级酒店、甲级写字楼、国际影院等,集购物、餐饮、文化、娱乐等多种功能于一体的大型商圈,形成新的城市中心。 建议订阅 ”Find it“ 在 可生长的低密度商业中寻找 属性:低密度商业 贴图:2048*2048 有关任何模型问题可留言 有偿接受资产定制 There are eight office buildings, five-stor...
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TaiAn-泰安金融商务区双子楼 泰安金融商务区项目位居泰安时代发展中轴龙首之位,北隔灵山大街与万达广场相望、东临望岳东路、西接望岳西路、南临泮河大街与规划中亚洲最大泮河湿地公园隔路相望。 双子座超高层造型取意为“双手合十、礼敬泰山”。其分为东西两塔及相邻裙楼。整体均衡严谨,建筑主次有序、层层递进,体现传统礼序之道。 订阅“FIND IT”在可生长建筑中办公区找到它 属性:办公 定制资产有偿接单。 The Tai 'an Financial Business District project ranks f...
Skapad av 啥也不会
TaiAn-泰安金融商务区双子楼 泰安金融商务区项目位居泰安时代发展中轴龙首之位,北隔灵山大街与万达广场相望、东临望岳东路、西接望岳西路、南临泮河大街与规划中亚洲最大泮河湿地公园隔路相望。 双子座超高层造型取意为“双手合十、礼敬泰山”。其分为东西两塔及相邻裙楼。整体均衡严谨,建筑主次有序、层层递进,体现传统礼序之道。 订阅“FIND IT”在可生长建筑中办公区找到它 属性:办公 定制资产有偿接单。 The Tai 'an Financial Business District project ranks f...
Skapad av 76561198984735658
成都环球中心 by beibeiyu...
岳阳楼Yueyang Tower
Skapad av MC100
“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”————范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 "Be the first one of the country to show concern and the last to enjoy oneself"-------Fan Zhongyan "Memorial to Yueyang Tower " “朝晖夕阴,气象万千”————范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 "With the sun shining brightly, then dusk’s mists falling, at every turn...
Taoist Temple Props 北京東嶽廟組件
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Required props for Taoist Temple Complex 東嶽廟 所需组件 From left to right: 从左到...
Taoist Temple Complex 北京東嶽廟
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Important Please flatten the terrain before use. As shown above, the "rea...
HK Mark 2 block 8s, 70s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Description A Mark II resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the mid-1970s. An 8-storey long version. Based on 8-story long blocks of Lok Fu and Wang Tau Hom resettlement estates. Mark II blocks, so-called '日' blocks, were a later development of ...
Railway Buffers (Chinese)
Skapad av uiop4869
Railway: China A pack include 4 styles of buffer props. Asset Name Style Name availability* Suitable coupler & height Example Usage R69China-BfJ China RWY Janney coupler 880mm Conventional lines R69China-BfS China-S RWY Scharfenberg coupler 1 000mm High-sp...
Railway Barriers (Chinese)
Skapad av uiop4869
Railway: China A pack include 4 barrier props, based on standard level crossings in China. Though most of them use slide gates instead of booms. How to use Please subscribe the Railway Replacer mod, press Shift + Alt + P to call up the mod menu during game...
北京鼓楼 Beijing Drum Tower
Skapad av MC100
北京鼓楼是坐落在北京市南北中轴线北端的一组古代建筑,位于北京东城区地安门外大街北端。是全国重点文物保护单位。在原有现存的鼓楼中,北京鼓楼是体量最大的(考虑到凤阳鼓楼城楼部分是现代修建的)气势雄伟,巍峨壮观,高度的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值,充分显示出了古代汉族劳动人民的智慧和力量 。北京鼓楼坐北朝南,为重檐三滴水木结构楼阁建筑,通高46.7米。楼身坐落在4米高的砖砌城台之上,东西长约56米,南北宽约33米,体量与法国凯旋门相当。台上四周围以宇墙。钟鼓楼作为元、明、清代都城的报时中心,是古都北京的标志性建筑之一...
Skapad av 红米先生
tree by Redmi(红米) 树木根部为涂刷白色石灰,以保护树根为基础。偏向于中式风格树木画风 LOD:685 分辨率:2k...
viaye's Modern Chinese Style Metro Transfer Station C (千世国风地铁站C)
Skapad av via枼世千
本资产为双岛式换乘地铁站。 资产简介:高模8000三角面;低模2000面。 原型:南京地铁S3号线马骡圩站,进行了亿些更改。 请订阅的兄弟们随手点个赞吧,十分感谢! 本地铁站基于原版地铁站使用,碰撞面积16*8,实际面积20*8。 This is a dual island metro transfer station. Introduction: Based on vanilla metro station with a 20*8 m^2 area. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND CLICK ...
重庆朝天门码头广场Chongqing Chaotianmen Pier
Skapad av 29724548
重庆鹅公岩大桥Chongqing E'gongyan Bridge
Skapad av 29724548
重庆鹅公岩大桥(Chongqing E'gongyan Bridge) 鹅公岩大桥是中国重庆市境内连接九龙坡区与南岸区的过江通道,位于长江之上,为门型双塔柱悬索桥,是重庆市主城区东西方向快速干道的组成部分。大桥西起于九龙坡区鹅公岩立交,东止于南岸区赵家坝立交,正桥全长1.42千米;桥面布置为双向8车道,设计最高速度为80千米/小时。...
Skapad av 29724548
重庆大剧院广场平台 by 29724548...
重庆大剧院Chongqing Grand Theatre
Skapad av 29724548
重庆大剧院Chongqing Grand Theatre 重庆大剧院(Chongqing Grand Theatre),位于重庆市江北区北城文华街东路,于2007年1月28日开工建设,2009年9月1日正式竣工,是集歌剧、戏剧、音乐会演出,文化艺术交流,多功能为一体的大型社会文化设施。...
Skapad av 29724548
重庆喜来登国际中心 by 29724548...
重庆人民大礼堂主楼Chongqing people's auditorium
Skapad av 29724548
重庆市人民大礼堂(Chongqing people's auditorium) 该建筑位于重庆市渝中区人民路173号,于1951年6月破土兴建,1954年4月竣工,是一座仿古民族建筑群,是重庆十大文化符号,是中国传统宫殿建筑风格与西方建筑的大跨度结构巧妙结合的杰作,也是重庆的标志建筑物之一 。重庆市人民大礼堂由大礼堂和东、南、北楼四大部分组成。占地总面积为6.6万平方米,其中礼堂占地1.85万平方米。礼堂建筑高65米,大厅净空高55米,内径46.33米,圆形大厅四周环绕四层挑楼,可容纳3400余人。...
Skapad av Aurouscia
Skapad av CR
农村2层小楼 by CRT 如果您喜欢这个作品的话,请一定要考虑一下为我捐赠,您的关注是我们制作的动力。 If you like this work, please consider donating it to me. Your attention is the driving force of our production. 支付宝 : Alipay : https://s...
Historical Chinese residence Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Historical Chinese residence Pack Contains 7 traditional Chinese style residence buildings,which share the textures.Use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Main 1429 317 514 2595 2497 1746 1682 LOD 22 22 ...
Skapad av zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
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by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
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by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
Skapad av zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
Skapad av zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
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by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
Skapad av zo'o'o'o'o'o'o
by zo'o'o'o'o'o'o...
Bamboo Cluster
Skapad av RyanCat
Bamboo cluster with more bent bamboos. STATS: Bamboo cluster- 3262 tris, 1024x1024 texture Texture by MrMaison. strong Suggestions Tree LOD Fix by TPB To see them even further without them popping in and out use Ultimate Level Of Detail mod Boformer's Rand...
Skapad av CR
农村小楼房 by CRT 如果您喜欢这个作品的话,请一定要考虑一下为我捐赠,您的关注是我们制作的动力。 If you like this work, please consider donating it to me. Your attention is the driving force of our production. 支付宝 : Alipay : https://st...
Stone Paifang Gate
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone Paifang Gate prop by RyanCat Contains 2,with characters and blank. 2180tris 84 lod 512x512 d,n 128 lod,d...
Taoist Temple Gates 東嶽廟的門
Skapad av Bathtub
If you like my assets, please consider giving it a thumbs up! 如果您喜欢我的素材请按个赞吧! Gates from Taoist Temple Complex 使用 東嶽廟 素材制作的几座门 Asset Name Tris LOD Tris LOT Zhandai Gate 瞻岱門 4856 156 4 x 2 Jingde Gate 景德門 5078 148 4 x 2 Street Gate 街門 1700 56 1 x 1 --------...
Landmark building——Yunding 云顶大厦
Skapad av 啥也不会
云鼎大厦位于山东省济南市高新区汉峪金谷,建筑高度339米。目前属于济南市最高建筑 有偿接受资产定制 Vx:oyhm527 by 筑联建科BIM Yunding Building is located in Hanyu Jingu, Jinan High-tech Zone, Shandong Province, with a building height of 339 meters. It is currently the tallest building in Jinan Paid acceptance...
HK Mark 1 block 6s, 60s
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Description A Mark I resettlement block in Hong Kong, as it looked in the prosperous 1960s. A 6-storey version, with flat roof. Based on the very first 6-storey blocks of Shek Kip Mei resettlement estate. Mark I blocks, so-called 'H' blocks, were designed ...
Stone Bridges Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Stone Bridges Pack by RyanCat Contains 9 historical Chinese stone bridges prop. Use Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance for better LOD performance. Or use Ultimate Level Of Detail (ULOD) to configure the LOD distance. UseLoading Screen Mod to share textures....
Skapad av 红米先生
广州环球都会广场 by 逍遥子掌门人 环球都会广场总建筑面积为18万平方米,总高度318米,楼层67层,是中轴至高可售甲级写字楼地标。配备地下5层智能车库、38层之上的空中奢华大堂、8.8米挑高豪华宴会厅等顶级商务配套。项目正处珠江新城最繁华的中轴核心区域,与东塔比肩相邻,共同组成68万平方米集超甲写字楼、高端商场、星级酒店、高端公寓于一体的顶级城市综合体。同时,中轴线上广州歌剧院、图书馆、博物馆、广州塔等七大地标景观也近在咫尺,又可北看56万平方米花城广场中轴景观、南望绝版一线珠江、东北向远眺珠江公园,中...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
封闭式电动三轮车 交通工具 by 小翔xiang 新资产来啦,该资产为中式电动三轮车(封闭式) 原型和贴图取自淮海电动车 注意!!! 此资产为vehicle(交通工具) 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:700 lod:50 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信本人b站账号...
五羊雕塑 The Statue of Five Rams
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Located at Yuexiu Park, Guangzhou, the Statue of Five Rams, a granite urban sculpture created by Yin Jichang, Chen Benzong and Kong Fanwei in April 1960. It has become a symbol of the city of Guangzhou (Canton). You can find it in the panel of Level 5 Uniq...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
半封闭货运农用电动三轮车交通工具 by 小翔xiang !!此资产为道路车辆!! 贴图和模型参考宗申货运载货农用电动三轮车 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 三角形数量:826 lod:36 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信b站账号...
花园酒店标志 Sign of Garden Hotel, Guangzhou
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Sign of Garden Hotel, Guangzhou 花园酒店标志 Width: 8m Texture: 512x512...
Skapad av 4M_Donny
中式现代化小区住宅楼B (考虑到个人配置原因或者不喜爱人口原因设置为 公园 属性)感谢各位喜爱 第一次做会慢慢仔细做出更好的资产。...
Skapad av 4M_Donny
住宅楼A by 夏天...
HIGER6129HEVA bilibili
Skapad av Siny
HIGER6129HEVA bilibili by Siny...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代步行街一期 by 逍遥子掌门人 本资产共计9栋资产建筑,每个建筑之间保持在5-6米距离,可供玩家自行画道路,另外您可以在每个建筑上自行画质过路天桥用来模拟显示天桥通道。 本资产占地340X180米,是一个超大型商业性质的步行街。 LOD:2000左右 2K分辨率 Leader of the first phase of modern pedestrian street There are 9 asset buildings in total. The distance between each buil...
CTS Billboards_park
Skapad av HUAL
Thank you for subscribing! General info This pack includes the park version of 3 billboards in 2K resolution. It is advised that the prop versions of these billboards are subscribed as well. This billboard pack will be constantly updated for optimization. ...
白天鹅宾馆 The White Swan Hotel
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
The White Swan Hotel is a 28-story luxury hotel in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, located on Shamian Island, overlooking the Pearl River and facing the White Swan Pool. The hotel is reached by its own private 635 metres (2,083 ft) causeway. The hotel opened ...
Skapad av imengyu
小区闸门,门禁,广告闸门 by imengyu. china residential zone gate...
Skapad av imengyu
入口闸门-关闭状态 by imengyu...
Skapad av imengyu
入口闸门-开启状态 parking entrance barrier by imengyu...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代小区围栏护栏 by 逍遥子掌门人 公园属性 LOD:1010 分辨率:1024X1024...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
电动三轮车交通工具 by 小翔xiang !!此资产为交通工具(vehicle)!! 模型及贴图参考宗申电动车 三角形数量:780 lod:46 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:64 x 64 此资产套用了游戏中的摩托车,所以会有摩托车的模型夹杂在其中 另外为什么这个资产需要11MB这么大,我也不知道啥原因 如有任何问题请在评论区留言或私信b站账号...
Hong Kong Tram 6th Generation - Ding Ding Cat (Green) | 叮叮貓電車
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tramways 6th Generation Tram - Ding Ding Cat (Green) Hong Kong tram with its cute little mascot. 香港電車 第六代 - 叮叮貓(綠色) 大時代中來氹香港人開心的叮叮貓電車。 Introduction Hong Kong Tram - 香港電車 (Cantonese Y...
Toyota Coaster B40 - Hong Kong Green Minibus (26K) | 16座綠色小巴
Skapad av Jeremychit Toyota Coaster B40 Green Minibus (26K) 豐田Coaster B40 綠色小巴 (26K) Introduction Green minibus - 綠色小巴 (Cantonese Yale: lùk sīk síu bā) Famous for its dangerously driving style, the minibus or publ...
Toyota Coaster B40 - Hong Kong Red Minibus (Mong Kok) | 16座紅色小巴
Skapad av Jeremychit Toyota Coaster B40 Red Minibus (Mong Kok) The ''Red Van" - spirit vehicle of Hong Kong. 豐田Coaster B40 紅色小巴 (旺角) 紅Van - 香港靈魂交通工具。 Introduction Red minibus - 紅色小巴 (Cantonese Yale: hùng sīk síu b...
暨南大学校门 Main Gate of JNU
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Jinan University (abbreviated JNU) is a public research university based in Tianhe District, Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China. It is one of the oldest universities established in China, tracing back to the Qing dynasty. You can find it in the pane...
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0
Skapad av RyanCat
Chongqing World Financial Center 2.0 by RyanCat An update of my former work Chongqing World Financial Center,with much more detailed textures and much better optimization. This 78 floor building is the tallest one in Chongqing,China,which is 339 meters in ...
骑楼#1 Overhang Building#1
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
First work of the overhang building series. Overhang buildings are commonly seen in shop streets in Southern China, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The asset I made was modeled after the renovated buildings near Tuanyida Square, Guangzhou, China, and com...
Skapad av 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 逍遥子掌门人 3种一样风格,不一样贴图材质,展示三种多层住宅楼外观...
Traditional Chinese market pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Traditional Chinese market pack(props) by RyanCat Contains 14 props Support me here...
Wagons prop pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Traditional Chinese wagons prop pack by RyanCat Contains 2 wagons, which share textures....
Cart crates Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Cart crates Pack by RyanCat Contains 4, which share textures....
Rockery Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Rockery Pack by RyanCat Contains 5 ,which share textures Tris:240-605 Texture:512x1024(All share 1) LOD: Auto generated Support me here...
Palanquin pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Traditional Chinese palanquin prop pack by RyanCat Contains 2 palanquins,which share textures....
Ancient Chinese Citizen Prop pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Ancient Chinese Citizen Prop pack Citizen version 16 individuals 800-1800 tris 512x512,512x1024 texture Auto generate LOD Support me here...
星海音乐厅 Xinghai Concert Hall
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
星海音乐厅位于广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛,造型奇特的外观,富于现代感,犹如江边欲飞的一只天鹅,与蓝天碧水浑然一体,形成一道瑰丽的风景线。 这座以人民音乐家冼星海的名字命名的音乐厅,占地1.4万平方米,建筑面积1. 8万平方米。整体建筑为双曲抛物面钢筋混凝土壳体,室内不吊天花板,做到建筑空间与声学空间融为一体。星海音乐厅总投资达2.5亿元,是我国目前规模最大,设备最先进,功能完备,具有国际水平的音乐厅。 你可以在第五级独特建筑页面下面找到该建筑,也可以用Find it! 占地:7x6 贴图大小:2048x204...
Toyota Comfort - Hong Kong Urban Taxi [Pack] | 市區的士
Skapad av Jeremychit Toyota Comfort Hong Kong Urban Taxi Hong Kong's red taxi 豐田Comfort 香港市區的士 紅的 - 紅色的士 Introduction Urban taxi - 市區的士 (Cantonese Yale: sí kūi dīk sí) Hong Kong has over 18,000 taxis on service ov...
Toyota Comfort - Hong Kong New Territories Taxi [Pack] | 新界的士
Skapad av Jeremychit Toyota Comfort Hong Kong New Territories Taxi Hong Kong's green taxi 豐田Comfort 香港新界的士 綠的 - 綠色的士 Introduction New Territories taxi - 新界的士 (Cantonese Yale: sān gāai dīk sí) Hong Kong has over 18...
Toyota Comfort - Hong Kong Lantau Island Taxi [Pack] | 大嶼山的士
Skapad av Jeremychit Toyota Comfort Hong Kong Lantau Island Taxi Hong Kong's blue taxi 豐田Comfort 香港大嶼山的士 藍的 - 藍色的士 Introduction Lantau Island taxi - 大嶼山的士 (Cantonese Yale: dāai yù sāan dīk sí) Hong Kong has over 1...
XBRT Elevated Module(DIY Pedestrian Deck) 厦门BRT
Skapad av Streamer
Actually elevated bus system. This is an elevated bus station with customizable pedestrian deck. 厦门快速公交高架部分是鲜有的完全独立路权、全程在高架桥上行驶的特色“轨道交通”,其中部分公交高架区间是由普通高架桥改造而来的。 Watch the Tutorial. Lite Version for beginners. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset ...
XBRT Elevated Networks(CSUR 2DC Compatible) 厦门BRT
Skapad av Streamer
Dependency for Elevated BRT System Read descriptions carefully if you want to modify your elevated BRT system. Xiamen BRT Road Have 3 elevations: basic, elevated and bridge. Basic >>Station network designed for Xiamen BRT Station. The PSD will open after p...
呼和浩特火车站,Hohhot Train Station
Hohhot Train Station by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代小区住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
Skapad av 红米先生
高层住宅楼 by 逍遥子掌门人 楼层高95米,总楼层30层,另外一座总楼层10层,高度35米,两座楼属于高密度住宅楼 贴图大小:1024X1024 LOD:1200 分辨率:2K 附带夜景 占地4X3格...
Wooden Bench
Skapad av ccy016
A bench designed by MALA Studio in Docklands Park, Melbourne. I am just bringing this little marble into the workshop, no rights are reserved on my behalf. Geometric stats: 2 x 0.63 x 0.85 (width x depth x height, in meter) Night light effects require Cust...
Chinese veranda 1
Skapad av RyanCat
The waterside building I used in Contains a main building,a lotus vat prop,a wooden stand prop and a wooden lamp prop which uses the custom effect loader mod that make it lit up at night. The building has inside structures on t...
Skapad av 红米先生
小区蓝色围栏 by 逍遥子掌门人...
Hong Kong Tram 6th Generation - Ding Ding Cat (Blue) | 叮叮貓電車
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tramways 6th Generation Tram - Ding Ding Cat (Blue) Hong Kong tram with its cute little mascot. 香港電車 第六代 - 叮叮貓(藍色) 大時代中來氹香港人開心的叮叮貓電車。 Introduction Hong Kong Tram - 香港電車 (Cantonese Ya...
HK Herbal tea shops
Skapad av Uncle Misha
Description A traditional Chinese herb shop as a standalone 1x1 building. Two variations. Asset details A clinic: 1 worker, 1 patient, no ambulance (yes, it is a really tiny clinic). 1x1 tile. Screenshots were made with Relight Neutral LUT. Check the scree...
XBRT XMQ6127G 厦门BRT大金龙
Skapad av Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m(you are here) XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6127G 普通公交版本 Nor...
天下为公横匾 Plaque “The whole world as one community"
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
取自广州中山纪念堂前檐下横匾孙中山手书的“天下为公”四个大字。使用Find it!搜索“天下为公”即可,也可以在prop页面下找到该物件。 贴图大小:512x256 Modeled after the plaque written by Dr. Sun Yat-sen hung on the main entrance of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Guangzhou, China. You can find it by searching "plaque" with Find...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 8.19更新,降低建筑亮度,略微缩小建筑体积 此资产参照德州市政府大楼建模,略微有所修改。 三角形数量:3444 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod三角形数量:102 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在评论区留言获或私信b站账号。...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代住宅楼20层 by 红米...
安全出口指示灯 Emergency Exit Light
Skapad av 98ColdDew
安全出口指示灯(Emergency Exit Light),3 种样式,分别对应“前、左、右” 3 个方向。 【尺寸 Size】32 x 2 x 14 cm 【贴图 Texture】512 x 256 px no LOD
广汽中心 GAC center
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
广州汽车集团股份有限公司位于珠江新城兴国路23号广汽中心。 广州汽车集团股份有限公司(简称广汽集团,证券代码:601238)创立于2005年6月28日,由广州汽车集团有限公司整体变更成立,是由广州汽车工业集团有限公司、万向集团公司、中国机械工业集团公司、广州钢铁企业集团有限公司、广州市长隆酒店有限公司作为共同发起人,以发起方式设立的大型国有控股股份制企业集团。 集团旗下拥有广汽乘用车、广汽本田、广汽丰田、广汽三菱、广汽吉奥、本田(中国)、广汽客车、广汽日野、广汽部件、广汽丰田发动机、广汽商贸、广爱公司、同方...
成都 - 金河宾馆 (重制版)
Skapad av kaikai0706
成都 - 金河宾馆 (重制版) 更新字体更新材质, 两种不同版本。 大家帮忙测下。 3q...
Colonial House: Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen's Mansion - GuangZhou, China
Skapad av MarleEvans
WARNING This building has 84 arches and double layers of pillars which means lots of tris and it do affect performance. Info: Generalissimo Sun Yat-sen's Mansion - A Colonial style building located in Guangzhou China. In 1909 it was built as a cement facto...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Guangzhou Railway Station beta0.1.1 No font Update path...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商B4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:8.5m x 8.5m x 4.2m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商B4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:1024x1024 lod:128x128 三角形面数:347 lod:43...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商C6 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:24m x 8.5m x 4.5m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商C6/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:246 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商D3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商D3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Smart Bleachers/简易看台
Skapad av MarleEvans
Smart Bleachers by MarleEvans...
Classic residential building 18
Skapad av 红米先生
Classic residential building 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Classic residential building2 18
Skapad av 红米先生
Classic residential building2 18 by 红米 现代经典中式小区住宅楼,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:4500 高密度住宅楼属性,占地5X2格。楼房高度54米...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代商铺底商 by 红米 现代中式底商,搜索词请直接复制标题搜索 分辨率2K,使用SUB方式制作完成 LOD:3000 高密度商业住宅楼属性,占地8X2格。楼房高度18米...
Watch tower 1
Skapad av RyanCat
Traditional Chinese style watch tower 1 by RyanCat Works as police department. 2600/176 tris 512x512/128x128 textures d,c,n,i Support me here...
Middle school teaching building
Skapad av 红米先生
Middle school teaching building by 红米 中式中学教学楼1-3 占地8X7格,楼层搞15米。...
office construction siteA
Skapad av yamei
office construction siteA The first office building site in the new site series, number A. The design height of the office building is 250 meters, and the current building height is about 70 meters In the future, more styles and heights of construction sit...
Harbin Vientiane哈尔滨万象汇
Skapad av 红米先生
大型购物商场:原名哈尔滨华润万象汇购物中心 独特建筑商场类型 占地32X16格 建筑分SUB方式导入,无法PO, LOD:3500 高模分辨率:2K,1080P, 256,LED夜景...
Construction site of office building B
Skapad av yamei
Construction site of office building B No. B. is the second office building construction site of the new construction site series. The design height of the office building is 300 meters, and the current building height is about 180 meters. The building is ...
Skapad av 红米先生
中学男生宿舍 by 红米...
Office Construction site B+
Skapad av yamei
The third office building site in the new site series, number B+, is an extended and upgraded version based on number B. T1 design height is 300 meters, current building height is about 180 meters T2 and T3 have an 8m high corridor in the sky, which makes ...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市电视台大楼 by 小翔xiang 8.19更新,降低建筑亮度 三角形数量:2077 lod:58 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言或私信b站帐号。...
Teaching Building of NFU
Skapad av JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学教学五楼,在校园DLC中用于大学自习室。 This asset is the Teaching Building of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Study Hall in Campus DLC . ...
Biotech Building of NFU
Skapad av JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学生物技术大楼(生物与环境学院院楼),在校园DLC中用于环境研究学院。 This asset is the building of the School of Biology and Environment of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as a School of Environmental Studies in Campus DLC ....
Yifu Laboratory of NFU
Skapad av JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学逸夫科技实验楼,在校园DLC中用于大学实验室 This asset is the building of Yifu Laboratory of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Laboratories in Campus DLC . ...
Skapad av Onlylove
顺丰_东山航空 by Onlylove ————————东山定制版...
Changchun Railway Station South Building
Skapad av yamei
Changchun Station, located in Kuancheng District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, China, is a special-class station under the jurisdiction of China Railway Shenyang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and an important transportation hub in Jilin Province. On November 3...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式住宅楼33层 by 红米...
Railway Signals (Chinese: High-speed rail & Metro)
Skapad av uiop4869
Railway: China This pack contains 30 props, represent the most commonly seen railway signals for the high-speed railway and metro networks in China. A tutorial will come later for Chinese railway signaling system. The entire Chinese railways signals collec...
Library of NFU
Skapad av JenkinsLiu
南京林业大学新图书馆,在校园DLC中用于大学图书馆。 This asset is the Library of Nanjing Forestry University (NFU) ,and used as the University Library in Campus DLC . 本资产需订阅“Additive Shader”。 This asset requires the “Additive Shader”. 无DLC版本地址: Non Campus DLC version: https://stea...
Railway Props (Chinese: Switch, derailer & electrical boxes)
Skapad av uiop4869
Railway: China This pack contains 26 props, which includes: 2 motorized switch props. 16 hand switch props. 4 motorized derailer props. 4 signaling electronics boxes props. A tutorial will come later for Chinese railway signaling system. The entire Chinese...
Inscription Square of Aug. 1 八一广场大字
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
位于江西省南昌市的八一广场,题词位于升旗台北侧,汉白玉镌刻着江泽民的题词“军旗升起的地方”,突出了南昌在中国革命中的特殊历史地位。升旗台的南侧,与之相对称的汉白玉镌刻着毛泽东手书“星星之火,可以燎原”,反映了井冈山道路对于中国革命胜利的意义。 Located in the Square of August 1st, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, the inscription written Jiang Zemin on the north side of the fla...
Pedestrian Arch Bridge 海心沙人行桥
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
The construction of the Haixinsha Pedestrian Bridge began in 2020. The bridge connects Haixinsha on the north bank and Guangzhou Tower on the south bank, and is the first pedestrian bridge over the Pearl River. Size: 16x2 Texture: 512x512, d, n, s 广州塔人行景观桥...
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack (Offices)
Skapad av RyanCat
Historical Chinese Buildings Pack by RyanCat Contains 8 different buildings,which function as offices. They all share one texture so you can use Loading screen mod to save RAM. Use repaint to change roof color. Tris: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Main 3913 4051 ...
Skapad av Milgram
huarunbuild by Milgram hello everyone,this is my new mod,with chinese style.i hope you like it .it took me two day so yes it is quick,because i often find a job this time so i do not have much this new mod i think it is easy box model but i also m...
Skapad av AsterRdh
中式小区大门 by AsterRdh...
[CRCP] 中国铁路字符物件 2
Skapad av 98ColdDew
中国铁路字符物件【自制教程】 中国铁路字符物件 0 中国铁路字符物件 1 中国铁路字符物件 2 CRCP = China Railway Character Prop 中国铁路字符物件 此工坊物品为中国国铁站房站名用字prop,包含第251-500隶书汉字。4m,a贴图+叠面法。 ※ 强烈建议订阅 find it 并在搜索栏输入 crcp 及拼音以便于查找。例如寻找 “甲”,输入 “crcp jia”。 ※ 必需物品 loading screen mod 可以优化内存占用,因为所有prop的模型、d贴图、i...
Skapad av 98ColdDew
This is a billboard asset to mourn the China's great scientist Yuan Longping. This workshop item contains 10 props (4 x 3 m). 1 You can find them from "Parks & Plazas -> Props -> User-made Assets" or search "袁隆平" in "Find It". 2 You can use "Move It" to ch...
Skapad av 76561198822036937
Skapad av 76561198822036937
无锡东站(Wuxidong Railway Station),位于中国江苏省无锡市,是隶属于中国铁路上海局集团有限公司的铁路车站,是京沪高速铁路上的中间站。 2010年10月20日,无锡东站开工建设; 2011年6月30日,无锡东站正式启用。 截至2011年6月,无锡东站总建筑面积为12.58万平方米; 截至2019年4月站台规模为2台6线...
Skapad av 76561198822036937
Skapad av 76561198822036937
广州圆大厦 The Guangzhou Circle
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Guangzhou Circle is a landmark building located in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. The building was designed by Italian architect Joseph di Pasquale. The total height is 138 meters for 33 stories. The building consists of a total area of 85.000 squar...
Government Primary School (Type B) - Hong Kong [English Description]
Skapad av Dennie Mok
Language: English | 繁體中文 | 簡体中文 Abstract: This is an ideal primary school for your city! With high capacity and coverage! http...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station [Metro]
Skapad av RichardShi
This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. About the Station This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail Transit System. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails with a total length o...
Chongqing Interchange Station [Metro]
Skapad av RichardShi
This is my second asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station This is a metro station with glass wall and nice look entrance. The two platforms are on different planes and can transfer. This asset is a classic station of Chongqing Rail T...
Chongqing Rail Transit Station Entrance
Skapad av RichardShi
This is my first asset. I created it with the help of Ryancat About the Station Entrance This asset is a classic look at the entrance of Chongqing Rail Transit Station. Chongqing Rail Transit operates nine lines by May 2021, two of which will be monorails ...
Skapad av Winvypussal
Jinhu Suning Plaza金湖苏宁广场
Skapad av 红米先生
金湖苏宁广场+广场铺砖格。 坐落与江苏省淮安市金湖县,商业核心地段,拥有国内超人气吃喝玩乐一体等大型商场,欢迎您的光临 资产为超大型资产,占地170米X80米,建筑属性:独特性(超大购物商场),贴图分辨率:2K 建筑无法PO,因为面数过多,LOD面数:3000,使用SUB方式组合而成,漂亮的外观,中式现代的风格,让你享受全新的购物天堂。 Jinhu Suning Plaza, located in Jinhu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, is a comm...
Skapad av 红米先生
轻奢风格30层住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
凯虹广场于2011年12月1日开张营业,隶属于浙江舟山凯虹集团,是浙江省舟山市东港街道一个集百货、餐饮、娱乐、休闲文化、观光于一体的大型购物中心,是高档次、高品位商业旗舰。凯虹广场经营理念深化购物中心核心的主题:时尚、休闲、人性化。 此资产为独特建筑大型商场,占地16X16,高度相当于5层楼高, 贴图分辨率2k, LOD:2000.配带LED彩色夜景 ,可PO放大缩小。...
Skapad av 红米先生
长兴县博物馆即长兴太湖博物馆,成立于1976年7月19日。原馆址在长兴县雉城镇县前西街99号,现址位于浙江省长兴县太湖新城中央大道与滨湖大道交叉口南侧,由美国建筑师马歇尔·斯特拉巴拉设计。 2000年长兴县政府投资6000万元在雉城镇人民广场新建长兴会展中心,其中博物馆拥有馆室3500平方米,于2002年元旦正式对外开放。2003年博物馆又在浙江省县级博物馆中率先对外免费开放。 资产贴图:2K LOD:1500, 占地:10X8 高度:8层楼高...
Skapad av 红米先生
粤式住宅楼B by 红米 两种不同颜色住宅楼属性资产: 占地4X5格,贴图:2K LOD:3000 SUB方式导入。楼层高90米,共计30层。...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
中式厂区大门01 by Auto 贴图不怎么完美!...
Skapad av 红米先生
重庆广发银行 by 红米...
Multi-Game Sport Courts Pack (Basketball/Volleyball/Badminton/Tennis/Netball Combination Court)
Skapad av Dennie Mok
If the court size is a bit too big for you, you may use Procedural Object mod to resize it a bit. I'm going to downscale all the courts by 10-20%. Abstract: What if we combine all the common sport courts into one? https://i....
Skapad av 红米先生
农村自建房4X3 by 红米...
Outdoor Badminton Court #1 - Hong Kong
Skapad av Dennie Mok
This is the ONLY badminton court currently available in the workshop! In other words, this is the FIRST badminton court ever made for Cities: Skylines! So why not click the subscribe button and give it a try? Badminton : Th...
Skapad av 红米先生
碧桂园住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
共计两辆车:分辨率2K LOD:分别占用2200 车载属性。...
Skapad av 红米先生
湖州长兴皇冠假日大酒店 by 红米...
Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot #1 - Hong Kong
Skapad av Dennie Mok Hey! Are you still finding a nice looking but high coverage fire station for your city? This is it! It's the kind of fire station you would expect in an urban setting! Not only it has a big g...
Skapad av 红米先生
湖州从长兴紫金大酒店 by 红米...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E1 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E1/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E2 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E2/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E3 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E3/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E4 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E4/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
临街商铺底商E5 by 小翔xiang 中式临街沿街商铺 底商系列 贴图均取自百度图片 长宽高:28m x 8.5m x 7m 夜晚有灯光效果 注:此物品为growable 如需转换为rico,请使用ploppable rico模组进行转换 订阅后可在find it 里面 growable--低商业区栏中找到或搜索临街商铺底商E5/小翔xiang找到此物品 贴图大小:2048x1024 lod:256x128 三角形面数:368 lod:48...
Skapad av 红米先生
小区中央公园铺砖 by 红米 共计6个资产,同属公园类资产,可以在公园类属性找到,可以任意角度摆放,也可以PO, 6个资产您可以参考现实小区平面效果图,拼接方式摆放 分辨率:2k LOD:6个资产分别占比不到500左右。 There are 6 assets in total, which belong to park assets. They can be found in park attributes, and can be placed at any angle or po, 6 assets, y...
Skapad av AaronShun
Skapad av 红米先生
北京三里屯太古里 by 红米 想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129...
站前广场Station Square
Skapad av 红米先生
想要做资产的可以联系我,定制资产有偿制作,加Q281775129 共计两个资产,属性同属公园类目,占地大小在16X10格,高度0.02米左右, 分辨率2K, LOD:只用了1000左右,因为就是一个平面铺砖形式,一张完整的铺砖地砖贴图而已,自己可以在上面添加任何物件,其中有一个广场铺砖带有两个地下坑,可供玩家自己摆放电梯商铺等物件,另外整个资产大小可以通过魔物模组任意改变大小。 There are two assets in total, belonging to the same category of ...
Arch Roof Tent Pack
Skapad av Taipei Native
Arch Roof Tent Pack Info This is a prop pack consists of 12 assets, which you can use to build nice, cozy, and Taiwanese arch roof tents. What are “Arch Roof Tents”? Arch roof tents, or “接龍帳¹/圓拱帳” in Chinese, are one of the ...
Hong Kong City Hall High Block Library
Skapad av Dennie Mok Still finding the best-fit principal library for your city? Preferably a multi-storey and high coverage one? This is it! In fact, this mid-20th century Bauhaus-style building is a very famous ...
Shanghai Bund revetment上海外滩护岸
Skapad av 红米先生
根据上海外滩护栏模仿制作而成,虽然有美中不足,且不是一比一模仿,但是尽量接近真实形状。 在游戏中,可向道路一样在河堤边拉长,上面附带景观走廊,如果您在基础上,加点装饰会显得更加美观。 资产: 面数:3500 LOD:1500 分辨率:1024X1024 低模分辨率:256X256 属性:公园护岸 The first mock exam of the Bund guardrail in Shanghai is in want of perfection, and it is not imitation, bu...
chengduGlobal center
Skapad av kaikai0706
HuanQiuZhongZin - Global center 1:1 making ( self made ) More trigonometry ...
Skapad av kaikai0706
百杨大厦 by by...
Skapad av kaikai0706
成都天府国际金融中心金融城 - 7号楼...
U.N.I.T. Shenzhen Bay [RICO]
Skapad av _luminou_
U.N.I.T. Shenzhen Bay Complex based on a real project: Urban populations are increasing at an unprecedented speed. Consequently, density’s growth is inevitable. The living space has to be extruded from the ground up in order to satisfy the need of dwelling...
YouBike Public Bicycle System
Skapad av Taipei Native
YouBike Public Bicycle System Info This is an asset pack consisting of 7 assets, and you can introduce them into your city to build a more eco-friendly metropolis. What is “YouBike”? YouBike, or officially“YouBike 微笑單車¹” in ...
505-507 Canton Road | 廣東道505號
Skapad av Jeremychit 505-507 Canton Road 廣東道505-507號 Introduction Tenement building on Canton Road, Jordon, Hong Kong. Built in 1948. Description This building is the first Hong Kong building I made for Cities: Sk...
207 Des Voeux Road West | 德輔道西207號
Skapad av Jeremychit 207 Des Voeux Road West 德輔道西207號 - 厚生酒行 Introduction Tenement building on Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. Built in 1921, and it's graded as Grade II historic buildings in Hong Ko...
Highrise Condo 93m 8x4
Skapad av Smilies
All props used are optional and can be found in the Modern Condo Collection linked above Taller version of the 34m Condo, but this one has different shopfronts with glass awnings instead of canvas awnings 8x4 RICO high density residential 1024x512 diffuse,...
Special shaped brick paving in s
Skapad av 红米先生
Special shaped brick paving in s by 红米...
MorningGlory pack
Skapad av RyanCat
MorningGlory pack Contains 14 morning glories 200-500 tris 512x512 textures...
Amaryllis pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Amaryllis pack Contains 5 About 300 to 800 tris 512x512 texture...
Lady palm pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Lady palm pack Contains 5 900-1100 tris 512x512 textures...
Canna lily pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Canna lily pack Contains 5 500 - 1100 tris 512x512 texture...
Brick laying style
Skapad av 红米先生
现代铺砖,地砖,商业人形砖,共计6个,占地5X5格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 40 可以放在任何地方,专用放在办公楼,CBD写字楼商业区,作为大厦底座铺砖使用 There are 6 modern paving tiles, floor tiles and commercial humanoid tiles, covering an area of 5x5 squares Property: prop object class, which can be used to ...
Brick laying style
Skapad av 红米先生
公园装饰停车资产,每个资产有预留间距,间距保持6米左右,可以参考提供的预览图,在沿着弯曲行政换道路,里边有凹进去的地方是作为停车位,需要自行放置停车位,具体可以参考预览图模仿。共计3个,占地大约都在4X7格 属性:prop物件类,可PO魔物 分辨率:1024 LOD: 800 The park is decorated with parking assets. Each asset has a reserved spacing of about 6m. You can refer to the previe...
Skapad av DioTon
长沙IFS国金中心 by 1402880468 第一次做资产,谢谢大家支持 以后会给大家带来更高质量的资产的 建议大家关闭滤镜使用喔o(><;)oo...
Skapad av 红米先生
温州置信广场高层 by 红米...
Skapad av ONE MAN SHO
Made by Sho Chang Youtube Project Taipei 4K...
Skapad av ONE MAN SHO
Made by Sho Chang Youtube Project Taipei 4K...
Skapad av ONE MAN SHO
Made By Sho Chang Youtube(Project Taipei)...
Taiwan Style Building Traditional Shop mix Residence
Skapad av ONE MAN SHO
Taiwan style traditional buildings, 1970-1980s main city buildings design in Taiwan. This building is a Buddhist supplies shop and this is 1:1 scaled and mapping in the real photos. 台灣專屬特色建築:佛具專賣店 1:1 Google Maps, 實際位置位於萬華龍山寺旁 Made by ONE MAN SHO YOUTUBE t...
Taiwan Style Building L1 1x2 #1
Skapad av ONE MAN SHO
Taiwan Style Building L1 1x2 #1 by WorldChampion...
Modern Toll Gate
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Modern Toll Gate with real glass material. Not functional as a real toll that charges vehicles. Can be found in Electricity panel. Size: 5x4 Tri count: 17150 Texture Size: 256x256, d,s + 1024x1024(concrete), d,n + 64x64(glass), d, s, a, i LOD Tri count: 30...
Campus Library (No DLC Required)
Skapad av RichardShi
This is a library assets. about Library The prototype of this library is the Huxi Campus Library of Chongqing University. The red brick wall and square appearance of the sign make it conspicuous by the lake. Its attribute is university. Please find it in t...
Library Proch (No DLC Required)
Skapad av RichardShi
This is a library asset. about assets The prototype of the library porch is the porch of the library in Huxi campus of Chongqing University. Triangle count: < 100 where is the main structure of the library? Click here =
CRT Mnonrail Tracks
Skapad av CR
必须订阅 prop 不然会出现错误! orop地址 Must subscribe prop ...
Skapad av 红米先生
人民日报社总部大楼可谓自2008年北京奥运会之后北京最重要的建筑物之一,于2010年完成施工图设计,同年大楼开始建造,并于2015年建造完成,建筑高度:179.7米、首先,人民日报社是中国级别最高、影响力最大的报社媒体,其次大楼位于北京核心区,是未来北京发展最主要的区域 人民日报社总部大楼位于北京市朝阳区金台西路2号,用地面积:88 856 m~2建筑面积:13.84万m~2建筑层数:地上33层,地下3层建筑结构 ...
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple
Skapad av MC100
奉国寺大殿Main Hall of Fengguo Temple by MC100 "千年国宝,无上国宝,无上的宝物。" -----------梁思成 "Millennium national treasure, supreme national treasure, paramount treasure." -----------Liang Sicheng(the father of modern Chinese architecture) 奉国寺位于辽宁锦州义县 奉国寺大雄宝殿,又称七佛殿、奉国寺大雄殿以...
重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car)
Skapad av CR
重庆轨道交通1号线地铁车辆(6节编组) Chongqing Metro Line 1 train (6car) by CRT...
5-7 Ki Lung Street | 基隆街5號
Skapad av Jeremychit 5-7 Ki Lung Street 基隆街5-7號 Introduction Prewar tenement building on Ki Lung Street, Prince Edward, Hong Kong. Build in 1945, demolished in 2023. This building was part of an urban redevelopmen...
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 中正紀念堂 (building)
Skapad av victor86520
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is one of the most famous sites in Taiwan. it located in Taipei city and build in 1980. Please give me five star if you like it, thanks! you can find it form Lv.1 building or RICO "cks Memorial Hall" 中正紀念堂是台灣最有名的建築之一,位於台灣台北市,並...
Xinhua Bookstore
Skapad av RichardShi
This is a bookstore asset. About asset The prototype of this bookstore is sanxiaokou Xinhua Bookstore in Hefei, China. Red metal strip decoration and floor glass exterior wall make it stand out in the street. Triangle count: 2548 https://steamuserimages-a....
TKO Public Library (Hong Kong)
Skapad av Mikan
Description Tseung Kwan O Public Library is the first library in Tseung Kwan O (TKO), a new town in Hong Kong. It was opened in 2001. The public library consists of 2 floors (not including the rooftop). There are children's library and study room on the gr...
Canton Tower with animated LED
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Can be found at panel: Unique Building Level 2 The Tower consists of two separate assets: Canton Tower without lights + LED lights of the tower, given the incompatibility between Additive Shader (which automatically controls when the light should be on) an...
CRT Guide Sign
Skapad av RichardShi
A sign can be used as a rail transit guide sign. ...
CRT Metro Track Beta
Skapad av CR
CRT Metro Track Beta CRT地铁轨道测试版 此为测试版本。 This is a beta version. 请用新档玩 Please test with the new game by CRT...
Kaohsiung music center 高雄流行音樂中心(Building)
Skapad av victor86520
Kaohsiung music center is a music hall in Kaoshiung,Taiwan. You can find it from LV.6 building or RICO( kaoshiung music center). It's very hard to make the asset,so if you like it, please give me a thumb. That will super encourage me, thanks! 高雄流行音樂中心位於台灣的...
嘉然巨型广告牌/ a billboard for Chinese VTB Diana
Skapad av Adonis
嘉然,我真的好喜欢你啊! mua! 为了你,我要听猫中毒!...
丁真巨型广告牌/ 4 Billboards for Chinese Super Idol Dingzhen
Skapad av Adonis
4 Billboards for Chinese Super Idol Dingzhen....
玉兔号月球车/ Chinese Lunar Rover
Skapad av Adonis
Chinese Lunar Rover....
Jinan Evergrande IFC 1:1
Skapad av Roger Wang
Jinan Evergrande international financial center is located in the East plot of Sports Park in Huaiyin District of Jinan City, with Weihai Road in the north, Rizhao road in the south, Weifang road in the East and Dongying road in the West. It is located on ...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市德城区政府大楼 by 小翔xiang 此建筑在原型上稍作修改。 三角形数量:1726 lod三角形数量:144 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言...
Xinguang Arch Bridge 新光大桥
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Found in Electricity panel The main bridge and the approach bridge are separate assets. Four color variants. Use Move it! or Repaint or Procedural Objects to switch color. The Xinguang Bridge, located in Guangzhou, China, is a bridge crossing the ...
Hong Kong Bus Stop Pack #4
Skapad av Mikan
Description This asset pack contains 4 types of bus shelters in Hong Kong. One of the bus shelters has its cover made of fibre cement. The covers of other bus shelters are made of concrete. Lights are installed only on the concrete bus shelters and lit in ...
Waving Old Chinese Flags
Skapad av Emperor Li
Waving Old Chinese Flags Three types of old Chinese flags. The color of the frame can be change with Prop Painter. Flags compatible with Procedural Objects. Use it to change the inner color an...
Beijing Temple Props
Skapad av Emperor Li
Including 13 Beijing temple props. Roof color of the main hall and temple gate can be change using PropPainter. Flag is animated. All props have 1024x1024 px texture (LOD: 128x128). Some of th...
Floor tiling
Skapad av 红米先生
地面铺砖9种样式,偏现代风格,适用于楼房地面装饰使用。 占地4X4格, 32X32米, 分辨率1024X1024, 铺砖离地面高0.7毫米, 属性:prop风格 There are 9 styles of paving bricks on the ground, partial modern style, which is suitable for building floor decoration. It covers an area of 4x4 grids, 32x32m, Resolution 10...
石家庄开元金融中心(希尔顿酒店) Kaiyuan financial center(Hilton) (china hebei shijiazhuang) 1:1
Skapad av 喜多郁代
开元金融中心位于中国河北省石家庄市长安区,是一栋钢结构综合体,建筑的总高度约245米,是省内最高的超高层建筑。 开元金融中心总建筑面积约17.8万平方米,地上53层,其中酒店部分占28层,写字楼部分占22层,另还有3个设备/避难层。 地下4层为停车场,有500余个停车位。 你可以在 等级5的独特建筑 找到它。 补充 此资产作者为 红米 我是找红米大佬定制的,有定制资产需要的欢迎联系红米。 Kaiyuan financial center is located in Chang'an District, Sh...
成都ifs - beta
Skapad av kaikai0706
成都ifs by 1.0 Chengdu ifs by 1.0 1. The new version of ifs test beta. 2. Ifs new version test. 3. With some night scenes. An elevator should be placed at the entrance. Everyone subscribes to the test. 请搜索新版。...
Skapad av kaikai0706
拉德方斯大厦 by 成都...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代高层住宅楼27层 by 红米...
Skapad av RyanCat
Monks citizen. Contains 6 monk citizens with 3 different models...
CRT Elevated Metro Station 120m Detailed
Skapad av RichardShi
This is an elevated metro station asset. About the Station The prototype of this subway station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count:...
CRT Monorail Station Detailed
Skapad av RichardShi
This is a monorail station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 You can...
CRT Elevated Train Station 120m Detailed
Skapad av RichardShi
This is an elevated train station asset. About the Station The prototype of this station is the Gailanxi station of Chongqing Rail Transit Line 9. The part of the roof absorbs its design elements. I designed and modified other parts. Triangle count: 18780 ...
Skapad av 红米先生
多户型高层住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
广州天誉花园 by 红米...
Skapad av CR
Chengdu 468 Greenland Center
Skapad av kaikai0706
Chengdu 468 Greenland Center...
Tianfu Bridge
Skapad av kaikai0706
天府大桥 by...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
1-3 Hau Wong Road | 樂口福酒家 - 侯王道1-3號
Skapad av Jeremychit 1-3 Hau Wong Road 侯王道1-3號 - 樂口福酒家 Introduction Tenement building on Hau Wong Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Built in 1945. The shop floor is a Chawzhou restaurant "Lok Hau Fοοk Restaurant", op...
HKUST Statue 香港科技大學雕塑
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Symbolic statue of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Created with Blender & Substance Painter. Model info Tri count: 1408 Texture Size: 1024x1024 LOD Tri count: 280 LOD Texture Size: 64x64 Display image credits to @ccy016 ...
Skapad av kaikai0706
唐代官員 / Tang Dynasty officials
Skapad av Winvypussal
這是一名唐朝的官員,其頭上戴的幞頭與身上穿的圓領袍皆體現了唐朝人的威武與大氣。同時,隨身攜帶武器的習慣也是唐朝人彪悍、尚武的象征。 這個資產還有一個物件版本:
唐代士兵擺件 / Tang Soldiers prop
Skapad av Winvypussal
In fact, I am also very friendly to foreign friends. It's just that my English and other languages are so poor that I need to rely on Google Translate. But I am too lazy to translate, so I can only wrong you! 這次我製作了一組唐代士兵的資產,這組資產包含四個兵種(括號內是資產的名稱): 一,帶槍步兵(T...
Richard Building AmaC
Skapad av RichardShi
Random light at night. Richard Building AmaC by RichardShi...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Qingdao TV Tower
Skapad av yamei
Qingdao TV Tower is a 232 metres (761 ft) tall lattice television tower with an observation deck situated on the top of 116 metres high Taiping Hill in Julin Hill Park in Qingdao, China. It is the tallest attraction in the city. Construction on the Qingdao...
Chengdu Kaide Tianfu Plaza
Skapad av kaikai0706
Chengdu Kaide Tianfu Plaza...
北京北站 Beijing North Railway Station
Skapad av kaikai0706
北京北站(Beijing North Railway Station),原名西直门站,2022年北京冬奥会“京张高铁”起讫站,2019年12月30日改造完成后重新开通。 (目前为最初版,待更新)...
Beijingnan Railway Station
Skapad av kaikai0706
Beijingnan Railway Station Beijingnan Huochezhan Beijing Nan/South Railway Station Guide: Train Schedules, Timetable and Fare Beijing South Railway Station is also known as South Railway Station and the former Yongding Gate Railway Station,which is the thi...
Xiong'an Railway Station :beta
Skapad av kaikai0706
雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在国内首次被设置为全地下,充分融入地面绿地景观。 雄安站站房面积约13万平方米,以白洋淀水文化为设计灵感,采用水滴状椭圆造型,形似“青莲露珠”,也像涌出的泉水;屋顶的层层起伏形如平静水面泛起涟漪,立面设计融入中国传统大殿元素,展现中国文化基因。为雄安站各条线路提供动力的牵引变电所在...
Skapad av abuchou
JUNEYAO AIR B787-9 B-20D1 by abuchou 这架注册号为B-20D1的波音787梦想飞机身披“绚彩花瓣”彩绘涂装,由中国本土青年设计师陆然设计;该涂装设计延续中国传统文化元素,以牡丹国花为灵感,配以灵动轻盈的花瓣飘动形象,向世界展现吉祥航空与中国民航年轻活力的姿态。 vehicle and prop in this asset...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
69th Cangbai Rd,Chongqing (2K)
Skapad av RyanCat
Located at Cangbai Road,Chongqing,China,the Soviet Embassy Military Attache Office was originally the Mansion of Shen Zhiren,which was built in the early years of the Republic of China.With the move of the Soviet Embassy into Chongqing,its military attache...
Skapad av abuchou
SHANGHAI AIRLINES B787-9 by abuchou vehicle & prop The 100th plane of SHANGHAI AIRLINES,B-1111. 上海航空波音787-9,上海航空第100架飞机纪念涂装,B-1111...
Jiayu Center 广州嘉裕中心
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Located on Xiancun Road, Zhujiang New Town, the central business district of Guangzhou, Jiayu Center is an office tower developed by Jiayu Group, with 46 floors, (2-5F for catering, banquet halls and conference halls, 6-13F for offices, 15-46F for...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州唐人中心(主楼) by 小翔xiang 德州唐人中心现德州城区最高建筑,高150m。 该资产参照德州唐人中心主楼建筑,并作少许修改。 三角形面数:1746 lod三角形面数:58 贴图大小1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言...
Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport T1
Skapad av kaikai0706
Shuangliu International Airport (Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, IATA: CTU, ICAO: ZUUU), at the junction of Shuangliu District and Wu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China, about 16 districts northeast of Chengdu city center, is a 4F int...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 红米先生
厦门世茂海峡大厦(Xiamen Shimao Strait Tower),位于福建省厦门市思明区演武西路180-188号 ,是集酒店、写字楼、SOHO办公,以及观光旅游、购物、休闲、娱乐、餐饮等于一体的城市综合体 厦门世茂海峡大厦占地面积约为3万平方米,地上建筑面积27万平方米,总建筑面积约为33万平方米 ;其中A塔地上64层,B塔地上55层,高度均为300米;裙房6层,地下3 。 本资产共计2个,一个底商+一个高层写字楼,因为是双子塔,所有玩家可在游戏中复制一个即可。最后三个资产需要自己拼接,具体如何拼接...
NYNY Tower
Skapad av XDBX
NYNY Tower by XDBX New York New York Tower is a building which in Chongqing city . It looks like some New York building,but it is not in New York. 5 assets NYNY Tower Box Tower Box Tower 2 Box Tower podium building NYNY podium building ------------------- ...
Skapad av 小猕猴桃
哈尔滨大剧院(英语:Harbin Grand Theatre )坐落于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区的文化中心岛内,该建筑采用了异型双曲面的外型设计,是哈尔滨的标志性建筑。2016年2月,哈尔滨大剧院被ArchDaily评选为“2015年世界最佳建筑”之“最佳文化类建筑”。 请注意:本资产面数非常多,40000+,且由于本人技术太渣,不会做夜景贴图,模型也有很多瑕疵,各位大哥大姐对付着看吧。夜间灯光可以考虑在建筑里放几个小灯。...
Skapad av 小猕猴桃
龙塔,即黑龙江省广播电视塔,位于中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区。是哈尔滨的标志性建筑。塔高336米,亚洲著名高钢塔。2008年11月8日钢塔(龙塔)被正式批准加入世界高塔协会。 注意: 1.该资产约有34000个三角面。(本人记性不好,资产编辑器提示的时候那个数我没记下来......) 2.由于本人偷懒了,所以还是没有夜景贴图(其实就是不会,哪位大哥教教我啊),lod贴图也是白模,以后技术提高了有空重制。 3.本模型比实际的龙塔高出去几米(主要是天线没做好,枯了),勉强算是一比一。 题外话:小时候去过一次龙塔,...
Skapad av 小猕猴桃
鸡西市中心塔,又名鸡西市建市纪念塔,是一座曾位于黑龙江省鸡西市的建筑物。 1957年鸡西建市,同年该塔于中心大街落成。(一说该塔为苏联红军解放鸡西阵亡将士纪念塔,来源为百度贴吧,真实性存疑。)该塔曾为鸡西的标志性建筑,是一代鸡西人的美好回忆。 该塔于1998年拆除,取而代之的是一个高21米的高杆灯,寓意为迎接21世纪。 图片来源:鸡西市志. 方志出版社 , 1996 占地面积:2x2 三角面:19582 顶点:9881 注意:本资产无夜间灯光,请在游戏中自行添加光源。 由于本人未见过该塔,该资产为本人参考照...
CRTM full version Intersection Marking Tools Templates
Skapad av Vax丶浪子鸢
Collection of Chinese road traffic marking templates This version has all the Chinese-style road marking templates that can be solid-lined using IMT, which helps to facilitate the construction of more realistic urban roads. Basic version: https://steamcomm...
[High Residence] Chinese Community Housing
Skapad av Grandyy
type : residential high level: 3 size 3x2 model stats: polygons: 2200 textures : 4096x4096 for LOD: 900 &512x512 height:23.7m...
Chinese Old Town House
Skapad av Grandyy
Level 1 growable residence. size: 2x2 model stats: polygons :4780 texture size : 2048x2048 LOD polygons :1328 texture size : 512x 512 height : 11m ...
Wang-Zuo Plaza
Skapad av Grandyy
Original building is Anqing Yurun Wangzuo International Plaza. Gameplay stats:level 3 Unique Building,no milestone prerequisite。 Offer 200 jobs; Tourists:225 Attractiveness:75 Entertainment:200 Entertainment Radius:800 Noise:30 Noise Radius:75 Construction...
Skapad av kaikai0706
保利威座大厦 by Auto...
Hohhot Subway Station, 呼和浩特市地铁站
This is the first version of the subway station, and a better one will come soon with better mapping and glass effect. Thank you for your subscription. Hohhot Subway Station, 呼和浩特市地铁站 by 失去梦想的咸鱼...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
成都威斯顿联邦大厦 by mat...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
港府总部大楼 Central Government Offices
Skapad av Milgram
政府总部(英语:Central Government Offices),是香港特别行政区政府总部的所在地,位于香港岛金钟添马添美道2号,分为东翼及西翼两座,而东翼前地是政府总部的正门。政府总部是添马舰发展工程的三组建筑之一,其东北为立法会综合大楼,其西北则为行政长官办公室,亦是香港行政会议举行的所在地,三组建筑之间的绿化带辟作添马公园,让公众举行活动及集会,亦不时会摆放艺术品作展出用途,如2018年的“天问”作品。 The Central Government Complex has been the he...
Skapad av kaikai0706
电视铁塔 TV Tower
Skapad av CM.
有大概七年没有回过自己出生的地方了,这次难得回来,做一个这里的地标建筑吧。 此电视塔位于新疆生产建设兵团第三师图木舒克市,塔高120米是图木舒克市最高的建筑。 这个建筑不高,但是要做一些小城市,或者高楼不多的城市绝对适用。 I haven't been back to the place where I was born for about seven years. It's rare to come back this time. Let's be a landmark here. The TV Towe...
67 Fuk Lo Tsun Road | 公和荳品廠 - 福佬村道67號
Skapad av Jeremychit 67 Fᴜk Lo Tsun Road 福佬村道67號 - 公和荳品廠 Introduction Tenement building on Fᴜk Lo Tsun Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Built in 1952. The shop floor is a veteran soy product shop "Kung Wo Beancurd F...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av Winvypussal
這裡包括兩個長得完全一樣的資產,唯一的區別在於一個屬於城市公園類目,而另一個屬於自然保護區類目。 你會發現我做的這些資產多是需要 DLC: Parklife 的,因為我個人比較喜歡利用這個 DLC 的框架去打造寺廟或者其他規模較大的建築群。...
Skapad av Winvypussal
山高水長是臨沂(临沂)市人民廣場上的一座雕塑,也是臨沂市的城市標誌。 可惜的是,我沒有把握好顏色的深度,所以在使用濾鏡時會出現巨大的色差。...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av RichardShi
MIXI HOTEL 中式老城酒店...
Beijingxi Railway Station
Skapad av kaikai0706
Beijing West Station is on Lianhuachi Donglu in Fengtai District. Beijing West Station opened in 1996 and is China's largest railway station and monolithic in size. Trains for Vietnam, Tibet, Guangzhou and Hong Kong leave from Beijing West Station. Situate...
Skapad av Winvypussal
TeaShop 奶茶店 | 商业建筑 Commercial | 蜜雪冰城
Skapad av RichardShi
TeaShop奶茶店 蜜雪冰城 中式奶茶店 奶茶 底商 商铺 中式城市 Tea 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵 你爱我呀🎵我爱你🎵 你爱我🎵我爱你🎵蜜雪冰城🎵甜蜜蜜🎵...
Easy Farming
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Generate farming fields and trees on both sides as you draw the road. An advanced version of country road. What's new There will be no overlap issues at road junctions(see image 2&3). No need to set agricultural zones and you can even build them o...
Skapad av 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
北京国贸三期A座 by 红米...
南昌绿地中央广场NCGCP RICO
Skapad av GeniusKKG
南昌绿地中央广场(303米双子塔) 图中LED资产需手动move it对准到建筑本体,游戏内搜:ILoveNC_LED_RotateAnim 建筑属性:办公类Rico 资产制作者:amamlya 如果您喜欢这个资产就请点个赞👍 Nanchang Greenland Central Square (303m Twin Towers). The LED assets in the picture need to be manually moved and aligned to the building body...
Shijiazhuang Fuli Center 石家庄富力中心(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Skapad av 常山`白云
富力中心地处城市轴心,源起休门,城市文脉起源点,雄踞中山路与建设大街黄金十字中轴,紧邻北国商城,占据城市的商业中心,全维配套一触即享, 是省会的商业中心、文化中心、经济中心及交通中心,打造210米超高纯商务办公楼宇,建立城市形象新地标。 富力中心总占地2.89万m,总建筑面积19.5万m,涵盖两栋超高写字楼,其中T2共34层,158米,T1共计45层,210米,是仅次于石家庄电视塔、希尔顿的第三高建筑。 R & F Center is located in the urban axis, starting ...
Ningbo Railway Station
Skapad av kaikai0706
湛江三帆(Zhanjiang Sanfan)
Skapad av amamIya 湛江“三帆”是位于湛江市乐山路-人民大道环岛中的雕塑。它建成于1990年,占地面积约5000平方米,高30米,广场四周铺设水泥砖3458平方米,绿化面积达7846平方米。对于1990年的湛江,“三帆”雕塑寓意有三:一是寓意湛江在改革开放中勇立潮头的气势,如同航船扬帆,乘风破浪;二是寓意开发区的地位,湛江...
(Prop) 警戒线 LIMITLINE
Skapad av 98ColdDew
(Prop) 警戒线 LIMITLINE (Road) 警戒线 LIMITLINE 贴图(Texture) 资产名称(Asset Name)警戒线 LIMITLINE 5x160cm (prop).crp 高(Height)0.05 m 宽(Width)1.6 m 三角形数(Tris)4 贴图(Tex...
(Road) 警戒线 LIMITLINE
Skapad av 98ColdDew
(Prop) 警戒线 LIMITLINE (Road) 警戒线 LIMITLINE 贴图(Texture) 资产名称(Asset Name)警戒线 LIMITLINE 5x160cm (road).crp 高(Height)0.05 m 宽(Width)1.6 m 路段三角形数(Segment Tri...
Chinese Garden Wall Network (Southern Style)
Skapad av Emperor Li
Wall network from southern Chinese garden. ------------------------------------- Tags: Wall, network, southern chinese architecture, Suzhou, classical Chinese garden, China, UNESCO, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, 中式, 中國園林, 中国园林, 蘇州, 苏州, 江南...
Moon Gates
Skapad av Emperor Li
Two types of moon gate from southern Chinese garden. ------------------------------------- Tags: Wall, network, southern chinese architecture, Suzhou, classical Chinese garden, China, UNESCO, 中國傳統建築, 中国传统建筑, 中式, 中國園林, 中国园林, 蘇州, 苏州, 江南...
Old Fire Station in Huai-an
Skapad av Emperor Li
Old fire station in Hexia Ancient Town, Huai-an. Tris: 484 LOD tris: 24 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Texture: 128x128 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Fire station, fire department, chinese architectu...
户部巷牌坊The Memorial Archway of Hubu Lane
Skapad av MC100
户部巷牌坊The Memorial Archway of Hubu Lane by MC100 这个资产是我很早以前做的,大概是在武汉疫情那段时间做的,但是一直没有发布。封面图也是去年做的,所以看起来一股廉价感哈哈哈哈哈。 考虑到我很久没有更新了,就放出来一些吧。 This asset was made last year. I haven't submitted it to workshop until now. The memorial archway of Hubu Lane is a small l...
三清殿Hall of Sanqing
Skapad av MC100
三清殿Hall of Sanqing 三清殿是道教供奉最高尊神--三清祖师的殿堂。三清是道教的最高尊神,故而每个道观都必须供奉。三清殿内奉"玉清元始天尊、上清灵宝天尊、太清道德天尊即太上老君"、故名"三清殿"。本建筑内部中含有天花与平棋,可以使用第一人称mod进去欣赏。 The sanqing hall is the place where Taoism worshiped the Supreme God -- The ancestor of the Sanqing Dynasty. Sanqing is ...
MTR M-Train [Train]
Skapad av meshd Looking for other variants? MTR M-Train MTR M-Train MTR M-Train Rolling Stock Details Manufacturer Metro-Cammell (Refurbished by United Goninan) Class/Name M-Train, Metro-Cammell EMU (DC), 港鐵現代化列車 Operator MTR Traction Elect...
Modern Exhibition Hall
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Modern Exhibition Hall with interior and real reflective glass. Adapted from Beijing Etron International Exhibition Hall. Night LED added. Will be automatically turned on from 18:00 to 22:00. Location Unique Building-Level 1 or search the asset na...
TW_Box Pack 台灣路側箱類組(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣路上常見的台電變電箱與中華電信的光化箱,以及紅綠燈控制箱。 請退訂舊版↗️。 如何使用 Search "TW_Optic Splice" /"TW_Traffic Control"/"TW_Electric Box" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 把舊有的台灣變電箱資產全部重製,尺寸更正確,並且顏色也比較符合現實,貼圖與模型的細節也增加。由於沒有辦法找到變電箱的正面圖檔,所以是另外去抓的圖片,現實中應該是都找不到一模一樣的電箱就是了。其中有一款是...
大明宫唐风大殿Tang Dynasty Style Hall
Skapad av MC100
大明宫唐风大殿Tang Dynasty Style Hall by MC100 久违的大明宫系列回来了!!!这次的唐风大殿是拿丹凤门的城楼部分改的,也就是说这个资产是在为丹凤门资产做铺垫。大殿贴图配色参考了古建筑吧小吧“吾汉万年”的大明宫作品以及B站UP主“国风小宇宙”的“瑰丽大唐”系列,同时加入朱白彩绘,虽然细节上不是很严谨,但还是尽量突出“唐风”的感觉。 注意:本资产不自带灯光,夜景图片仅供参考展示,灯光需要自己手动添加。 面数tris: 30,000+ LOD: 2000+ This is an an...
China Mayors Plaza 广州市长大厦
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Located on the new city axis of Guangzhou Tianhe District, China Mayors Plaza is a fully functional and intelligent commercial building with 28 floors and 23,000 square meters of floor space. The building's unique architectural style and golden gl...
溪心南区 围墙
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心南区 围墙 by Pauckii...
溪心南区 中
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心南区 中 by Pauckii...
溪心南区 右
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心南区 右 by Pauckii...
溪心南区 右1
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心南区 右1 by Pauckii...
溪心南区 左
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心南区 左 by Pauckii...
溪心北区 中
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心北区 中 by Pauckii...
溪心北区 右
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心北区 右 by Pauckii...
溪心北区 左
Skapad av Pauckii
溪心北区 左 by Pauckii...
幼儿园 方案2
Skapad av Pauckii
方案2 by Pauckii...
Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack-I
Chinese Railway Station Prop Describe: The content of this asset package is Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack. And this is Part 1. Included: Five types Platform. Two indicator, one for LED the other is station name indicator. Platform lower rail stairs Pla...
CNPC building Beijing
Skapad av abuchou
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is an integrated international energy company. The CNPC Building of China is contained four L-shaped office buildings with 22 floors,90m height. In side of these buildings,the two buildings is connected. The main...
Skapad av 红米先生
城市雕塑1 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式大门景观墙 by 红米...
Skapad av 天际线予哥
小亭子 by 天际线予哥...
Yongantang Pharmacy
Skapad av Emperor Li
An old pharmacy in Dongsi, Beijing. I try to reconstruct the shop during the late Qing dynasty using old photos. Tris: 3072 LOD tris: 118 Texture: 1024x1024 LOD Texture: 128x128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式大门 by 红米...
宁波中心大厦B座,Ningbo Center B
Skapad av RAY
宁波中心大厦B座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
宁波中心大厦A座,Ningbo Center A
Skapad av RAY
宁波中心大厦A座 宁波中心是中国浙江宁波市一座正在建设的摩天大楼。 『余之恩』独资订制,红米制作。 赞助后,可优先体验『阪急百货』! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入『都市天际线交流群!』 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资讯。 4.游戏问题交流。 5.游戏资产制作交流。 群号:463898434 都市天际线交流群。 Ningbo Center Ningbo Center is a skyscraper under construction i...
Skapad av qiaokes
南昌大学校门#1 the gate of Nanchang University #1...
Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack-II
Chinese Railway Station Prop Describe: The content of this asset package is Chinese Railway Station Prop Pack. And this is Part 2. Included: Two types awning. Two types indicators, one for blue and other one for black. Three fixed format indicators ,they a...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州大酒店 by 小翔xiang 参考德州市德州大酒店原型,并作稍许改动。 三角形数量:708 lod三角形数量:26 贴图:1024 x 1024 lod贴图大小:128 x 128 如有任何问题请在下方留言。...
Skapad av 红米先生
青岛百盛购物商厦 by 红米...
Taiwan presidential election Han Kuo-yu campaign venue 台灣總統大選韓國瑜造勢會場
Skapad av tnfsh01169
想蓋具有台灣特色的城市,一定少不了選舉的元素,尤其在近年颳起的韓流旋風,影響著一座城市特殊的美學,造勢活動更是具有台灣特色的一項市民活動,作為台灣的城市一定要看到選舉看板及造勢活動,才較完整。如果你想在遊戲裡蓋高雄,除了蓋85大樓以外,韓國瑜的造勢會場,現在也可以是不錯的選擇。 本造勢會場面積13X12網格,據資料cities skylines每網格相當於現實世界64平方公尺,也就是此造勢會場9984平方公尺,以每公尺站3~4個人,此造勢會場可容納3~4萬人。測試過後,會有大量市民及觀光客湧入,預計帶來上億...
一汽大众 Jetta CL 方头捷达
Skapad av Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 一汽大众方头捷达 Volkswagen Jetta CL 1997 普通轿车版本 Normal Citizen Vehicle Version 其他版本的一汽大众方头捷达 Other Versions 出租车版本 Taxi Version 标签:中国,中式, 大众,捷达 Tags: China, Volkswagen, Jetta...
Skapad av 鹿糜
Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Center,The Expo is held here every year 上海国家会展中心,每年都在此举办进博会 by 鹿糜...
Skapad av 鹿糜
小区门口常见的,菜鸟驿站快递柜 by 红米 鹿糜...
Skapad av 鹿糜
红米大佬制作的中式消防训练塔,我是发布者 by 鹿糜,如果喜欢记得订阅,一起为蓝朋友加油!...
Modern square
Skapad av 红米先生
Modern square by 红米 The city's modern square can be used as a magic object. Unique architectural attributes Resolution: 1080p Building area: length 150m x width 90m LOD vertex: 2400...
石家庄电视塔,SHIJIAZHUANG TV-Tower,(China HeBei ShiJiaZhuang)
Skapad av RAY 石家庄电视塔 石家庄电视塔,位于河北省石家庄市世纪公园内,始建于1997年1月,2000年10月1日正式对外开放,塔高280米。 它是石家庄市标志性建筑之一。 『常山`白云』独资订制。 赞助后,可优先体验更多石家庄资产! Shijiazhuang TV Tower Shijiazhuang TV Tower, located in Century Park, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, was buil...
一汽大众 Jetta CL 出租车
Skapad av Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 一汽大众方头捷达 Volkswagen Jetta CL 1997 出租车版本 Taxi Version 其他版本的一汽大众方头捷达 Other Versions 普通轿车版本 Normal Citizen Sedan 标签:中国,中式,出租车,大众,捷达 Tags: China, Taxi, Volkswagen, Jetta...
Urban landscape sculpture
Skapad av 红米先生
红米 现代城市雕塑雕像 由于之前资产在测试中出现问题,同时资产里包含多个文件无法一次性更新,只能删除重新发布, 现在共计7个文件,可魔物po 属性:公园 LOD:每个分别在1000-2500左右, 分辨率:1080p 占地:1X2 Red rice Modern urban sculpture Because there were problems in the previous asset test and multiple files contained in the asset cannot be u...
Skapad av 听风说雨
北京银泰中心(BEIJING YINTAI CENTRE) by 听风说雨 tips: 该资产是为了尽可能完整的表现出原建筑外貌而做的,因此尽可能使用了大面数以及高分辨率贴图,最终文件也很大,如果对您造成了困扰了的话在此我感到很抱歉,目前没有很好的方式进行优化,但如果您喜欢我做的建筑资产的话,不妨给我留下一个小小的赞,非常感谢!如果您认可我的作品的话,也可以给我提供一点小小的赞助,您的支持是我继续的动力! tips: This asset was made to show the appearance of...
Qing Dynasty Auditing Imperial Household Censor Government Offices
Skapad av Emperor Li
located in Xicheng District, Beijing. The Imperial Household Department was an institution, which primary purpose was to manage the internal affaires of the Qing imperial family and the activities of the inner palace. It was also in charge of the ceremonia...
成都山东高速大厦(Shandong Expressway Building, Chengdu)
Skapad av 天际线予哥
第一个作品,有些瑕疵,多多指教!~The first work, some flaws, a lot of advice! ~...
Skapad av 天际线予哥
麻将 by 天际线予哥...
Skapad av 红米先生
仿 深圳润府三期住宅楼 深圳华润城润府坐落于南山科技园,此次带来的是60层高的住宅楼版本。每层6户,RICO建议设置150人容积,可搭配工坊其他万象城资产使用。...
Skapad av 红米先生
招商局广场 CHINA MERCHANTS TOWER 位于深圳南山蛇口保税区,由著名的设计事务所SOM设计,于2012年竣工。建筑高度为211米,其中地上37层,全部用于办公。 This building located at ShenZhen China, designed by SOM. The height of this building is 692 ft, and all 37 floors are used for office....
China Resources Building Qingdao
Skapad av XDBX
China Resources QD by XDBX Roof Objects Pack : 屋顶摆件不是必备物品,可以自行添加。 2 crps: ——China Resources QD asset 6,740 kb ——China Resources logo prop 795 kb ---------------------------------------------...
Skapad av RichardShi
包括北京万达中心A,B座两座建筑。 Contains two buildings : A, B Tower. 此资产为 用户“H z 929” QQ:1647716479 的定制资产。经其授权发布于创意工坊。若有更多北京资产需要的伙伴可以联系他。...
Skapad av qiaokes
南昌大学校徽校训 by qiaokes...
沈阳方圆大厦 by 80843700...
Urban Basketball Court #1 - Hong Kong
Skapad av Dennie Mok Are you seeking to add a truly captivating gem to your city's landscape? Look no further! This asset is designed to bestow your city with a refreshing and visually stunning transformation. With this vibrant-look basketball c...
Capital One Center (COC)
Skapad av println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). COC is the supporting building of FFC. COC provides different services include dining, leisure, and parking for people who work and live in FFC or neighboring communities. you can use RICO to define this asset as a high-density commercia...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Block A
Skapad av println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Block A, 1076 ft high with 64 floors. usually, the exposed steel structure is often used in large but lower floor architectures or interior furnish. FFC Block A and Block B are infrequent skyscrap...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Block B
Skapad av println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). This asset is Block B of the whole FFC asset, the height is 846ft with 52 floors. Accroding to the picture in the profile displays, this asset is a mixed-used building. In the real world, Marriott has decided to open a new J.W Marriott h...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Blcok D
Skapad av println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). This asset is Block D of the whole FFC asset. accroding to the picture in the profile displays, this asset is a residential building. However, there isn't any difference between block C and block D, you can place them in the way you like...
Xiang River Fortune Finance Center (FFC) Blcok C
Skapad av println_chui
Made by RedMi(红米). This asset is Block C of the whole FFC asset. accroding to the picture in the profile displays, this asset is an office building. However, there isn't any difference between block C and block D, you can place them in the way you like. In...
Roof Objects Pack 屋顶填缝套装
Skapad av XDBX
by XDBX ------------------------------------------ All 26 objects -5 Air Conditionings -5 Electric box -4 Antennas -2 powerrooms -2 radars -2 water tanks -3 Signal towers -1 roof -1 lightning rod -1 Steel plate ------------------------------------------ mo...
Hong Kong Star Ferry - 4th Generation | 天星小輪
Skapad av Jeremychit Star Ferry 4th Generation 天星小輪 第四代 Introduction Star Ferry - 天星小輪 (Cantonese Yale: Tīn sīng síu lèun) Star Ferry is a ferry company in Hong Kong. It provides ferry service across Victoria Harb...
KPF Forum 66 沈阳恒隆广场
Skapad av Railgun
Building Level:Unique building lv5 独特建筑5级 This is the second-generation asset of Shenyang Forum 66, which mainly fixes the problems of fuzzy mapping and night scene of the first 沈阳恒隆广场的二代资产,修复了第一代贴图过黑和顶部夜景缺失的问题 Forum 66 is a multi-phase development that cr...
Pedestrian bridge Pack
Skapad av 听风说雨
Pedestrian bridge Pack by 听风说雨 这个天桥包类似于kaminogi的天桥包 但内容较少适合于搭建一些普通的天桥也可以适配于我发布的那一个福冈的建筑,相当于天桥包的一些皮肤替换。如果你喜欢的话就请帮我点点赞,谢谢支持! This Pedestrian bridge Pack is similar t...
LH logo
Skapad av 76561198822036937
LH logo by lovenother...
CITIC Tower 2022
Skapad av XDBX
CITIC Tower 2022 by XDBX 北京中信大厦 中国尊 高度:528m 全新重制,remake。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入 !更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
Skapad av 红米先生
33层高层住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式小区围栏 by 红米...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Non-Standard Y-Shaped Block
Skapad av Dennie Mok Mei Sang House is a 40-storey Non-Standard Y-Shaped Domestic Block¹ situated in Shek Kip Mei Estate (Phase 5). The estate is the first public housing estate² in Hong Kong, first constructed in...
GHQ Grand Theatre
Skapad av XDBX
GHQ Grand Theatre by XDBX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 应投资方要求,删去浮雕艺术字,上传工坊。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感谢玩家“直男哥”的大力资助。 -----------------...
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式高档住宅楼 by 红米 33层超高层建筑,占地5X3,住宅楼属性 分辨率:1080P LOD:2600...
Maternal and Child Health Hospit
Skapad av 红米先生
Maternal and child health care hospital, Chinese style hospital It covers an area of about 100x60m and belongs to the architectural style of the hospital. The floors are about 3-10 floors LOD: the number of faces is a little large, about 3000, resolution: ...
China Resources QD Plan B
Skapad av XDBX
China Resources QD Plan B by XDBX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 友情链接 欢迎加入!更多惊喜!获得私人定制资产!都市天际线游戏交流大QQ群!:463898434...
农舍(Chinese Country house)
Skapad av 天际线予哥
中国农村住宅 Chinese Country house...
Golden Siu Mai Square | 金燒賣廣場
Skapad av Jeremychit Golden Siu Mai Square A statue of Hongkonger's comfort food 金燒賣廣場 香港人comfort food 的雕像 Introduction Siu mai (or Shumai) is a traditional Chinese dumpling, it comes with varieties of different f...
[RICO] Hong Kong Public Housing - Standard Trident 4 Block - Lite Edition
Skapad av Dennie Mok This asset is a semi-replica of Yiu Hong House, a 34-storey standard Trident 4 (a.k.a. Y4) block ¹ in Tin Yiu (I) Estate. Constructed in the 1990s, the estate is the first public housing estat...
Beijing Bell Tower
Skapad av MC100
My new work: The bell tower is located on Di'anmen Outer Street, Dongcheng District of Beijing, where the northern end of the Beijing axle line is. It is to the north of Beijing Drum Tower, a...
TW_Motorized Sliding Gate Pack 台灣電動伸縮門組(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣路上常見的私人的電動門。 如何使用 Search "TW_Motorized Sliding Gate Pack" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 因為這是作為之後台灣建築的前置項目之一,是用途很廣泛的電動伸縮門。通常可以在工廠或是社區看到。該組合包裡面有兩款(開跟關)。 注意事項 如果省得麻煩可以直接在Find it!搜尋Sanyu也會出現(笑)。 實際內容物 包括下列2款。 TW_Motorized Sliding Gate Pack 01 台...
西安建筑科技大学研究生公寓(Master Apt. of XAUAT)
Skapad av PeeKyboo
这是我第一次学习建模,感谢@听风说雨大佬 在建模过程中对我的指导!!!!!! 如果有色彩或者模型问题记得给我反馈,尤其是原版无滤镜下可能会导致颜色鲜艳或者失真。 由于三角形数超过限制,所以进游戏可能会有提示,可以选择不管他...
TW_Fences Pack 台灣圍牆組(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣常見的圍牆跟大門。 如何使用 Search "TW_Fences Pack" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 因為這是作為之後台灣建築的前置項目之一,通常會在鄉下看到,城市間比較不會出現。另外因為日本也有相似的資產,因此僅製作出較具有台灣特色的圍牆。如果覺得顏色需要調整可以利用調整顏色的模組做出修正。 注意事項 如果省得麻煩可以直接在Find it!搜尋Sanyu也會出現(笑)。 實際內容物 包括下列16款。 TW_Fences Pack 01 鐵...
TW_Shed Pack 台灣小倉庫組(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣路上常見的家用小倉庫。 如何使用 Search "TW_Shed Pack" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 因為這是作為之後台灣建築的前置項目之一,是用途很廣泛的倉庫,如果去鄉下地區,通常有自己的庭院的透天厝都很容易能夠看見這樣的倉庫,當然也可以發揮創意當成違建或是一些農用工具間都沒有問題。 注意事項 如果省得麻煩可以直接在Find it!搜尋Sanyu也會出現(笑)。 實際內容物 包括下列3款。 TW_Shed Pack 01 台灣小倉庫組01...
TWEH_Components 台灣建築用地面組(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣建築用地面組,不建議作為單獨使用。 如何使用 Search "TWEH_Components" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 因為這是作為之後台灣建築的前置項目之一,並非是作為單獨的物件來使用。被使用在鄉村農舍的庭院(搭配建築的連結:鄉下民宅↗️),或是相關建築的地面。 注意事項 如果省得麻煩可以直接在Find it!搜尋Sanyu也會出現(笑)。這並不是Decal(NOT Decal),是很扁平的物件。 實際內容物 包括下列2款。 TWEH_C...
乡村住宅8 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅9 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅10 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅5 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅3 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅1 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
上海港汇恒隆广场Shanghai Grand Gateway66
Skapad av CM.
这算是一个迟来的新年礼物,一个大型综合体,结合了上海港汇恒隆广场最早的旧设计方案和现在的新设计方案,但是占地面积比较大,会超出原有地块,但还是希望大家喜欢。 This is a late new year's gift. It is a large complex, which combines the earliest old design scheme and the current new design scheme of huihenglong square in Shanghai port. Ho...
Bell Tower
Skapad av RyanCat
Bell Tower by RyanCat Located at Luzhou China. Rebuilt in 1912, 27m in height. The clock is synchronized with the game time. Tris: Main 7357 lod 38 Textures: Main: 1024x4096 d,s,n,i lod: 128x128 d,s...
Modern Bus Shelter | 现代中式公交候车亭
Skapad av RichardShi
Modern Bus Shelter / 现代中式公交候车亭 此资产由玩家【黄老师】要求定制并共享于工坊。 Player applies to me for asset customization. I shared it in the workshop at his request....
Hong Kong Tenement - HR1 1x3 1 | 戰前唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 1 1x3 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級一 一乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style pre-war tenement building. There is a Cha Chaan Teng (Hong Kong-style café) and...
乡村住宅12 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Danfeng Gate
Skapad av MC100
Danfeng Gate is the south gate of Daming Palace in Tang Dynasty, China. It indicated the imperial power of the state. Both the height and scale of Danfeng Gate tops the all the city gates in ancient China, surpassing that of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, an...
Nameless Metro Staitons [Single & Transfer ] / 无名镇地铁站 含单线站 换乘站版本
Skapad av RichardShi
Two Metro Staitons Single / Transfer .Two versions 无名镇地铁站 含单线站 换乘站版本一次订阅得到2个车站 如果换乘站无法选择到下层车站,可以尝试按住shift选择轨道 此资产由玩家【红日浮茶】要求定制并共享于工坊。 This asset is customized by and I upload it on the workshop at his request. 本资产不欢迎某些双标人使用及浏览 ...
Skapad av 矩象Recelephant
鸣谢制作者 筑联建科BIM 欢迎大家评论和交流 ...
Skapad av 汉武小帝
郑州二七纪念塔 by 汉武小帝...
Modern Chinese Street Lamp
Skapad av ArcLight_Cyrus
Modern chinese street lamp of Fotuguan Park from Chongqing, China. Assets info: Single lamp ver.: 740 tris, 512x texture, 40 lod tris, 32x lod texture; Double lamp ver.: 1126 tris, 512x textture, 70 lod tris, 32x lod texture....
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 1 | 香港唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a siu mei (roasted meat) shop and a fishball noodle...
乡村住宅13 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
成都·两江国际 by PeeKyboo 感谢@听风说雨 对建模过程问题的指导!!听雨YYDS!! 两江国际大部分商家还没入驻,所以外立面全是玻璃幕墙,建议手动添加招牌等内容。 然后这建筑似乎没啥好介绍的,单纯因为在我家附近同时长得还可以就办了他!连景都不想造了2333...
Sheraton Hotels Zhanjiang
Skapad av XDBX
Sheraton hotels ZJ by XDBX 湛江喜来登酒店 两个大小版本,一共十个资产。 1:1大小有5个,1:1.5大小有5个。 Two size versions(1:1,1;1.5), a total of ten assets 1:1.5 version---------------------------------28.6MB 自带夜景彩灯 This version has colored lights Sheraton ZJ A 8.2mb Sheraton ZJ B 8.7mb S...
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:1x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Skapad av 红米先生
18层中式经典住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式无道旗路灯 by 红米...
Hong Kong Green Minibus Stop Sign | 小巴站牌
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Green Minibus Stop Sign 香港綠色小巴站牌 Description General green minibus stop sign of Hong Kong filled with ads. The top part of the sign is blank, line number can be added with Procedural...
乡村住宅16 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Skapad av 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场公寓楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场公寓楼-2 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
德阳城南五洲广场写字楼-1 by 红米...
乡村住宅15 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Hanyuan Palace
Skapad av MC100
"the gold gate of the magnificent palace was opened, millions of halls came into view. And all nations' ambassadors woshiped the paramount emperor."------------Wang Wei(an eminent poet in Tang Dynasty) Hanyuan Palace is the principal hall of Daming Palace,...
Air Traffic Control Complex (ATCX) - Hong Kong Int. Airport - Airports DLC Edition
Skapad av Dennie Mok
This asset requires the Airports DLC. Don't have the DLC? Don't worry! Use the Base Game Edition. With the release of the new DLC, your city’s world-class airport may need a world-class upgrad...
Hong Kong Airport Air Traffic Control Complex (ATCX) - Base Game Edition
Skapad av Dennie Mok
This version does NOT require the Airports DLC. The Airports DLC Edition is available here. With the release of the new DLC, your city’s world-class airport may need a world-class upgrade. Her...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
成都·两江国际-公寓楼 by PeeKyboo 祝大家新年快乐!!!!!!! 听雨YYDS!!!XDBX YYDS!!!红米YYDS!!!...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
这是一个简单的,可爱的小楼楼~ 1 FPS属实瞩目...
Skapad av K动画的雷子
需要 Additive Shader 作者:K动画的雷子...
Modern streetlight
Skapad av RyanCat
Modern streetlight by RyanCat...
Street fence
Skapad av RyanCat
Street fence by RyanCat terrain comfirming...
Santana 1987 普桑
Skapad av Streamer
Santana 1987 by Streamer...
Santana Police 1995
Skapad av Streamer
Santana Police 1995 by Streamer...
Santana Unmarked 便衣普桑
Skapad av Streamer
Santana Unmarked by Streamer...
Santana Wagon Police 1995
Skapad av Streamer
Santana Wagon Police 1995 by Streamer...
Santana Wagon 桑塔纳旅行版
Skapad av Streamer
Santana Wagon by Streamer...
HUANGHAI MAN A21 前置三踏 黄海DD6107S03
Skapad av Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 黄海客车(HUANGHAI) DD6107S03 MAN A21造型10.5米前置天然气燃料城市客车 10.5m CNG city bus with MAN A21 exterior 普通公交版本 Normal Bus Version 容量=100 Capacity = 100 RHD(CN/US) & LHD(CNHK/JP/UK) Ready 在右侧行驶地图中,车身右侧开门;在左侧行驶地图中,车身左侧开门。 The doors apply to RHD/LHD aut...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 2 | 香港唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 2 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 二 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a pharmacy and a hardware store on the shop floor. ...
乡村住宅19 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Skapad av 红米先生
原型是碧桂园住宅楼户型, 共计两种楼层一个高层30层, 另一个6层多层, 住宅楼属性, 欢迎订阅!...
石家庄中央商务区展示中心, Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center
Skapad av RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year Shijiazhuang Central Business District Exhibition Center The exhibition center of Shijiazhuang CBD is located at the core of the culture and Tourism Central District of CBD, covering a...
The Unification Hall
Skapad av MC100
First of all, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!!! Hope you guys all well in the year of tiger. The Unification Hall is the principal building of The Palace of Emperor Qin in Hengdian World Studio. It is a shooting site of blockbuster films, representing the ma...
北京LG双子大厦, Beijing LG Twin Towers
Skapad av RAY 都市天际线交流群祝大家新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year 北京LG双子大厦 Beijing LG Twin Towers han823zhi独资订制 Independent sponsorship of han823zhi. RichardShi模型制作 RichardShi model making. LG Twin Towers is located on East Chang'an Avenue, in the bu...
Skapad av DioTon
大熊公园 by 1402880468谢谢大家支持 以后会给大家带来更高质量的资产的...
Chunlian Pack
Skapad av RyanCat
Chunlian Pack by RyanCat Happy Chinese new year This pack is with 10 different Chinese "Chunlians" texture:512x512...
Skapad av qiaokes
农村小别墅 by qiaoke 封面和实际效果有差距...
XBRT Elevated Station(Bus Stops on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Skapad av Streamer
Plop it and enjoy the elevated bus station. This time, MOVE IT is not needed any more. Update 2024: If you find that there are no citizens entering this version of Xiamen BRT station, please level the ground and rearrange the station, and manually place a ...
Ancient Chinese Sentry tower
Skapad av MC100
Ancient Chinese Sentry tower by MC100 This sentry tower is a part of Daming Palace, which erects on the both side of the road of the gate....
CRT- crt station
Skapad av CR
CRT- crt station by CRT 重庆轨道交通3号线(Chongqing Rail Transit Line 3),是重庆市第三条建成运营的城市轨道交通线路,识别色为琉璃蓝。重庆交通大学至江北机场T2航站楼段于2011年12月30日开通试运营;鱼洞至重庆交通大学段于2012年12月28日开通试运营;碧津至举人坝段于2016年12月28日开通试运营。 重庆轨道交通3号线大致呈南北走向,南起鱼洞站,途经巴南区、南岸区、渝中区、江北区、渝北区,北至江北机场T2航站楼站;重庆轨道交通3号线北延伸段(重...
Skapad av Zmax
东莞民盈T1 by Z...
Bottom commercial network
Skapad av RyanCat
Bottom commercial network by RyanCat This is a network biulding,using the new concourse shader. Thanks to BadPeanut for the informations about that new shader...
乡村住宅20 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
乡村住宅21 rural house
Skapad av yishuangxichi
scale:1:1 plot:2x2 maps:1024x1024 diffuse,specular,illumination LOD maps:256x256 diffuse,illumination...
Playground Warning Sign - Hong Kong
Skapad av Dennie Mok This simple asset is a semi-replica of a warning sign that can be found in the Children's Playground (兒童遊樂場) of Fairview Park, Yuen Long (元朗錦綉花園). The sign is there to convey a warning message...
Hong Kong Private Road Signs - Impounding & Towing Zones (No Parking)
Skapad av Dennie Mok This simple asset is a semi-replica of a private road sign ¹ (私人路標誌) that can be found in Fairview Park, Yuen Long (元朗錦綉花園). The sign is there to convey a warning message ² to the drivers that no parking is allowed for all r...
Skapad av 红米先生
上海白玉兰大楼 by 红米...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
落实一户一墩,从我做起(顺便庆祝小论文EI期刊网络首发) 2022北京冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩和雪荣融,高约10m,公园属性,自带夜光。 其他尺寸下次一定(doge) ...
Skapad av Slicky
crt-CRT Station+Screen doors
Skapad av CR
crt-CRT Station+Screen doors by CRT 此版本为CRT轨道特用车站 车站含灯光 屏蔽门 请订阅所需要的其它mod与资产 This version is a CRT track special station station with lights screen doors Please subscribe to the other mods and assets required 感谢你们的订阅!请点赞!谢谢! Thanks for your subscription! Pl...
Skapad av 蓝血JS
卓越世纪中心综合体位于青岛市市北区CBD,本资产为综合体的T1主塔,总高度281米。未来将会发布综合体的剩余部分,敬请期待(本版本为无LOGO版) The excellence Century Center complex is located in the CBD of Shibei District, Qingdao. The asset is the T1 main tower of the complex, with a total height of 281 meters. The rest of...
上海地铁2号线02A05 6节(绿灯侠)Shanghai Metro Line 2
Skapad av 007x22
上海地铁2号线02A05 by 007x22 车厢长度:23540mm 高度:3842mm 设计速度:80km/h ———————————— 模型: 车厢最多顶点:1055 车厢最多三角形面数:1973 *中间线条部分可更改颜色 *夜间车厢发光 地铁资产 6节车厢 Shanghai metro line 2 Carriage length: 23540mm Height: 3842mm Design speed: 80km / h ———————————— Model: Maximum vertices o...
上海地铁9号线09A04(创可贴二世)Shanghai Metro Line 9
Skapad av 007x22
上海地铁9号线09A04 by 007x22 车厢长度:23540mm 高度:3842mm 设计速度:80km/h 载客2480 ———————————— 模型: 车厢最多顶点:904 *中间线条部分可更改颜色 *夜间车厢发光 地铁资产 6节车厢 Shanghai metro line 9 Carriage length: 23540mm Height: 3842mm Design speed: 80km / h Carrying 2480 passengers ———————————— Model: Ma...
Skapad av 矩象Recelephant
位于大连东港商务区。 点击订阅后会发现您需要额外订阅两个logo,如不订阅也可以正常运作,但是只有楼没有logo,(订阅logo后logo也可作为摆件单独使用)。 欢迎大家评论与交流 ...
Skapad av Henry_tw
高雄輕軌 by henrytw...
Daming Pagoda
Skapad av MC100
Daming tower is located in liaozhongjing site, Nancheng village, Tianyi Town, Ningcheng County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Liaozhong capital was one of the five capital cities of the Liao Dynasty(Khitan). It was the capital of t...
Stone Seawall Network Pack
Skapad av ArcLight_Cyrus
====◆◆Description◆◆==== A stone seawall pack recreated from Armesto's 👉👉👉 The original one is here 👈👈👈 ====◆◆Mesh & Texture Data◆◆==== All textures are shared, recommend using Loading Screen Mod (temporary fix for Airports DLC) Name File Category Triangle ...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式地下停车场 by 红米...
Qianyang Hall,Ziwei Palace
Skapad av MC100
Qianyang Hall by MC100 The Qianyang Hall is the principal hall of Ziwei Palace in Sui Dynasty(581-618), which is located in Luoyang, Henan Province, China. During Sui Dynasty, Luoyang was the capital of China. In 605, Emperor Yang of Sui decided to build a...
TWEH_Old House Pack 台灣鄉下民宅四款(Taiwan)
Skapad av sanyu321
這是台灣鄉下常見的民宅建築,一共有四棟。 如何使用 Search "TW" on Find It! 直接在Find it!搜尋下列實際內容物的中文。 詳細說明 遊戲中作為低密度住宅使用。其中兩棟附有水泥地面可以當作庭院。考慮到造景需求,並沒有在資產中使用圍牆,如有需要可以使用下列物品:台灣圍牆↗️。 另外因為中途顏色調錯整個重做,物件重新擺了超過幾個小時,所以後來命名就用了01、02之類的來命名了...不過原本是叫做紅色磚瓦房之類的,嘛還是要叫做透天比較好?其實是不確定這種建築要怎麼叫,最後還是用數字命名保...
Skapad av kaikai0706
天津之眼 The Tientsin Eye
Skapad av HooHeeHaa
Briefing Tianjin Eye, the official name The Tientsin Eye, is a 120-meter (394 ft)-tall giant ferris wheel built above the Yongle Bridge over the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Construction started in 2007, with completion of the main body on 18 December 2007...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 红米先生
杭州湖滨银泰in77-B by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
杭州平海旺角2 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
杭州平海旺角1 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
多层住宅楼-1 by 红米...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
腾讯成都大厦位于四川省成都市高新区天府三街,天府大道与益州大道之间,在高层密集的城市街区显得内敛而姿态分明,在立面设计中,外围设置立面、平面两个方向的波浪变化,使立面呈现流动的感觉,在内庭院也设置了波浪变化的出挑阳台,进一步加强动态感受。立面设计简洁、流畅,展现出数码时代的微妙渐变的审美特点,展现出互联网企业的数码特质。 ...
Skapad av kaikai0706
八一南昌起义纪念塔(4K Texture)
Skapad av PeeKyboo
本资产基础模型资料由 @GeniusKKG 提供,我只负责后面的优化修改 八一南昌起义纪念塔为八一广场标志性建筑,塔为长方体,高53.6米,由塔基、塔座、塔身、塔顶四部分组成。塔座正面镌刻“八一南昌起义简介”碑文,东、南、西三面各有一幅反映武装起义的人物浮雕。塔身正面为“八一南昌起义纪念塔”铜胎鎏金大字。塔顶由一支直立的巨型“汉阳造”步枪和一面八一军旗组成。 2018年3月,八一南昌起义纪念塔被江西省人民政府公布为第六批江西省文物保护单位。...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 红米先生
广州珠江帝景花苑样式1 by 红米...
移动核酸检测车(救护车)Mobile P2+ NATL (Ambulance)
Skapad av 尹水涯
Mobile P2+ NATL (Ambulance) 原型为广东省移动核酸检测车,本版本为救护车版本。 在这里你可以找到游览车版本 在这里你可以找到prop版本 救护车版本可以配置到各个医院,诊所,它将在城市里收容病人(原谅我做不出来病人来做核酸...
Skapad av Friedrich
Search Key:Sanshui 广东省佛山市三水区供电局...
Skapad av Friedrich
广州大学校碑 by Friedrich...
Skapad av Friedrich
广州大学石头 by Friedrich...
Chinese Commercial High2 Lv3
Skapad av 深圳刘德华
Chinese Commercial High2 Lv3...
Chinese Commercial High
Skapad av 深圳刘德华
Made by lodon86 Original from Guanzhou Lidu Hotel in Guandong Province China。 原型广州丽都酒店底座。...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Chinese style the door
Skapad av kaikai0706
中式Chinese style the door...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
西安交大附小航天校区钟楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
红色墙砖围栏围墙 by 红米...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
石家庄开元金融中心, Shijiazhuang Kaiyuan financial center
Skapad av 蓝血JS
石家庄开元金融中心 简介:开元金融中心 位于中国河北省省会石家庄城市核心位置,西临东大街、南临方北路、北距石家庄中轴线——中山东路150米,河北省科技馆南邻,与河北博物院、河北省图书馆一路之隔。 为石家庄市政府规划中央商务区核心、文化交流中心、涉外酒店服务中心、中央政务中心,占尽地利优势,具备强大的外围资源,周边行政、金融、交通、旅游、购物、休闲氛围成熟,是石家庄市最核心的商务舞台和商圈领地。 开元金融中心是一栋钢结构综合体,建筑的总高度约245米,是省内最高的超高层建筑。 开元金融中心总建筑面积约17.8...
Skapad av Friedrich
Search Keys:gzhu 原型:广州大学计算机学院宣传栏...
Skapad av qiaokes
南昌大学图书馆 by qiaokes...
Skapad av 红米先生
上海火车站站(Shanghai Railway Station Station),位于中国上海市静安区上海站附近,是上海申通地铁股份有限公司管辖的地铁车站,也是上海地铁1号线、上海地铁3号线和上海地铁4号线的换乘站 。 上海火车站站于1995年4月10日通行上海地铁1号线 ;于2000年12月26日通行上海地铁3号线 ;于2005年12月31日通行上海地铁4号线 。 据2022年1月上海地铁官网显示,上海火车站站共开放有10个出入口,1号线站层为地下二层岛式站台,3号线、4号线站层为地上一层岛式站台 。 据...
Skapad av kaikai0706
【已过时】CSUR 1-3C Elevated
Skapad av RichardShi
CSUR 1-3C Elevated by RichardShi...
【已过时】CSUR 4-5C Elevated
Skapad av RichardShi
CSUR 4-5C Elevated by RichardShi...
Leyland Olympian 11m (Non-AC) (S3BL398) (Hong Kong)
Skapad av Mikan
Description This is Leyland Olympian 11m of Kowloon Motor Bus Company. These non-air conditioned buses served Hong Kong citizens from 1986 to 2011. For training bus version of this bus, please see
Skapad av PeeKyboo
由于编辑器里限制prop数量,导致灯光道具不足,可以自行补充灯光。 项目位于重庆市渝中区民权路,解放碑CBD中心,民权路、中华路交汇处,步行街出入口,十字金街龙眼。项目根据解放碑CBD商务办公特性,通透大气,采光视线均好,为商务企业提供更具灵活性的办公空间。楼宇外立面借鉴吸收国内外流行元素,以水平和竖向线条为主,体形简洁,造就了整栋建筑的恢弘气势。同时以优美的“竹节” 为寓意塑造建筑物形体,彰显积极向.上的动势,使原本已高大的建筑体更具震撼力,并使边角每三层为一个“斗”斜切角,逐级叠加而成,立面构成别致而丰...
XBRT XMQ6180G 厦门BRT铰接金龙
Skapad av Streamer
如果图片无法加载,请前往百度贴吧。 全球少有的把高架桥作为专用道的公交车——厦门快速公交 Xiamen elevated bus system (BRT) has its own right of way with the whole journey on bridges. XBRT bus series XBRT 12m XBRT 12m Electric XBRT 18m(you are here) XBRT 18m Electric 金龙客车(KINGLONG) XMQ6180G 普通公交版本 Nor...
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building
Skapad av RAY
石家庄中商大厦 Shijiazhuang Zhongshang Building 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体验资产。 2.资产赞助拼单资讯(可以合伙拼单找大佬做资产)。 3.可以找大佬订制资产资...
XBRT Elevated Depot&Hub (Bus Spawns on the Bridge) 厦门BRT
Skapad av Streamer
An elevated bus depot as well as a bus station You can plop it anywhere you want Citizens enter at the corner Buses spawn on the bridge to fit XBRT, or spawn on the ground like a vanilla bus depot. I recommend using Xiamen Bus to fit this asset well. Don’t...
杭州世茂智慧之门,Hangzhou Wisdom Tower
Skapad av CSCA
Hangzhou Shimao wisdom gate 272.6m × 2\61F × two The plot is located in the landmark position of Binjiang District government, close to the Olympic Sports Expo City, with a total construction area of 372138 square meters and a total floor area of 33857 squ...
Skapad av Friedrich
Search keys:gdzt 原型:广州大学钟塔...
Skapad av Friedrich
Search Keys:广州有米科技大厦 原型:广州大学城有米科技大厦...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市人民医院老住院楼 by 小翔xiang 参考德州市人民医院老住院楼,略有改动 三角形面数:462 贴图大小: 1024 x 1024 lod三角形面数:112 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市人民医院新住院楼 by 小翔xiang 参考德州市人民医院新住院楼,略有改动 三角形面数:1116 贴图大小: 1024 x 1024 lod三角形面数:90 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128...
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市人民医院门诊楼 by 小翔xiang 参考德州市人民医院门诊楼,略有改动 三角形面数:966 贴图大小: 1024 x 1024 lod三角形面数:68 lod贴图大小: 128 x 128...
chengdu ifs
Skapad av kaikai0706
Chengdu ifs Chengdu IFS (Full name: Chengdu international financial center), located in the center of chengdu hongxing road core business circle, as the two main road in the heart of the (red) and jamchen lhakhang monastery road intersection, is the most i...
Skapad av 红米先生
大酒店公寓楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式超长门面 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
中式28层住宅楼 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
西安交通大学附属中学起源于1896年建立的交通大学前身南洋公学及其中院,1981年恢复重建,1991年被命名为陕西省、西安市两级重点中学,2009年被评为陕西省首批七所示范高中之一,并先后获得 “全国青年文明号”、“全国创新型学校”、“全国科研兴校示范基地”、“首批全国中小学知识产权教育示范学校”、“全国体育工作示范学校”、“全国青少年校园篮球特色学校”、“全国青少年校园足球特色学校”、“全国学校艺术教育先进单位”、“陕西省文明校园”、“西安市普通高中课程改革先进单位”等荣誉称号。 The Affiliat...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 3 | 香港唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 3 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 三 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. There is a property agency and a textile shop on the shop fl...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 CL 1 | 轉角唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 Corner Left 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 左角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered versi...
Hong Kong Tenement - HR2 1x3 CR 1 | 轉角唐樓
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Tenement - High Density Residential Level 2 1x3 Corner Right 1 香港唐樓 - 高密度民居 等級二 一乘三 右角 一 Description A Hong Kong-style tenement building. The shops on the shop floor are altered vers...
佛山苏宁广场 FoshanSuning Plazza
Skapad av Zmax
佛山苏宁广场位于广东佛山新城中央商务区核心地段(CBD核心位置) 高度318m Foshan Suning Square is located in the core area of the central business District (the core location of CBD) It is 318 meters high...
一汽解放卡车 Faw liberation truck
Skapad av Sylveon着急
一汽解放是中国有名的卡车品牌之一,它成立于2003年1月18日,是以原第一汽车制造厂主体专业厂为基础,以中国第一汽车集团有限公司技术中心为技术依托重新组建的中重型载重车制造企业,是中国第一汽车集团有限公司的全资子公司。一汽解放汽车公司具有辉煌的历史。这里是中国汽车工业的摇篮,中国制造的第一辆汽车在这里诞生。1953年7月15日,第一汽车制造厂在这里破土动工。 Faw liberation is one of the famous brands in china. itwas founded on janua...
Hong Kong Village House - LR4 2x2 1 | 香港村屋
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Village House - Low Density Residential Level 4 2x2 1 香港村屋 - 低密度民居 等級四 二乘二 一 Description Hong Kong-style village houses, these buildings are built in rural parts of the city. This is...
Hong Kong Village House - LR4 2x2 2 | 香港村屋
Skapad av Jeremychit Hong Kong Village House - Low Density Residential Level 4 2x2 2 香港村屋 - 低密度民居 等級四 二乘二 二 Description Hong Kong-style village houses, these buildings are built in rural parts of the city. This is...
Guangzhou Chow Tai Fu Financial Center (East Tower)
Skapad av kaikai0706
Guangzhou Chow Tai Fook Financial Center, with a total height of 530 meters. Equipped with the world's fastest high-speed elevator, which can reach speeds of 45 miles per hour, the tower ranked fourth among the top 10 new skyscrapers in the world in 2016. ...
Skapad av PeeKyboo
石家庄新百广场 Shijiazhuang Xinbai Plaza 、 动态LED版本,全天发光,动态炫彩LED。包含新百广场A,B两栋建筑,连廊以及门头共四个资产。 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 目前中国石家庄项目-民族路商业步行街12个建筑资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 如果对石家庄其他资产有兴趣的可以入群赞助! 有兴趣的小伙伴可以加入「都市天际线交流群」 群内 1.赞助并提早体...
Skapad av 红米先生
小广场 by 红米...
Chinese-style station Square
Skapad av kaikai0706
Chinese-style station Square...
Skapad av kaikai0706
Skapad av 小翔xiang
德州市道路指示牌整合包 by 小翔xiang 内部包括6项资产,分别是双车道道路指示牌、三车道道路指示牌、三车道道路指示牌2(含可变车道)、四车道道路指示牌、四车道道路指示牌2(含可变车道)、市区道路牌(限速与禁行)。 路牌内容与样式参考德州市市区路牌,并稍有改动。 与前期做的路牌资产相比,该资产将指示牌和路杆融为一体,并稍微调整了大小。 三角形数量:84 贴图大小:1024 x 1024 lod三角形数量:16 贴图大小:64 x 64...
Hong Kong Vending Machine | 自動販賣機
Skapad av Jeremychit Vending Machine (Hong Kong) 自動販賣機 (香港) Description 6 vending machines from Hong Kong. - Yueng Gwong vintage 1 - Yueng Gwong vintage 2 - Vitasoy vintage - Bonaqua vintage - Coca Cola vintage - ...
Skapad av kaikai0706
新中式篮球场 排球场
Skapad av 红米先生
新中式篮球场 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
现代城市广场贴图1 by 红米...
Styrofoam Boxes
Skapad av Mikan
Description This asset pack contains 4 individual and 8 piles (stacks) of styrofoam boxes. Styrofoam boxes are commonly used for transportation of fresh food in Hong Kong. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see stacks of these boxes along streets near wet ma...
Skapad av RilkeXS
中式厂房2,Chinese Workshop 2 工业厂房,指直接用于生产或为生产配套的各种房屋,包括主要车间、辅助用房及附属设施用房。订阅精美的资产,打造属于自己的工业园区吧! Industrial plants refer to buildings directly used for production or supporting production, including main workshops, auxiliary buildings and ancillary facilities. Su...
Skapad av RilkeXS
中式厂房1,Chinese Workshop 1 工业厂房,指直接用于生产或为生产配套的各种房屋,包括主要车间、辅助用房及附属设施用房。订阅精美的资产,打造属于自己的工业园区吧! Industrial plants refer to buildings directly used for production or supporting production, including main workshops, auxiliary buildings and ancillary facilities. Su...
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车(新 ) FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck (new) 渣土车 泥头车
Skapad av 尹水涯
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车(新 )FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck (new)渣土车 泥头车 原形为一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车,此版本是其 可自动切换空载/满载 渣土车版本 2022.03.24更新 现此版本已可自动切换空载/满载状态,但为了之前订阅的小伙伴,将保留满载版本 你可在此处找到 自卸车(新 )满载版 你可在此处找到 自卸车(旧 )...
陕汽德龙Shaanxi Auto Delong
Skapad av Sylveon着急
陕汽德龙来自中国陕西的卡车品牌 Shaanxi Auto Delong is a truck brand from Shaanxi China...
Skapad av Sylveon着急
东风天龙随车吊Dongfeng truck
Skapad av Sylveon着急
东风天龙随车吊Dongfeng truck...
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车prop包 FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck pack
Skapad av 尹水涯
一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车prop包 FAW JIEFANG J6P 6x4 Dump truck pack 原形为一汽解放J6P 6x4 自卸车,此版本是其prop包 包内含满载版、空载版、篷布版和成都特别版以及最特别的举升版的prop 在这里特别推荐用举升版和空载版做成货车卖场,效果特别好 你可在此处找到 自卸车(新 )满载版 你可在此处找到 自卸车(新 )可自动切换空...
2022 Lynk & Co 03 领克03
Skapad av 烟縓
2022款领克03 包含车辆版本以及prop版本(应该?…第一次发工坊不知道有没有,没有的话大家可以留言,我再发一个单独的) 2022 Lynk & Co 03 With vehicle version and prop version (probably...If there's not, please leave a message below) 领克03是CMA架构的首款轿车产品,也是领克汽车的首款轿车产品。领克汽车与Cyan Racing(前身为沃尔沃汽车集团旗下的Polestar Racing赛车...
2022 Lynk & Co 03 Police 领克03 警车
Skapad av 烟縓
是时候为你的天际线市公安局购入一批新式警车了,民警同志会很开心的(o´ω`o)ノ It's time to bring some new police vehicle for you Skyline Police Department 这是之前03的警车版本,三角面:主模型 2.7 K,LOD 30; 贴图 1024*1024+512*512 This is police version of my Lynk & co 03 asst, tris: 2.7 K, lod 30, texture: 1024*...
2022 GAC Trumpchi 广汽传祺 GS8
Skapad av 烟縓
2022 GAC Trumpchi 广汽传祺 GS8 全新一代GS8,自己很喜欢的一台车 The all new GS8 , a car I like very much 全新第二代GS8基于GPMA广汽全球平台模块化架构L平台打造,是广汽传祺积极响应双碳政策下的首款油电混合车型。定位中型SUV,搭载2.0TM+全新第四代增强版THS Ⅱ 丰田混合动力系统。外观雄浑大气、豪华 The new second-generation GS8 is based on the GAC GPMA L Global Pl...
Danhai LRT station elevated
Skapad av
Danhai Light Rail It is a light rail route in operation in New Taipei City, Taiwan route code is V is part of the New Taipei MRT there are three routes: Green Mountain Line, Blue Sea Line and Sanzhi Extension Line. The station is mainly divided into elevat...
Kaohsiung LRT Love pier Station
Skapad av
Kaohsiung LRT Introduction Kaohsiung MRT Loop Light Rail generic name Kaohsiung Light Rail,Original plan:Kaohsiung MRT Lingang Light Rail,The Kaohsiung City under construction Kaohsiung MRT Light Rail,Taiwan's first light rail transportation system opened ...
Skapad av 红米先生
大门样式5 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
大门样式6 by 红米...
Skapad av 红米先生
大门样式4 by 红米...
中式公安局, Chinese police station
Skapad av RAY
中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China 中式公安局, Chinese police station 中国天际线资产总部(China skyline asset headquarters) 『han823zhi』 独资订制,LANXUEJS制作。 目前中国北京项目-北京CBD建筑合集资产有兴趣可以加入赞助并提早使用! 有兴趣的小伙伴...
东方红火车站 Dong Fang Hong Train Station
Skapad av 尹水涯
东方红火车站 Dong Fang Hong Train Station 关键词:火车站 东方红 黑龙江 鸡西 虎林 国内 国庆 中国 铁路 该资产原型为位于中国黑龙江省鸡西市虎林市东方红镇的东方红火车站,是中国铁路哈尔滨局集团有限公司管辖的三等站,始建于1958年。此为2022年7月31日,新建东方红站。 我为其制作了内景,但由于我是第一次制作建筑,在灯光、路径等方面有很多短板,可能效果不太好,敬请谅解! 本版本在游戏中为 火车站(Train Station),使用 find it 搜索时需输入 东方红 或...
中式厂房—Chinese factory building
Skapad av VailOY
中式厂房—Chinese factory building 制作不易,点赞评论!!! 制作不易,点赞评论!!! 制作不易,点赞评论!!!...
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中国城市 Chinese city
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