Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

27 ratings
Metro: VGF U3 NC
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
4.574 MB
7 Apr, 2020 @ 1:32pm
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Metro: VGF U3 NC

In 1 collection by Gregor Vukasinovic
Dryas' Metro Depot
18 items
The U3, despite their name, were Frankfurt's second generation of mass-produced LRVs entered service in the early 1980's. At the time the city was expanding its lightrail network, and considerations for a later conversion into a "real" metro, powered by third rail, were very real. The U3, much like NRW's early B100 cars, therefore came with preparations for collector shoes in addition to the pantograph. The metro plans never came to fruition, and the U3 remained in use as standard LRVs until their retirement in 2017.

whole train:
Vmax: 80 km/h
Capacity: 360
Tris: 13.056 (LOD: 258)
Textures: 1024x1024 DISC

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Tags: VGF Frankfurt Germany Deutschland Bahn train Zug Düwag U3 Metro U-Bahn