Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

114 ratings

This collection is collect for myself,maybe someone will like it。
Items (41)
Created by Dragon Maid Zz
这个mod包含三种音效,都是初音逐渐升高中的片段,死亡团灭音效,被chager撞的音效,以及尸潮来临音效 This mod contains three sound effects, all of which are part of the miku rise, the death of the group, the sound effects of the charger, and the arrival of the body tide 我的b站主页https://space.bilibili.com/...
AWP | Miku
Created by XXSefa
!!UPDATE 9/23/2020 With The Final stand update seem like CSS Weapons including AWP will be seen in maps as drops guys so no more need to use console command to get it :) just be lucky to find it Replaces *AWP* This is the CS:GO Customization skin 'AWP | Mi...
Hatsune Miku - Main Menu Mode Buttons
Created by Mio
Just a change of pace :v This mod replaces the main menu mode buttons and L4D2 (background) logo on the main menu. (Does not replace the background image/video)...
Hatsune Miku Concert and Credits
Created by Mio
**UPDATE** Louder concert songs (tank themes are loud enough) Changed intro song to San Kyuu (sasakure.UK x DECO*27) Changed credits song to Deep Sea Girl **UPDATE** This mod will replace both the concert music, tank themes at the Dark Carnival concert and...
Hatsune Miku Tunnel of Love
Created by Ellie
Hi everyone and hi especially to people who like Hatsune Miku. First of all, yes this is an "Anime / Vocaloid" themed mod, but I guess there's room for this in the Workshop since a lot of people do like Anime, and that this mod is, I guess, nicely done. I ...
HK416 MIKU(M16)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
This MOD modifies the M16,It has a new sound.Has the fluorescent effect in the dark,Like MIKU can try,Welcome to my WORKSHOP and thumb up,And subscribe to other items,Thank you for your subscription and thumb up, give the best advice and support.thank you....
Miku Chainsaw
Created by RaidenPSX
An aqua coloured chainsaw exterior with a Miku decal! Perfect for any Miku or Vocaloid lover. ...
Miku Loading Icon
Created by 馒头
Replaces default Loading Icon Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=7210261...
MIKU jukebox Rainbow Transparent
Created by 徒手开根号
Rainbow Transparent jukebox,The disc is replaced with Miku's CD This MOD does not contain music, you can customize your favorite music MOD The jukebox body is transparent Like the white crystal beauty,and the lines are riotous with colour fluorescent effec...
SPAS12 & Miku - Christmas
Created by ClearSkyC
Merry Christmas! Long time no see,guys.Today is Christmas, so i made this weapon. Hope you like it! Credits: TDA -Miku Model; Textures; Warface - SPAS12 model; Textures; CaptainBigButt -Miku rig; Materials;Hair jigglebones; Me - Animations; rig; Materials;...
Miku Loading Screen
Created by 阿青
Replace Safe house Loading Screen Very good picture!,Very suitable for loading screen...
MIKU Sticker Deserteagle Pistol
Created by 狼出没请注意
For the original version of the sand eagle map to do a few stickers (I do not know whether the stickers) at night can be part of the flashlight is a dynamic LED (probably count it) really move Picture taken from p station ID = 56710319...
Created by KoyomiLi
简单改了下贴图啦,暗处发光,喜欢的可以去试下,,替换UZI Changed the simple map, and like to try, that glows in the dark, and replace the UZI didn't sound attenuation...
MIKU Shotgun Skin
Created by KoyomiLi
MIKU 木柄霰弹枪皮肤MOD 订阅了别忘记点个赞 QAQ MIKU wooden handle shotgun skin MOD Don't forget to subscribe to the point of praise ...
Created by KoyomiLi
miku 系列smg第二弹,,喜欢请给我点赞_(:3 」∠)_ 点下顶又不会怀孕(╭ ̄3 ̄)╭ SMG MIKU hope you like it If you like it, please give it a little praise._(:3 」∠)_ ...
Miku Vending Machine [RNG]
Created by Hawkiepaisen
changes every map all resized to fit 2k textures Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Miku Hachune (Healthpack)
Created by Winter
Replaces the healthpack with Hachune Miku....
Miku Hachune Health Pack (First Aid Kit) HUD Icon
Created by CCPD
Custom HUD icon for Miku Hachune Health Pack (First Aid Kit) weapon mod. Rate. Favourite. Subscribe. Reward. *Restart L4D2 for the HUD icon to work properly. **HUD icon is edited with a script file that won't work on servers that force file consistency. **...
Remake Miku-shotgun(chrome shotgun)
Created by lm
This is an improved version of my last mod. Improved some small places to make the overall color look more comfortable? For me, this is a more satisfying look in my heart? The last mod is here:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=19396811...
Hatsune Miku Helicopter Pilot
Created by мяFunreal
Hatsune miku found herself a helicopter. Includes corpse models. She will, once in a while scratch her right arm, look at the dashboard, look out the window and move her feet. Credits: Mamama - model, textures Dewobedil - rigging, port to gmod MrFunreal - ...
Vocaloid Concert v2 (Textures only)
Created by MagicPantsu
Dark Carnival Concert mod Replaces various MNR posters,fairground props and songs through out the campain into a vocaloid concert (Mikunopolis). Music Mod will be posted on gamebana Here http://l4d2.gamebanana.com/sounds/18695 and here just in case http://...
Miku Vocaloid Fireworks Box
Created by Hawkiepaisen
Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
Hatsune Miku Racecar
Created by Why So Serious?
"This addon replaces standard racecar" created by Tenma - http://www.gamemaps.com/details/5193...
DT Extend Ribbon Girl Miku replance Rochelle
模型来自https://www.deviantart.com/nala-chan-07/art/MMD-DT-Extend-Swimwear-B-Miku-DL-676364439 当初玩初音未来歌姬计划dxft的时候,就觉得这个初音好可爱啊。 终于被我找到模型了。 于是做了这个mod。 因为求生之路2没有布料物理碰撞,所以裙子会穿模。以前一般都绑腿上的,但是这次绑腿上效果很差。所以就没绑了,一些动作会穿模。见谅。 最后未联系到作者,但符合mmd通用规则,如果作者觉得侵犯权利,请在下方留言,我会下架此mod...
Koron Orange Blossom Hatsune Miku(橙花公主) replance Ellis
模型来自https://www.deviantart.com/xdreamshardsx/art/Koron-Orange-Blossom-Hatsune-Miku-Download-563059932 封面来自https://www.mikuclub.org/135623 未与作者取得联系但未违反模型使用规则。 如果作者认为侵犯了其权益请留言,我会下架此mod。 橙花公主初音代替Ellis。 初音未来歌姬计划中我比较喜欢的一个模型。 有飘动骨骼,也有第一人称手臂,飘动骨骼,和ui 但是没有表情。 希望大家...
Vocaloid Magazine
Created by Hawkiepaisen
Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. https://i.imgur.com/p7Fv1Z6.gif by Navy...
Vegetable Juice (Boomer Vomit)
Created by Winter
Replaces the Boomer's Vomit song to the song Hatsune Miku - Po Pi Po Vegetable Juice....
Miku Domino's Pizza Box
Created by Tя!cky ツ
Trash retexture pizza boxes as "Hatsune Miku" https://i.imgur.com/XhW7uzz.png http://i.imgur.com/RXc8aRR.jpg...
Created by lm
This was originally made for myself, but I think someone might like it. So I uploaded it. (´・ω・`) *Just Changed the appearance and movement of molototv. *glowing...
Hatsune miku icon
Created by lm
Replaced some common icons....
HSP feat. Hatsune Miku - Desperate (Original Mix) [Tank Music]
Replace the standard Tanks music with music HSP feat. Hatsune Miku - Desperate (Original Mix) Enjoy =3...
the senbonzakura miku(tank music)
Created by 槐音Grsomiprs
first steam workshop.If you like miku welcome to download.This mod modifies the tank music.Thank you for your support....
miku cola(glow)夜光
Created by Adobe
miku cola...
Miku Police Cars
Created by Hawkiepaisen
by me replaces both l4d1 n l4d2 both have slightly different tex watch out miku popo gonna handcuff u Want more? Please follow my workshop. Also pls check out my Youtube channel. ...
Created by lm
Replaces the Fire Axe skin with animation Animation from :https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1596932781...
Created by lm
Replace pain pills by a milk....
【初音ミク】RE8 Village Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL Flashbang (Pipe Bomb)
说明 · 【初音ミク】RE8 Village Rheinmetall MK13 Mod 0 BTV-EL Flashbang (Pipe Bomb) · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · Original Model:8sianDude & empty · New skin:【绀海】雲鶴.Undefined 截图 https://steamuserimage...
【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile
说明 · 【初音ミク&巡音ルカ】箱箱人偶 替换 弹药堆 Replaces Ammopile · 添加了夜光贴图 (Added night light pictures) · 欢迎反馈 (Feedback is welcome) · 祝使用愉快~ (Have fun~) 借物表 · 模型 (Models) : H2Cu阿相 其他 · 喜欢/(不喜欢) 就请 点个赞/(给个反馈) 吧,谢谢大家了 禁止任何未经允许的转载...
初音ミク(黑)Hatsune Miku(Black) 替换 Louis
这次使用初音ミク(黑)的模型替换了游戏中的一代人物Louis,希望大家能够喜欢! 头发、领带、裙子均可飘动(如果觉得领带以及裙子的飘动幅度不合适或者说飘起来感觉太轻太软的话可以在下面留言,我会进行修改的) 如果有空的话以后会添加面部表情 这次的第一人称手臂使用了跟以前不同的方法制作,效果更佳! 模型作者:Sour暄 Mod制作不易,大家的支持就是作者最大的动力,如果喜欢的话不妨点个赞收藏一下。 2019/12/31 已更新:添加了表情 Hatsune Miku(Black) replay Louis Hai...
Created by lm
初音miku乌兹Aug-para 替换冲锋枪uzi 我自己已经用了非常久了,闲的无聊上传了。 AUG9mm-xs-para(uzi replace uzi I have used it for a long time for myself, idle boring upload P.S:There is a small problem with the texture,You can see it in the last picture. I am too lazy to fix it. I hope yo...
Created by lm
初音miku消音冲-Js9 替换消音冲锋枪mac-10 我自己已经用了非常久了,闲的无聊上传了。 原mod:https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2111896058&searchtext=js9 miku's JS9-elfail Replace mac-10 I have used it for a long time for myself, idle boring upload. If have some problems, I ...