Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

199 ratings
French Architecture Style (Paris) V2
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2.059 KB
30 Sep, 2019 @ 1:49pm
1 Change Note ( view )
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French Architecture Style (Paris) V2

In 1 collection by VaKhajDar
French Architecture Style (Paris) V2
10 items
Get ALL needed items to remove any missing items errors in the This Collection as you cannot link collections in the required items list, you could subscribe without having the needed collections!

Removed the Grand Hotel Terminus from Gèze from V1 as it breaks some people's game...
(Big thanks to LemonsterOG who notified me of the issue)

French Architecture pack by Gèze needed!
Reccommended (but not needed): any buildings/assets that are/will be added in the future in this pack by Feindbild that aren't in the pack by Gèze, they'll fit tight in, as they work together on this Paris project... (you can hit "subscribe all" but you'll need to manually unsub from the deprecated "multi track enabler" and go sub to Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0)

Please go give thanks and Kudos to Gèze and Feindbild for these wonderfull buildings.

I will not try to update the theme whenever there is a new growable building in Gèze's set, as you can add them manually to the style if and when you sub to them... I will try to keep this and the collection updated to make it work as flawlessly as possible though!


The error about missing files is harmless, Gèze seems to have removed them, but that doesn't interfere with the style, and I won't remove them from the style so they still grow for people who have them and migrate from V1...
Just delete any building you don't plan on using from the style in your content manager.

Maylow has provided us with the links to the missing items:

Air ducks3 (missing)
Can be found in: Rooftop props

Simple Lamp Post Type-17
Can be found in: Park Lightings Pack
The AD DLC is required.
Network Skins 2 can and should be used.

A final error message may occur about missing crates1, crates2, up to crates5.
Can be found in: Crate Prop Pack

This style has no growable commercial nor industrial assets, so if you want those, you need to either place them in another district,(use this mod to enable styles per district) or, using the same mod, enable assets without a style (you can do this where you enable your district style), but you'll get other (non style related) residential buildings as well in that case...
I set styles per district, and just either place the flats manually, or I place the stores manually...
(there are nice store assets you can move into the lower floor of the building with the "move it" mod here )...

VaKhajDar  [author] 14 Oct, 2022 @ 3:26am 
Updated description Required Items and Collection to take in account the replacement of broken mods by Advanced Stop Selection Revisited 2.0 and District Styles Plus
VaKhajDar  [author] 28 Aug, 2022 @ 10:03am 
@Sgt Rakov, MTSE is necessary for the Avenue Foch Sunken train Station, disable the station in the collection if you don't want it, Building themes is required for this theme to work though.
✪✪ Sgt Rakov ✪✪ 19 Aug, 2022 @ 2:13am 
Is it possible to use this style without required mods, or are they (MTSE and Building Themes) absolutely necessary for it to function?
VaKhajDar  [author] 5 Aug, 2022 @ 6:50am 
@jokerdealer1, just stating "doesn't work" without details of what you did/didn't do isn't helping anyone to help you...

Did you read the description and download the assets and collections this theme is made for?
jokerdealer 4 Aug, 2022 @ 12:37pm 
Doesnt work
Uncle_Undead 2 Jun, 2022 @ 8:28am 
@Qa'Dar Thanks for the response. I did actually use the Block Services Mod, in combination with RICO to convert some buildings. Unfortunately I also found that these assets, absolutely wreck my system lmao. I look forward to trying again with a beefier PC, because they truly are gorgeous.
VaKhajDar  [author] 20 Mar, 2022 @ 7:18am 
@Uncle_Undead, Sadly you are correct...

I recommend the exellent Block services mod to turn buildings into offices.
Also, you'll need Move It and an anarchy mod to place the blocks inside the buildings...
Uncle_Undead 6 Mar, 2022 @ 4:36am 
Am I missing something or does this style not include office buildings? My residential and commercial blocks look great with these gorgeous buildings, but offices either don't spawn, or just add in any office asset. I looked in theme manager and apparently there are no offices in this theme.
Maylow 2 Nov, 2020 @ 9:46am 
@Qa'Dar glad to be of any help!
VaKhajDar  [author] 29 Oct, 2020 @ 10:55pm 
I made it easy for all of you and created a collection.
Added all the items in the description to it, including the props @Maylow linked to!
You can get it here .