Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Items (28)
Cartoony Gordon Freeman
This is the collection of Gordon Freeman models as seen in Swanky Badger Films' "Vicious Cycle of City 17" and the "Two Men and a Crowbar" series. The original models were made by Romka, FakeFactory and OneManShow. People keep asking me to upload these mod...
CCA Technology Props
Created by Lemon the Immortal
Various brush-based props for Combine technology. Includes folded constructs, combine crates, and combine pushcarts....
Citizen russian voice 1
Created by Spenser
Русификатор всех голосов Гражданских. Только Half-Life 2. Пожалуйста, сообщайте о недостатках в Комментариях....
Combine Elite Synth Soldier(NPC/Playermodel)
Created by SpeisCheese
Finally avaible! One of the cut ennemies of Half-Life 2! The Elite Synth Soldier. This deadly NPC can finally be used for 7 Hours War Missions, or for more HL2 fun. It comes now with a playermodel and friendly NPC. This mod contains: -Desert Elite Synth So...
Combine Shotgunner Player Models
Created by MonkeysInRavenholm
Someone recently brought to my attention that garry didn't include the combine shotgun soldiers as an option for player models, so here they are! Includes: Combine shotgun soldier Prison guard shotgun soldier Ep2 Dirty shotgun soldier...
Created by cyphersky
CSS Weapons on M9K Base
This addon was not designed for TTT. DarkRP works with minor changes to settings, such as default clips, weapon stripping. See the description for info on how to adjust these settings to fit your needs. ------------------------------------------------- Inc...
Created by RobinDerection
Weapon Pack ...
Vortigaunt Player Model
Created by Boros
Just a rigged Vortigaunt, nothing special. This was not extracted from HL2 Roleplay lol. Hope you enjoy and rate it up if you'd like....
Vortigaunt Beam Swep
Created by Nightmare Ω
Uploaded from gmod 10 is this really old swep that I'm surprised hasn't had it's lua broken yet. I think it was originally made by Jvs Video coutesy of The Glavie Known bugs: -Fire sounds sometimes mute if you don't have Episode 2 -Doesn't work in multipla...
Russian Combine
Created by Spenser
Руссифицирует Голоса Солдат Альянса....
Metropolice Pack
Created by DPotatoman
Instalation Click green subscribe button under the addon media. Make sure that you've restarted the game if you subscribed while running it. Make sure that you have read F.A.Q. Visit F.A.Q. in the disccusssions section for answers and troubleshooting. FEAT...
HL2RP ID Cards
Created by Dorado
Este addon añade un juego de cinco tarjetas magneticas creadas con la intencion de ser usadas en el HL2RP de Carpathia Gaming. Yo solo me he ocupado de mezclar creaciones de otros usuarios, no asumo ningun credito de esos materiales. -Creditos a los creado...
Half-Life 2 - Russian dispatch voice/sound
Created by raintnt
:::English::: This pack contains only russian dispatch/metropolice voice/sounds, for server hl2rp and darkrp hl2rp :::Русский::: Этот аддон содержит только русские звуки диспетчера/метрокопов: голос/звуки, для серверов hl2rp и darkrp hl2rp :::Sounds path/П...
GMD Dev (СТАРАЯ версия)
Created by _AMD_
Выпущена новая версия автодоната! Текущая версия больше не обновляется и ее уже даже можно распаковывать в /addons. Она все еще продолжит работать на серверах, где уже установлена, но рекоме...
Sneed Content
Created by Mute
Content (materials and particles) for Sneed Weapon Base by Spy. Uploaded with permission....
[Swep] Combine Sniper
Created by ❤Miss Fay❤
This was made for Vengence-Gaming RP. Vengence-Gaming RP: If you re-upload this I will send the Royal Canterlot army after you Q: How do I turn on the laser? A: There is no way to turn the laser on and off,...
Combine Night Elite v2 (HEXED)
FACEPUNCH THREAD: Based off of this: Here's a set of combine night elite soldiers. Each model has a squad leader skingroup, and they come with a spawnlist,...
Ghillie & Pilot Playermodels
• Ghillie and Pilot Combine Playermodels - Models was found in • Models Pilot - "models/jessev92/player/hl2/combine-pilot.mdl" Ghillie - "models/combine_sniper.mdl" • Credits - Combine Pilot Playermodel | Model: Lt C / Nirrti | Player: Je...
HECU Rebels (PMs + NPCs)
Created by Viz
The resistance has scavenged gear from an old enemy of the Freeman, the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit of the United States Marine Corps. From where you ask? That doesn't really matter now does it? Rebels, now adorned with a PCV (that doesn't really pro...
Combine Proto Soldier Playermodel FIX
Created by DELTA_I9II
This addon is a fix of Proto-Soldier P.M. Original addon has a space in the folder name so you couldn't set the model as a PM on the RP frameworks such as NS or CW. I have removed this space and so now you can write the path to the model correctly....
Nova Prospekt Metrocop
CLICK HERE FOR THE PLAYERMODEL The model and original textures included in this addon were created by MB814 on Gamebanana with modified textures edited by me. This features a metrocop tailored to look like the Overwatch Prison Guards in Half Life 2 with ma...
Sea Metrocop (Playermodel/NPC)
Created by Ceiling★Spiders
Yay, more OCs! This is a heavily modified trenchcoat metrocop mashed up with the HL2 beta elite metrocop with a City 8 metrocop finish. The guy who requested this says it's supposed to be a sea metrocop....
Combine Assassin Playermodel
Created by Clone5184 |
This playermodel is a reupload from By: Takara Original discription: This is just the Combine Assassin player model hope you guys enjoy it! I did not make this! Link to the original:
Parakeet's Pill Pack
Created by Parakeet
Pills turn you into machines and critters from various games. This is the base pack. It contains Half-Life 2 pills and fun pills. You can find pills in the "Pills" tab of the spawnmenu. Also known as the Morph Mod. See the "Documentation" thread in discuss...
Created by Zeno
This is the Day version of City13 which can be found here If you want to report bugs click on the link above, we have a discussion topic there for it. Metroplex City 13 is set in a west european City, it is a mix out of Indus...
Half-Life 2 Driveable Vehicles
Created by Doc
Third pack from the "Source Vehicles" pack. These are all the vehicles from Half-Life 2 and episodes, are all driveable and doesn't require anything, only Garry's Mod. Credit go to Valve for the original static models, and me to have converted them into pr...