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Farmsteads: Holy Nation 03 - Half Acre
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11 Dec, 2018 @ 3:43am
11 Dec, 2018 @ 5:13am
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Farmsteads: Holy Nation 03 - Half Acre

In 1 collection by robin's_egg
Farmsteads: Holy Nation
12 items
Farmsteads is an ongoing project of rural expansion mods, that is, mods which add rural settlements to the world of Kenshi; a city has to eat to exist, after all.

Welcome to Half Acre; it's a quaint little town. Doesn't the smell from the local bakery make your mouth water? Paladin Hughe, captain of the local Okranite Watchtower, plans on living out his retirement in this little slice of heaven, someday. And hey, the bar has decent swill.

This mod adds the town of Half Acre to Okran's Pride.
fredetted 27 Dec, 2018 @ 2:33pm 
robin's_egg  [author] 27 Dec, 2018 @ 2:13pm 
Well, I *could*, but I want to avoid having too many stores in the little hamlets--they're not supposed to be much more than the extant Holy Farms. I'll consider it in the future, but for now I'm focusing on figuring out what I want to do with the United Cities.
fredetted 27 Dec, 2018 @ 9:19am 
Instead of a Bakery and Bar could you by chance make it a Travel/Adv shop & Hat shop &/or add those two? That way between No Bite, Bad Teeth, and Half Acre you have all the main shops for a good Holy Nation citizen start in the area