Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Killzone - The Helghast
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Killzone - The Helghast

Defenders of the Helghast dream...NOW IS OUR TIME!!!

Adds the great nation of Helghan from the Killzone franchise into Civilization V as a playable Civilization, led by Autarch Scolar Visari.

This mod requires the Brave New World expansion pack to work, and WILL NOT function properly without it. However, as with every other mod I have created, I have chosen not to modify the dependency setting to require Brave New World, so those that do not have it can use the mod as they please. However, the mod is almost guaranteed to be a horribly broken - but playable - mess without the second expansion pack, so if you do not have the Brave New World expansion pack, proceed into a game with this mod at your own risk.

The Helghan Empire, more commonly referred to as the Helghast, is the autocratic ruling body of the planet Helghan and the main antagonists of the Killzone franchise. Their Civilization specializes in militarism and conquest, thanks to their unique trait offering a powerful Promotion to all their land and sea Units. This promotion, known as Child of Helghan, provides +5% Combat Strength (+10% if fighting in friendly territory) and +1 Sight to all military Units both on land and at sea. When combined with the Jetpack Trooper unique unit and the devastating MAWLR walker, the Helghan Empire suddenly becomes one of the most powerful Civilizations on the map, and a dangerous threat - or a powerful ally. In addition, they receive +2 Culture from Mines, allowing them to adopt Social Policies much faster than other Civilizations.

====Unique Ability - The Gifts of Helghan====
Mines provide +2 additional Culture. All units, both on land and at sea, receive the Child of Helghan promotion, which provides +5% Combat Strength, (this value is increased to 10% if fighting in friendly territory,) and +1 additional Sight.

====Unique Unit 1 - Jetpack Trooper====
The Jetpack Trooper is a unique alternative to the XCOM Squad that, while it cannot "paradrop" like its vanilla counterpart, is capable of maneuvering through the battlefield with unmatched agility and mobility thanks to the StA-X6 Jetpack. It pays no terrain-based Movement penalties to cross forests, hills, and rivers, allowing it to traverse rough terrain with ease. These terrain abilities also extend to mountains - as the Jetpack Trooper is capable of crossing through mountain tiles, taking 50 damage if it ends a turn on a mountain. In addition, its jetpack ability allows it to "paradrop" anywhere in a two-tile radius, as long as it begins the turn in friendly territory. These abilities allow the Jetpack Trooper to move into areas that would normally be inaccessible to other Units, and also enable it to stage deadly ambushes against unsuspecting enemy forces.

====Unique Unit 2 - MAWLR====
The MAWLR is an exceptionally powerful Unit that, thanks to its unmatched Combat Strength of 300, is capable of crushing entire enemy armies single-handedly and emerging victorious in practically any engagement. In addition, its mighty Ranged Attack strength of 200 ensures that any foe who dares to stand before the MAWLR will be torn to pieces by the walker's mighty Arc Cannon. However, the MAWLR pays for this power in its speed and its cost to construct - as it has only two points of Movement, and requires a whopping four Uranium, twelve Aluminum, and over triple the Production cost of a single Giant Death Robot to build.

While formidable, the MAWLR is not invincible, and suffers from three major weaknesses:

1. It is vulnerable to ranged attacks due to its lower Ranged Strength, and as such, fleets of Missile Cruisers and air wings of Stealth Bombers can be more than enough to take one down - provided that they are not destroyed by Helghast naval or air forces.

2. Its slow speed means that it takes plenty of time to reach the front lines, and this can allow the enemies of Helghan to slowly chip away at an advancing MAWLR until it is destroyed, or to establish a defensive line while the walker is moving to the front.

3. With such a high resource cost to construct, it is obvious that the mines of the Helghan Empire will become the MAWLR's lifeline, and if they are not protected, then their destruction would result in a Strategic Resource Penalty being inflicted on the MAWLR. It is essential that all Uranium and Aluminum mines belonging to the Helghan Empire be fortified, with troops prepared to fight to the death to ensure their safety.

Usernamehere, for making the mod.
Every man, woman, and child who worked at Guerrilla Games to make the Killzone franchise a reality.
All the respective creators and owners of the music and artwork used.

====Music Credits====
The song Helghast March, better known simply as the menu music to Killzone 1, has been used as the Helghast's war theme.

The song And Ever We Fight On, better known as the theme/intro song to Killzone 3 has been used as the Helghast's peace theme.

The song Birth of War, (specifically the Killzone 1 version,) has been used as the loading screen theme for the Helghast Civilization.

====Special Credit====
I recently asked a Youtube channel by the name of NRMwalkthroughHD for permission to take pictures of their full walkthrough of Killzone 1 for modding purposes, and while I didn't actually use any of those pictures for the Helghast Civilization, (Those pictures will be used for a different mod,) I still want to thank them here, in the Helghast Civilization's credits section.

Here's a link to their channel and the Killzone 1 full walkthrough, as I promised to provide a link to both of them when I asked for permission.
Their channel:
The Killzone 1 walkthrough:

====Available addons====
Helghast Third Army, an expansion pack that adds nine new Unique Units to the Helghast based on enemies from Killzone 1.

====Known issues====
So it turns out I left in some lines of code referencing a cut promotion for the MAWLR called MAWLR Defensive Weaponry, but everything seems to work fine despite it. I probably won't be going in to fix this, because long story short, I used a different format for some of the images due to bad quality with the regular format, and it caused some compression issues and almost made it impossible to release the mod because it just wouldn't compress.

This isn't a problem with the mod itself, but still a problem. When trying to copy the link from this page in order to download the mod via Steamworkshopdownloader, you get a broken, incorrect link that doesn't work. To fix this, enter the correct link:
Born To Snacc 26 Nov, 2023 @ 10:07pm 
Thanks for the timely response! I do think it'd be a nice layer of immersion for the mod, sort of like how some other mods (such as the Girls Und Panzer mods) feature unique unit models for their civilization, but I also understand that it's a lengthy and painstaking process having to port and rig models, so no worries either way!
Usernamehere  [author] 26 Nov, 2023 @ 9:00pm 
I don't know, it's not something I've pursued at the moment. Maybe in the future, but at this time I have no plans to implement such models.
Born To Snacc 26 Nov, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
I have a question, with playermodels for the Helghast soldiers available through other games such as Gmod, would it be possible to rig these for use as custom troop models for the Helghast? (With permission from the person who ported the models originally, ofc)
Usernamehere  [author] 18 Jul, 2023 @ 10:08am 
There's not much I can do about that, unfortunately. The Helghast Civ is from a futuristic science-fiction setting after all. Sorry.
WiX87 18 Jul, 2023 @ 4:22am 
i like this mod is really fun to play but i don't like from this Civ is the unit is really so late to get that we basically almost win on science or domination victory, and i see the add on unit from this mod and sadly all the unit on the end game to
Usernamehere  [author] 3 Mar, 2019 @ 7:05pm 
That's a pretty good idea, but unfortunately I don't actually know how to make new religions. I mostly specialize in new Civs and not much else.
Economic Terrorist 3 Mar, 2019 @ 7:03pm 
Maybe you can add the Helghast Creed or Dream as a religion
Economic Terrorist 3 Mar, 2019 @ 6:59pm 
I've been dying for a Helghast mod forever! Thanks.
Xherdos 10 Nov, 2018 @ 9:44am 
thanks for the answer :)
Usernamehere  [author] 10 Nov, 2018 @ 9:03am 
You mean custom dialogue for interacting with Scolar Visari while he's an AI player?

Yes, they do.