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Flottenbegleiter 1941
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Flottenbegleiter 1941

In 1 collection by Evily
Evily's Schlactflotte
35 items
A "fleet escort ship" with an emphasis on convoy protection and AA duties (the same role as a British frigate or American destroyer escort). Lightly armed for direct surface combat, but with a heavy ASW/AA loadout.

I originally created this hull before I started building small hulls, so it has the same hullform as my larger cruisers. After working on the 1944 Minesweepers, I realized I needed a small convoy escort class, and with a little modifaction it fit the bill. The LAMS is strong enough to deal with expert level craft, but it doesn't have enough power to run shields simultaneously (size limitations). The rear depth charge launchers will also damage the ship if the ship isn't moving (mines don't work properly with IFF). The Tacoma class frigates were the basic and conceptual inspiration, but all the design work was done by myself (aside from a few elements listed below).

ASW Mortar racks: BB_Assam by 焔重鋼業所 and 紅茶 (
Depth Charge racks: Crystal Class Frigate by _coronal_ (
Engine from the FTD_JP Engine Pack MK2 (

3x1 12.8cm L/61 SK C/28 (Primary, A,B,X layout)
4x2 5cm FlaK 42 (AA, Amidships)
3x1 2cm FlaK 38 (AA, Amidships)
10x2 Ubootabwehr-Granatwaffe (ASW, Amidships)
2x5 Wasserbombenwerfer (ASW, stern)
_coronal_ 15 May, 2018 @ 12:35am 
my million block ships are just for one thing tho, looking awesome :P
Evily  [author] 13 May, 2018 @ 10:50pm 
@RandomNOOBY Thanks for the compliments. By design or chance its a very aesthetic boat. It maybe doens't work as nicely in actuality as I would like it to, but when it does hit, it packs a punch. I also wish we got more focused craft. It really allows you to fine tune and do things you maybe wouldn't otherwise.

@NTSFMagellan I used to run composite head HE to have some dual purpose utility, but thats what true secondaries are for (not mid caliber AA guns). I have since moved to timed frag AA shells for all AA guns above 37mm and HESH above 150mm and found that as little as two 50mm mounts is enough to kill a squirrel.
NTSFMagellan 13 May, 2018 @ 6:14pm 
But yeah, Single or Dual role ships are AWESOME. I use Bayern as an AA Heavy Hitter. Modded her with custom flak rounds which Have a nasty habit of DEMOLISHING Flying Rodent Cancer XD.
NTSFMagellan 13 May, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Workshop Also Needs more ships Like the Musashi, which don't use Resource intensive parts like propellers to stay afloat. And By resources, I mean also taking engine power.
RandomNOOBY 13 May, 2018 @ 3:05pm 
workshop needs more mission specific builds like this, rather tan milion block monsters that try to do everything. It looks awesome as well